Assignment: Employment Standards & Safety

Assignment: Employment Standards & Safety
Employment Standards and Workplace Safety source:
Questions about the Employment Standards Act
– These are minimum (Can be more or by contract)
Find the following:
i) Minimum Wage:
ii) After 500 hours:
iii) Overtime:
iv) After 40 hrs/week:
v) Requirement for coffee breaks:
vi) Statutory holidays:
vii) Uniforms, cleaning: What are the requirements?
viii) Averaging the number of hours: What are the requirements?
ix) What are the compulsory deductions? If any other deductions are made, what must the
employer first get?
x) Does your employer have to pay you for working Boxing Day? Why or why not?
xi) To qualify for overtime on a stat holiday, what must happen?
xii) Under what conditions would an employee be entitled to severance pay? What is
severance pay? When would a person not be entitled to severance pay?
xiii) When and how much is an employee entitled to for vacations? When must they be
taken? How much is paid for vacation pay? What happens to vacation pay if you quit
before taking a vacation?
xiv) List 5 reasons for taking unpaid leave from work.
xv) Explain “Termination for just cause”