Bone Practical Hints - LaGuardia Community College

Dr. B. Kendall
Study Hints For The Bone Practical Examination
A practical exam can be a challenging exam, especially if you
unfamiliar with the format of the examination. I will present some
hints and suggestions that you should keep in mind before you take
the bone practical.
 The exam will consist of 25 stations that will have two
questions per station. The questions will be designated by a
number with either “A” or “B” following.
 You will be asked to identify what is front of you. You also
could be asked a question concerning the bones or model
presented at that station!
 You usually will get a chance to see each station twice.
 The time limits are usually one minute for the first time
around and 30 seconds for the second time.
 You will be presented with an answer sheet numbered 1-25
with 2 columns designated “A” and “B”. Your answers must
appear in the correct spaces on the answer sheet!
 A practical exam can generate a certain degree of anxiety,
especially if you have never taken one before! Try to remain
calm! Excessive anxiety may lead to careless errors! You will
see that once the exam has begun, and you have seen a few
stations, you will begin to relax! Throughout your academic
and professional careers you will be asked to perform under
pressure. It is something that you must learn to deal with. If
you have prepared for the exam, you will do just fine!
 It is human nature to begin with number “1”. Only one
student in the class will be beginning the exam at Station #1!
You must start your answer sheet with the number of the
station where you are beginning. For example, if you are
starting the exam at station #13, you must start answering the
questions on your answer sheet at #13! Do not make the error
of starting at #1 (unless you are starting the exam at station
#1)! I suggest that you circle your starting number on your
answer sheet (if it has not already been done so by the
 Put your answers in the correct columns! Question “A” must
appear in column “A” and question “B” must appear in
column “B”! If they are not, they will both be marked
incorrectly! This is non-negotiable! You are seeing each
station twice! Check your answers! Do not make this costly
 Move in the correct direction to the next station! You will
always be moving to your left! Look at the person sitting to
your left! You will be sitting at that station next! Always
make sure that you are at the next highest number after every
move! Moving in the wrong direction and to the wrong
station will add to your anxiety! The instructor and
technician will assist you in this movement.
 READ THE QUESTIONS!! Every exam has questions! This
exam is no different! Do not assume that when you see a
labeled structure of a bone, you are being asked to identify
that structure! The question could be concerning how this
structure articulates with another bone! The question will
also give you some insight into what is being asked! For
example, “Name the Depression”, “Name the Opening”, etc.
 Know how bones specifically articulate with other bones!
These types of questions are the most challenging on the
exam. You must study your bone diagrams carefully to see
how bones articulate! For example: the HEAD of the
FEMUR will articulate with the ACETABULUM of the OS
COXA. Please read these questions carefully! You must
know your anatomical terminology! Many of the questions
will include the terms of “superior”, “inferior”, “medial”,
“lateral”, etc. The instructor or technician cannot help you
interpret these questions!
 Study the models! The compact bone model is almost always
included on the bone practical. Study the features that were
presented by your instructor. The models of the synovial
joints could also appear on this exam. You should be able to
identify the type of joint and the bones that comprise them. If
a question were to be asked concerning what type of joint it is,
do not answer “a synovial joint”. That is a bad answer! All
the models are synovial joints!! You should answer with the
type of synovial joint (ex. ball and socket, hinge, etc.).
PRACTICAL IS A VISUAL EXAM! It has been set up so
that everything can be seen without touching the bones! If
you touch something, you may alter or move a label! This will
affect the answers of the students that are following you to
that station!
 Please keep the asking of questions during the exam at a
minimum! The asking of excessive questions will disrupt the
“flow” of the exam. The exam has been set up so that it
should be quite evident what is being asked. The
interpretation of the question and the labeling at that station
are part of the exam! If you happen to notice that a station
may appear different during the second time around the
exam, it could mean that the station may have been altered by
another student! Please notify the instructor or technician
 Know Left from Right! Many of the long bones, as well as the
scapula and OS COXA could be possible material to be asked
whether they are a left or right bone. I suggest for you to take
the individual bones up to a complete skeleton to compare the
curvatures of the bone and other possible features to make
this determination! A student of anatomy must develop a
good sense of body orientation!
 Does spelling count?? You bet it does! As with any exam,
you should always strive to answer a question correctly! That
includes spelling! I suggest that as you are studying the bones
and their features, write out their names! The more times
you write out their names and get used to their spellings, the
greater the chance there is to spell that answer correctly! If
you are writing these names for the first time as you are
taking the bone practical, chances are you will make an error
and lose valuable credit!
 GO TO THE TUTORING CENTER!! No student can
possibly learn all of the bones and their features during the
laboratory period! Studying the diagrams in your lab manual
is of course helpful in your studies at home, but you are being
tested on actual bones, not diagrams! You must spend as
much time as possible in the studying of actual bones in the
tutoring center if you are to succeed in this important
There is usually a practice practical offered. Try to make
every effort to take this exam. It will give you an essential
experience in the format of the bone practical! Space is
limited!! Try to sign up for the exam as early as possible!
 Take my practice Power Point Bone Practical! There will be
a Power Point Bone Practical posted on my Blackboard and
on the Departmental Website. It is, of course, not as valuable
a learning tool as the actual practice practical being offered
by the department, but the Power Point exam can be taken at
home, at your convenience, and be very helpful in your