Chapter 15 Ministry of Education Audit Period Audit Year 2007-08 Auditable Expenditure Grant No. Particulars Rupees Current/ Non-Development Expenditure 29 30 31 32 Education Division 465,944,000 Higher Education Commission 14,332,521,000 Education 612,659,000 Federal Government Educational 1,917,731,000 Institutions in the Capital and Federal areas 17,328,855,000 Development Expenditure 138 Education Division 4,418,015,000 Total 21,746,870,000 Audit Formations Main secretariat Federal Directorate of Education Federal Government Educational Institutions in the Capital and Federally Administer areas University of the Punjab University of Karachi Promotion of research in Universities University of Sindh, Jamshoro 191 DG Audit – Federal Government Audit Plan 2007 - 08 University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore University of the Peshawar Inter University Academic Activities University of Agriculture, Faisalabad Comsat Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad Basic Education Community Schools Madrassah Reforms Education for all Audit Team S.No. 1. Name Dr. Akmal Minallah 2. Nazar Rauf Rathore 3. Muhammad Adnan 4. Sheraz Hassan Hassan Kazmi 5. Sanual Hassib Designation Role Director Finalization of Audit report, Holding DAC meetings Dy. Director Supervision of audit activities, Planning of audit, Review of audit findings, Review of draft audit report Audit Technical support in planning, Expert execution & reporting Audit Officer Audit execution, Preparation of AIRs & draft audit report Update audit permanent file Assistant Audit execution, Audit Officer Prepare audit working papers Time Schedule Ministry of Education From 3 July 2007 to 18 January 2008 Higher Education Commission From 16 July 2007 to 3 December 2007 (For details refer page 218) 192 Chapter 15: Ministry of Education I. AUDIT OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE A. Audit Objective The overall objective of this audit is to review the management, financial and operating controls to appraise their adequacy and soundness. As we are specifically focusing upon expenditure being incurred from the grants received, it is necessary evaluate the internal controls over expenditure. The main objectives of the audit of the ministry of education are: - - - B. to attain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are prepared in accordance with the identified financial reporting framework and the sum expanded has been applied in all material respect for the purposes authorized by the Parliament to check the system of internal control and compliance with the respective authorities to ensure proper classification with respect to account head, function and cost centre. to determine that payroll record is complete and accurate. To ensure that it is being updated and complies with all prescribed rates of Federal Govt. to determine if internal controls for recording and safeguarding of assets are adequate to provide certification for the foreign aided projects, if any to perform performance audit of the major education projects, so that efficiency, effectiveness and the impact of the project on the economy can be assessed. Audit Scope The auditor general is appointed under section 168 of the constitution of the Islamic republic of Pakistan, 1973 and section 169 defines the functions and powers of the auditor general as; - The auditor general shall, in relation toThe accounts of the federation and of the provinces and The accounts of any authority or body established by the federation or a province Perform such functions and exercise such powers as may be determined by the parliament or by order of President. 193 DG Audit – Federal Government Audit Plan 2007 - 08 Further the scope of the auditor general of Pakistan is defined in Section 8 of the Auditor General’s Ordinance, 2001 which, empowers the Auditor General of Pakistan to audit: All expenditure from the Consolidated Funds of the Federation and of each Province; All transactions of the Federation and of the Provinces relating to Public Account; All trading, manufacturing, profit & loss accounts, balance sheets and other subsidiary accounts kept by order of the President or of the Governor of the province in any Federal or Provincial Department; and The accounts of any authority or body established by the Federation or a province, and in each case report on the expenditure, transactions or accounts so audited by him. Audit of Ministry of Education have to be conducted in accordance with the requirements of OAGP Auditing Standards as enshrined in FAM. The scope of audit includes verification and analysis of current and development expenditure on test check basis and also includes performance audits as and when required. Compliance testing and substantive tests have to be performed as appropriate, but due to the extensive volume of transactions, more emphasis is laid on compliance testing. Brief description of areas to be covered is as follows: Current expenditure to be verified on sampling basis to ensure the completeness, accuracy, relevance, genuineness and proper classification as well as compliance of grant formalities. Development expenditure has to be checked and verified on a test check basis keeping in view the procedures for the purchases, the necessary formalities that are required to be fulfilled for the expenditure incurred and the related documentation maintained in support of the expenditure incurred. Compliance with approved accounting framework which is NAM. Compliance of the laws and regulations i.e. PC-1, PPRA rules, financial policies etc. Compliance audits / reviews of attached Authorities 194 Chapter 15: Ministry of Education II. SIGNIFICANCE AND UNDERSTANDING OF THE MINISTRY A. Significance of Education sector in Pakistan Education is a categorical imperative for individual, social and national development that should enable all individuals to reach their maximum human potential. The system should produce responsible, enlightened citizens to integrate Pakistan in the global framework of human centered economic development. B. Background of the Higher Education Commission Higher Education Commission (“HEC”) was setup under the President Ordinance in September 2002 to facilitate the development of indigenous universities to be world-class centers of education, research and development. Through facilitating this process, the HEC intends to play its part in spearheading the building of a knowledge-based economy in Pakistan. HEC has succeeded the old Universities Grants Commission with enhanced powers and new vision. Since its establishment, the Higher Education Commission has undertaken a systematic process of implementation of the five-year agenda for reform outlined in the HEC Medium Term Development Framework (MTDF), in which Access, Quality and Relevance have been identified as the key challenges faced by the sector. To address these challenges a comprehensive strategy has been defined that identifies the core strategic aims for reform as (i) Faculty Development, (ii) Improving Access, (iii) Excellence in Learning and Research, and (iv) Relevance to National Priorities. These strategic aims are supported by well-integrated cross-cutting themes for developing Leadership, Governance and Management, enhancing Quality Assessment and Accreditation and Physical and Technological Infrastructure Development. C. Background of the Ministry of education Under the Rules of Business 1973 as amended from time to time, Ministry of Education is responsible for the overall development of educational infrastructure and policy planning and implementation. The understanding of the ministry is obtained in lines provided in the form PF-I till PF-IX of the audit working paper kit, which includes, 195 DG Audit – Federal Government Audit Plan 2007 - 08 Organizational Structure The organizational structures of the ministry and Higher Education Commission are annexed as Annexure A to the chapter. Principal Address Block D, Pak-Secretariat, Islamabad D. Status of the Entity and its Core Operations a) Status of the entity Ministry of education is strategically run by elected representatives of the public and administratively controlled by the bureaucracy. Being the primary concern sector for any government this sector is controlled by each provincial ministry at province level and by district governments at district level. b) Core Operational Activity The core operational activities of the ministry are to, Development and coordination of national policies, plans and programs in education, Development of curricula and textbooks, National Book Foundation, Establishment and maintenance of national educational institutions Organizations and disbursement of grant-in-aid to them, Development of instructional technology, promotion and coordination of educational research, External examination and equivalence of degrees and diplomas, etc Pakistan is committed to achieving the Millennium Development Goals as the national agenda for development as well as improving education condition. Education, health, and poverty alleviation are Government priorities. There is a full commitment at policy level about the importance of investing in education as a critical input for socio economic development. To translate this commitment into action a number of initiatives in public sector programs (new and ongoing) have been undertaken: the most notable include the Basic Education Community Schools, Madrassah reforms, Education for all and Capacity Building of Teachers 196 Chapter 15: Ministry of Education Training Institutes of Ministry of Education and training of elementary schools teachers in Punjab program. These programs with current and future major interventions should help to improve literacy in boys and girls and contribute towards the achievement of the MDGs. Investment in education though increased by 12%, in 2006-07 from previous years, yet it is still only 0.68% of the total federal development program. The government obtains foreign loan/aid also to invest in the education sector. Federal MoE is the key functionary which plays a leading role in regulating aid flow in the education sector. The poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSP) was adopted as a basic document for all aid efforts; donors channel their resources towards common identified objectives with government. The common identified objectives are: Increased coverage of education facility Reduction of inequalities And achieving millennium development goals, that is increase literacy Being the priority agenda of the government a lot can be achieved in improving literacy due to non-availability basic education facilities if the commitment from the bureaucracy is there. E. SWOT analysis Before considering the risk areas that are at present hindering the government in fully implementing the millennium development objectives in education sector, the strength/opportunities available for its foster growth and achieving objectives are discussed below; Strengths Full financial support from Federal Government Federal Government provides full financial support to the education support Vesting of Powers through Legislation Devolution of the power through Ministry of Education at all levels of government, that is, federal, provincial and local government level. Availability of large infrastructure Large infrastructure in federal, provincial and local government is provided 197 DG Audit – Federal Government Audit Plan 2007 - 08 Weaknesses The main weaknesses of the system that are identified before starting the audit engagement activities through discussions with the key officials and initial system analysis are; Un-unified course irrespective of sex, religion and cast Lack of experienced Project Implementers Lack of co-ordination within departments and with outside 3rd parties Lack of master trainers and qualified educationists Threats Extremist attacks on the educational centers Religious leaders may hinder the activities Change of government may suspend the development projects undertaken by the present government. Funds might not be utilized for the purposes to achieve the targets. Qualified staff leaves the organization Opportunities F. Development of virtual education institutions Online libraries Registration of new institutes online using web base technology Coordination with International organizations Have tremendous growth opportunities in education sector External Factors (PEST analysis) External factors that might affect the ministry’s performance may include; - Technological factors Social factors Political factors Economic factors Climatic factors Technological factors Can lead to burden the budget if the institutes and scholars are targeted in technology area which can no longer be in demand/use i.e. Information Technology, Science education 198 Chapter 15: Ministry of Education Social factors Cultural issues can lead to gender bias in some areas resulting in non availability /non willingness for females in enrolment into education programs Political factors Change of government may abandon present programs Funding from the foreign donor may discontinue due to external pressures. Economic factors If the economic condition of Government Detroit, Government may impose major cut on the education budget hence resulting in curtailment of MoE activities High rates of inflation can lead to high rates of education resulting in low enrolments in higher education programs Climatic disaster Natural disaster such as earth quake, flood Sudden change in weather patterns G. Intergovernmental Relationship: Functionally ministry consists of one main division along with various line departments/suboffices. The Ministry of Education is responsible for matters concerning National Planning and Coordination in the field of Education. Departments: The Departments attached/sub-ordinate with the ministry of education are ; Department of libraries Islamabad/ Karachi Federal Directorate of Education, Islamabad Monitoring and Evaluation Cell Revision of Education Policy Discretionary grant by the minister of the state for education International Federation of Library association, Hague Contribution & subscription to International ISBN agency London, UK Office of the permanent representative to UNESCO, Paris etc 199 DG Audit – Federal Government Audit Plan 2007 - 08 Various programs are initiated by the government under each division/department with a sharper focus on poor and unprivileged segments of the society. H. Accounting System of the Ministry: Ministry of education is a centralized accounting entity, where, controller general of accounts is responsible for processing of its accounting transactions and maintaining the accounts. The sub offices of the controller general of accounts at province and districts maintain the respective accounts. Various development projects are undertaken by each line department. For the purpose of the accounting classification each division and line departments are classified under cost centers, (the functions), which are then further classified into various cost element ( the objects). The major cost centers as per New Accounting Model are; Account Code Cost centers 093 Tertiary Education Affairs and services 095 Subsidiary Services to Education 096 Administration For more specific accounting each department and projects to further detailed level can be classified as cost centre. Each cost centre is further divided into cost elements, the major classification of which is detailed below; Account Code A01 Cost elements Employee related expenses A02 Project pre-investment analysis A03 Operating expenses A04 Employees retirement benefits A05 Grants subsidies and write-off loans A06 Transfers A09 Physical assets A13 Repairs and maintenance 200 Chapter 15: Ministry of Education Broadly the expenditures are classified as current or non-development expenditure and development expenditure. Separate budget are allocated for each type of expenditure. Gazette officers of at least BPS 16 and above hold the charge of the post of drawing and disbursing officers in each ministry/divisions/departments/development projects. The budget allocation are on account of Releases from the federal government Grant in aid The budget are transferred ministries/departments; AGPR Counter PLA is maintained with federal treasury and Assignment account maintained with NBP Departmental accounts The budget of province is transferred to account 1 whereas the budgets of districts are then transferred to a/c IV. Foreign aided projects maintain departmental accounts where the expenses are incurred in the department from the government account and the proportionate share is reimbursed from the aid account. Ministry wise list of authorized signatory of the formations audited dated during the course of audit and annexed as annexure II. through III. RISK ASSESSMENT A. General Risk Assessment Procedures the following to the Our risk based approach during the audit would be to plan and document our risk assessment procedures performed so as to obtain an understanding of the entity and its environment. Our risk assessment procedures may include inquiries, observations and inspections, and analytical procedures. The major risk factors that would commonly be addressed to assess the risk of the entity are; The adequacy of internal controls and the control consciousness environment is in place; Participation by those charged with governance Management approach to taking and managing business risks 201 DG Audit – Federal Government Audit Plan 2007 - 08 Changes in operating environment Corporate restructuring Discussions with the management regarding any internal control weakness, frauds and irregularities identified earlier. Are changes in the design of internal controls documented and review by a competent authority; There is a clearly defined organization structure and the operating functions are performed independently so as to create segregation of duties; The role and authority of the internal audit function (if any), and review of internal auditor’s assessment of the corrective actions taken, and to consider the impact on the nature, extent and timing of our audit tests and procedures; The nature of transactions (for example, the number and Rupee volumes and the complexity involved); Assessment of non-routine transactions and its adequacy of its documentation and approvals; Understanding of the financial reporting process; The age of the system or applications used; The physical and logical security of information, equipment, and premises; Susceptibility of assets to theft and misappropriation; The adequacy of operating management oversight and monitoring; Previous regulatory and audit results and management’s responsiveness in addressing the issues raised; Human resources, including the experience of management and staff, turnover, technical competence, management’s succession plan, and the degree of delegation; and Senior management oversight. The auditor must be able to identify high risk areas and the high risk areas may be identified from material weaknesses. Material weaknesses will be; Be evident at multiple agencies Affect a significant portion of the government’s total budget or other resources Stem from a deficiency that should be monitored and addressed through individual agency actions as well as through Office of Management and Budget initiatives Major non-compliance of applicable laws and regulations. 202 Chapter 15: Ministry of Education B. Inherent Risk Factors 1) Inherent risk factors associated with activities/programmes Complexity of programs; Complex, unusual or high value transactions; Activities involving the handling of large amounts of cash or high value attractive goods - embezzlement or theft; Activities of a nature traditionally considered to be particularly prone to fraud or corruption (e.g. public works and technical contracts, contracts for the delivery goods); Urgent operations (e.g. emergency aid) and operations not fully subject to the usual controls; Historical evidence of a high incidence of intentional irregularities; Eligibility criteria inconsistent with objectives (too wide, too restrictive, not relevant); Activities that are uninsurable and/or are subject to risks arising from political, financial, ecological (etc) instability; 2) Inherent risk factors associated with the operating structure Management approach to taking, managing and mitigating business risk; Geographically dispersed organization, or organization operating in areas where communications are difficult; Unclear division of responsibilities within the Division/Department; Activities or projects involving numerous partners (coordination problems, weaknesses in management and communications structures); Particular points mentioned in internal and external audit reports, and in press reports etc. 3) Inherent risk factors associated with the beneficiaries Operations where the conduct of beneficiaries is difficult to check, or where the ultimate beneficiaries may be different from the apparent recipient; Beneficiaries highly dependant on public funds; Activities which imply several levels of subcontracting, making the identification of eligible beneficiaries difficult; Historical evidence of a high incidence of intentional irregularities; Political or administrative pressure exerted by beneficiaries or participants in the activity; 203 DG Audit – Federal Government Audit Plan 2007 - 08 Imposition of unwanted responsibilities administrations or beneficiaries; upon organizations, 4) Inherent risk factors associated with the economic or technical circumstances Abnormal trends and ratios; Results intangible or difficult to evaluate; Activities that are starting up or coming to an end, or are subject to rapid technological change; Unstable sources of supply and variable prices of inputs (raw materials, etc); Over-dependence on one supplier (e.g. supplier of equipment has exclusive maintenance contract, is sole supplier of parts and materials, software, etc); 5) Inherent risk factors associated with the audited entity Lack of turnover of personnel and/or personnel not taking holidays in a sensitive department/area; Activities with which the audited entity has no or limited experience; Activities that are highly dependant upon a small number of key personnel; Insufficient staff, or staff and management under-qualified, inexperienced or poorly motivated; Peaks and troughs in work patterns and information flows; Utilization of obsolete information technology systems; 6) Inherent risk factors associated with the audited entity’s management policies and practices Badly defined or unrealistic objectives; Strong pressure upon management to produce results, achieve objectives, meet unrealistic deadlines, achieve high rates of budgetary utilization at the year-end; Short-term budgetary pressures (e.g. delay in undertaking necessary maintenance imposes greater costs later); Management, supervision and control functions poorly suited to the activity; Lack of management information system and/or cost accounting system; Unclear division of responsibilities within and between the various departments; 204 Chapter 15: Ministry of Education C. Specific Audit Risks Proper utilization of development budget Violation of PPRA rules, 2004. Illegitimate payments Compliance with clauses of grant agreements Proper authorization and classification of expenses Incorrect mode of payment Incomplete record Misuse and mismanagement of funds Inadequate control over cash payments and bank payments The major areas that are considered material and need to be focused upon during the course of audit includes: • • • • • • IV. Employee related expenses Operating expenses Grant in aids & write off of loans Repair and maintenance Physical assets Transfers AUDIT APPROACH The audit approach would include a combination of financial audit and compliance audit. At the preliminary stage, the assessment of internal control system would be performed to identify the weaknesses that would lead to the assessment of audit risk. Materiality level is basically determined at 2 percent of the budgeted amount, but nature of expenditure is also considered. The departments, offices and projects are selected on the basis of - High budget appropriation Grants subsidies and write offs involved Criticality of audit issues Sensitivity of core operations Government high priority areas that are threats for public - Huge investment in the procurement - Huge investments by the donors and the government - Projects not audited in the previous year The selection of each DDO of each division for current expenditure and development expenditure is made on the basis of the level of materiality that is established by determining its nature and its amount. The DDOs 205 DG Audit – Federal Government Audit Plan 2007 - 08 selected have been mentioned individually and the areas to be focused upon are also mentioned. The audit approach for efficient and effective would encompass around understanding of the financial reporting and internal control system, checking compliance with applicable laws and regulations and performing compliance testing (test of control) and substantive testing as appropriate. The audit procedures may include any of the following, but are not exhaustive of the all the procedures as some of the procedures may be identified at the time of execution of the audit. Understanding the client internal control system and identifying internal control weaknesses and audit risks Issues highlighted in the previous audit reports that are still unresolved Compliance testing to ensure that applicable policies, rules and regulations and complied with. Compliance with grant agreement. Use of sampling to select items for compliance testing and substantive testing Vouching payments on a test basis and check the payments for accuracy, completeness, valuation and ownership Compliance of PC-1 document Checking compliance with PPRA rules for the procurements made during the year. Comparison of actual expenditure with budgeted expenditure Prepare analytical procedures and Investigate where actual are more than budget appropriation. Investigate transfer payments to sub-offices and there utilizations. Performance audit procedures, if performance audit needs to be performed: o Identification of cost savings o Identification of services that can be reduced or eliminated Identification of programs or services that can be transferred to the private sector o Analysis of gaps or overlaps in programs or services and recommendations to correct gaps or overlaps o Feasibility of pooling information technology systems within the Department o Analysis of the roles and functions of the department, and recommendations to change or eliminate departmental roles or functions 206 Chapter 15: Ministry of Education o Recommendations for statutory or regulatory changes that may be necessary for the department to properly carry out its functions o Analysis of departmental performance data and performance measures o Financial, economic and technical appraisal of projects o Identification of best practices. The understanding of the accounting and internal control system will enable the auditor to 1) identify types of potential material misstatements, 2) considers factors that affect the risk of material misstatements, and 3) design appropriate audit procedures. Therefore, the auditor should obtain an understanding of the accounting and internal control system to identify and understand: Major classes of transactions How such transactions are initiated Significant accounting records and supporting documents Accounting and financial reporting process, from the initiation of significant transactions and other events to their inclusion in the financial statements. The audit procedures would include a combination of compliance testing (tests of controls) and substantive procedures (test of detail). The objective of test of controls is to evaluate whether a control operates effectively, whereas the objective of tests of detail is to detect material misstatements. The auditor is required to perform tests of control when the auditor’s risk assessment includes an expectation of the operating effectiveness of controls or when substantive procedure do not provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence. The auditor selects procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence that the controls operated effectively throughout the period of reliance. The more the auditor relies on the operating effectiveness of controls in the assessment of risk, the greater is the risk of the auditor’s test of controls. In addition, as the rate of expected deviation from a control increases, the auditor increases the extent of testing of the control. The matters that may be considered in determining the extent of the auditor’s test of controls include the following: The frequency of performance of control by the entity during the period. The length of time during the audit period that the auditor is relying on the operating effectiveness of the control. 207 DG Audit – Federal Government Audit Plan 2007 - 08 The relevance and reliability of the audit evidence to be obtained in supporting that the control prevents, or detects and correct, material misstatements at the assertion level. The extent to which audit evidence is obtained from tests of other controls. The extent to which the auditor plans to rely on the operating effectiveness of the control in the assessment of risk. The expected deviation from the control. The following are the types of controls to test: Financial reporting controls (including certain safeguarding and budget controls) for each significant assertion in each significant cycle/accounting application, Compliance controls for each significant provision of laws and regulations, including budget controls for each relevant budget restriction, and Operations controls for each operations control (1) relied on in performing financial audit procedures or (2) selected for testing by the audit team. The auditor also should understand performance measures controls, but is not required to test them. However, the auditor may decide to test them Substantive procedures are performed in order to detect material misstatements and include tests of detail of transactions, account balances, and disclosures and substantive analytical procedures. Substantive procedures are generally applicable to large volume of transactions that tend to be predictable over time, which includes a combination of tests of detail and analytical procedures. The auditor designs tests of details responsive to the assessed risks with the objective of obtaining sufficient appropriate audit evidence to achieve the planned level of assurance. In designing the tests of details, the extent of testing is ordinarily thought of in terms of the sample size, which is affected by the risk of material misstatement. However, the auditor may consider the use of selective sampling such as selecting large or unusual items from a population. In addition to the above mentioned audit procedures, analytical procedures may also be performed that would include analysis significant ratios and trend, consideration of relationships among elements of financial information and considering the relationship between financial information and non-financial information. The auditor will need to consider the testing of controls, over preparation of information used in applying analytical procedures, accuracy and reliability of information available. 208 Chapter 15: Ministry of Education Types of audits to be performed: Financial audit Compliance audit Performance audit (if required) System documentation: Cash/bank payment and receipts system Procurement of assets and other items Payroll Grant receipt and related expenditure Transfers Delegation of powers V. BUDGET ALLOCATION A. Current Expenditure The total federal budget for current expenditure amounts to Rs. 17,328,855,000. Grant wise detail is as follows: Grant No. 29 30 31 32 Particulars Education Division Higher Education Commission Education Federal Government Educational Institutions in the Capital and Federal areas Total Budget allocation for current expenditure (Rs.) 465,944,000 14,332,521,000 612,659,000 1,917,731,000 17,328,855,000 Function wise and object wise classification of expenditure under each grant is as follows; Grant No. 29: Education Division (Rs. 465,944,000) Account Codes Revised Estimates 2006-07 Pak Rupees Particulars 1. Functional Classification 095 Subsidiary Services to Education 096 Administration 209 79,000 465,865,000 465,944,000 DG Audit – Federal Government Audit Plan 2007 - 08 2. Object Classification A01 Employees Related Expenses A02 Project Pre-investment Analysis A03 Operating Expenses A04 Employees Retirement Benefits A05 Grants subsidies and Write-off Loans A06 Transfers A09 Physical Assets A13 Repairs and Maintenance 161,577,000 50,000 289,232,000 1,600,000 1,000,000 735,000 5,970,000 5,780,000 465,944,000 Grant No. 30: Higher Education Commission (Rs. 14,332,521,000) Account Codes Revised estimates 2006-07 Pak Rupees Particulars 1. Functional Classification 093 Subsidiary Services to Education 2. Object Classification A03 Operating Expenses A05 Grants subsidies and Write-off Loans 14,332,521,000 1,238,004,000 13,094,517,000 14,332,521,000 Grant No. 31: Education (Rs. 612,659,000) Account Codes Budget appropriation in FY 2006-07 Pak Rupees Particulars 1. Functional Classification 092 Secondary Education Affairs and Services 093 Territory Education Affairs and Services 097 Education Affairs and Services not elsewhere classified 34,295,000 324,582,000 253,782,000 612,659,000 2. Object Classification A01 Employees Related Expenses A02 Project Pre-investment Analysis A03 Operating Expenses A04 Employees Retirement Benefits A05 Grants subsidies and Write-off Loans A06 Transfers A09 Physical Assets A13 Repairs and Maintenance 210 100,735,000 400,000 56,963,000 100,000 412,142,000 21,653,000 12,381,000 8,285,000 612,659,000 Chapter 15: Ministry of Education Grant No. 32: Federal Government Educational Institutions in the Capital and Federal areas (Rs. 1,917,731,000) Account Codes Budget appropriation in FY 2006-07 Pak Rupees Particulars 1. Functional Classification 091 Pre-Primary and Primary Education Affairs and Services 092 Secondary Education Affairs and Services 093 Territory Education Affairs and Services 096 Administration 2. Object Classification A01 Employees Related Expenses A03 Operating Expenses A06 Transfers A09 Physical Assets A13 Repairs and Maintenance 472,114,000 785,216,000 655,613,000 4,788,000 1,917,731,000 1,679,069,000 114,271,000 8,839,000 50,870,000 64,682,000 1,917,731,000 The offices / projects selected for the audit are as follows: 1. Ministry of Education DDO Code Name of the Offices/ Projects ID0314 ID0365 DD032 Main secretariat Federal Directorate of Education Federal Government Educational Institutions in the Capital and Federally Administer areas Budget appropriation for current expenditure in FY 2006-07 115.9 Million 213.8 Million *1,917 Million *Includes 87.5% employees related expenses The sub offices carried out the audit of all the federal departments in the respective provinces with focus on the significant audit areas. 211 DG Audit – Federal Government Audit Plan 2007 - 08 2. Higher Education Commission DDO Code ID2157 ID2161 ID2222 ID2162 ID2194 ID2195 ID2171 ID2195 ID2188 Name of the Offices/ Projects University of the Punjab University of Karachi Promotion of research in Universities University of Sindh, Jamshoro University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore University of the Peshawar Inter University Academic Activities University of Agriculture, Faisalabad Comsat Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad Total Budget appropriation for current expenditure in FY 2006-07 902.6 Million 765.4 Million 705 Million 647 Million 622 Million 597.7 590 572.1 238.8 Million Million Million Million 5,640.68 Million The sub offices carried out the audit of all the federal departments in the respective provinces with focus on the significant audit areas. C. Significant audit risk areas: We tried to integrate the approaches for financial and compliance audits and simultaneously planned to perform performance audit so that effective utilization of financial resources can be ensured. Further the audit approach is more directed towards system based audit to address the system weaknesses. As discussed in the earlier section the expenditure are broadly classified in the current and development expenditure. We have focused more on development expenditure as huge investment has been made in development sector which if utilized efficiently will help the government in achieving their goals. The brief description of the areas to be covered but not limited to be as follows: Current expenditure is recurring expenditure of the Education departments listed above. For the purposes of have focused on the i) operating expenses and the ii) physical assets of the departments selected for the audit and the rest will be audited in general. 212 Ministry of the audit we purchase of in particular Chapter 15: Ministry of Education i) Risks involved in operating expenses: Illegitimate payments Improper classification of expenses in the heads of accounts Improper mode of payment Improper allocation of expenses Audit approach to address the risks involved in operating expenses: - Illegitimate payments: The risk could affect the management assertion regarding RIGHTS and OBLIGATIONS. Document the system for the sanction of expenditure and identify any non compliance from general financial rules. The expenses are compared against the budget allocations so that excess especially in the utilities and general which includes advertisement and miscellaneous can be critically analyzed. Ensure that each payment is supported by the proper contract duly approved and authorized by the competent authority. Ensure that the payments are made against the schedule of authorized expenditure, and the applicable laws and regulation. - Improper classification of the expenses in the heads of the account The risk could effect the management CLASSIFICATION and PRESENTATION. assertion regarding Review the details of expenditure, select the sample from each major classification and check the classification according to the new accounting model. - Improper mode of payment. The risk could effect the management assertion regarding EXISTENCE and OCCURRENCE Document the system recommended by the accounts manual and check the compliance in the departments/division. Verify on sample basis the expenditures from the bank statement. Obtain the list of expenditure paid in cash and obtain their justification. - Improper Allocation Of Expenses The risk could effect the management assertion regarding VALUATION and EXISTENCE 213 DG Audit – Federal Government Audit Plan 2007 - 08 Ensure with focus on advertisement expenses and miscellaneous whether the expenditure should be classified as capital expenditure or revenue expenditure as detailed in the audit code and IPSAS. ii) Risks involved in purchase of assets Violation of PPRA rules Inadequate valuation Incomplete records Inadequate utilization of resources Inadequate disclosures Approaches to address risks involved in purchase of assets: - Violation of PPRA rules This risk will affect the assertion of compliance with regulation and inadequate disclosure of facts. Document the system to call tenders and compare it with the bench mark provided in the PPRA rules. Inquire non-compliances - In adequate valuation This risk will affect the assertion of valuation Check the useful life of the fixed asset and the depreciation rate applied with the market information for similar assets. Document the criteria for the recognition of the cost and compare it with international standards. - Incomplete records This risk could affect the assertion of EXISTENCE Documents the system of recording the assets. Document the internal control applied on recording the assets. Check the items from records to ground and vice versa. - Inadequate utilization of resources The risk will affect the assertion of Rights and Obligation. Ensure that the assets are maintained properly Ensure that assets are used for the purposes it is acquired. Ensure that assets are in the name of the project/department. Ensure that assets are insured or not. Ensure that warranty services are acquired when required during the warranty period. 214 Chapter 15: Ministry of Education - Inadequate disclosure This will affect the assertion of classification and presentation and disclosure. Select a sample and ensure that the items are properly disclosed in the correct account as per the classification of New accounting model. Ensure that the assets are disclosed in accordance with financial reporting manual, and IPSAS. General audit approach: Prepare analytical procedures and Investigate where actual are more than budget appropriation. Investigate transfer payments to sub-offices and there utilizations. Document the system of revenue recording, from source document till deposit in the bank account. Ensure that the procurement of the contractor as per PPRA RULES Circularize confirmation for loan amount to the local offices of the donor agencies and obtain reconciliations B. Development Expenditure The total federal budget for development expenditure amounts to Rs.4,418,015,000. Grant wise detail is as follows: Grant No. 138 Particulars Education Division Total Budget allocation for development expenditure (Rs.) 4,418,015,000 4,418,015,000 Function wise and object wise classification of expenditure under each grant is as follows; Account Codes Revised Estimates 2006-07 Pak Rupees Particulars 1. Functional Classification 091 Pre-Primary and Primary Educating Affairs and Services 092 Secondary Education Affairs and Services 093 Territory Education Affairs and Services 095 Subsidiary Services to Education 097 Education Affairs and Services not elsewhere classified 58,189,000 218,537,000 1,306,820,000 383,136,000 2,451,333,000 4,418,015,000 215 DG Audit – Federal Government Audit Plan 2007 - 08 2. Object Classification A01 Employees Related Expenses A02 Operating Expenses A03 Grants subsidies and Write-off Loans A06 Transfers A09 Physical Assets A12 Civil Works A13 Repairs and Maintenance 11,258,000 2,229,602,000 798,627,000 20,660,000 88,113,000 1,247,403,000 22,352,000 4,418,015,000 The development projects selected for audit during year under review includes; DDO Code Name of the Offices/ Projects ID3185 1Basic ID0292 1Madrassah ID0346 Education for all Education Community Schools Reforms Budget appropriation for development expenditure in FY 2006-07 705 Million 500 Million 1,378 Million 1Apart from normal audit procedures, performance audit of these projects will also be conducted VI. ISSUES HIGHLIGHTED IN PREVIOUS YEARS A. Ministry of Education Unauthorized expenditure Irregular payment to supporting staff Irregular expenditure without tenders Unauthorized investment by Federal Government Colleges Irregular expenditure on construction work Unauthorized collection on account of central admission test and expenditure there from Irregular expenditure Non accountal of funds Unauthorized expenditure out of Hostel Fund Non approval of Education Code by Ministry of Finance Unauthorized running of second shift and irregular retention / utilization of Government money Non recovery of money from teachers 216 Chapter 15: Ministry of Education B. Non approval of fee structure from Ministry of Finance Unauthorized payment of medical allowance and house rent allowance and encashment leave Irregular expenditure on repair and maintenance Unauthorized expenditure over and above PC-1 allocation Unauthorized investment Excess payment to contractor Non disclosure of receipts Irregular retention of government receipts Loss due to withdrawal of public fund by submission of bogus bill Non-surrendering of unspent balances Unauthorized transfer of funds from development grant to non development grant Non recovery of 5% house rent charges Misappropriation in Federal Urdu University Non recovery of funds on account of violation of surety bond Unauthorized payment of salaries out of Student Fund Unauthorized retention and utilization of bus fee Collection of tuition fee in violation of government policy Double charging of fee and extra payment to teaching staff Irregular authorization for construction of canteen Unauthorized expenditure on payment of house rent ceiling out of Student Fund Non recovery of funds from scholarship holders Unauthorized transfer of funds to PWD Unauthorized appointment in contraventions of NCA rules Higher Education Commission Release of grant-in-aid without obtaining audited statements Non adjustment of funds released for sport activities Non-revalidation or surrender of closing balance under development and non-development grants Non recovery of amount paid by HEC as share of Connectivity Charges on behalf of Universities Transfer of funds from recurring grant to development grant and unnecessary retention Failure to collect funds on account of difference of profit Non refund of unspent balances of closed projects 217 DG Audit – Federal Government Audit Plan 2007 - 08 Un-authorized opening of Foreign Currency Bank Account Unauthorized retention of public funds Unauthorized expenditure not provided in PC-I Recovery on account of irregular appointment of Liaison Officer Manipulation in tendering process Mismanagement in dealing with expatriate professors Fraudulent drawl of funds VII. Time Schedule A. Ministry of Education Planning 10 days Execution – Fieldwork 122 days Reporting 11 days Holding DAC Meeting 28 days Total Particulars 172 days Duration Start Date Finish Date 172 days 3-Jul-07 18-Jan-08 Permanent File 5 days 3-Jul-07 7-Jul-07 Planning File 5 days 9-Aug-07 14-Aug-07 Execution 122 days 16-Jul-07 4-Dec-07 Main Ministry 6 days 16-Jul-07 21-Jul-07 FBISE 6 days 23-Jul-07 28-Jul-07 Federal Directorate of Education 10 days 30-Jul-07 9-Aug-07 Basic Education Community Schools 20 days 10-Aug-07 1-Sep-07 Madrassah Reforms 20 days 3-Sep-07 25-Sep-07 Education for all 20 days 26-Sep-07 18-Oct-07 Academy of Letters 6 days 19-Oct-07 25-Oct-07 Interboard committee of chairman 6 days 26-Oct-07 1-Nov-07 NISDE 6 days 2-Nov-07 8-Nov-07 Pakistan Academy of Science 3 days 9-Nov-07 12-Nov-07 Polytechnic Instutute for Women 4 days 13-Nov-07 16-Nov-07 Department of Library 4 days 17-Nov-07 21-Nov-07 Pakistan National Council for UNESCO 4 days 22-Nov-07 26-Nov-07 218 Chapter 15: Ministry of Education Particulars Duration Start Date Technical panel on Teacher's Education 3 days 27-Nov-07 29-Nov-07 Academy of education - Planning management 4 days 30-Nov-07 4-Dec-07 Reporting 11 days 5-Dec-07 17-Dec-07 Prepare AIR 8 days 5-Dec-07 13-Dec-07 Send AIR to PAO 3 days 14-Dec-07 17-Dec-07 DAC 28 days 18-Dec-07 18-Jan-08 Hold DAC meeting 21 days 18-Dec-07 10-Jan-08 Sign Minutes of meeting 1 day 11-Jan-08 11-Jan-08 Complete Working Papers 2 days 12-Jan-08 14-Jan-08 Scan WP Evidence 2 days 15-Jan-08 16-Jan-08 Finalize Audit Report 2 days 17-Jan-08 18-Jan-08 B. Finish Date Higher Education Commission Planning 10 days Execution – Fieldwork 76 days Reporting 7 days Holding DAC Meeting 28 days Total Particulars 121 days Duration Start Date Finish Date 121 days 16-Jul-07 3-Dec-07 Permanent File 5 days 16-Jul-07 20-Jul-07 Planning File 5 days 21-Jul-07 26-Jul-07 Execution 76 days 27-Jul-07 23-Oct-07 Main 10 days 27-Jul-07 7-Aug-07 Promotion of research in Universities 10 days 8-Aug-07 18-Aug-07 Inter University Academic Activities 10 days 20-Aug-07 30-Aug-07 Comsat Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad 10 days 31-Aug-07 11-Sep-07 AIOU 6 days 12-Sep-07 18-Sep-07 QAU 6 days 19-Sep-07 25-Sep-07 Int'l Islamic University 6 days 26-Sep-07 2-Oct-07 NUML 6 days 3-Oct-07 9-Oct-07 219 DG Audit – Federal Government Audit Plan 2007 - 08 Particulars Duration Start Date Karakoram University 6 days 10-Oct-07 16-Oct-07 Federal Urdu University 6 days 17-Oct-07 23-Oct-07 Reporting 7 days 24-Oct-07 31-Oct-07 Prepare AIR 5 days 24-Oct-07 29-Oct-07 Send AIR to PAO 2 days 30-Oct-07 31-Oct-07 DAC 28 days 1-Nov-07 3-Dec-07 Hold DAC meeting 21 days 1-Nov-07 24-Nov-07 Sign Minutes of meeting 1 day 26-Nov-07 26-Nov-07 Complete Working Papers 2 days 27-Nov-07 28-Nov-07 Scan WP Evidence 2 days 29-Nov-07 30-Nov-07 Finalize Audit Report 2 days 1-Dec-07 3-Dec-07 220 Finish Date Chapter 15: Ministry of Education Annexure A Ministry of Education Organization structure Legend: PMU : Project Monitoring Unit PESR : President’s Education Sector Reforms JS : Joint Secretary JEA : Joint Educational Adviser 221