CIE Minutes 2-11

Council on International Education
Minutes for February 11, 2015 Meeting
Present: Bhavneet Walia, Minsun Doh, Marloes Van Eijkelenberg, Jeff Hancks, Chandra Amaravadi, Yong Tang,
Fetene Gebrewold, Gary Schmidt, Richard Hughey, Doug Huff, Kim McDaniel
1. Introduction of Kim McDaniel as replacement for Emily Gorlewski, Center for International Studies
2. Approval of minutes from January 18 meeting
It was noted the dates were wrong on the minutes from last time. No other corrections being noted,
the minutes stand as approved
3. Update on Policies and Procedures form
A hard copy with updates was distributed. Bhavneet will send all an electronic copy.
- Clarification from last meeting’s discussion: CIE only deals with short-term study abroad programs.
- Gary noted extensive use of “would”/”should” throughout. Other grammatical/typographical errors
noted. Specific changes:
- #5 Procedures for Approving New or Revised Undergraduate Courses and Curricula, fifth
paragraph: Change “would” to “will”—“…by the Center for International Studies and will be
- #6 Study Abroad Policies and Procedures
- Paragraph 2, first sentence: Change “approvals” to “approval”
- Paragraph 2, first sentence: Change “would” to “will”—“…Study Abroad Courses will
begin with the Center…”
- Paragraph 2, second sentence: Change “would” to “will”—“…considered for GI credit,
it will be sent to CIE…”
- Short term study abroad, #1: Change “would” to “will”—“…lasting less than a month
will be considered short…”
- #2: Insert space in “atleast”—“program should be at least seven days….”
- #3: Incomplete sentence. Add “must be provided”—“…or 15 contact hours) must be
- #4: Change “should” to “must”—“There must be evidence…”
-#5: Change “should” to “must”—“There must be an academic…”
-#6: Change “should” to “must”—“There must be evidence…”
-#7: Change “should” to “must”—“There must be evidence…”
-#8: Change “should” to “must”—“It must meet the goals…”
- #7 Appeal Procedures: Bhavneet is waiting on the ad-hoc committee to see if Faculty Senate will
allow transfer work towards the FL/GI requirement.
Bhavneet will post the current document to the Faculty Senate website with the changes noted above.
Marloes suggested removing #7 until it is clarified. Bhavneet said it is current policy. All in favor of
posting the updated policies and procedures document to the Faculty Senate website.
4. Update on History courses from January meeting—Bhavneet forwarded the textbook recommendation for
HIST 211. The History courses were passed by Faculty Senate February 10.
5. New course request from Management and Marketing
-Discussion: Minsun asked if this was discipline-specific or general. Gary said it was discipline-specific.
Fetene asked about the BAT 600 course. Bhavneet stated only the BAT 300 was to be considered for
Chandra asked if the old or new policies were to be used for evaluation. Bhavneet said the old policies.
Doug questioned the amount of meeting time before departure. How strict should the committee be?
Only eight class hours scheduled. Bhavneet said she would recommend Dr. Stewart add an additional
class meeting.
Chandra asked about academic credit and mixing with the students at the business school. He
recommended adding an extra hour at the business school to visit with their students.
Minsun asked about the cultural content and the role/purpose of Dr. Stewart. Bhavneet restated
previous questions/recommendations including checking the number of credit hours offered, how only
one credit hour pre-departure works, and adding more time at the business school.
Yong commented on the listed assignments and noted the lack of an academic textbook. Fetene
recommended more media and/or PDF files related to academic content be posted.
Bhavneet called for a vote with the recommended changes. Motion to approve by Fetene, Chandra
Approve with changes: 6
Oppose: 0
Abstain: 2
Bhavneet will forward the finalized proposal to Faculty Senate after reviewing the changes with Dr.
3:35 pm—Richard moved to adjourn, Doug seconded. All in favor.