LESSON PLAN Subject Lesson APC References Location Length Skill at Arms IA & Stoppage Drills. Basic Vol. I - Page 4-9440 minutes (approx) Stores - Required - need 1 556 2 Magazines 3 Groundsheet 4 Drill rounds 5 Beginning of Lesson (5 minutes) Prelims NSPs, Roll Call, Tick off Subject on record sheet Revision Make safe Aim To make sure the cadet can keep the weapon firing Introduction Middle of Lesson (30 minutes) The Lesson next columnī¨ End of Lesson (5 minutes) Questions from class; ? Questions/test to class: Remember - Ask - Pause - Pick 1 2 3 4 5 Confirm by practice Pack up, everything tidy Summary; You know how to keep firing when there is a stoppage. Look forward to; THE TEST Tell them where they’re going next. Explain. Immediate Action. Order 'Down", "Load'; "Ready'; "Fire". Explain and demonstrate, the squad imitating: If the weapon fails to fire or stops firing the following Immediate Action (IA) is to be carried out: a. Apply the safety catch. b. Cock and engage the holding open catch. Hook. c. Look into the body and the chamber. Word of command for practising stoppages. (1) "Rifle firing alright - rifle stops". Cdts carry out AI (as above) a. On examining the body and chamber b. "Body and chamber clear, empty magazine" = old mag off, New mag on c. "Rounds in magazine, chamber clear" = check mag, release parts. d. "Obstruction in body/chamber" = Mag off tap/shake, "Obstruction clear". (2) On resumption of firing - "Rifle firing all right'. Stoppage Drills Subsequent action will depend on what is found when looking into the weapon. Explain and demonstrate, the squad imitating: a. If on cocking the weapon the cocking handle is found to be already fully to the rear and the magazine is empty: change the magazine, operate the bolt release catch, re-aim, test and adjust and having put the safety catch to F, continue firing. b. If the chamber is empty and there are rounds in the magazine, ensure the magazine is correctly fitted, operate the bolt release, re-aim, test and adjust, put the safety catch to F, and continue firing. c. If a live round, empty case or other obstruction is in the body or chamber, remove the magazine, clear the obstruction, replace the magazine, operate the bolt release, put the safety catch to F, re-aim, test and adjust and continue firing. Notes: It’s important that any round involved in a stoppage, if it appears damaged, is not loaded into magazine, nor any attempt is made to fire it. Such rounds should be returned for disposal. Further Action If an obstruction in the chamber cannot be removed during the initial remedial action, the chamber is being repeatedly obstructed. The weapon is hard to cock or the weapon will not fire after carrying out an initial remedial action. Then cadets are to take no further remedial action themselves but are to report the fault immediately to the officer/AI present by remaining in the prone position, making sure the safety catch is on S, raising their right hand and calling for assistance. Instructor Notes During initial teaching and practice the following words of command should be used to indicate stoppages and the condition of the rifle: (1) Immediate Action (IA). (a) “Rifle firing alright — rifle stops” . (b) “Cocking handle forward” . (c) On resumption of firing — “Rifle firing alright” . (d) “Rifle firing alright — rifle stops” . (e) “Cocking handle not fully forward” . (f) “Rounds in the magazine” . (g) “Obstruction — Obstruction Clear” . (h) On resumption of firing — “Rifle firing alright” . (2) Further Action. (a) After IA and attempted resumption of firing — “Rifle won’t fire”. (b) On examination — “Broken . . . . or “ Separated case” . (c) After remedial action and resumption of firing — “Rifle firing alright”. IA With the squad in the prone posititon Order “Load” , “Ready” , “ Fire” . Explain and demonstrate, the squad imitating: If the weapon fails to fire or stops firing, the following IA is to be carried out. Tilt the weapon to the left and look at the position of the cocking handle: a. If the cocking handle appears to be fully forward, tap forward on the cocking handle with the left hand and continue firing. b. Confirm by practice. c. If the cocking handle is in a position other than fully forward or fully to the rear or if the weapon fails to fire after carrying out the drill for cocking handle fully forward, tilt the weapon slightly to the right and cock the weapon, apply the holding open catch and look into the body or chamber. d. Tell squad to cock the rifle and apply holding open device and then explain and demonstrate: If the rifle stops firing and you find that the cocking handle is fully to the rear, and the magazine is empty, change the magazine, operate the holding open catch, tap forward on the cocking handle and continue firing. Confirm by practice. Actions on Examining the Body and Chamber Explain and demonstrate, the squad imitating: a. If there are rounds in the magazine and the chamber and body are clear, check the magazine is correctly fitted, operate the holding open catch, tap forward on the cocking handle and continue firing. b. If there is an obstruction in the body or chamber, remove the magazine, clear the obstruction with either the finger or a tool from the Maintenance Kit. Visually inspect the chamber and body to ensure they are clear, replace the magazine, operate the holding open catch, tap forward on the cocking handle and continue firing. Instructors are to explain: a. Any round involved in a stoppage or used as a tool is not to be re-loaded or fired. b. Stress the need to adjust position after any stoppage and before continuing firing. Confirm by practice, using cockers to set the bolt into the required positions. Explain the signals and words of command to be used.