Plans for Week of October 12th

Ms. Salisbury’s Lesson Plans February 25 –March 1, 2013
Teacher Directed Reading
TSW unpack and begin their morning TSW unpack and begin their morning work (Fantastic 5
work (Fantastic 5 and DOL)
and DOL)
TSW unpack and begin their morning work
(Fantastic 5 and DOL)
TSW unpack and begin their
morning work (Fantastic 5 and DOL)
TSW begin journal by writing the
day’s date. Students will be asked
to write 3 complete sentences at
this point in the year.
TSW begin journal by writing the day’s TSW begin journal by writing the day’s date. Students
date. Students will be asked to write 3 will be asked to write 3 complete sentences at this
complete sentences at this point in
point in the year.
the year.
TSW begin journal by writing the day’s date.
Students will be asked to write 3 complete
sentences at this point in the year.
TSW begin journal by writing the day’s
date. Students will be asked to write 3
complete sentences at this point in the
Two Kinds of Forests
Skill: Text Features and
Skill: Comparing and
Activity: TSW complete a
comprehension worksheet.
Activity: TSW complete a
venn diagram worksheet.
TTW use the SMART lesson from
the 2nd grade online
curriculum, along with the
accompanying activities.
Each day’s lesson is outlined in
detail in the SMART lesson.
TTW use the SMART lesson
from the 2nd grade online
curriculum, along with
the accompanying
activities. Each day’s
lesson is outlined in detail
in the SMART lesson.
Two Kinds of Forests
Skill: Text Features and Skill: Compare and Contrast
Activity: TSW complete a venn
Activity: TSW complete diagram worksheet.
a comprehension
TTW use the SMART lesson from
the 2nd grade online curriculum,
TTW use the SMART
along with the accompanying
lesson from the 2nd
activities. Each day’s lesson is
grade online
outlined in detail in the SMART
curriculum, along with lesson.
the accompanying
activities. Each day’s CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.2.9
lesson is outlined in
Compare and contrast the
detail in the SMART
most important points
presented by two texts on the
and use various text
features (e.g.,
captions, bold print,
glossaries, indexes,
electronic menus,
icons) to locate key
facts or information in
a text efficiently.
Foreign Language
same topic.
Foreign Language
and use various text features
(e.g., captions, bold print,
subheadings, glossaries,
indexes, electronic menus,
icons) to locate key facts or
information in a text efficiently.
Compare and contrast
the most important points
presented by two texts
on the same topic.
TSW complete their
Weekly Reading Test.
Computer Lab
Word Development
Play “Hang Mouse” with Complete a spelling
this week’s spelling words words wordsearch.
TCW complete a Dr.
Suess rhyming words
TCW complete a Dr. Seuss TCW complete a Dr. Seuss page.
ABC order page.
making words activity.
TSW complete the
“Consonants and Vowels”
spelling practice page
TSW get out their math notebooks and
TSW get out their math
number 1-5. TTW call out 5 questions for
notebooks and number 1-5. TS to answer independently.
TTW call out 5 questions for
TS to answer independently. TTW display the problem of the day. TSW
work cooperatively to solve the problem.
TTW display the problem of TCW discuss the solution to the problem.
the day. TSW work
cooperatively to solve the
problem. TCW discuss the
solution to the problem
Math Small Groups
TTW review this
week’s spelling
words, examining
components with
each word. TCW
complete the
rainbow words
spelling page
TTW use benchmark tests
weekly assessments to work
with students struggling to
master math skills. Other
students will will play math
frog games while TT works
with a small group of
TTW use benchmark tests weekly
assessments to work with students
struggling to master math skills. Other
students will will play math frog games
while TT works with a small group of
TSW get out their math notebooks and TSW get out their math
number 1-5. TTW call out 5 questions notebooks and number 1-5.
for TS to answer independently.
TTW call out 5 questions for TS to
answer independently.
TTW display the problem of the day.
TSW work cooperatively to solve the
TTW display the problem of the
problem. TCW discuss the solution to day. TSW work cooperatively to
the problem.
solve the problem. TCW discuss
the solution to the problem.
TSW complete
their Weekly
Spelling Test.
TSW get out their math
notebooks and number 15. TTW call out 5 questions
for TS to answer
TTW display the problem of
the day. TSW work
cooperatively to solve the
problem. TCW discuss the
solution to the problem.
TTW use benchmark tests
TTW use benchmark tests
TTW use benchmark tests weekly
weekly assessments to work with weekly assessments to
assessments to work with students
students struggling to master
work with students
struggling to master math skills. Other math skills. Other students will
struggling to master math
students will will play math frog games will play math frog games while skills. Other students will will
while TT works with a small group of
TT works with a small group of
play math frog games
while TT works with a small
group of students.
Skill: Fractions
Teacher Directed Math
Skill: Fractions
Skill: Fractions
Skill: Fractions
TSW watch a short video TSW watch a short
TSW review
about fractions.
video about fractions
fractions (halves,
http://teacher.scholastic. on brainpopjr.
thirds, and fourths) about fractions.
com/activities/studyjams/ http://www.brainpop
using an
ase/videos/any-way-youinteractive smart
Activity: TSW complete “A
Little Book of Fractions” to
Activity: TSW
Activity: TSW
allow for a better
complete a practice
a “fraction avenue”
complete a
understanding of fourths, work page about
activity. (This activity will
practice page
thirds and halves.
fractions. TSW review
that reviews that
how to write the
to properly shade the
they learned
fraction using word
correct fraction that is
during the smart
form and number
HW: Fractions work page
Standard: 2.G.3. Partition
TSW then play
HW: Fractions work HW: Fractions work page circles and rectangles into two, fraction bingo for
Standard: 2.G.3. Partition circles three, or four equal shares,
extra practice.
and rectangles into two, three, describe the shares using the
or four equal shares, describe
2.G.3. Partition circles the shares using the words
and rectangles into
halves, thirds, half of, a third of,
two, three, or four
etc., and describe the whole as
equal shares, describe two halves, three thirds, four
the shares using the
fourths. Recognize that equal
words halves, thirds,
shares of identical wholes need
half of, a third of, etc., not have the same shape.
and describe the
whole as two halves,
three thirds, four
fourths. Recognize that
equal shares of
identical wholes need
not have the same
words halves, thirds, half of, a
third of, etc., and describe the
whole as two halves, three
HW: Fractions work
thirds, four fourths. Recognize
that equal shares of identical Standard: 2.G.3. Partition
wholes need not have the
circles and rectangles
same shape.
into two, three, or four
equal shares, describe
the shares using the
words halves, thirds, half
of, a third of, etc., and
describe the whole as
two halves, three thirds,
four fourths. Recognize
that equal shares of
identical wholes need
not have the same
TSW complete the Monday
section of their DOL.
TSW complete the Tuesday section
of their DOL.
TSW complete the Wednesday
section of their DOL.
TSW complete the Thursday
section of their DOL.
TSW complete the Friday
section of their DOL.
Skill: Persuasive Letter Writing
“I Wanna New Pet”
Skill: Persuasive Letter Writing
“ I Wanna New Pet”
Skill: Persuasive Letter Writing
“ I Wanna New Pet”
Skill: Persuasive Letter Writing
“ I Wanna New Pet”
Skill: Persuasive Letter
“ I Wanna New Pet”
TTW read aloud I Wanna Iguana
by Karen Kaufmann Orloff. Tell
the students they are going to
write a letter to their parents
asking them for a new pet. TSW
complete the brainstorming
page about their pet.
TSW begin to work on their rough
draft for their letter. TTW walk
around and conference with
students as needed.
TSW continue to work on editing and TSW begin to write their final copy
revising their letter.
of their letter.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.2.1 Write opinion
pieces in which they introduce the topic
or book they are writing about, state an
opinion, supply reasons that support the
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.2.1 Write opinion
opinion, use linking words
pieces in which they introduce the
(e.g.,because, and, also) to connect
topic or book they are writing about,
opinion and reasons, and provide a
state an opinion, supply reasons that
concluding statement or section.
support the opinion, use linking words
(e.g.,because, and, also) to connect
opinion and reasons, and provide a
concluding statement or section.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.2.1 Write opinion
pieces in which they introduce the topic
or book they are writing about, state an
opinion, supply reasons that support the
opinion, use linking words
(e.g.,because, and, also) to connect
opinion and reasons, and provide a
concluding statement or section.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.2.1 Write opinion
pieces in which they introduce the
topic or book they are writing about,
state an opinion, supply reasons that
support the opinion, use linking words
(e.g.,because, and, also) to connect
opinion and reasons, and provide a
concluding statement or section.
TSW finish writing their final
copy and draw a picture
of their new pet that they
want or create their pet
around their letter.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.2.1 Write
opinion pieces in which they
introduce the topic or book
they are writing about, state
an opinion, supply reasons that
support the opinion, use linking
(e.g.,because, and, also) to
connect opinion and reasons,
and provide a concluding
statement or section.
Skill: Animal Habitats
Skill: Forest Habitat
Skill: Rainforest Habitat
Skill: Grasslands Habitat
Science /S.S.
TTW begin the lesson by
discussing different natural
environments with the class.
What is a forest? What does it
look like? How is a forest different
from a desert?
TCW watch the brainpopjr video on TCW watch the brainpopjr video on TCW watch the following video
Forests. TCW take the quiz on this
Rainforests. TCW take the quiz on
from united streaming Grasslands.
habitat for a class work grade.
this habitat for a class work grade. TSW complete a fact sheet during
the video for a class work grade.
TCW watch the following video from TCW watch the following video from
united streaming Forest Habitats .
united streaming The Tropical Rain Video Description:
TSW complete a fact sheet during
Forest Habitat. TSW complete a fact African grasslands are made up of
TTW define term “habitat” as a the video for a class work grade.
sheet during the video for a class
a variety of animals and people.
place where a plant or animal
work grade.
There is a life cycle that takes
Video Description:
place on the grasslands of Africa.
Visit deciduous and evergreen
Video Description:
TCW watch the following video forests to see the plants and animals Peek inside the wettest habitat on
HW-Plants on the Savanna
from united streaming: Habitats: that make this ecosystem their
land to learn about the special
Homes for Living Things. TSW
home. Discover how living things
adaptations plants and animals
complete a habitat sheet after change over time and adapt to
have to ensure their survival,
2-2.3 Explain how distinct
the video.
their surroundings.
including symbiosis. Take students
environments throughout the
through three layers of the rain forest world support the life of different
Video Description:
HW-Giant Pandas in Danger
to understand why this ecosystem is types of animals.
Peek into the habitats of different worksheet
important to living things. See that
kinds of animals to see how they
much of the rain forest continues to
meet their needs. Visit a pond, a
be destroyed and discover the
desert, a forest, a rainforest, and 2-2.3 Explain how distinct
efforts taken to protect the rain
other habitats to discover how
environments throughout the world forest for future generations.
different animals and plants
support the life of different types of
survive and thrive in these unique animals.
HW-Rain Forest matching worksheet
**Other Video if time allows The
Magic School Bus: In the Tropical
HW-Find the Habitat worksheet
2-2.3 Explain how distinct
environments throughout the
world support the life of different
types of animals.
2-2.3 Explain how distinct
environments throughout the world
support the life of different types of
Skill: Desert Habitat
TCW watch the brainpopjr
video on Deserts. TCW
take the quiz on this
habitat for a class work
TCW watch the following
video from united
streaming Desert Habitats.
TSW complete a fact sheet
during the video for a class
work grade.
Video Description:
Take a video field trip to
some of the driest regions
on Earth to learn how
different plants and
animals adapt to little
rainfall and extremes in
temperature. Discover how
different animals find food,
water, and shelter. See the
characteristics that allow
desert life to thrive.
Discover how rainfall and
differences in temperature
between day and night
affect life in the desert.
**Other Video if time allows
The Magic School Bus: All
Dried Up
Junie B. Jones
Junie B. Jones
2-2.3 Explain how distinct
environments throughout
the world support the life
of different types of
TTW use benchmark tests weekly
assessments to work with students
struggling to master ELA skills.
Other students will work in their
extra work folders while TT works
with a small group of students.
Junie B. Jones
Junie B. Jones
Junie B. Jones
TTW use benchmark tests weekly
assessments to work with students
struggling to master ELA skills.
Other students will work in their
extra work folders while TT works
with a small group of students.
TTW use benchmark tests weekly
assessments to work with students
struggling to master ELA skills. Other
students will work in their extra work
folders while TT works with a small
group of students.
TTW use benchmark tests
weekly assessments to work with
students struggling to master
ELA skills. Other students will
work in their extra work folders
while TT works with a small
group of students.
TSW read independently. As the students
read, TTW conference with other students,
one at a time. [4-5 per day] TSW then write
what they read on their reading logs.
TSW read independently. As the students
TSW read independently. As the students read,
TSW read independently. As the students
read, TTW conference with other students, one TTW conference with other students, one at a
read, TTW conference with other students,
at a time. [4-5 per day] TSW then write what time. [4-5 per day] TSW then write what they read one at a time. [4-5 per day] TSW then
they read on their reading logs.
on their reading logs.
write what they read on their reading logs.
TSW read independently. As the
students read, TTW conference with
other students, one at a time. [4-5 per
day] TSW then write what they read on
their reading logs.