
You are responsible for the following on the Bio 112 exam. You have yet to learn those parts which are highlighted.
Kingdom Plantae
How plants are classified
General characteristics of plants
Characteristics of each of the four phyla studied: Bryophyta, Pterophyta, Gynmosperms and Angiosperms.
In general, how members of each phyla reproduce. Know the life cycles of moss and ferns.
Describe alternation of generations
Xylum and phloem
RE: Angiosperms
Label diagram of flower and be able to briefly describe the function of each of the structures
How they reproduce (Describe fertilization )
Self-pollination and cross-pollination, including differences in adaptations of flowers that self-pollinate
and those that cross pollinate. Why is cross-pollination better?
Describe seed dispersal, including the different kinds and the adaptations of seeds for a particular kind
of dispersal.
Describe what a seed needs to germinate
Benefits of fruits and flowers to angiosperms. Why are they the dominant plant phyla?
Further groupings of Angiosperms:
Monocots and dicots
Annual, biennial, perennial
Woody and herbaceous
What are mitosis and meiosis? haploid and diploid? N and 2N?
Kingdom Animalia
General characteristics of animals
General needs/functions of animals.
What are the phyla, in order of their evolution, in the Kingdom Animalia?
Grouping of cells (cell, tissue, organ, organ system)
How are animals classified?
Early development:
- Zygote
- Blastula
- Blastopore: protostome & deuterostome
Three layers of germ cells
Kinds of symmetry and terminology re: area of specimen (anterior, posterior…)
Phylum Porifera:
Characteristics and structures
Be able to label a sponge and discuss how it meets its needs (the function of its various structures in terms of
meeting its needs).
Phylum Cnidaria:
General characteristics of the Phylum.
The four different classes of Cnidaria.
How Cnidaria meet their needs (the function of its structures in terms of meeting its needs)
Life cycle of a jellyfish (diagram and explanation).
Phylum Platyhelminthes, Phylum Nematoda and Phylum Annelida
Description and characteristics of each.
Phylum Arthropoda
The four classes of Arthropods
General charactistics of Arthropods
Body Systems:
The level of complexity within the body (cell, tissue, organ, organ system)
Four types of tissue (connective, muscle, nervous, epithelial). Be able to identify each type from diagram
and give examples.
The names and general functions of the 11 human body systems.
Digestive system: (Use the handout and diagram)
Nutrients-what are they and, in general, what purpose does each have?
What is the purpose of the digestive system?
Digestive tract, digestive system-Know the difference between them, the parts of each and the functions of
each structure.
Mechanical and chemical digestion: Difference between them, types, (use your charts), where they occur
Different types of nutrients and where in the digestive tract the digestion of each occurs
What enzymes and substances are used to digest each nutrient and what organs do these enzymes and
substances come from?
Be able to label a diagram of the digestive system.
What causes ulcers, diarrhea, constipation
Respiratory system:
What is the purpose of the respiratory system?
Be able to label a diagram of the respiratory system including the exchange of gases at the alveoli.
Describe the function of the respiratory system and how air moves through the structures of the system
and how carbon dioxide is excreted and oxygen is absorbed.
Explain how we breathe including the role of the diaphragm and the medulla oblongata. atmospheric
Circulatory system:
What is the function of the circulatory system?
What type of circulatory system does a human have?
Be able to label a diagram of the heart and describe the function of each structure including the
pericardium, septum and myocardium.
Explain the pathway of blood as it moves into the heart from the body, though the right side of the heart,
into the lungs, back to the heart, away from the heart into the body.
What causes the lub/dub of the heartbeat?
What is blood pressure? What is normal blood pressure?
Describe the 3 types of vessels.
What is blood made of?
What two separate pathways are there in the circulatory system? (pulmonary and systemic)
What is the sinoatrial (SA) node and what does it do?
We will discuss the requirements for the following once we know about snow days.
Lymphatic System:
What is the function of the lymphatic system?
What are the structures in the lymphatic system and what do they do?
Excretory System:
What is the function of the excretory system?
What the structures of the excretory system?
What is the impact of kidney failure?
Immune System:
What is the immune system?
Generally, how does the immune system recognize and destroy antigens that penetrate a body’s first line of
What is the difference between an allergen and an antibody? What are their roles in an allergic reaction?
What is an autoimmune disease.
Know the pig!!