1464 E-Commerce - Career and Technical Education

WVEIS 1464
This area of study is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed in e-commerce. The program
area provides individuals with the principles, practices, and concepts involved in e-commerce activities, which direct the
transfer of goods and the acquisition of services from producer to the consumer using the Internet and related
technologies. Students also gain the professional or skilled knowledge and skills necessary in beginning a career in the ecommerce field. Students will utilize problem-solving techniques and participate in hands-on activities to develop an
understanding of course concepts. Teachers should provide each student with real world learning opportunities and
instruction related to e-commerce occupations. Students are encouraged to become active members of the student
organizations, DECA or FBLA. The West Virginia Standards for 21st Century Learning include the following components:
21st Century Content Standards and 21st Century Learning Skills and Technology Tools. All West Virginia teachers are
responsible for classroom instruction that integrates learning skills, technology tools, and content standards and
Grade 9-12
Standard: 1
E-Commerce Career Planning and Development
Students will explore careers in e-commerce.
Students will
research various sources of obtaining e-commerce career information.
present information regarding careers in e-commerce.
produce a portfolio.
Performance Descriptors (BE.PD.EBUS.1)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in e-commerce career planning standard in e-commerce career planning omissions in the basic concepts of
and development. The student evaluates and development. The student
marketing and e-commerce. The
various sources of obtaining eresearches various sources of obtaining student identifies various sources of
commerce career information; delivers
e-commerce career information;
obtaining e-commerce career
an oral presentation on information
presents information regarding careers
information; identifies information
regarding careers in e-commerce; and
in e-commerce; and produces a
regarding careers in e-commerce; and
develops an electronic portfolio. The
portfolio. Application of knowledge and
discusses a portfolio. Performance
student can independently solve
skills is thorough and effective and the
needs further development and
problems and is self-directed.
student can work independently.
Standard: 2
E-Commerce Fundamentals
Students will examine the fundamentals of e-commerce.
Students will
describe the role of marketing in e-commerce
identify the use of the seven marketing functions in e-commerce.
describe the marketing concept and explain its role in meeting customer and business needs.
explain the impact the Internet has had on business and the process of marketing strategy development.
explain the benefits and challenges e-commerce presents to businesses.
define the categories of e-commerce and why e-commerce is being adopted by traditional businesses.
explain how e-commerce is affecting the retailing process for traditional retailers, catalog companies, and
online-only businesses.
Performance Descriptors (BE.PD.EBUS.2)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in e-commerce fundamentals.
standard in e-commerce fundamentals.
omissions in e-commerce
The student analyzes the role of
The student describes the role of
fundamentals. The student states the
marketing in e-commerce; evaluates the marketing in e-commerce; identifies the role of marketing in e-commerce;
use of the seven marketing functions in
use of the seven marketing functions in
summarizes the use of the seven
e-commerce; defines the marketing
e-commerce; describes the marketing
marketing functions in e-commerce;
concept and describes its role in meeting concept and explains its role in meeting recalls the marketing concept and
customer and business needs; evaluates customer and business needs; explains states its role in meeting customer and
the impact the Internet has had on
the impact the Internet has had on
business needs; lists examples of the
business and the process of marketing
business and the process of marketing
impact the Internet has had on
strategy development; contrasts the
strategy development; explains the
business and the process of marketing
benefits and challenges e-commerce
benefits and challenges e-commerce
strategy development; identifies the
presents to businesses; and interprets
presents to businesses; and explains
benefits and challenges e-commerce
how e-commerce is affecting the retailing how e-commerce is affecting the
presents to businesses; and identifies
process for traditional retailers, catalog
companies, and online-only businesses.
The student can independently solve
problems and is self-directed.
Standard: 3
retailing process for traditional retailers, how e-commerce is affecting the
catalog companies, and online-only
retailing process for traditional retailers,
businesses. Application of knowledge
catalog companies, and online-only
and skills is thorough and effective and
businesses. Performance needs further
the student can work independently.
development and supervision.
Economic Functions of Business
Students will explain the economics and basic functions of business.
Students will
describe how supply and demand affect business decisions.
explain the importance of management for e-commerce and describe new ways businesses are
examine new product development procedures.
discuss business operations for e-commerce.
explains the importance of finance and information management in successful businesses.
Performance Descriptors (BE.PD.EBUS.3)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in economic functions of
standard in economic functions of
omissions in economic functions of
business. The student interprets how
business. The student describes how
business. The student explains how
supply and demand affect business
supply and demand affect business
supply and demand affect business
decisions; evaluates the importance of
decisions; explains the importance of
decisions; recognizes the importance
management for e-commerce; compares management for e-commerce; describes of management for e-commerce; lists
new ways businesses are organized;
new ways businesses are organized;
new ways businesses are organized;
demonstrates new product development examines new product development
paraphrases new product development
procedures; contrasts business
procedures; discusses business
procedures; knows business operations
operations for e-commerce with brickoperations for e-commerce; and
for e-commerce; and states the
and-mortar businesses; and describes
explains the importance of finance and
importance of finance and information
the importance of finance and
information management in successful
management in successful businesses.
information management in successful
businesses. Application of knowledge
Performance needs further
businesses. The student can
and skills is thorough and effective and
development and supervision.
independently solve problems and is
the student can work independently.
Standard: 4 *
E-Commerce Internet Communications
Students will explain effective Internet communications.
Students will
categorize the major components of the Internet and World Wide Web.
evaluate online delivery alternatives (landlines and wireless connections).
describes e-commerce protections against various types of cybercrimes.
identifies the communication process, trends, and platforms related to e-commerce.
compiles the basic components of good web site planning and design.
Performance Descriptors (BE.PD.EBUS.4)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in e-commerce Internet
standard in e-commerce Internet
omissions in e-commerce Internet
communications. The student critiques
communications. The student
communications. The student identifies
the major components of the Internet
categorizes the major components of
the major components of the Internet
and World Wide Web; evaluates online
the Internet and World Wide Web;
and World Wide Web; summarizes
delivery alternatives (landlines and
evaluate online delivery alternatives
online delivery alternatives (landlines
wireless connections): appraises e(landlines and wireless connections):
and wireless connections): names ecommerce protections against various
describes e-commerce protections
commerce protections against various
types of cybercrimes; describes the
against various types of cybercrimes;
types of cybercrimes; summarizes the
communication process, trends, and
identifies the communication process,
communication process, trends, and
platforms related to e-commerce; and
trends, and platforms related to eplatforms related to e-commerce; and
creates an e-commerce web site
commerce; and compiles the basic
explains the basics of good web site
demonstrating the basics of good web
components of good web site planning
planning and design. Performance
site planning and design. The student
and design. Application of knowledge
needs further development and
can independently solve problems and is and skills is thorough and effective and
the student can work independently.
Standard: 5
Customer Relationship Management
Students will evaluate e-commerce customer relationship management concepts and strategies.
Students will
analyze how businesses collect information on their competitive environment and on customers.
explain the marketing research process.
summarizes the role of database marketing in customer relationship management.
compare offline and online marketing segmentation.
describe how consumer behavior and decision-making affect e-commerce planning.
examine specific e-commerce tools and resources to influence consumer behavior.
Performance Descriptors (BE.PD.EBUS.5)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in customer relationship
standard in customer relationship
omissions in customer relationship
management. The student describes
management. The student analyzes
management. The student explains
how businesses collect information on
how businesses collect information on
how businesses collect information on
their competitive environment and on
their competitive environment and on
their competitive environment and on
customers; summarizes the marketing
customers; explains the marketing
customers; outlines the marketing
research process; evaluates the role of
research process; summarizes the role
research process; states the role of
database marketing in customer
of database marketing in customer
database marketing in customer
relationship management; contrasts
relationship management; compares
relationship management; categorizes
offline and online marketing
offline and online marketing
offline and online marketing
segmentation; interprets how consumer
segmentation; describes how consumer segmentation; recalls how consumer
behavior and decision-making affect ebehavior and decision-making affect ebehavior and decision-making affect ecommerce planning; and evaluates
commerce planning; and examines
commerce planning; and lists specific
specific e-commerce tools and resources specific e-commerce tools and
e-commerce tools and resources to
to influence consumer behavior. The
resources to influence consumer
influence consumer behavior.
student can independently solve
behavior. Application of knowledge and Performance needs further
problems and is self-directed.
skills is thorough and effective and the
development and supervision.
student can work independently.
Standard: 6
E-Commerce Product and Service Planning
Students will examine processes for developing e-commerce products and services.
Students will
define the components of products and services.
explain categories of digital products and services.
examine new product development processes in e-commerce.
explain the forms of intellectual property protections (patents, copyrights, and trademarks).
describe specific product protection laws for e-commerce.
Performance Descriptors (BE.PD.EBUS.6)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in e-commerce product and
standard in e-commerce product and
omissions in e-commerce product and
service planning. The student describes service planning. The student defines
service planning. The student names
the components of products and
the components of products and
the components of products and
services; compares categories of digital
services; explains categories of digital
services; identifies categories of digital
products and services; evaluates new
products and services; explains new
products and services; summarizes
product development processes in eproduct development processes in enew product development processes in
commerce; differentiates between the
commerce; describes the forms of
e-commerce; outlines the forms of
forms of intellectual property protections intellectual property protections
intellectual property protections
(patents, copyrights, and trademarks);
(patents, copyrights, and trademarks);
(patents, copyrights, and trademarks);
and contrasts specific product
and describes specific product
and lists specific product protection
protections laws for e-commerce. The
protection laws for e-commerce.
laws for e-commerce. Performance
student can independently solve
Application of knowledge and skills is
needs further development and
problems and is self-directed.
thorough and effective and the student
can work independently.
Standard: 7
E-Commerce Distribution
Students will explain the role of distribution in e-commerce.
Students will
describes the role of distribution in the marketing mix.
examine the activities involved in distributing products and services.
explain how e-commerce plan and complete distribution activities.
describe distribution channel management and tools used by e-commerce.
Performance Descriptors (BE.PD.EBUS.7)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in e-commerce distribution. The standard in e-commerce distribution.
omissions in e-commerce distribution.
student evaluates the role of distribution The student describes the role of
The student defines the role of
in the marketing mix; reconstructs the
distribution in the marketing mix;
distribution in the marketing mix; knows
activities involved in distributing products examines the activities involved in
the activities involved in distributing
and services; analyzes how e-commerce distributing products and services;
products and services; summarizes
plan and complete distribution activities; explains how e-commerce plan and
how e-commerce plan and complete
and critiques distribution channel
complete distribution activities; and
distribution activities; and lists
management and tools used by edescribes distribution channel
distribution channel management and
commerce. The student can
management and tools used by etools used by e-commerce.
independently solve problems and is
commerce. Application of knowledge
Performance needs further
and skills is thorough and effective and
development and supervision.
the student can work independently.
Standard: 8
E-Commerce Pricing
Students will explain the role of pricing in e-commerce.
Students will
define the strategies used to create value in an e-commerce environment.
examine the use of value chain analysis by e-commerce in support of competitive advantages.
explain customer-based (market-of-one and service) strategies for creating e-commerce value.
explain price-based strategies used by e-commerce.
Performance Descriptors (BE.PD.EBUS.8)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in e-commerce pricing. The
student compares the strategies used to
create value in an e-commerce
environment; creates a value chain
analysis for an e-commerce in support of
competitive advantages; plans customerbased (market-of-one and service)
strategies for creating e-commerce
value; and critiques price-based
strategies used by e-commerce. The
student can independently solve
problems and is self-directed.
standard in e-commerce pricing. The
omissions in e-commerce pricing. The
student defines the strategies used to
student identifies the strategies used to
create value in an e-commerce
create value in an e-commerce
environment; examines the use of value environment; summarizes the use of
chain analysis by e-commerce in
value chain analysis by e-commerce in
support of competitive advantages;
support of competitive advantages;
explains customer-based (market-of-one names customer-based (market-of-one
and service) strategies for creating eand service) strategies for creating ecommerce value; and explains pricecommerce value; and relates pricebased strategies used by e-commerce.
based strategies used by e-commerce.
Application of knowledge and skills is
Performance needs further
thorough and effective and the student
development and supervision.
can work independently.
Standard: 9
E-Commerce Promotion
Students will explain the role of promotion in e-commerce.
Students will
outline the promotional mix and its use in e-commerce.
explain the stages of the AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action) model and its application in ecommerce.
examine integrated marketing communication strategies.
describe the different types of online advertising.
explain measures used to determine advertising effectiveness in e-commerce.
Performance Descriptors (BE.PD.EBUS.9)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in e-commerce promotion. The standard in e-commerce promotion. The omissions in e-commerce promotion.
student designs a promotional mix
student outlines the promotional mix and The student summarizes the
strategy for an e-commerce; contrasts
its use in e-commerce; explains the
promotional mix and its use in ethe offline and online stages of the AIDA stages of the AIDA (attention, interest,
commerce; identifies the stages of the
(attention, interest, desire, action) model desire, action) model and its application AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action)
and its application in e-commerce;
critiques integrated marketing
communication strategies; compares the
different types of online advertising; and
contrasts measures used to determine
advertising effectiveness in e-commerce.
The student can independently solve
problems and is self-directed.
in e-commerce; examines integrated
model and its application in emarketing communication strategies;
commerce; breaks down integrated
describes the different types of online
marketing communication strategies;
advertising; and explains measures
and lists the different types of online
used to determine advertising
advertising; defines measures used to
effectiveness in e-commerce.
determine advertising effectiveness in
Application of knowledge and skills is
e-commerce. Performance needs
thorough and effective and the student
further development and supervision.
can work independently.
Standard: 10
Entrepreneurship and E-Commerce
Students will explain the development of an e-commerce.
Students will
BE.O.EBUS.10.1 describe e-commerce success factors and e-commerce opportunities.
BE.O.EBUS.10.2 examine roles and relationships (business, supply chain, customers) important for e-commerce.
BE.O.EBUS.10.3 explain important technology components needed by an e-commerce.
BE.O.EBUS.10.4 establish the importance of developing a business plan.
BE.O.EBUS.10.5 identify the key components of an e-commerce business plan.
Performance Descriptors (BE.PD.EBUS.10)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in entrepreneurship and estandard in entrepreneurship and eomissions in entrepreneurship and ecommerce. The student evaluates ecommerce. The student describes ecommerce. The student summarizes ecommerce success factors and ecommerce success factors and ecommerce success factors and ecommerce opportunities; appraises roles commerce opportunities; examines roles commerce opportunities; outlines roles
and relationships (business, supply
and relationships (business, supply
and relationships (business, supply
chain, customers) important for echain, customers) important for echain, customers) important for ecommerce; devises a technology plan for commerce; explains important
commerce; identifies important
an e-commerce incorporating important
technology components needed by an
technology components needed by an
technology components; justifies the
e-commerce; establishes the
e-commerce; states the importance of
importance of developing a business
importance of developing a business
developing a business plan; and recalls
plan; and develops a business plan
plan; and identifies the key components
which includes the key components of
of an e-commerce business plan.
an e-commerce business plan. The
Application of knowledge and skills is
student can independently solve
thorough and effective and the student
problems and is self-directed.
can work independently.
Standard: 11
Communication Skills
Students will apply verbal skills to obtain and convey information.
Students will
BE.S.EBUS.11.1 prepare an oral presentation.
BE.O.EBUS.11.2 examine peers’ oral presentations.
BE.O.EBUS.11.3 utilize appropriate visual/graphics.
BE.O.EBUS.11.4 produce professional correspondence.
BE.O.EBUS.12.5 edit written work consistent with professional standards.
Performance Descriptors (BE.PD.EBUS.11)
Above Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
standard in communication skills. The
standard in communication skills. The
student designs oral presentations;
student prepares an oral presentation;
critiques peers’ oral presentations;
examines peers’ oral presentations;
composes appropriate visual/graphics;
utilizes appropriate visual/graphics;
develops professional correspondence;
produces professional correspondence;
and critiques written work consistent with and edits written work consistent with
professional standards. The student can professional standards. Application of
independently solve problems and is
knowledge and skills is thorough and
effective and the student can work
Standard: 12
Participating in a Local Student Organization
BE.S.EBUSS.112 Students will participate in a student organization.
Students will
the key components of an e-commerce
business plan. Performance needs
further development and supervision.
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates basic but
inconsistent performance of
fundamental knowledge and skills
characterized by errors and/or
omissions in communication skills. The
student writes oral presentations;
observes peers’ oral presentations;
views appropriate visual/graphics;
writes professional correspondence;
and reviews written work consistent
with professional standards.
Performance needs further
development and supervision.
identify the purposes and goals of the student/professional organization.
explain the benefits and responsibilities of participation in student/professional/civic organization as an
BE.O.EBUS.12.3 demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student/professional/civic organization activities
such as meetings, programs, and projects.
Performance Descriptors (BE.PD.EBUS.12)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in participating in a local
standard in participating in a local
omissions in participating in a local
student organization. The student
student organization. The student
student organization. The student
examines the purposes, goals, benefits,
identifies the purposes and goals of the
identifies the purposes and goals of the
and responsibilities of participation in a
student organization. The student
student organization. The student
professional organization. The student
explains the benefits and responsibilities explains the benefits and responsibilities
demonstrates leadership skills through
of participation in an organization. The
of participation in an organization. The
participation in activities such as
student demonstrates leadership skills
student demonstrates leadership skills
meetings, programs, and projects. The
through participation in student activities through participation in student activities
student can independently solve
such as meetings, programs, and
such as meetings, programs, and
problems and is self-directed.
projects. Application of knowledge and
projects. Performance needs further
skills is thorough and effective, and the
development and supervision.
student can work independently.
Standard: 13
Literacy and Numeracy
Students will demonstrate the literacy and numeracy skills required to solve complex, real-world problems
associated with their career/technical content area and improve their thinking and reasoning skills.
Students will
BE.O.EBUS.13.1 utilize a variety of technical sources (e.g., Internet, manuals, journals, directions, reports, etc.) to complete
career/technical assignments and projects.
BE.O.EBUS.13.2 demonstrate writing skills required to complete career/technical assignments and projects.
BE.O.EBUS.13.3 demonstrate accuracy in calculating and measuring graphical work required to complete career/technical
assignments and projects.
BE.O.EBUS.13.4 analyze tables, charts, graphs and multiple data sources to complete career/technical assignments and
Performance Descriptors (BE.PD.EBUS.13)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application a thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in literacy and
standard in literacy and numeracy. The
standard in literacy and numeracy. The numeracy. The student selects a variety
student chooses a variety of technical
student utilizes a variety of technical
of technical sources (e.g., Internet,
sources (e.g., Internet, manuals,
sources (e.g., Internet, manuals,
manuals, journals, directions, reports,
journals, directions, reports, etc.) to
journals, directions, reports, etc.) to
etc.) to complete career/technical
complete career/technical assignments
complete career/technical assignments assignments and projects; reproduces
and projects; performs writing skills
and projects; demonstrates writing skills writing skills required to complete
required to complete career/technical
required to complete career/technical
career/technical assignments and
assignments and projects;
assignments and projects;
projects; illustrates accuracy in
communicates accuracy in calculating
demonstrates accuracy in calculating
calculating and measuring graphical work
and measuring graphical work required
and measuring graphical work required required to complete career/technical
to complete career/technical
to complete career/technical
assignments and projects; and explains
assignments and projects; and
assignments and projects; and
tables, charts, graphs and multiple data
evaluates tables, charts, graphs and
analyzes tables, charts, graphs and
sources to complete career/technical
multiple data sources to complete
multiple data sources to complete
assignments and projects. Performance
career/technical assignments and
career/technical assignments and
needs further development and
projects. The student can independently projects. Application of knowledge and
solve problems and is self-directed.
skills is thorough and effective and the
student can work independently.
Standard: 14
21st Century Learning Skills
The student will
 access and manipulate information for use in oral, written, or multimedia format using appropriate
technology skills.
 apply sound reasoning processes to solve complex real-world problems and develop new ideas.
 exhibit leadership and ethical behavior in planning and executing tasks, as an individual or a
group member.
Students will
search online using a range of technology tools and media to access relevant information needed for
problem solving.
create information for oral, written, and multimedia communications, adhering to copyright laws.
engage in problem solving and critical thinking processes to create and evaluate complex strategies in
order to independently solve problems.
adapt to new situations by considering multiple perspectives and a commitment to continued learning.
exhibit ethical behavior and positive leadership while working collaboratively in the school and/or
model legal and ethical behaviors in the use of technology.
Performance Descriptors (BE.PD.EBUS.14 )
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application a thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in 21st century
standard in 21 century learning skills.
standard in 21 century learning skills.
learning skills. The student explains
The student assesses online technology The student searches online using a
online technology tools and media to
tools and media to access relevant
range of technology tools and media to access relevant information needed for
information needed for problem solving; access relevant information needed for problem solving; identifies information for
critiques information for oral, written,
problem solving; creates information for oral, written, and multimedia
and multimedia communications,
oral, written, and multimedia
communications, adhering to copyright
adhering to copyright laws; integrates
communications, adhering to copyright
laws; discusses problem solving and
problem solving and critical thinking
laws; engages in problem solving and
critical thinking processes to create and
processes to create and evaluate
critical thinking processes to create and evaluate complex strategies in order to
complex strategies in order to
evaluate complex strategies in order to independently solve problems; discusses
independently solve problems; interprets independently solve problems; adapts
new situations by considering multiple
new situations by considering multiple
to new situations by considering
perspectives and a commitment to
perspectives and a commitment to
multiple perspectives and a
continued learning; reviews ethical
continued learning; incorporates ethical
commitment to continued learning;
behavior and positive leadership while
behavior and positive leadership while
exhibits ethical behavior and positive
working collaboratively in the school
working collaboratively in the school
leadership while working collaboratively and/or community; and describes legal
and/or community; and reinforces legal
in the school and/or community; and
and ethical behaviors in the use of
and ethical behaviors in the use of
technology. The student can
independently solve problems and is
models legal and ethical behaviors in
technology. Performance needs further
the use of technology. Application of
development and supervision.
knowledge and skills is thorough and
effective and the student can work
Standard: 15
Entrepreneurship Skills
Students will access the opportunities, concepts, processes, and personal traits/behaviors associated with
successful entrepreneurial performance.
Students will
BE.O.EBUS.15.1 assess global trends in entrepreneurship that are related to their career/technical program.
BE.O.EBUS.15.2 determine entrepreneurial opportunities in venture creation related to their career/technical program.
BE.O.EBUS.15.3 examine desirable entrepreneurial personality traits.
Performance Descriptors (BE.PD.EBUS.15)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application a thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in
standard in entrepreneurship skills. The standard in entrepreneurship skills. The entrepreneurship skills. The student lists
student critiques global trends in
student assesses global trends in
global trends in entrepreneurship that are
entrepreneurship that are related to their entrepreneurship that are related to
related to their career/technical program;
career/technical program; evaluates
their career/technical program;
describes entrepreneurial opportunities in
entrepreneurial opportunities in venture
determines entrepreneurial
venture creation related to their
creation related to their career/technical opportunities in venture creation related career/technical program; and identifies
program; and assesses desirable
to their career/technical program; and
desirable entrepreneurial personality
entrepreneurial personality traits. The
examines desirable entrepreneurial
traits. Performance needs further
student can independently solve
personality traits. Application of
development and supervision.
problems and is self-directed.
knowledge and skills is thorough and
effective and the student can work