Author:_________________________________ Peer:_______________________________ Feature Article Checklist YES OR NO? Introduction: ___________ Is there a hook/lead? What type of hook/lead is used? ___________ Is the lead engaging? Please explain. ___________ Is background information present? If so, what W questions are answered? ___________ Is more background information needed in order to understand the subject better, as well as the spotlight? Explain. Identify the spotlight. _________________________________________________ Body Paragraphs: ____________ Are transitions used to move from one paragraph to the next? Are topic sentences evident? ____________ Are transitions used within paragraphs to create logical flow and coherent ideas? ____________ Are the details/paragraphs arranged in chronological order or order of importance? Please circle one. ____________ Are the paragraphs shorter in length? Do they resemble article formatting? ____________ Are all details arranged effectively within the paragraphs? Author:_________________________________ Peer:_______________________________ ____________ Are supporting details found in each paragraph? _____________ Do the paragraphs have concluding sentences? Conclusion: _____________ The conclusion ends with a direct quote that summarizes the article, the connects to the lead, or references the past, present, or future. Circle type of ending that is used. _____________ Does the conclusion mention the spotlight one more time? Extra Requirements: ____________ Are there 2 direct quotes in the article? If so, who are the quotes given by? ____________ Is the article one page in length (single spaced)? ____________ Did the author use really descriptive, vivid words? Please list at least 3 examples. _____________ Did all paragraphs support the spotlight? Identify the tone of the article. _____________________________________ Conventions: Put an smiley face on the line if the student has mastered the area. Put an x on the line if the student has not mastered this skill. ___________ All sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a period or question mark. ___________ All words are spelled correctly. (There are no underlined words.) ___________ All numbers are spelled out except for dates, large numbers, etc. ___________ All sentences are correctly written (using correct punctuation). Author:_________________________________ Peer:_______________________________ ___________ There is an interesting title that doesn’t just include the person’s name.