Los Angeles Valley College Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Report Courses and Programs Discipline: Kinesiology (Women's PE Dept.) Department:. Kinesiology (Women's PE Dept.) Program/Course: Health 3 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Semester/Year: Fall 2012 SLO Representative:. Patty Melody Department Chair: Marla O'Connell Student Learning Outcome Assessed Students will demonstrate their ability to respond to emergencies and perform lifesaving skills with a practical skills test and on a written exam. Description of Assessment Method A. The assessment tool for the CPR and AED practical skills test is an itemized check list of life saving assessment skills and procedures to follow based on the current national guidelines from the Emergency Cardiac Care (ECC) committee and the American Red Cross committee which reviews the safety and effectiveness of delivery the following skills: chest compressions, direct pressure for severe blood loss, use of the automated external defibrillator, Heimlich Manuever, accessing EMS, monitoring vital signs of victim and adjusting life saving skills as needed, effectively dealing with a potentially very stressful and fluid situation). A written exam is also given to assess the students comprehension of the life saving skills required to deliver to the victim. The assessment tool for the practical and written exams are included at the end of this document along with the data collection results. B. The practical skills test for CPR is a pass or fail test. Either the student is able to perform 100% of the practical life saving skills or the student fails this portion of the class. Students are given the opportunity to practice these skills in class and outside of class numerous times until they master the order and quality of the American Red Cross CPR and AED skills.. No rubric was used since this was a pass or fail test. I use an itemized checklist where I can check off pass or fail for each skill and all the parts that the skill entails. The assessment tool for this practical skills test is included at the end of this document along with the written exam. The data sheet with the students results is also included. a. Describe the assessment tool (e.g., student essay, performance, etc.) b. Describe how the data was analyzed (rubric elements, etc.). Attach rubric if applicable. *** Please keep all data for at least 3 years. A. Our LAVC Kinesiology Department offers one Health 3 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) class each Fall and Spring semester usually. We could offer more Health 3 Course Sections - How many sections of this course were offered? State if the sections were classes if we had the budget as these classes do fill each semester and I do turn away students. This Health 3 class has been offered in the evenings during the week in the offered in the morning /afternoon /evening/ past and the last 2 years we have offered this class on Saturdays all day from 9am to online. How many sections were assessed? 5:50pm over two consecutive Saturdays during the second month of the semester with Describe how these sections represent the very positive comments from our students. Namely the convenience of offering weekend diversity of students represented in the course. classes since most of our students work at least part-time outside of school. Only one Faculty - How many faculty (part-time and fullclass was assessed for this SLO document since only one class is offered each time) taught this course? How many faculty semester. This Health 3 class appears to be diverse and representative of more of our participated in the SLO assessment process? college population since we offer this class on Saturdays and this does not exclude our Students - How many students in total were students who work (unless they work Saturdays) and also students that have children enrolled? How many students were sampled? Random Selection (If this course offered more enjoy the convenience of Saturday classes. Our Saturday class offering also does not compete with the majority of our class offerings that are offered Monday through than one section, at least 1/3 of the total # of Thursday. students must be assessed) - How was the B. One full-time faculty member, myself (Patty Melody), teaches this Health 3 CPR class random selection process conducted? (e.g., rd each semester. One faculty member (Patty Melody) participated and completed this chose every 3 student from roster) Health 3 CPR SLO assessment process. C. There were originally 33 students enrolled in this Health 3 CPR class in the Fall 2012 semester. One student dropped and five students were excluded for not attending the first class. The remaining 27 students participated in this class and were the sample population for this SLO. D. A random selection process was not necessary since this Health 3 CPR class only offers one section each semester. All students were assessed. Description of Sampling Methodology a. b. c. d. Collaborative Review a. Describe the norming process and how interrater reliability was achieved (if applicable). A norming process and inter-rater reliability was not applicable since only one class is offered each semester and only one professor teaches this class. Preferably more sections of this class and more professors would allow for comparisons to be made and improvements instituted other than my own improvements based on my own evaluation and education and my students feedback. We unfortunately do not have the advantage of collaboration with multiple class offerings but I do communicate with Dr. Alan Cowan our Emergency Medical Technician professor in our LAVC Fire Tech Program and the CPR professors at L.A. City College (Nancy Pierce) and L.A. Mission College (Cindy Cooper) and instructors at the American Red Cross to ensure my teaching skills are current. We also share teaching lectures and handouts to optimize content delivery for our students. A. The pass or fail criteria on the 50 question written exam is based on the American Red Cross standard of 80% or better is a pass which can earn the student a certification card a. Describe the relevant findings according to the criteria set by the assessment tool. (e.g., report and less than 80% is not a pass in terms of earning a card. I give the students a practice written exam the week prior to the actual written exam which has had great results on results according to rubric evaluation criteria) students passing the written with almost 100% success for those students who follow through with this course. The practical skills test is based on the required skills based on b. What percentage of students achieved the the Emergency Cardiac Care (ECC) guidelines and the skills approved by the American SLO? Red Cross committee since each agency as a different approval committee for certification guidelines. I have attached an itemized list of the order and quality of the c. What percentage of students did not achieve practical skills that need to be passed in a pass or fail format. the SLO? B. The percentage of students in this Health 3 CPR class that achieved the SLO in relation to the written and practical portion of this class is as follows: 96% of the students passed the written exam or 26 of the 27 students passed the 50 question written exam with a score of 80% or better. One student failed the written exam. The practical portion of this class was passed by 100% of the 27 students. C. One student did not pass the written exam and therefore did not earn an American Red Cross CPR certificate. This student requested an incomplete due to family problems. This student has 1 year to make up this incomplete or this student’s incomplete will become an F grade for the class. Assessment Results How Results were Used for Course/Program A. The results of this Health 3 CPR SLO assessment will share the value of offering classes on weekends and a full day format in contributing to the convenience of Improvement attending this class and allowing for time to study and practice for the practical and written portions of this class. The full day intensive format of this class promotes a for the improvement of teaching, learning, or variety of teaching formats to be delivered (i.e. Powerpoint lectures, demonstrations, institutional effectiveness based on the data student practice rehearsals for the practical and written portions, video demonstration assessed. which provides visual and auditory reinforcement of all the life saving skills students need b. How do your assessment findings contribute to the assessment of Program SLO’s? (To access to master). I have already discovered the improvement of student retention in the last 12 years that I have taught this class since we changed from offering this class over 5 the program SLO’s Thursday evenings from 6:45pm to 10pm to the current format of 2 Saturdays from 9am http://lavc.edu/slo/programassessment.html/) to 5:50pm. In discussions with my students the number of competing responsibilities and c. Describe how results will be shared with others sometimes unpredictability of their work and family responsibilities appears to make a 2 in the discipline/area. day full day intensive format more desirable. Hence, we have maintained this scheduling for this class for the last 2 years and we are now going to offer other classes this Fall 2013 in this weekend, full day intensive format to discover if this scheduling can improve retention in other classes we offer. Also the success of delivering practice written and practical testing the week before the actual testing has given me almost 100% successful results with my students passing this class. B. The assessment findings for this Health 3 CPR 1 unit class has contributed to our Kinesiology Program SLO's by giving students a 1 unit transferable unit to other 4-year institutions. Also most Kinesiology Programs and allied health programs and child development programs require a current CPR certification. This Health 3 CPR class does not fulfill the GE requirement as our Health 11 class does due to the narrow scope of this Health 3 class. However, beginning this Fall 2013 we will be offering a new class (potentially titled KIN 101 First Aid/CPR/AED) which will merge our Health 3 CPR content and our Health 12 First Aid content (now archived) and this class has been state approved already at L.A. City College and L.A. Mission College to be a required class for our soon to come TMC for our Kinesiology Majors. Paper work will be completed this Spring 2013. C. The results will be shared within our department and our discipline committee. The results will also be shared with our students to make our students aware of our ongoing progress in our course curriculum development and the evolution of our content and delivery of this content. Students can participate in this change and also share their views of "what works" and "what doesn't work" for learning and engaging in the content. We will also share our successes and our challenges with our fellow colleagues at our 9 LACCD colleges in our monthly discipline meetings. Continued attendance at professional conferences also provides a venue for improvement. a. Describe how the results are going to be used Comparison to last SLOAC Cycle Results (if this is the first time the course was assessed, leave this section blank) a. Please state the improvement plan that was included in the report from SLOAC Cycle I. b. What changes were implemented from Cycle I’s improvement plan? What changes, if any, were made that were not included in the improvement plan? What changes, if any, were made to the assessment process? c. How are the results from Cycle II similar to or different from the results from Cycle I? Insert Rubric or Assessment Tools below: Practical Skills Test: CPR/AED Skills for the Adult/Child/Infant - American Red Cross Emergency Action Steps (check, call care): Primary versus Secondary Survey. 1. Check Scene for safety, clues, bystanders – then Check Victim 2. Call 911 and local emergency at LAVC (818) 947-2911 3. Care for Victim – ABD’s (assessment) Direct pressure severe bleeding 4. Choose Protocol of Care based on ABD assessment: (1) Direct pressure Severe Bleeding (2) CPR/AED (3) Conscious Choking (4) Unconscious Choking NEVER GIVE UP YOUR EFFORTS TO SAVE THE VICTIM! NEVER ASSUME THE PERSON IS DEAD! American Red Cross Skills 2010 ECC Guidelines ASSESSMENT SKILLS A=Airway ADULT 12+ years old Head tilt, Chin lift CHILD 1-12 years old Head tilt, Chin lift INFANT 1 year and under Head neutral position B=Breathing Look, Listen, Feel for Look, Listen, Feel for breathing for breathing for 5-10 seconds – if 5-10 seconds – if NO breathing NO breathing - Start CPR detected – Give 2 successful* breaths Allow chest to recoil between breaths Severe Bleeding C=Circulation (pulse) Apply direct pressure DO NOT CHECK PULSE – If NO breathing START CPR D=Defibrillation (AED) If Adult is NOT BREATHING If Child is NOT BREATHING and If Infant is NOT BREATHING and – Use AED right away if you give 2 successful breaths - Use you give 2 successful breaths - Use available or begin CPR until AED right away if available or begin AED right away if available or begin AED is available Adult pads CPR until AED is available use CPR until AED is available use pediatric pads or adult pads (make pediatric pads or adult pads (make sure pads do not touch) sure pads do not touch) LIFESAVING PROTOCOLS Rescue Breathing CPR Choking – unconscious Choking - conscious Look, Listen, Feel for breathing for 5-10 seconds – if NO breathing detected – Give 2 successful* breaths Allow chest to recoil between breaths Apply direct pressure Apply direct pressure DO NOT CHECK PULSE – DO NOT CHECK PULSE – If NO breathing & NOT choking If NO breathing & NOT choking START CPR – if 2 breaths were not START CPR – if 2 breaths were not successful START UNCONSCIOUS successful START UNCONSCIOUS CHOKING CHOKING ADULT 12+ years old n/a 30:2 30:look:2 CHILD 1-12 years old n/a 30:2 30:look:2 INFANT 1 year and under n/a 30:2 30:look:2 5 back blows: 5 abdominal thrusts 5 back blows: 5 abdominal thrusts 5 back blows: 5 chest thrusts Data Collection for Health 3 CPR Fall 2012 for Practical and Written Exams for SLO: # Health 3 CPR Student’s Initials Practical skills test (pass=P or fail=F) Written exam (pass with at least 80%=P or fail with less than 80% pass rate) 1 A.A. P P 2 A.A. P P 3 P.D. P P 4 B.D. P P 5 L.H. P P 6 V.H. P P 7 U.J. P P 8 V.K. P P 9 A.L. P P 10 C.L. P P 11 T.L. P P 12 S.M. P P 13 M.P. P F 14 S.P. P P 15 L.R. P P 16 Y.R. P P 17 V.R. P P 18 J.S. P P 19 G.S. P P # Health 3 CPR Student’s Initials Practical skills test (pass=P or fail=F) Written exam (pass with at least 80%=P or fail with less than 80% pass rate) 20 A.S. P P 21 J.S. P P 22 A.S. P P 23 C.T. P P 24 M.T. P P 25 N.U. P P 26 M.W. P P 27 R.W. P P Health 3 CPR Written Exam: Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: _____________ CPR Written Exam for Basic Rescuer and Professional Rescuer AHA 2010 Guidelines 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name the Emergency Action Steps. Professional Rescuer write in alternative: ________________________________________________________________ a. check, call, care b. call, wait, get some coffee c. cpr, stop severe bleeding Under what circumstances would you stop CPR? (List 2 reasons) 1. ____________________________ 2. __________________________ What is the “Primary Survey” versus a “Secondary Survey”, respectively? a. head to toe, ABC’s b. ABC’s, head to toe c. check, call, care List 4 conditions considered immediately life threatening. (List 2) 1. ____________________________ 2. ____________________________ During the “Primary Survey” of an unconscious airway obstruction, what part is omitted for a Basic Rescuer? a. breathing b. circulation c. calling 911 In a life threatening situation, what is the most important thing you can do? Why should you check the scene in an emergency? a. for your safety b. for a taxi c. for paramedics 8. What are the signs and symptoms (s/s) of someone having a heart attack? Check all that apply. a. shortness of breath b. flu-like symptoms c. angina pectoris 9. What are some reasons why people sometimes fail to act in an emergency? Check all that apply. a, not certified b. worried about diseases 10. What do you do to check if someone is unconscious? a. tap victim and shout “Are you okay?” b. check later just call 911 c. assume unconscious 11. When you give rescue breaths, how much air should you breathe into the victim? a. enough to fill chest and abdomen b. enough to fill chest c. fill cheeks 12. What are the four links in the United States Chain of Survival? Fill-in Recognize Signs & Access 911, Early CPR, _____________, Early ACLS 13. Where should you position your hands when performing chest compressions on an adult, child and infant? 14. What are the ratios of rescue breathing on an adult, child and infant? __________ 15. What are the ratios of CPR on an adult, child and infant? ___________________ 16. How do you perform conscious obstruction on an adult, child and infant? ______________________ 17. How do you perform unconscious obstruction on an adult, child and infant? ____ 18. What should you do if the rescue breaths you give do not make the victim’s chest rise?_____________ 19. What should you do first if you see a conscious choking adult, child or infant? 20. How do abdominal thrusts help a choking victim? ________________________ 21. How many seconds do you check for breathing during your Primary Survey and each time you reassess the victim? How long do you check circulation? _____________________________________________ 22. A woman is choking on a piece of food and coughing forcefully. What should you do? _____________ 23. A victim who is not breathing but has signs of circulation needs what? __________________________ 24. You assess an unconscious victim and when doing your Primary Survey you find that your victim is breathing and has a pulse. What do you do next? ___________________________________________ 25. When performing chest compressions on an adult, why is it important to keep your shoulders directly over your hands and your elbows locked? _____________________________________________________ 26. What is the leading cause of death for adults versus children and infants? ________________________ 27. If you are alone when giving care to a victim, when do you call 911? _________________________ 28. Where should you check the pulse on an adult, child and infant? ______________ 29. How do you open the airway of an adult, child and infant? __________________ 7. 30. What are the common causes of choking in children and infants? _____________ 31. What would cause a child’s heart to stop beating? _________________________ 32. How do you protect yourself from disease transmission? ____________________ 33. If a child has a life-threatening condition and there is no parent or guardian present what do you do? 34. When should you check for signs of circulation? __________________________ 35. What are some signs of a choking victim? _______________________________ 36. How do you control for severe bleeding? ________________________________ 37. When would you move a victim? ______________________________________ 38. What is the leading cause of death in the U.S. today? ______________________ 39. Seventy percent of heart attacks take place at home. True or false. 40. What is the Good Samaritan Law suppose to do for you? ___________________ 41. How can you better prepare for emergencies? ____________________________ 42. Why would you NOT move a victim? _________________________________ 43. What would you include in an Emergency Action Plan at work or at school to prepare for emergencies? 44. Why is the Primary Survey more important than the Secondary Survey? _____________________ 45. Can you perform chest-only compression CPR? __________________________ 1-50. List 5 items you would include in your first aid kit at home or in your car or in your back pack? 46. _________ 47. _________ 48. _________ 49. _________ 50. ____________ Thank you for a great class. Now let’s learn some first aid. Then your practical testing.