Project Title 01/01/2011 PROJECT REFLECTIONS Author Version 1.0 Status Reviewed Jo, Eve 01/01/2011 Approved Chief of department: Judith 01/01/2011 Name of the Project Course LIPS Project Reflections i Name of the Project Group E-mail Address of the Project Group Project Title 01/01/2011 PROJECT IDENTITY Number of the Project Group, Year / Semester, Name of the Project Group University or Faculty, Institution Participants of the group Name Responsible Phone E-mail Anna Andersson Responsible for Customer relations (CUS) 013-11 22 33 Beata Bson Responsible for the Documentation (DOC) 013-22 33 44 Cecilia Cson Responsible for the design (DES) 013-33 44 55 Doris Dson Responsible for the testing (TEST) 013-44 55 66, 070-111 22 33 Erik Eson Responsible for the quality (QA) 013-55 66 77 Fredrik Fson Responsible for the implementation (IMP) 013-66 77 88 Greta Gson Project leader (PL) 013-77 88 99 E - mail list for the whole group: e-mail address to the group Web site: address to the group web site Customer: Customer description, 581 00 Linköping, Customer phone: 013-11 00 00, Fax: 013-10 19 02, e-mail address Customer contact: name, tel., mobile number, e-mail address Course leader: course leader, office, e-mail address Tutor: name, phone number, mobile number, e-mail address Name of the Project Course LIPS Project Reflections ii Name of the Project Group E-mail Address of the Project Group Project Title 01/01/2011 Contents 1 Time report .................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 Fulfillment of the goal................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 Time report over spent time ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Comparison between planned and spent time....................................................................... 1 Distribution of the work between the project participants ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Evaluation of work distribution ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Collaboration in the group ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Collaboration with tutor and customer ................................................................................... 1 Theoretical problems .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Technical problems ................................................................................................................ 1 The project model Lips – use, comments .............................................................................. 1 Summary of achievements..................................................................................................... 2 How the delivery worked out .................................................................................................. 2 How the study situation influenced upon the project.............................................................. 2 Summary of the three most important experiences .................................................................. 2 Name of the Project Course LIPS Project Reflections iii Name of the Project Group E-mail Address of the Project Group Project Title 01/01/2011 Document history Version Date Changes Sign 1.0 05/03/2011 Small corrections ts, ckr 0.2 03/02/2011 Proofreading gc 0.1 01/01/2011 First draft ckr Name of the Project Course LIPS Project Reflections iv Reviewed ts, ckr Name of the Project Group E-mail Address of the Project Group Project Title 1 01/01/2011 TIME REPORT Text 1.1 Distribution of the work between the project participants Text 1.2 Comparison between planned and spent time Text Phase Planned time Used time Before During After 2 ANALYSIS OF WORK EFFORTS AND PROBLEMS Text 2.1 What happened during the different Phases? Text 2.2 Collaboration in the group Text 2.3 The project model Lips – use, comments Text 2.4 Collaboration with the sponsor Text 2.5 Collaboration with the supervisor Text 2.6 Technical problems/success Text Name of the Project Course LIPS Project Reflections 1 Name of the Project Group E-mail Address of the Project Group Project Title 3 01/01/2011 FULFILLMENT OF THE GOAL Text 3.1 Summary of achievements Text 3.2 How the delivery worked out Text 3.3 How the study situation influenced the project Text 4 SUMMARY Text 4.1 The three most important experiences Text 4.2 Good advice to those who are going to perform a similar project. Text Name of the Project Course LIPS Project Reflections 2 Name of the Project Group E-mail Address of the Project Group