Plant Adaptation Pop Quiz

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Plant Adaptation Pop Quiz
True or Make it True - Part 1
Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false. If false, correct the statement to make it true.
1. The surface of a vascular plant is covered by a cuticle in order to reduce water loss.
2. Land plants have a complex life cycle that involves an alternation of generations between a haploid
gametophyte and a diploid sporophyte.
3. The life cycle of nonvascular plants involves alternation of generations.
4. Seed plants cannot reproduce without a film of water.
5. A seed is a structure that contains a plant embryo and a cotyledon.
6. The development of flowers improved the reproductive efficiency of aquatic plants.
7. The first flowering plants appeared 360 million years ago.
8. Many seeds have appendages that aid in dispersal.
9. Seeds remain dormant until moisture and temperature conditions favor seedling growth.
____ 10. Xylem transports water and mineral nutrients.
____ 11. Pines and most other conifers have needle-like or scale-like leaves.
____ 12. Gymnosperm seeds are enclosed in a cone.
____ 13. Ferns are characterized by fronds and fiddleheads.
____ 14. The four groups of gymnosperms include conifers (Phylum Coniferophyta), cycads (Phylum Cycadophyta),
gnetophytes (Phylum Gnetophyta), and ginkoes (Phylum Ginkgophyta).
____ 15. Angiosperms are the most recently evolved group of plants.
____ 16. Botanically, tomatoes and corn kernels are classified as fruits.
____ 17. Potatoes are a food source rich in carbohydrates.
____ 18. The most valuable nonfood product obtained from plants today is wood.
____ 19. Wood from trees is still a main source of fuel for more than a quarter of the world's population.
____ 20. Plant substances are the foundation of modern medicine.
____ 21. Foxglove is the source of a drug used to treat cardiac disorders.
____ 22. The challenges that faced early land plants included conserving water, reproducing on land, and absorbing
minerals from the rocky surface.
____ 23. The ancestors of today’s land plants were probably protistan brown algae similar to kelp.
____ 24. The cuticle helps reduce the radiation of heat from a plant.
____ 25. Bryophytes developed an internal system of interconnected tubes and vessels called vascular tissues.
____ 26. The diploid form in a plant’s life cycle is called the sporophyte.
____ 27. The haploid form in a plant’s life cycle is called the gametophyte.
____ 28. A haploid stage following a diploid stage in a plant’s life cycle is called alternation of generations.
____ 29. In plants, haploid gametes are produced as a result of mitosis.
____ 30. The seed coat protects the seed from drying out.
____ 31. The flowers produced by angiosperms help ensure the transfer of gametes by attracting a particular bird,
insect, or other animal, which then carries pollen from one flower to another.
____ 32. A flower is a reproductive structure, not a photosynthetic structure.
____ 33. The dominant generation in vascular plants is the sporophyte.
____ 34. The xylem in a plant transports water and minerals, and the phloem transports food from the leaves.
____ 35. Fruits produced by angiosperms perform provide food for humans and other animals, protect the seeds, and
disperse the seeds.
____ 36. Monocots have long, thin leaves with parallel veins.
____ 37. Flowering plants are classified as monocots or dicots according to the number of their cotyledons.
____ 38. The primary purpose of the fruit is thermal protection.
____ 39. Mosses, hornworts, and liverworts all possess spore capsules.
____ 40. Fiddleheads are produced by ferns.
____ 41. All of the following are nonvascular plants: mosses, hornworts, and liverworts.
____ 42. California redwoods are some of the tallest members of the phylum Coniferophyta.
____ 43. Approximately 90 percent of all living plants are angiosperms.
____ 44. Monocots and dicots are subdivisions of gymnosperms.
____ 45. All of the following are derived from angiosperms and used by humans in their daily lives: food, textiles, and
____ 46. Potatoes are actually tubers.
____ 47. Soybeans are a globally important crop because 45 percent of this legume is protein.
____ 48. More than 70 percent of the world’s cultivated farmland is used for growing grains.
____ 49. The world’s best wheat-growing area is the Great Plains.
____ 50. Corn is one of the world’s chief foods for farm animals.
____ 51. Rayon is made from wood pulp.
____ 52. Salicin derived from the bark of willow trees (Salix spp.) is the starting compound used to make aspirin.
____ 53. Paper-making fibers are obtained from wood, cooton, bamboo, and even rice.
Plant Adaptation Pop Quiz
Answer Section