Throughout the year your child will be taught the Numeracy and Literacy from the national frameworks on a daily basis. For detailed information on the strategies go to the Department for Education’s website where they can be viewed. Reading - Children will usually read in school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays but please make sure they have their reading book in school everyday. Please share the book at home with your child and sign their reading record and write a comment if you wish. Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Ourselves Food Autumn Christmas Theme Literacy – In phonics we are working on recognising and hearing all initial letter sounds. In writing we are focusing on correct letter formation. Numeracy – We are working on reading, recognising and ordering numbers to 10 and 1 more/less. We will also be looking at 2D shapes, positional language and mathematical vocabulary, e.g. heavy/light. REMINDERS Water bottles – Please could all children have a named water bottle in school. These are to be filled with water only. Children are allowed juice in their lunch boxes and those on school dinners may purchase a drink of juice with their dinner. Name labels – Please could parents ensure their children’s uniform and P.E. kits are labelled with their name. Toys in school – Please could children not bring in toys from home to “show and tell”. They are welcome to bring swimming certificates/ football awards/items of interest from a day out etc. Knowledge and Understanding – In our topics will be looking at how we change as we grow and develop. We will look at how seasons change. We will begin to understand about cultures and beliefs through Divali and Christmas Well done! Most children are now happy to come into school on their own and have settled into reception very well. Useful Sites: THANKYOU Thank you to all the parents who have donated money to our classroom funds. If you would like to contribute we suggest £3 per half term but any amount would be gratefully received. Please put any contributions in an envelope with your child’s name written on the front.