Project Title 01/01/2011 PROJECT PLAN Author Version 1.0 Status Reviewed Jo, Eve 04/19/2011 Approved Chief of department: Judith 04/20/2011 Name of the Project course LIPS Project Plan i Name of the Project Group E-mail Address of the Project Group Project Title 01/01/2011 PROJECT IDENTITY Number of the Project Group, Year / Semester, Name of the Project Group University or Faculty, Institution Participants of the group Name Responsible Phone E-mail Anna Andersson Responsible for Customer relations (CUS) 013-11 22 33 Beata Bson Responsible for the Documentation (DOC) 013-22 33 44 Cecilia Cson Responsible for the design (DES) 013-33 44 55 Doris Dson Responsible for the testing (TEST) 013-44 55 66, 070-111 22 33 Erik Eson Responsible for the quality (QA) 013-55 66 77 Fredrik Fson Responsible for the implementation (IMP) 013-66 77 88 Greta Gson Project leader (PL) 013-77 88 99 E - mail list for the whole group: e-mail address to the group Home site: address to the group home site Customer: Customer description, 581 00 Linköping, Customer phone: 013-11 00 00, Fax: 013-10 19 02, e-mail address Customer contact: name, tel., mobile number, e-mail address Course leader: course leader, office, e-mail address Tutor: name, phone number, mobile number, e-mail address Name of the Project course LIPS Project Plan ii Name of the Project Group E-mail Address of the Project Group Project Title 01/01/2011 Contents 1 Who is the customer..................................................................................................................... 1 2 An overview of the system .......................................................................................................... 1 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 Plan for the project phases .......................................................................................................... 1 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 Purpose and goal ................................................................................................................... 1 Deliverables............................................................................................................................ 1 What is not included ............................................................................................................... 1 Before start ............................................................................................................................. 1 During the project ................................................................................................................... 1 After the project ...................................................................................................................... 1 Organization plan .......................................................................................................................... 1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Organization plan for each project phase .............................................................................. 1 The customers organization ................................................................................................... 2 Conditions for the co-operation in the project group .............................................................. 2 Definition of work contents and responsibilities ..................................................................... 2 5 documentPLAN ............................................................................................................................. 2 6 Development method ................................................................................................................... 3 7 TRAINING plan .............................................................................................................................. 3 7.1 7.2 Training of the project members ............................................................................................ 3 Training of the customer ........................................................................................................ 3 8 Report plan .................................................................................................................................... 3 9 Meeting plan .................................................................................................................................. 3 10 Resource plan ............................................................................................................................... 3 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 11 Persons .................................................................................................................................. 3 Material................................................................................................................................... 3 Work rooms ............................................................................................................................ 3 Economy ................................................................................................................................ 3 Milestones and tollgates .............................................................................................................. 3 11.1 11.2 Milestones .............................................................................................................................. 3 Tollgates ................................................................................................................................. 4 12 Activities ........................................................................................................................................ 4 13 timetable ........................................................................................................................................ 5 14 Plan for changes ........................................................................................................................... 5 15 Quality plan ................................................................................................................................... 5 15.1 15.2 Reviews .................................................................................................................................. 5 Test plan................................................................................................................................. 5 16 Risk analysis ................................................................................................................................. 5 17 Priorities ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Name of the Project course LIPS Project Plan iii Name of the Project Group E-mail Address of the Project Group Project Title 18 01/01/2011 Project closing .............................................................................................................................. 5 References ............................................................................................................................................. 5 Name of the Project course LIPS Project Plan iv Name of the Project Group E-mail Address of the Project Group Project Title 01/01/2011 Document history Version Date Changes Sign 1.0 05/03/2011 Small corrections ts, ckr 0.2 03/02/2011 Proofreading gc 0.1 01/01/2011 First draft ckr Name of the Project course LIPS Project Plan v Reviewed ts, ckr Name of the Project Group E-mail Address of the Project Group Project Title 1 01/01/2011 WHO IS THE CUSTOMER Text 2 AN OVERVIEW OF THE SYSTEM Text 2.1 Purpose and goal Text 2.2 Deliverables Text 2.3 What is not included Text 3 PLAN FOR THE PROJECT PHASES Text 3.1 Before start Text 3.2 During the project Text 3.3 After the project Text 4 ORGANIZATION PLAN Text 4.1 Organization plan for each project phase Text Name of the Project course LIPS Project Plan 1 Name of the Project Group E-mail Address of the Project Group Project Title Sponsor 01/01/2011 Customer Steering group Project manager M M TL M Figur 1. Reference group M M = project member TL= team leader M Example of the organization of an industrial project 4.2 The customers organization Text 4.3 Conditions for the cooperation in the project group Text 4.4 Definition of work contents and responsibilities Text 5 DOCUMENT PLAN Text Document Author/appr oved by Purpose Distribution Ready Req spec. Ts/Ckr Definition of all requirements sposor, ckr 01/012/011 Name of the Project course LIPS Project Plan 2 Name of the Project Group E-mail Address of the Project Group Project Title 6 01/01/2011 DEVELOPMENT METHOD Text 7 TRAINING PLAN Text 7.1 Training of the project members Text 7.2 Training of the customer Text 8 REPORT PLAN Text 9 MEETING PLAN Text 10 RESOURCE PLAN Text 10.1 Persons Text 10.2 Material Text 10.3 Work rooms Text 10.4 Economy Text 11 MILESTONES AND TOLLGATES Text 11.1 Milestones Text Name of the Project course LIPS Project Plan 3 Name of the Project Group E-mail Address of the Project Group Project Title No 01/01/2011 Description Date 1. Requirement specification ready 01/01/2011 2. 3. 4. 11.2 Tollgates Text No Description Date 0 Approval of the project directive, decision to start the prestudy 02/10/2011 1 Approval of the requirement specification, decision to start the preparation phase 02/19/2011 2 Approval of the project planning, decision to start the execution phase 02/25/2011 3 Approval of the design specification, decision to continue the execution phase 03/10/2011 4 Not used in this project 5 Approval of the functionality of the product, decision to deliver 03/31/2011 6 Approval of the delivery, decision to resolve the project group 04/30/2011 12 ACTIVITIES Text No Activity Description Est. Time 1. Planning of testing To make a test plan 20 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Name of the Project course LIPS Project Plan 4 Name of the Project Group E-mail Address of the Project Group Project Title 13 01/01/2011 TIMETABLE Text 14 PLAN FOR CHANGES Text 15 QUALITY PLAN Text 15.1 Reviews Text 15.2 Test plan Text 16 RISK ANALYSIS Text 17 PRIORITIES Text 18 PROJECT CLOSING Text REFERENCES Text Published references Text Electronic references Text Unpublished references Text Personal communication Text Name of the Project course LIPS Project Plan 5 Name of the Project Group E-mail Address of the Project Group