Green Sheet Course Title: CS 157A - Database Management Systems Instructor: Prof. Sin-Min Lee Office: MH212 Tel. No.: (408) 924-5133 CS 157 Section 3 MH 223 9:00-10:15 Office hours: TTh 10:15 – 11:30 e-mail: outside of office hours It is a more efficient way of contacting me Course Description: Current, classical database systems. Entity-relationship and enhanced entity models. Relational model, algebra, calculus. Current, emerging SQL standard. Embedded, Dynamic SQL. Application perspective on transactions and security. Interactive and programmatic interfaces to database systems. Application programming project using commercial database system. Student Learning Objectives By the end of the course, you will gain an understanding of normalization and referential integrity. You will also learn how to create relational objects through SQL and index design. You will develop an ability to communicate effectively. You will learn to use the query languages of a DBMS. You will also learn the design and optimization of relational databases - decomposition, lossless joins, dependency preservation, and normal forms. You will develop an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern database tools necessary for database design. Prerequisites: CS-46A and 46B.CS 146, Calculus, Discrete Mathematics, Data Structures. Textbooks: NARAYAN S. UMANATH & RICHARD W. SCAMELL, DATA MODELING AND DATABASE DESIGN, 2007 Thomson Text Coverage:I plan to cover eight chapters of the text: Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Relational Model Chapter 3: SQL Chapter 4: Advanced SQL Chapter 5: Other Relational Languages Sections 5.1 (Tuple Relational Calculus), 5.2 (Domain Relational Calculus) and 5.3 (QBE) may be covered very briefly Chapter 6: Entity-Relationship Model Chapter 7: Relational Database Design Chapter 18: Data Analysis and Mining Reference books 1. Connolly, Thomas M., Carolyn E. Begg and Anne D. Strachan, Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. 1996. 2. C.J. Date, "An Introduction to Database Systems", 7thEdition, Addison Wesley, 1999 3. Elmarsi, R. and Navathe, S.. Fundamentals of Database Systems, Benjamin Cummings 1989 4. Hughes, J. Object-Oriented Databases, Prentice-Hall International. 1991. 5 J.L. Johnson, Database—models, languages, design, Oxford University Press, 1997. 6. Litton, Gerry. Introduction to Database Management: A Practical Approach. Dubuque, IA: William C. Brown Publishers, 1987. 7. Raghu Ramakrishnan , Database Management Systems WCB McGraw-Hill 1998 8. P. O'Neil Database Programming, Principles, Performance, Morgan Kaufmann, 1994. 9. J. S. Sayles "How to use ORACLE SQL*PLUS" (QA76.73.S67 S28 1991). 10. R. F. van der Lans "An SQL Guide for ORACLE" (QA76.73.S67 L358 1991). 11. A. Silberschatz, H.F. Korth, S. Sudarshan: Database System Concepts, 5th Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2006. 12.H. Finkenzeller; U. Kracke; M. Unterstein "SQL/ORACLE: Structure, Setup and Use" (QA76.73.S67 F499 1990). 13. A.E. McCullough "Oracle PL/SQL for SQL *Forms" (QA76.73.S67 M33 1994) 14. Jeff Ullman and Jennifer Widom, A First Course in Database systems. 2nd edition, Prentice Hall. Dropping Classes: September 5, 2007, last day to drop or withdraw without a “W” grade. Needed Skills: A good data structures background is assumed. Therefore CS 146 is a prerequisite for this course. Many query languages are based on predicate calculus. Therefore, Discrete Math is strongly recommended. The student is expected to be familiar with basic concepts of programming in Java and with a variety of mathematical tools for modeling and analyzing discrete structures. More specifically, the student should be familiar with programming features such as variables, control flow, iteration, and recursion, and structures such as arrays, records, and lists. Characteristics of the Java programming language, and of an object-oriented approach to software design, will be emphasized. Teaching Methodology: The course is given through two lecture periods each week. The instructional methods used in conducting the course include: lectures, discussion, presentation and classroom demonstration. In this class you will primarily learn by doing. You will prepare for and follow up on lectures by reading relevant portions of the textbooks (especially prior to class). I will augment the information presented in the textbook with my own ideas and other resources. I encourage discussions in class. Students in the course are expected to complete: assigned readings, assignments, and projects. Most of the lectures have reading assignments that you should complete before the lecture. During the lectures, I may ask short essay questions to ascertain the level of understanding of the reading. I encourage collaboration learning but not cheating in class. You may collaborate with your classmates on assignments but you have to do your own work. Plagiarism is not allowed in this class. Each one of you will deliver a 20—25 minute presentation in class. I will supply the material. This productive activity could radically alter your future potential. Attendance Policy: The instructor must be notified in advance for an excused absence. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get with a classmate and go over what happened in class. Since we are solving new problems during each class, it is critical that you get this information. If an assignment is due on the day you are absent, it is your responsibility to ensure the work is turned in on time or ahead of time unless your absence is due to an unavoidable emergency. Handouts will be distributed only in class. Students who notify the instructor of an absence prior to class will receive handouts after their return. Examinations: All examinations will be announced at least one week in advance and will cover material discussed in class and the textbook. Test material will be drawn from the textbook, lecture, assignments and any supplementary material provided by the instructor. Grading: Students' competencies with respect to the objectives of this course will be evaluated by the following means: assignments, projects, presentation and examinations. (1) Programs 15% 3 programs Assignments/Project The course will be supplemented by assignments or a project. The project could involve the design of a schema for a realistic application, and the implementation of the entire application using MySQL (and other development tools such as graphical user interfaces or forms packages) on a relational database system. Homework Policies and Quality Expectations: One way of understanding each student is looking in their own work. Since this understanding is at the center of the course goals, each student must strive to have a complete understanding of every exercise. Multiple page assignments must be stapled. Homework exercises are due on the assigned due date. Not all the homework assignments will be graded. All work submissions to the office must include one diskette and two completed, computerized version hard copies with outputs. When a program is turned in it MUST execute, with normal termination, on the assigned data set to be considered for grading. They should all be included in an envelope with your name. Programming assignment grading, unless otherwise specified: Structure design/flow charts 20%, Style 20%, Output 20%, Comments 20%, Program and Procedure def. 20%. Late Turn-In Policy: Assignments will not be accepted after the due date. The assignments are due in class, at the beginning of class! Plan ahead, be flexible, and plan to work hard! Proper resource management should allow you to be timely in all your assignments. (2) Presentation 10% The student has to deliver a 20—25 minute presentation prepared in PowerPoint. You can prepare the presentation in the College of Science Computer Center. This activity will help you improve effective communication and better understanding of the course material. Student who misses the schedule of presentation will contribute $5 for the Last day pizza party fund! (3) Presentation Report 5% After finish your presentation., you will write a report on the material you cover in class. In your writing, length is not an asset, brevity is. Be brief and clear. Do not exceed more than 6 pages. Library containing a wide variety of books and journals. You should use the resources to write the report. Part of the educational process is learning how to do research. The report will be due on or before Tuesday, November 15, 2006. You are required to write up your report using LaTeX. LaTeX is the standard tool for typesetting scientific articles. Report for this class will be submitted and returned completely electronically (4) Quizzes 10% In-class written exercises (quizzes) will be conducted in addition to a mid-term and final examination. These quizzes will cover material addressed by assigned readings from the text, assigned exercises, and class discussions. Usually quizzes will be given 10-15 minutes after the lecture begins. There will be no make-up quizzes for any quiz that you might miss. Missing a quiz will result in a grade of zero. (5) 3 Midterm-Examinations (3 @ 10%) 30% An unexcused absence from an examination will result in a grade of zero for that examination. The only valid excuses for missing an examination are prior written approval from the instructor or a documented medical emergency. (6) Final Examination 30% Section 3. Final Exam Date: Tuesday, Dec 18 2007 07:15AM-09:30AM (7) Extra Credit There may be extra credit items during the semester. These will be announced in class. Included in these maybe one or more of the following: unannounced bonus pop quizzes, class review sheets, in-class work, and attendance/participation bonus points. (8) Grades will be changed only when a grading error has been made; negotiation is not appropriate. If you think an error has been made, you should submit a written statement; your entire exam or assignment will then be re-graded. You must submit an item for re-grading within 7 days from when grading of that item is completed. Grading Scale Final grade will be based on the total number of points accumulated on the quizzes, tests, and the term project. The ranges of scores for letter grades are: 100-96 A+ 87.99-85 B+ 76.99-74 C+ 69.99-65 D+ 95.99-92 A 91.99-88 A- B 79.99-77 B- 73.99-72 C 71.99-70 C- 64.99-62 D 61.99-60 D- 84.99-80 Below 60 F Academic Dishonesty ("Cheating") Policies: Plagiarism, cheating on exams or copying assignments will be cause for failure of the course and may result in dismissal from the University. Students allowing others to copy their own work are guilty of cheating. Any attempt to copy other people's assignments or to destroy other people's data or code is considered a violation of academic honesty guidelines. Do not copy others’ work. Individuals who have misrepresented work as being their own or who have assisted another will receive as a minimum a grade of zero on that assignment and one grade lower on their final course grade. Every one of you should examine the Academic Honesty Guidelines for more details.