Requirements Modeling - Professor Davis' Website

INFS 6220 - Systems Analysis & Design
Chapter 4: Requirements Modeling
Interviewing (Pages 155 – 160)
Situation: You are playing the role of a Systems Analyst or a System User.
Assume that Robert Morris University is designing a new system for the
application, tracking, and management of student interns and you are part of the
requirements gathering process. The Systems Analysts will use the input from
the users to help develop the new system.
Instructions for the Systems Analysts (Interviewers)
You and your partner(s) will interview the system users to gather requirements
for the new internship system. Using the Interview approach, develop a list of at
least 5 interview questions for the users. Interview the users with the list of
questions & gather their input for the new system.
Instructions for the System Users (Interviewees)
You and your partner(s) will be interviewed to gather input to design a new
internship system for Robert Morris University. While the Systems Analysts are
preparing their questions, you may want to make a list of suggestions and
recommendations to help you organize your thoughts during the interview.
INFS 6220 - Systems Analysis & Design
Chapter 4: Requirements Modeling
Document Review (Page 160)
Situation: You are playing the role of a Systems Analyst. Assume that Robert
Morris University is designing a new system for the application, tracking, and
management of student interns and you are part of the requirements gathering
process. As Systems Analysts, you will use the input from the users to help
develop the new system.
Instructions for the Systems Analysts
You and your partner(s) will review existing documentation used for the
application, tracking, and managing student interns. After examining the
documents, make a list of suggestions for replicating the forms in an automated
internship tracking system. If reports or other output do not exist, make
suggestions for possible reports and report content.
INFS 6220 - Systems Analysis & Design
Chapter 4: Requirements Modeling
Questionnaires (Pages 162 – 165)
Situation: You are playing the role of a Systems Analyst or a System User.
Assume that Robert Morris University is designing a new system for the
application, tracking, and management of student interns and you are part of the
requirements gathering process. The Systems Analysts will use the input from
the users to help develop the new system.
Instructions for the Systems Analysts
You and your partner(s) will design a written questionnaire to gather
requirements for the new intern tracking system. Using the guidelines in your
text, develop a list of at least 5 questionnaire questions for the users. Administer
the questionnaire to the users to gather their input for the new intern system.
Instructions for the System Users
You and your partner(s) will complete a written questionnaire designed to gather
input for a new student intern tracking system at Robert Morris University. While
the Systems Analysts are preparing their questionnaire, you may want to make a
list of suggestions and recommendations to help you organize your thoughts for
completing the questionnaire.
INFS-6220 Systems Analysis & Design
Chapter 4: Requirements Modeling
JAD – Joint Application Design (Pages 139 – 141)
Situation: You are playing the role of a Systems Analyst or a System User.
Assume that Robert Morris University is designing a new system for the
application, tracking, and management of student interns and you are part of the
requirements gathering process. The Systems Analysts will use the input from
the users to help develop the new system.
Instructions for the Systems Analysts
You and your partner(s) will design a brief JAD Session to gather requirements
for the new system. Using the guidelines in your text, develop at least 2 broad
topics for discussion during the JAD session. Facilitate the JAD session with the
users by incorporating your chosen topics.
Instructions for the System Users
You and your partner(s) will participate in a JAD session designed to gather input
for a new internship system for Robert Morris University. While the Systems
Analysts are preparing for the JAD session, you may want to make a list of
suggestions & recommendations to help you organize your thoughts during the
INFS 6220 - Systems Analysis & Design
Chapter 4: Requirements Modeling
Research (Pages 164- 165)
Situation: You are playing the role of a Systems Analyst. Assume that Robert
Morris University is designing a new system for the application, tracking, and
management of student interns and you are part of the requirements gathering
process. As Systems Analysts, you will use the input from the users to help
develop the new system.
Instructions for the Systems Analysts
You and your partner(s) will conduct research related to the application, tracking,
and management of student interns. Research the websites of at least three (3)
other colleges/universities and document how student interns apply for
internships. Document any other information concerning student interns at the
three schools, such as the intern application process, intern tracking, completing
the internships, etc.