Work Experience

Career Portfolio provided by
Maria Sheryll Palma-Gil
Driven, Self-motivated, Internat Savvy Multitasker
Job Function: Clerical & Administrative, Healthcare &
Medical, Marketing & Advertising
Highest Education: 4-Year College Degree
Cotabato City 9600 Philippines
Career Summary
I started my career when I was 23 as a Registered Nurse. I begun volunteering with my batchmates who were also conurses. We went to some rural areas as part of the job. After sometime, I realized I wanted to grow more. I wanted to
expand my experiences. On the 2nd millenium year, an opportunity came for me to work outside the country and I
grabbed it without hesitation. I was initially based in a Tertiary Hospital with 500-600 bed capacity in one of the big
provinces in Saudi Arabia. I was fortunate to be assigned in a special area, the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. I was
promoted as a Head Nurse on my third year of service due to my excellence and competence as a Critical Nurse as
evaluated by my superiors . I didn't accept the offer though. I wanted to explore more. I wanted to work to other bigger
hospital. My biggest achievement during the length of my contract was the case presentation I performed about a 620gram preterm who survived the challenge of life. I was then awarded 2nd place on the case presentation competition and
the only Filipino Nurse granted with a recommendation from the Director of Ministry of Health, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
My next work experience was quite challenging. I was hired by a University Hospital under the Ministry of Higher
Education and was assigned in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. It was a defying experience on my part for I have to take
care of a different community, the Pediatric Community. The difference was extensive that i had to adjust intensely. I
easily adapted into the environment and worked efficiently with gracefulness. Albeit unrewarded in-spite of my excellence
in work, I was acknowledged as one of the best nurses in PICU and was most trusted, as openly verbalized by my
colleagues and superiors, as well as the parents. I was dubbed as 'The Most Requested Nurse' especially in Emergency
Department for IV insertion due to my sharp vision for the tiniest veins in babies, particularly the dark-skinned tone ones. I
only spent 2 years and a half in the said hospital and decided to finish my contract. I decided to stay for a while with my
parents. During those time I indulged myself on online networking. I was totally mesmerized by the technologies and its
innovations. By then, I realized I found a niche for myself that developed into a real passion. From then on, I found myself
pleased and blissful with what I have learned from all this technological stuff. Driven by the passion, I keep on exploring
of a never-ending upcoming technologies. Presently, I'm working as a home-based Online Administration Assistant and
have been enjoying it since the start of my new career, my new passion.
Bachelor Degree (COMPLETED) | Nursing
Notre Dame University, Cotabato City, MA Philippines
Minor(s): Banking and Finance | GPA: 82.00
- Started my first year in College level under College of Commerce, Major in Banking and finance.
- Shifted course to College of Nursing on 1994 and completed the course on 1998.
High School Diploma
Notre Dame of Cotabato for Girls, Sinsuat Ave, Cotabato City 9600, Philippines
GPA: 92.00
Spent my first year in Secondary Degree in Notre Dame of Cotabato for Girls, Cotabato City and transferred to other
school on the next year.
Maria Sheryll Palma-Gil
High School Diploma (COMPLETED)
Cotabato City National High School - Rojas, Sousa St, Cotabato City 9600, Philippines
- Spent the next 3 years of my Secondary level in Cotabato City National High School - Rojas after transferring from other
- Became a participant in Math Olympiad, Regional level on the year 1991.
- Survived High School level with honors: 1st Honorable Mention and Minor Awards of Best in Mathematics.
- Passed the National College Entrance Examination with flying colors (92%). It was abolished on the year 1994. NCEE
was a government-led standardized examination by the Philippines, taken by every high school graduate as the key to
Higher Education.
(Advanced) 7 to 8 Years
I've been sketching using lead pencil since childhood. It has been one of my hobbies. I make my own paper doll when I
was young. Drawing was one of my favorite past-time.
(Intermediate) 0 to 1 Year
I did self-training exercises from scratch. Improving photo editing from time to time.
Work Experience
Volunteer Nurse
Dona Gregoria National Hospital, Sta. Barbara, Agoo, La Union, PH
Present (2015 Years, 2 Months)
I worked as a volunteer nurse as a part of On-the-Job training for almost 6 months.
Brief Hospital Background:
Doña Gregoria National Hospital is located in the Municipality of Agoo, Province of La Union, PH. It is a secondary
hospital owned by the Government.
Staff Nurse
King Abdullah Bin AbdulAziz Hospital, Al-Bisha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Present (2015 Years, 2 Months)
Neonatal ICU Nurses care for newborn babies who are delivered preterm or at-term newborns who experience
complications at the time of birth. The NICU provides intensive around-the-clock care, including both medical needs and
basic daily care activities.
-Provide direct and individualized nursing care to patients based on the application of scientific nursing principles.
-Care for infants transitioning to extra uterine life
-Provide age and culturally appropriate care to patient
Maria Sheryll Palma-Gil
-Consult and coordinates with health care team members to assess, plan, implement and evaluate patient care plans
-Provide nutritional assessment & specialized feedings
-Change dressings, inserts catheters, starts IVs
-Provide arterial & intravenous therapy per doctor's order
-Monitor and adjusts specialized equipment used on patients, such as incubators and ventilators
-Prepare and administers and records prescribed medications. Reports adverse reactions to medications or treatments
ƒ-Monitor vital signs and initiates corrective action whenever the patient displays adverse symptomatology,
communicates patient’s condition to care team
-Assist treating physician during examination, treatment and procedures, which can include life-saving situations
-Instruct and educates patient’s family
-Participate in discharge planning
-Record all care information concisely, accurately and completely, in a timely manner, in the appropriate format and on
the appropriate forms
-Perform other position-related duties as assigned, depending on assignment setting
-Depending on setting, float among various clinical services, where qualified and competent
ƒ-Completes required orientation as directed by facility
ƒ-Follows strictly the hospital's 'Policies and Procedures Guidelines' while on assignment
-Follows hospital's Unusual Occurrence Protocol
-Respects cultural and religious practices of patients
-Punctual and dependent for assigned/confirmed shifts
*2 Honors/Awards
2nd Place - Case Presentation: A 620-gram Preterm's Journey to Life
1st Place Quiz Bee Competition: Nurses Week Celebration
*1 Course completed
Theoretical and Practical Instruction on Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Hospital
(formerly known as Prince Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Hospital)
Al-Bisha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tel: 07-6223333-1122, Fax: 07-6223333-1678
Staff Nurse - Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
King AbdulAziz University Hospital, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Present (2015 Years, 2 Months)
KAUH was the first educational hospital in Saudi Arabia and one of university hospitals affiliated to college of medicine in
KSU. KAUH combines a group of distinct medical qualifications such as consultants, physicians and technicians in many
specialties with international expertise, in addition to, the developed modern technology in one of the finest hospitals in
Data Analyst
Where 2 Get It, Inc., 5101 E La Palma Ave #107, Anaheim, CA 92807, US
Present (2015 Years, 2 Months)
Where 2 Get It was founded in 1997 and has since grown into an industry-leading provider of location-based digital
marketing solutions powering more than 500 brands. Serving more than 500,000 brick-and-mortar locations, Where 2 Get
It has channel strength that reaches millions of consumers around the world.
Maria Sheryll Palma-Gil
Website Editor/Content Manager
Grocery Alerts Canada, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Present (2015 Years, 2 Months)
Grocery Alerts Canada was founded in May 2009 just before we got married. We created a budget that mapped out our
plans to achieve our goals. We soon found out how much we could save by changing some of our spending habits and
decided to share this with our fellow Canadians.
Data Anlyst
Where 2 Get It, Inc., Anaheim, CA 92807, US
Present (2015 Years, 2 Months)
Where 2 Get It was founded in 1997 and has since grown into an industry-leading provider of location-based digital
marketing solutions powering more than 500 brands. Serving more than 500,000 brick-and-mortar locations, Where 2 Get
It has channel strength that reaches millions of consumers around the world.
Certifications & Licenses
Certificate of Eligibilty - Philippine Civil Service Commission
Philippine Civil Service Commission
Feb '99
- Passed the Career Service Professional Examination held in Notre Dame Village Elementary School on February 14,
1999. - Rating: 81.08% - Exam No.: 221513WE
Certified Basic Life Support Provider - Saudi Heart Association
Saudi Heart Association
Jan '05
- Successfully completed the National Cognitive and Skills Performance Examination in accordance with the standards
and guidelines of the Saudi/American Heart Association for The Basic Life Support program. -Certified by Saudi Heart
Association in Affiliation with the American Heart Association.
Registerd Nurse - Philippine Professional Regulation Commission
Philippine Professional Regulation Commission
May '98
- Passed the Nursing Licensure Examination on May 2 and 3, 1998 held at the University of Southern Philippines, Davao
City, Philippines with license number of 0335926.
Awards & Honors
2nd Place - Case Presentation: A 620-gram Preterm's Journey to Life
Prince Abdullah bin AbdulAziz Hospital
Jun '03
A case presentation about a 620-gram preterm baby girl who was admitted to NICU for more than five months. She was
critically ill and cared extensively with priority during her stay in the unit. She experienced a lot of downfalls due to her
condition, that the NICU staff were almost losing hope that she will live. Most of her crashes were witnessed by her
parents especially by her father who religiously visits her everyday. Despite of her life's detour, she survived with no big
complications except for a very tiny deformity in her left ear due to pressure sore. Since her kind of health status was
crucial during her hospitality, minimal handling of her was required, thus pressure sores were inevitable albeit extensive
care given. Her case was presented after almost a year since her discharge from the NICU and due to her father's trust
Maria Sheryll Palma-Gil
and gratitude towards NICU staff, the father volunteered to send her daughter during the case presentation. She was then
formally introduced to the audience in the open stage after presenting her case. Baby Girl Fayrouz (not her real name), a
survivor, a fighter, a great representation of life's wonder and Allah's miracle. “There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ― Albert Einstein
1st Place Quiz Bee Competition
Prince Abdullah Bin AbdulAziz Hospital, Bisha
May '02
Received an award and recognition for participating in Quiz Bee Competition - 1st Place on the International Nurses Week
Celebration held on May 2002 at the Prince Abdullah Bin AbdulAziz Hospital Auditorium.
Philippine Passport Application Requirements Procedure - Scribd Online Publication
Jul '13
Author(s): Maria Sheryll M. Palma-Gil
A detailed guide to passport application in the Philippines, and its requirements. Includes links to downloadable forms,
images, and citations on the sources.
Procedures on Driver’s License Application and its Requirements - Scribd Online Publication
Jul '13
Author(s): Maria Sheryll M. Palma-Gil
A step-by-step procedures on driver's license application with lists of requirements. Includes links to downloadable forms,
sample images, pricing, and related legal news from the sources.
Courses & Training
Theoretical and Practical Instruction on Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Prince Abdullah Bin AbdulAziz Hospital
4th Annual Pediatric Intensive Care Nursing Course
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center
About Me
I started my career when I was 23 as a Registered Nurse. I begun volunteering with my batchmates who were also conurses. I went with them to rural areas that I didn't know, for the life of me, existed. I saw a lot of underprivileged families
but very happy and contented. That struck me and made me realize that somehow I'm blessed. Then I asked myself,
'What if I was one of them?' 'Would I be happy and contended too?' Maybe. Maybe not. Realizing the situation, I have
urged myself to help the indigenous people in any way I could. That was the beginning of my love to help. I continued
I started my career when I was 23 as a Registered Nurse. I begun volunteering with my batchmates who were also conurses. We went to some rural areas as part of the job. After sometime, I realized I wanted to grow more. I wanted to
expand my experiences.
On the 2nd millenium year, an opportunity came for me to work outside the country and I grabbed it without hesitation. I
was initially based in a Tertiary Hospital with 500-600 bed capacity in one of the big provinces in Saudi Arabia. I was
fortunate to be assigned in a special area, the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. I was promoted as a Head Nurse on my third
year of service due to my excellence and competence as a Critical Nurse as evaluated by my superiors . I didn't accept
Maria Sheryll Palma-Gil
the offer though. I wanted to explore more. I wanted to work to other bigger hospital. My biggest achievement during the
length of my contract was the case presentation I performed about a 620-gram preterm who survived the challenge of life.
I was then awarded 2nd place on the case presentation competition and the only Filipino Nurse granted with a
recommendation from the Director of Ministry of Health, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
My next work experience was quite challenging. I was hired by a University Hospital under the Ministry of Higher
Education and assigned in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. It was a defying experience on my part for I have to take care of
a different community, the Pediatric Community. The difference was extensive that i had to adjust intensely. I easily
adapted into the environment and worked efficiently with gracefulness. Albeit unawarded inspite of my excellence in work,
I was acknowledged as one of the best nurses in PICU and was most trusted, as openly verbalized by my colleagues and
superiors, as well as the parents. I was dubbed as 'The Most Requested Nurse' especially in Emergency Department for
IV insertion due to my sharp vision for the tiniest vein in babies, particularly the dark-skinned ones.
I only spent 2 years and a half in the said hospital and decided to finish my contract. I decided to stay for a while with my
parents. During those time I indulged myself in online networking. I was totally mesmerized by the technologies and its
innovations. By then, I realized I found a niche for myself that developed into a real passion. From then on, I found myself
pleased and blissful with what I have learned from all this technological stuff.
Driven by the passion, I keep on exploring of a never-ending upcoming technologies. Presently, I'm working as a
Homebased Online Administration Assistant and have been enjoying it since the start of my new career, my new passion.
Work Samples
Philippine Passport Application and Requirements
A detailed guide to passport application in the Philippines, and its requirements. Includes links to downloadable forms,
images, and citations on the sources.
Requirements on Driver’s License Application
A step-by-step procedure on driver's license application with lists of requirements. Includes links to downloadable forms,
sample images, pricing, and related legal news from the sources.
PTCFOR License Application Procedure
This a detailed procedure on the application for Permit To Carry Firearms Outside Residence (PTCFOR) License and its
Social Media & Personal Websites
Blog : (
Facebook : (
Google+ : (
LinkedIn : (
Twitter : (
About.Me Profile : (
Legally Fair - Administrator : (
My Digital Library : (http://http//
My Online Presentation : (