ADDENDUM NO. 2 Date: To: From: Subject: March 29, 2006 All Bidders Scott Duncan, Owner's Representative Addendum No. 2 Project Title: RFP-SD-44704 SONET BACKBONE LIFE CYCLE UPGRADE This is a five (5) page addendum with two spreadsheet attachments. Contact Scott Duncan at (719) 668-3865 if you do not receive this addendum in its entirety. The following data in the subject specification shall be amended as follows: See Questions and Answers below. Also enclosed is section 2.18 in word document This addendum is to be signed and a copy faxed to Scott Duncan Attention: RFP-SD-44704 SONET BACKBONE LIFE CYCLE UPGRADE, Fax # 719-668-2865. Also, acknowledge receipt of this addendum in the appropriate area of the bid form. Name of Firm: ______________________________________________________________ Signature of Individual: _________________________ Title: _________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Sonet RFP Questions and Answers 1. On the proposed system, what is the benefit of __________ vs. 1forN? A. Circuit card protection in either 1:1 or 1:N is required to provide equipment redundancy on all electrical termination cards. Automatic switching of traffic to an assigned protect card in < 50 milliseconds in the event of electrical termination card failure – in either 1:1 or 1:N configuration. UTILITIES wishes to evaluate all SUPPLIER options for card redundancy. Please attach an addendum if this information cannot be listed on the Exhibit B equipment cost breakdown spreadsheet. 2. What is the manager manager you have in place today? A. HP Openview is the primary platform being used. 3. What is your current database? A. Nine, clarified by Mark L. Ours is an Oracle platform. 4. NMS software is stated as meeting requirements, Do you want to run on your system or do you want our proposed systems? A. We would like to evaluate both options, so please provide the cost breakdown in the NMS section of the equipment cost breakdown spreadsheet. 5. Do you have spare fiber, where you have it in place? A. We have spare fiber at ALL node locations. 6. It is stated that the core install is scheduled for June/July with training not scheduled until Nov, Can we propose a different schedule? A. Yes, our intent was to have the installations of the CORE network equipment completed first, then have training prior to configuration & provisioning so our technicians would be able to immediately begin work with the equipment. We are flexible on this issue and will entertain proposed variances in regard to the training schedule. 7. On the proposed map, are we to bring in additional fiber to create a mesh? It looks like mostly rings. A. The proposed map outlines connections in a ring configuration. There are, however, several fiber connections that exist in our outside plant that are NOT included in the maps. MESA-DRAK, CTWD_RSCH, and additional fiber between DRAK-POC-LVTP exist. Future fiber builds may not easily support a ring architecture, so connecting in a mesh configuration gives UTILITIES additional flexibility in the design. 8. Is SU considering mesh reconstruct on both Ethernet and Sonet? A. No new fiber builds are anticipated solely to provide new or additional mesh connections to Ethernet or SONET nodes. Several nodes are already served by multiple fiber links as noted in question 7. Note that UTILITIES operates parallel Gigabit Ethernet and SONET networks in the metro (CORE) area. Primary use for Ethernet over SONET would be for connection of remote-site routers over the OC3 microwave networks. Please note that we will not be specifying Ethernet cards in the 2006 and 2007 equipment purchases, but require this capability in the CORE and EDGE equipment. 9. Confirm on the handout that they are all OC3 routers? A. All OC3 multiplexers, with exception of TGAP, PRPP, SQCK and NIXN which are OC12. These multiplexers will route OC3 ring(s), and SQCK will not have any OC12 line cards (requires 2 X OC3 rings and available 2 X 84 VT1 cross-connect capability at this site). All remote site router connections are currently at DS1 network speed. Future requirements for 10 Mbps Ethernet connection over SONET at only the OC3 microwave sites, thus we wish to have this functionality built-into the CORE and EDGE network equipment.. 10. Is the mesh Layer One, mesh? A. Correct – all mesh connections at the SONET physical layer. 11. Regarding the formula in B20: the formula is D12 – D19, shouldn’t this be D12 + D19? A. Please see amended equipment cost breakdown spreadsheet that is being supplied, these formula errors are corrected in this version. 12. Does SU have loss measurements on the Line Cards? (Line Cards Worksheet) A. Our fiber has loss characteristics of 0.4 dB/km for 1310 nm and 0.3 dB/km at 1550 nm wavelengths. Please see proposed network map and Line & Trib cards worksheets for approximate distances between network nodes. 13. There are no _____________ cards included, why? A. If they are part of your proposal, include them. 14. On the planned terminations, is it up to 90? A. The Total is 90 – spec the box out for future terminations. This needs to be expandable to 90. 15. There is a discrepancy in the Sonet Radios, OC12 into OC3s? A. SU wants to keep the entire system as an OC3 ring and be able to route through the OC12. 16. So there is no need for the radios to be OC12? A. All SONET microwave radios are OC3 – no plans to upgrade this capacity over the life of the multiplexer equipment. 17. The dashed lines (green) not listed in legend. A. Note that dashed lines represent microwave links. Green indicates our use of STS1s on the CORE ring, in this case STS1 # 7, 8 & 9. This particular OC3 microwave ring interfaces to STS1 # 7, 8, 9 on CORE ring. 18. What about the little red #’s? A. These are line groups (East-West) based on the existing network design. 19. 10/100/1000 Ethernet requirements are not explicitly represented in a specific column of the attached spreadsheet (SONET RFP Site Equipment Price Matrix). Could you elaborate on the specific Ethernet requirements at each site? A. We would like the equipment to have the capability of transporting 10/100 Ethernet over SONET, in addition to an Ethernet port for node communication/SNMP interface. Sites that will require future Ethernet over SONET 10/100 router connections are STNY, BDGR, PCTN, DICK, PIKE, CRLB, SQCK, SKSM, FONT, WDMN, RMPS, NSUB, ASTN, TMPS, RCKI, CTWD, FHRS, KTCK, BRGT, KLKR, FNTN, BDLY, ATML, DNTN, FULR, STSN. Note that routers will be installed at these sites, so multiple ports on equipment Ethernet cards will not be required. Routers have fiber, RJ45 Ethernet and T1 interface capability. Please note that we will not be ordering Ethernet cards in 2006 or 2007, but wish to have the CORE and EDGE network equipped to install them at a later date. 20. Do some of the existing TDM interfaces support serialized packet interfaces? Would an Ethernet interface deployment replace some of the existing TDM required interfaces? A. TDM interfaces can support RS422 synchronous (X.21), RS232 synchronous or asynchronous interfaces over DS0, FT1 or T1 links. TDM is not currently deployed over packet serial interface, i.e. TDMoIP. Substation critical communication, i.e. protective relaying, remote terminal unit (RTU), telemetry and others prohibit the use of carriergrade circuits run over packet as a general rule. Other non-critical circuits would benefit from the use of TDM over packet. We would anticipate using TDM over packet interface only for “spur” or linear connections at this time. 21. On the “Core Equipment Breakdown” and “Edge Equipment Breakdown” sections of the attached spreadsheet SONET RFP Site Equipment Price Matrix) please elaborate on the desired entries for “Qty for 4F BLSR Configuration”; “Qty for 2F BLSR or UPSR or Mesh Configuration”; “Qty for Single Ring/Mesh Tributary Optical Drop”; “Protect Card 1:1 or 1:N TDM Drop”; and “Circuit Card T1s per Card TDM Drop”. How do these columns correlate to the “Unit Descriptions” as defined in column A? A. Would your equipment require 4 optical line or trib cards for BLSR configuration? We assume from our existing network design (UPSR) that 2 cards (east and west) would be required for UPSR configurations. We need to know the quantity of cards required in either configuration. If selected SUPPLIER proposes a BLSR configuration requiring extra cards, we can plan for this if necessary. Please note that all unit costs will be based on the UPSR configuration. An example of “Single Ring/Mesh Tributary Optical Drop” would be an OC3 tributary drop off of an OC192 CORE mux. In this case, would 2 cards be required, or a single, multiple-port card? We will accept either 1:1 or 1:N protection on Electrical termination cards. Our existing network utilizes cards that provide 4 DS1s per card in a 1:7 protection scheme. Cards that support 8 or 16 DS1s may utilize 1:1 protection schemes. Port density per card will be a factor in deciding whether to utilize 1:1 or greater protection scheme. Please elaborate in comments or remarks section, or attach an explanation in a separate document. If your DS1 cards provide for multiple T1s per card, please provide the number of DS1s (T1s) in the “Circuit Card T1s per Card TDM Drop column. Correlation of quantities for 4F BLSR/2FBLSR or UPSR; Single Ring/Mesh, Protect Card T1s, Unit Cost, UOM are to Unit Descriptions. Note that some descriptions will not apply, please see sample spreadsheet. 22. Can you provide more pertinent detail regarding 3600+, 3600 DSR, 3600SSR, 3630, etc. (all colored boxes adjacent to the nodes)? What else do we need to know about these devices? A. 3600+ and 3600s are T1 multiplexers. We use for T1 circuit grooming & DCS functionality at the DS1 to DS0 level. DSR stands for Dual Shelf Redundant, SSR for Single Shelf Redunant. 3630 is a dual-T1 channel bank, 3624 is a single T1 channel bank. RFL's are T1-DS0 DCS, Channel banks and line switches for protective relaying communication. All interface to SONET via T1 connections. 3600+ also has an OC3 interface.