English: Laptops for learning Student checklist: Feature article Expected quality Relevant and detailed content organised to support a point of view Structure and organisation Style appropriate for intended audience and purpose Control of written language Indicators of student performance High Medium Low I argued a clear point I argued a generally I argued a point of of view clear point of view view. I supported my point of view effectively with appropriately selected and highly relevant information I supported my point of I supported my point of view with some view with some relevant information information. I demonstrated coherence and controlled development of ideas. I used a highly engaging introduction and highly effective conclusion. I consistently employed language styles appropriate to feature articles, eg narrative, descriptive and persuasive, in an effective and creative manner, and for the intended audience and purpose. I used effective vocabulary, and accurate and expressive language. I demonstrated controlled development of ideas to some extent. I had a clear and consistent introduction and conclusion. My feature article had a number of ideas. I employed some language styles appropriate to feature articles and the intended audience and purpose, but I did not do so consistenly. I used one of the language styles appropriate to feature articles. My choice of vocabulary was generally effective, and I used accurate language. My spelling and punctuation was generally accurate. I occasionally used accurate language, including spelling and punctuation. I used accurate paragraphing, spelling and punctuation. Comments: Feature article: Student checklist I had an introduction and/or conclusion.