Name _________________________________ Class ____________________ Date ______________________ The Great Depression Begins/New Deal Flash Cards USING VISUAL CUES Cut out the flash cards below and study the vocabulary words for this section. gross national product total value of goods and services produced in a nation during a specific period noun specific particular adjective Herbert Hoover Republican candidate who easily won the presidential election of 1928 proper noun Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Differentiated Instruction Modified Worksheets and Tests Name _________________________________ Class ____________________ Date ______________________ The Great Depression Begins/New Deal buying on margin Flash Cards buying stocks with loans from stockbrokers verb Federal Reserve System serves as the nation’s central bank; sets policies to regulate the nation’s money supply proper noun Black Tuesday the stock market collapse on October 29, 1929 proper noun Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Differentiated Instruction Modified Worksheets and Tests Name _________________________________ Class ____________________ Date ______________________ The Great Depression Begins/New Deal Flash Cards USING VISUAL CUES Cut out the flash cards below and study the vocabulary words for this section. jobless, homeless wanderer during the Great Depression hobo noun Great Depression the most severe economic downturn in the history of the United States proper noun asset financial holdings or resources noun foreclosure noun occurs when a lender takes over ownership of property from an owner who has failed to make loan payments Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Differentiated Instruction Modified Worksheets and Tests Name _________________________________ Class ____________________ Date ______________________ The Great Depression Begins/New Deal Hoovervilles proper noun drought Flash Cards sprawling neighborhoods of shacks named for President Hoover, whom many blamed for the Great Depression period of below-average rainfall noun Dust Bowl proper noun Okie parts of Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas that were hardest hit by years of dust storms insulting term for a migrant from the Great Plains proper noun Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Differentiated Instruction Modified Worksheets and Tests Name _________________________________ Class ____________________ Date ______________________ The Great Depression Begins/New Deal plight Flash Cards bad situation noun singer-songwriter whose songs about the Dust Bowl describe the disaster’s effect on the people it touched Woody Guthrie proper noun USING VISUAL CUES Cut out the flash cards below and study the vocabulary words for this section. associative state President Hoover’s term for his vision of voluntary partnership between business associations and government noun Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Differentiated Instruction Modified Worksheets and Tests Name _________________________________ Class ____________________ Date ______________________ The Great Depression Begins/New Deal Flash Cards dam built in the Colorado River by private companies with funds provided by the Federal government Hoover Dam proper noun cooperative noun Reconstruction Finance Cooperation an organization owned and controlled by its members who work together for a common goal federal agency that loaned money to banks and other struggling institutions during the Great Depression proper noun Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Differentiated Instruction Modified Worksheets and Tests Name _________________________________ Class ____________________ Date ______________________ The Great Depression Begins/New Deal clause Flash Cards separate section of writing noun SmootHawley Tariff Act new tax that raised the cost of imported goods for Americans, making them more likely to buy cheaper American goods proper noun USING VISUAL CUES Cut out the flash cards below and study the vocabulary words for this section. Franklin Delano Democratic presidential nominee who defeated Hoover in the election of 1932 Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Differentiated Instruction Modified Worksheets and Tests Name _________________________________ Class ____________________ Date ______________________ The Great Depression Begins/New Deal Flash Cards Roosevelt proper noun public works government-funded building projects noun fireside chat noun Eleanor Roosevelt radio address by President Roosevelt meant to sound as if he were in the listener’s living room wife of Franklin Roosevelt and a powerful political force in her own right proper noun Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Differentiated Instruction Modified Worksheets and Tests Name _________________________________ Class ____________________ Date ______________________ The Great Depression Begins/New Deal Flash Cards critical period of government activity when President Roosevelt pushed Congress to put in place key parts of his program Hundred Days proper noun New Deal Roosevelt’s wide range of measures to provide recovery from the Great Depression proper noun subsidy government payment noun mandate require verb Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Differentiated Instruction Modified Worksheets and Tests Name _________________________________ Class ____________________ Date ______________________ The Great Depression Begins/New Deal significant Flash Cards meaningful adjective Huey P. Long Senator of Louisiana who believed Roosevelt’s policies were too friendly to banks and businesses proper noun Father Charles Coughlin Catholic priest who turned against President Roosevelt for not doing enough to curb the power of banks and businesses proper noun Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Differentiated Instruction Modified Worksheets and Tests Name _________________________________ Class ____________________ Date ______________________ The Great Depression Begins/New Deal Dr. Francis Townsend Flash Cards critic of the New Deal whose ideas helped shape Roosevelt’s later policies proper noun USING VISUAL CUES Cut out the flash cards below and study the vocabulary words for this section. Second New Deal legislation that funded additional relief programs during the Great Depression proper noun Social Security government system which provides a pension for many people 65 and older proper noun Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Differentiated Instruction Modified Worksheets and Tests Name _________________________________ Class ____________________ Date ______________________ The Great Depression Begins/New Deal John L. Lewis Flash Cards fiery speaker and organizer of the CIO proper noun group that broke away from the AFL to form a new union of unskilled workers CIO proper noun new kind of strike that required strikers to remain at the factory day and night until the dispute was settled sit-down strike noun Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Differentiated Instruction Modified Worksheets and Tests Name _________________________________ Class ____________________ Date ______________________ The Great Depression Begins/New Deal deficit noun John Maynard Keynes Flash Cards occurs when a government spends more money than it takes in through taxes and other income British economist who believed that deficit spending could provide jobs and stimulate the economy proper noun classical well known, original adjective USING VISUAL CUES Cut out the flash cards below and study the vocabulary words for this section. Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Differentiated Instruction Modified Worksheets and Tests Name _________________________________ Class ____________________ Date ______________________ The Great Depression Begins/New Deal Marian Anderson Flash Cards internationally famous African American singer who suffered discrimination in the United States proper noun minimum wage the lowest wage an employer can legally pay a worker noun incumbent person presently in a political office noun Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Differentiated Instruction Modified Worksheets and Tests