Review sheet- MAIN CONCERNS for Disaster Drill

MAIN CONCERNS for Disaster Drill:
Assessment will be graded on a 1-10 scale: 10 being exceptional and 1
being unacceptable
4 life-threatening conditions: no pulse, no breathing, unconscious, severe
Choking – conscious (are you choking?,can you speak?, I will help you…) and unconscious
(once down , call 911)
Check conscious victims – ask them their name
Identify yourself, ask for consent
Head-to toe assessment: While providing care:
Ask if they are allergic to anything
Ask if they are taking any medications
Ask if they have any medical conditions
Ask if there is any pain/numbness anywhere? If so, do not ask them to move area in pain.
Ask when they last ate/drank anything
Information written down for EMS
Check head, feel with back of hand
Can shrug shoulders, move head?? Only ask them to do this if there is no chance of a head,
neck, back injury!
Ask victim to take a deep breath (pain?)
Check arms – move fingers, hands, arm?
Check legs – move toes, foot, ankle, leg?
In- line stabilization technique
Bites and stings
Log roll
Care for shock
Pulse: Take for 10 sec, multiply by 6
(~10-16 beats per 10 sec. is normal) >>>>> Normal 60 -100 beats per minute
One person on your team should be writing down notes
CPR on adult – 2 hands, 30:2
CPR on child – 1 hand on chest, other keeps airway open, 30:2
CPR on baby- 2 fingers between nipples, 30:2, use brachial artery – if 2 people use 15:2 with
2 thumb technique while one gives breaths
Steps to prevent shock – make them comfortable, keep from getting chilled or overheated,
elevate legs (if there is no trouble breathing & no sign of head, neck or back injuries &
doesn’t cause pain)
Splinting – remember immobilize joint above & below
Bleeding – direct pressure 1st!
Cool that burn
Frostbite – gentle! Bandage between fingers and toes
Review handwashing
Review proper glove removal
Know names of 1st aid items
Talk throughout scenario so assessor knows what you are thinking
Constantly talk & reassure victim