YORK UNIVERSITY – Faculty of Education Richmond Hill Site Teaching Curriculum in the Primary& Junior Divisions ED/PRIJ 3030 6.0 Fall/Winter 20011/12 Course Director: Jennifer Baron e-mail jbaron@edu.yorku.ca __________________________________________________________________________ Course Description Teacher Candidates will study and practice the teaching of subjects in the elementary curriculum such as Music, Visual and Performing Arts, Physical Education, Health, Science / Technology/Society/Environment, and Social Studies. Integration of different subjects within the curriculum is emphasized. Further emphasis is placed on the continued growth of the Teacher Candidates’ observation, inquiry, planning and assessment / evaluation skills. Specifically, the Teacher Candidate will have opportunities to: understand and respond to the current ideas and best practices in education in respect to the teaching of Music, Visual and Performing Arts, Physical Education, Health, Science/Technology/Society/Environment, and Social Studies in an integrated manner; develop an effective, responsive, and professional teaching style which applies knowledge of student-centered theory, inclusive education, equity, social justice and environmental sustainability; integrate theory, practice, and thoughtful reflection in creating effective and integrated learning experiences for children; explore and utilize the wider community for reflective and collegial learning opportunities; explore and develop understanding of the critical connections between theory and practice in teacher decision-making and implementation of the Ministry of Education curriculum; refine and extend their assessment and evaluation practices. Required Texts The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8: Science and Technology, Social Studies, Language Arts, Health and Physical Education and The Arts. Copies may be downloaded from the Ministry of Education website at: http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/elementary/subjects.html Also, to order your FREE documents delivered FREE to your house, follow these steps, 1) Go to: https://www.publications.serviceontario.ca/ecom/ 2) Create an account. It’s FREE 3) Go to Advanced Search 4) Enter the following publication numbers: i. Language Arts – 007702 ii. Health and Physical Education – 232277 iii. Social Studies – 007333 iv. The Arts – 231998 v. Science and Technology - 231579 5) Double check the titles. 6) Add the items you want to your cart. 7) Complete this step for the other subject curriculum documents from PRIJ 3030. 8) Complete the order information 9) Wait….they will arrive at your house in a few days! PRIJ 3030 Curriculum in the Primary/Junior Divisions Section H Course Kit available at York University Bookstore Art in the Classroom: An Integrated Approach to Teaching Art in Canadian Elementary and Middle Schools. (ISBN 0-7747-3357-8) Author: Naested, Irene Publisher: Harcourt Brace & company Canada Ltd., 1998 Basix Recorder Method (Paperback includes CD) (ISBN -10 0882847597) Author: Morton Manus Publisher: Alfred Publishing company, 1997 OPHEA Guidelines, K-6. This Physical Education and Health resource can be found in all elementary schools and in the York University Faculty of Ed library. It is not for sale, but it is readily accessible. Academic Conduct Academic honesty is of the utmost importance in any learning endeavour. While collaboration and the sharing of ideas is valued and encouraged, one must ensure that one has written, represented and interpreted the ideas in her/his own voice in order to claim ownership for a piece of written work. Please familiarize yourself with the regulations on plagiarism and cheating in the pre-service teacher education handbook and by visiting the following websites: http://www.yorku.ca/academicintegrity http://www.yorku.ca/tutorial/academic integrity/ Attendance and Participation Full participation is a key to sustained and coherent growth. It is expected that Teacher Candidates will attend sessions regularly and punctually, and will come prepared and ready to participate fully in class. In the event that a Teacher Candidate has to miss a session, it is the responsibility of the Teacher Candidate to promptly report his or her absence or lateness in an e-mail to the Site Secretary (cc Course Director) stating the date and the reason for the absence. It is also the responsibility of the Teacher Candidate to obtain any notes, readings, etc. which may have been distributed in class. Students with Special Needs It is York University’s policy to support students with identified learning needs that are different from those that may be assumed by the format of this course or its assignments. If you believe that you will experience difficulty or delay fulfilling the course requirements due to an identified learning need, please see the Course Directors at the beginning of the course to discuss any issues. http://www.yorku.ca/secretariat/policies/document.php?document=68 Assessment and Evaluation Assessment in this course is done primarily for the purpose of growth. Ongoing feedback from various sources is critical for growth based on reflective practice. Teacher Candidates will be given many opportunities to do self and peer assessment as well as work collaboratively in order to extend and enhance life-long learning skills and attitudes. York University Grading Scheme This course will be graded with the Faculty of Education nine-point grading scheme approved by Senate. The grade and point value is below: Grade Point Value A+ 9 Exceptional A 8 Excellent B+ 7 Very Good B 6 Good C+ 5 Competent C 4 Fairly Competent D+ 3 Passing D 2 Barely Passing E 1 Marginally Failing F 0 Failing Assignments Presentation is important. Grammar and spelling matter, so be sure to have someone else proofread your work. Please ensure that assignments are placed in the drop box in the main lecture hall as per the dates listed in this course outline. Please do not use binders to submit your work unless you have been specifically directed to do so since they are extremely cumbersome to carry around. You are also asked not to use plastic covers for individual sheets of paper. Be sure that you have made a copy for your records in the unlikely event that your assignment is lost. Late assignments will be marked a grade lower for each day late. Marks may be deducted from late assignments not supported by a doctor’s note or some other documentation. Requests for extensions must be discussed with the Course Directors at least two days prior to the due date and are granted based upon the urgency or seriousness of the request (i.e. illness supported by doctor’s note, extenuating life circumstances). Individual Assignments Assignment 1.Physical Education: Primary/Junior lesson plans (2) 2.Integrated Social Studies and The Arts Unit plan 3.Music: Performance and Conducting 4.Visual Arts: Elements and Principles of Design Portfolio 5.Science/Technology/Society/Environment Kits/Centres 6.Participation in Class and Workshops Due Date Oct 27/11 Dec 15/11 Feb 9/12 Feb 16/12 Feb 23/12 Apr 26/12 % 20 25 10 10 25 10 1. Physical Education: Primary/Junior lesson plans (2) Due: Oct 27/11 Weight: 20% Teacher candidates will write two lesson plans for Physical Education: one for a grade in the Primary level and one for a grade in the Junior level. Each lesson plan must contain the expectations from the curriculum to be covered; materials/equipment; note on affective climate (ex. Safety considerations); Initiating episode/Warm Up; main learning engagement with organizational and instructional strategies; closure; assessment; Bibliography. Length of each lesson plan: 1-2 pages Lesson #1 And #2 Assessment breakdown: Expectations Materials/Equipment Affective Climate note Initiating episode/Warm Up Main Learning Engagement with Organizational and Instructional Strategies Closure Bibliography Each Sub-Total: Total /1 /1 /1 /2 /3 /1 /1 /10 /20 2. Integrated Social Studies and The Arts Unit Plan Due: Dec 15/11 Weight: 25% Teacher candidates will create an Integrated Unit with expectations from the Social Studies and The Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Drama and Dance) curriculum. TCs may work alone or in groups to a maximum of three people. TCs that choose to work in groups will have an added component of self and peer evaluation. Units must contain the following components: mind-map of initial organization; expectations from at least three curriculums; 3-5 learning engagements (4-6 for those in groups of 3); evidence that learning engagements connect and build upon each other; variety of instructional strategies; variety of assessment strategies; culminating task; bibliography. Assessment breakdown Mind-map of initial organization Expectations from at least three curriculums (Social Studies and The Arts) 3-5 learning engagements with complete lesson plans (4-6 for groups of 3) Evidence learning engagements connect and build upon one another Variety of instructional strategies Variety of Assessment strategies Culminating Task Bibliography Total /3 /2 /6 /3 /3 /3 /3 /2 /25 3. Music: Performance and Conducting Due by: Feb 9/12 Weight: 10% Teacher candidates will demonstrate the knowledge and skills to teach the Music curriculum up to Grade 6 by performance and conducting in small groups pieces of music in 4/4, 2/4 and 3/4 time on the soprano recorder. TCs will use peer and self evaluation techniques. Assessment breakdown Performances in 4/4, 2/4 and ¾ time /8 Conducting in 4/4, 2/4 or ¾ time /2 Total /10 4. Visual Arts: Elements and Principles of Design Portfolio Due: Feb. 16/12 Weight: 10% Teacher candidates will create a portfolio that demonstrates their knowledge of the elements and principles of design as expressed in the Visual Arts curriculum, Kindergarten to Grade 6 on one side. On the other side, TCs will use the elements and principles of design to create a piece of art work that demonstrates the main idea in Visual Arts: the expression of individual creativity. TCs will write a brief explanation of the specific purposes of elements and principles of design used in the creation of their portfolio. Assessment breakdown: Demonstration of elements and principles of design in artwork /3 Creativity and effort /3 Explanation of specific purpose of elements and principles of design in portfolio /4 Total /10 5. Science/Technology/Society/Environment Kits/Centres Due: Feb 23/12 Weight: 25% Teacher Candidates will create STSE Kits/Centres to be used in portion or whole for a trial period in practicum placements. TCs will work collaboratively to plan and implement STSE Kits/Centres in partners or groups of 3. TCs will present Kits/Centres in a storefront style to other TCs in class on the due date. STSE Kits/ Centres must include a written unit plan with expectations from the curriculum; 3-6 learning engagements (must be hands-on, using Science-based instructional strategies; S/T/S/E pedagogical rationale for learning engagements; materials list; manipulatives; notes on affective climate (ie. Safety considerations); clear protocol for assessment of student learning; reflection of Kit/Centre after trial period in practicum placement; self assessment; peer assessment. Assessment breakdown: Overall Curriculum expectations and connections /1 3-6 learning engagement plans (Science based instructional strategies) /6 S/T/S/E rationale for learning engagements /3 Materials and manipulatives /2 Affective climate considerations (risk management, safety hazards) /2 Assessment methods (at least 3 different types) /3 Reflection /3 Self-Assessment /2 Peer Assessment /3 Total /25 6. Participation in Workshops Due: Apr 26/12 Weight: 10% Teacher candidates are expected to attend and participate in workshops specifically designed for EDUC 3030, which may at times include presentations by Guest Lecturers. TCs will complete reflection and feedback forms for each workshop, to be handed in at the end of each workshop. Students will receive certificates for specific workshops for attendance and participation, to be used in the Professional Portfolio (not considered an artifact for assessment purposes) at the discretion of the Teacher Candidate. Assessment breakdown: Attendance and participation as accounted by completion of reflection and feedback forms. Total /10