November 2010 - University of Strathclyde

University of Strathclyde
30 November 2010
Dr Fraser Livingston (Convener of Court), Principal, Robin Crawford, Dr Jeff
Fergus, Professor Bob Kalin, Margaret McGarry, Dr John McInnes, Professor
Kenneth Miller, Dr Kevin O’Gorman, Jack Perry, Dr Christopher Prior, Niall
Sturrock, Dr Stephen Tagg, Dr Catriona Tedford, Phil Whyte, Malcolm Wishart,
Dr Lisa Woolfson.
Hugh Hall (Chief Operating Officer), David Coyle (Chief Financial Officer),
Professor Allister Ferguson (Deputy Principal), Professor David Gani (Deputy
Principal), Professor Phil Winn (Deputy Principal), Professor Susan Hart (Dean of
Business), Professor Ian Hunter (Dean of Science), Professor Scott MacGregor
(Dean of Engineering), Professor Tony McGrew (Dean of HaSS), Graham
Roddick (Director of Estates), Sandra Heidinger (Director of Human Resources),
Tom Collins (Director of Marketing and Development), Saskia Hansen (Head of
GMAP), Kirsty MacLeod (Assistant Finance Director), Charandeep Singh (VicePresident, USSA), Fiona McKenna (International Programmes Officer), Gwen
McArthur (Governance and Policy Manager).
The Chancellor, Ronnie Cleland, David Dunbar, Councillor Jonathan Findlay,
David Gray, Dr Peter Hughes, Richard Hunter, Tom Monaghan, Dr Gerry Wilson.
CM 4480
The Convener welcomed Jack Perry, a new member, to his first meeting. He also
welcomed to the meeting Evance Morra (President) the University of Malawi
Polytechnic Students’ Union, Kirsty MacLeod (Assistant Finance Director) and
Fiona McKenna (International Programmes Officer). 5
CM 4481
Court approved the minutes of the meetings held on 5 October and 12
November 2010.
CM 4482
Court was delighted to note that the Privy Council had approved the proposed
revisions to the University Charter and Statutes. It was agreed that the revised
Charter and Statutes be implemented with immediate effect, save for the
provisions of Statutes 2 (The Court) and 3 (The Senate) which would be effective
from 1 August 2011, in order to allow those members whose period of office ran
until 31 July 2011 to complete their term of office. Thereafter the new provisions
for membership of these bodies would be effective.
Court – 30 November 2010
Court had previously approved revised Ordinances (CM 4446), that were
consistent with the revised Charter and Statutes, which would also now become
effective. It was noted that a review of Regulations needed to be completed in
order to ensure that they too were consistent with the other constitutional
changes. Court approved changes to Regulation 1.12 ‘Use of the University
Seal’ as detailed in the paper presented.
CM 4483
The Principal provided Court with a report on key issues/activities that had
occurred since the last meeting, including the various high profile meetings he
had been involved in. Court noted this report.
CM 4484
Court received the University Strategic Plan 2011-2015 which had been prepared
following extensive consultation with staff and students throughout the University,
and also with external partners. It had also been discussed at the strategic
meeting of Court on 12 November, and Court noted the report of the main
outcomes from that meeting.
In presenting the Strategic Plan to Court, Deputy Principal Winn emphasised the
importance of taking such positive action to position the University in the future
by setting ambitious aims. He drew attention to the process for communicating
this plan to the wider community, with the main medium being the University web
site. Targetted information would also be provided to staff so that they
understood how they could contribute to delivering these aims. Strategic dialogue
meetings would be the principal mechanism for ensuring engagement with the
Plan and delivering the University’s ambitions. These meetings would be held at
least biannually and would involve senior staff from across the University. Both
Senate and the Executive Team had endorsed the Plan.
Court commended Deputy Principal Winn and the Planning Team who had
worked so hard to produce this Plan and to ensure such wide consultation and
support for it. In discussion it was agreed that clearer reference to the Risk
Management Framework would be included in the final edition of the Plan to
ensure appropriate alignment between the planning process and the University’s
approach to risk management.
CM 4485
Court approved the Strategic Plan 2011-2015.
Deputy Principal Gani informed Court of the progress made to date with the
development of the University’s Internationalisation Strategic Framework and of
new internationalisation activities. He informed Court of the top four priorities that
had been developed for internationalisation activities and how these would be
taken forward. This included developing an international profile for all staff, an
international curriculum and student experience, sustainable international
partnerships, and ensuring systems and processes supported these activities.
An International Priority Forum would be established to oversee the effective
delivery and implementation of the International Strategic Framework within the
University; and a Strategic International Advisory Committee would be
established to provide advice and guidance to the University, as well as to
identify and provide access to international contacts and networking
Court – 30 November 2010
Each of the four Deans provided Court with information on some of the
international activities currently taking place in the Faculties as well as a look
ahead to some of the activities that were currently being developed. Court was
interested to note the range of activities and also the number of countries
worldwide that the University was currently involved with. It was also interested to
note the various efforts the University took to help international students integrate
into the University community, and the encouragement given to home students to
consider studying or working overseas as part of their course. Staff development
opportunities were also available and encouraged, and a range of partnership
links with industry and other companies operating internationally were already in
place and more were being actively considered.
In discussion it was noted that the University was taking a more strategic
approach to developing international partnerships and was aware of the need to
ensure that these partnerships would be sustainable, would fit with the
University’s own priorities and strategic aims, and could lead to developments in
a range of activities across education, research and knowledge exchange. The
competition for developing such links was tough and the University would need to
be confident in its approach and emphasise it strengths and distinctiveness. Due
diligence on potential future partners would be conducted rigorously in order to
ensure that the University could manage risk effectively. This would be true for
academic and business partnerships.
Court endorsed the Internationalisation Strategic Framework and thanked
Deputy Principal Gani, the Deans and the team of staff involved in this activity for
all their efforts to date. Court also agreed that it would like the opportunity to
discuss this activity further in the future. This would be explored.
CM 4486
Court received the draft Financial Statements for 2009/10; a commentary on
these Statements; reports from the Executive Team and the Audit Committee on
the Statements; and the Management Letter from the External Auditors.
The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) presented the Financial Statements for the
year ended 31 July 2010 to Court. The overall result for the year showed a deficit
of £10M. This deficit had been planned to address future financial sustainability
and was, largely, a result of implementing an early retirement and voluntary
severance scheme. This scheme would provide savings of £13M in reduced
salary costs in 2010/11. The CFO provided the Committee with a breakdown of
the headline figures for income and expenditure for the year, together with
information on the trend in reported surplus/deficit including gains on disposals. It
was noted that the University had £84.9M in cash balances, at the year end, and
so was well placed in terms of financial strength. This funding would be required
to resource the major investments necessary for the University to achieve its
strategic aims. Additionally, discussions had been held with the European
Investment Bank (EIB) to secure further funding to assist the University achieve
its aims. If successful, this funding would be of significant benefit to the
University. It was hoped that the University would hear soon if it would receive
financial support from the EIB.
The Convener of the Audit Committee confirmed that that committee was
satisfied with the information presented and was aware that the deficit had been
planned. He also drew Court’s attention to the Management Letter from the
Court – 30 November 2010
External Auditors which stated that they had no points to raise, which confirmed
the excellent financial management arrangements within the University.
Court was pleased to note that both the Executive Team and the Audit
Committee were satisfied with the Financial Statements and, on the
recommendation of the Audit Committee, Court resolved that the draft Financial
Statements for 2009/10 be approved and the relevant officers be authorised to
sign the printed statements in due course.
On behalf of Court the Convener thanked the CFO and his team for their sterling
work in preparing the Financial Statements.
CM 4487
Court received the report on the review of the Early Retirement and Voluntary
Severance scheme which had closed at the end of September. Court was
pleased to note that this scheme had delivered good savings for the University
and had assisted in the restructuring that had taken place. A significant number
of senior staff had left under this scheme, but it had not been as expensive as
had been originally anticipated. It was known that the staffing profile of the
University would be scrutinised again in the future, as further savings and
possible restructuring would be required. The Financial Forecasting Group would
be involved in this process and the Trade Unions would be consulted at the
appropriate time. Court would be kept informed of developments.
CM 4488
Court noted the report from the Court Membership Group and particularly that
consideration was being given to succession arrangements for the Chancellor.
Under the revised Charter and Statutes Court was now responsible for the
appointment of the Chancellor, following consultation with Senate. The Court
Membership Group proposed that it be responsible for assisting Court in this task
and a process had been prepared for consideration. Court approved
i. the following amendment to the terms of reference of the Court Membership
Group: ‘To consider succession planning for the office of Chancellor,
including considering named individuals as potential candidates for this
office, and making recommendations to Court and Senate on this matter as
and when appropriate’;
ii. the Succession Planning process for the office of Chancellor as presented.
Court also noted that discussions regarding the succession arrangements for the
Treasurer were under way; and that consideration was being given to the
membership of various Committees. Following a review Court agreed that a Lay
Member of Court be appointed to the Statutory Advisory Committee on Safety
and Occupational Health (name to be advised).
CM 4489
Senate: Meeting of 17 November 2010 (SM 11422)
Court noted that Senate had endorsed the collaboration between the Strathclyde
Business School and SKIL, a leading infrastructure developer in India, to deliver
courses in India. As part of this agreement the Business School wished to offer a
new Masters degree award. On the recommendation of Senate, Court resolved
Court – 30 November 2010
that Ordinance 3.1 be amended to include the new degree “Master in
Executive Team: Meeting of 18 November 2010
Court noted that the Executive Team had considered and endorsed the revised
University Health and Safety Policy that had been proposed by the Statutory
Advisory Committee on Safety and Occupational Health (SACSOH). This policy
was underpinned by more detailed health and safety arrangements, information
on which had also been made available to Court. Court welcomed this
information and resolved that the University Health and Safety Policy be
approved with immediate effect.
Audit Committee: Meeting of 2 November 2010
Court received a report from the meeting of Audit Committee, and noted the
Annual Reports from the Audit Committee and from the Internal Audit Service for
2009/10, including the Audit Opinion which was favourable.
On the recommendation of the Audit Committee, Court resolved that Ernst &
Young LLP be re-appointed External Auditors to the University for the audit of
the Financial Statements for 2010/11.
Estates Committee: Meeting of 5 November 2010
On the recommendation of the Estates Committee, Court approved the following
projects to proceed to Gateway 2 (complete design, obtain tenders and complete
construction) under the supervision of the Estates Committee and subject to the
Stage D report (including a detailed cost plan) being approved by the Convener
of the Estates Committee
CM 4490
the Single Campus Project; and
the Power Network Demonstration Centre.
In recognition of his significant contribution to the governance of the University,
Court resolved that a Fellowship of the University be bestowed upon Dr Gerald
Wilson, Vice-Convener of Court.
CM 4491
The next meeting would be held on Tuesday 22 February 2011 at the Advanced
Forming Research Centre (AFRC) at Inchinnan. This meeting would start at 9.30
a.m. and would be followed by lunch and then a tour of the AFRC. Transport
would be provided. Further information would be made available shortly.