Unit Plan Calendar Travis Rotramel Week 1 2 3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday -Intro to the test -Book Talk Divergent -Mini lecture over Chicago D: Ch. 1-2 -RRJ -Discuss world and the factions. D: Ch. 3-5 -RRJ -Group discussion: Abandoning family and what you know D: Ch. 6-8 -RRJ -Character Discussion D: Ch. 9-12 -RRJ -LC#1 SL11.5 SL11.1 SL11.1 SL11.1 SL11.1 D: Ch. 13-15 -RRJ -Compare and contrast our world and Divergent’s D: Ch. 16-18 -RRJ -Silent discussion D: Ch. 19-21 -RRJ -LC#2 D: Ch. 22-24 -RRJ -Background character bio. D: Ch. 25-27 -Quiz -Act out scene W11.4 W11.2 SL11.1 W11.2abd SL11.6 D: Ch. 28-30 -RRJ -LC#3 D: Ch. 31-33 -RRJ -Start on alternative book report for text D: Ch. 34-36 -RRJ -Work day for ABR D: Ch. 37-39 -Wrap up on text -Study Guide for test tomorrow -LC#4 -Final wrap up on Divergent -Test SL11.1 W11.7 W11.7 SL11.1, W11.1ac SL11.1 Unit Plan Calendar Week 4 5 6 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday -Intro to the text -Book talk on The Hunger Games -Discuss world in HG HG: Ch. 1-2 -RRJ -Discussion: Sacrifice HG: Ch. 3-5 -RRJ -Value line HG: Ch. 6-7 -RRJ -Silent discussion HG: Ch. 8-9 -RRJ -LC#1 SL11.5 SL11.1 SL11.3 W11.2 SL11.1 HG: Ch. 10-12 -RRJ -Compare and contrast our world and the world of The Hunger Games W11.4 HG: Ch. 13-14 -RRJ -Character discussion HG: Ch. 15-16 -RRJ -Background character biography. HG: Ch. 17-18 -RRJ -LC#2 SL11.1 W11.2abd SL11.1 HG: Ch. 19-21 -Quiz -Compare and contrast the protagonists of Divergent and The Hunger Games W11.4 HG: Ch. 22-23 -RRJ -Start on alternative book report for text HG: Ch. 24-25 -RRJ -Work day for ABR HG: Ch. 26-27 -RRJ -Study Guide for test tomorrow -LC#3 -Wrap up on The Hunger Games -Test W11.7 W11.7 SL11.1, W11.1 W11.1 Unit Plan Calendar Literature Circles (LC): Students will engage in 3-4 literature circles per novel, using versions of these roles: Discussion Director, Passage Master, Connector, Illustrator, and Summarizer. Reader Response Journal (RRJ): Students will write in their journals almost daily, as they make predictions, summarize plot/characters, engage with new vocabulary, and make connections to the text (text-self, text-text, text-media, text-world, etc.) Silent Discussion: The silent discussion involves students responding to quotations from the text in writing and on large sheets of butcher paper, so they might also respond—in writing—to one another. Students move about the room, stopping at quotes of their choice to consider the quote and their classmates’ responses. Students might respond using various critical lenses. In addition, students could submit quotes for inclusion in the activity the day before. Background Character Biography Students will write a short biography on a character in the universe of the books. They will use what they know about the setting and other characters to create a story based on a character in the background that we may not know much about. Alternative Book Report(ABR) Students will complete an alternative book report. They will start the assignment before reading is complete and turn it in after reading is complete. Work time will be provided in class where I can help. Students will be given a variety of examples of ABRs to choose from and creativity will be important. Act out scenes Students will take turns acting out the reading for that day. Students will not be required to memorize the text, but knowledge of the text will help them act out better. This will help out understanding the text and help get into the characters head.