CURRICULUM VITAE OF SIMON BRAMHALL MD FRCS TABLE OF CONTENTS PERSONAL DETAILS ............................................................................................................................ 3 APPOINTMENTS.................................................................................................................................... 4 COURSES ................................................................................................................................................ 6 MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................................................... 8 TEACHING............................................................................................................................................ 10 RESEARCH ........................................................................................................................................... 10 Thesis Abstract ................................................................................................................................... 10 RESEARCH SUPERVISION ............................................................................................................ 11 RESEARCH GRANTS ...................................................................................................................... 11 MEMBERSHIP OF LEARNED SOCIETIES .................................................................................... 13 COMMITTEES ...................................................................................................................................... 14 OTHER ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................................ 15 PAPERS ................................................................................................................................................. 15 CASE REPORTS ................................................................................................................................... 25 PUBLISHED ABSTRACTS .................................................................................................................. 28 BOOK CHAPTERS ............................................................................................................................... 31 PRESENTATIONS ................................................................................................................................ 36 INVITED LECTURES ........................................................................................................................... 42 CONFERENCES.................................................................................................................................... 55 REFEREES ............................................................................................................................................ 56 2 PERSONAL DETAILS NAME SIMON BRAMHALL TELEPHONE Work: 0121 371 4655 MP: 07976 278549 Email: DATE OF BIRTH 28th October 1964 AGE 48 years NATIONALITY British GMC REGISTRATION NUMBER 3358940 DEFENCE SOCIETY Medical Protection Society No: 160112 UNIVERSITY EDUCATION University of Birmingham Medical School 1983-88 PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS MB ChB FRCS MD FRCS (gen-surg) CCST DATE 1st April 2000 PRIZES Arthur Thompson Travelling Scholarship 1987 MRC Rogers Fund Award 1987 Riker Elective Prize 1987 Midland Gastroenterological Society 1993 IAP Young Investigators Award 1994 Pancreatic Society 1995 The British Council, Japan 1997 Foundation for Promotion of Cancer Research 1998 CURRENT APPOINTMENT Consultant Surgeon The Liver Unit Queen Elizabeth Hospital Edgbaston Birmingham B15 2TH 3 1988 1992 1997 1998 APPOINTMENTS AUGUST 1988 - JANUARY 1989 HOUSE SURGEON Mr DMA Wallace (Consultant Urologist) Mr JWL Fielding (Consultant General Surgeon) Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham FEBRUARY 1989 - JULY 1989 HOUSE PHYSICIAN Dr BT Cooper (Consultant Physician/ Gastroenterologist) Dudley Road Hospital Birmingham SEPTEMBER 1989 - JANUARY 1990 TEMPORARY LECTURESHIP IN ANATOMY School of Basic Medical Sciences University of Birmingham FEBRUARY 1990 - JULY 1990 SENIOR HOUSE OFFICER Accident and Emergency Department General Hospital Birmingham AUGUST 1990 -JANUARY 1991 SENIOR HOUSE OFFICER Mr TM Milward (Consultant Plastic Surgeon) Mr HP Henderson (Consultant Plastic Surgeon) Leicester Royal Infirmary Leicester FEBRUARY 1991 - JULY 1991 SENIOR HOUSE OFFICER Mr PS Veitch (General & Upper GI Surgery) Mr MJ Kelly (General & Colorectal Surgery) Leicester General Hospital Leicester JULY 1991 - DECEMBER 1991 PRE-FELLOWSHIP REGISTRAR Mr DJ Campbell (General, Endocrine & GI Surgery) Mr JM Morrison (General & Breast Surgery) Selly Oak Hospital Birmingham JANUARY 1992 - JUNE 1992 PRE-FELLOWSHIP REGISTRAR Professor MRB Keighley (Barling Professor) Mr D Kumar (Senior Lecturer in Surgery) Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham JULY 1992 - JUNE 1993 SENIOR HOUSE OFFICER Mr MD Middleton (Gen & Vasc Surgery) Mr MD Goldman (Gen & Vasc Surgery) East Birmingham Hospital Birmingham JUNE 1993 - MAR 1995 CLINICAL RESEARCH FELLOW University Department of Surgery City Hospital NHS Trust Dudley Road Birmingham B18 7QH 4 APPOINTMENTS (cont.) APRIL 1995 - SEPT 1995 CLINICAL LECTURER IN SURGERY Mr RA Cobb (Gen & Colorectal Surgery) Mr HJ Thomson (Gen, UGI & HPB Surgery) Birmingham Heartlands Hospital Bordesley Green East Birmingham B9 5SS OCT 1995 - SEPT 1996 CLINICAL LECTURER IN SURGERY Mr JWL Fielding (Gen, Breast & UGI Surgery) Mr MT Hallissey (Gen, Breast & UGI Surgery) Professor J Temple (Gen & UGI Surgery) Mr D England (Gen & Breast Surgery) Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham B15 2TH OCT 1996 - SEPT 1997 CLINICAL LECTURER IN SURGERY Professor P McMaster Mr J Buckels Mr D Mayer (HPB & Liver Transplant Surgery) Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham B15 2TH OCT 1997 - JAN 1998 CLINICAL LECTURER IN SURGERY Mr D Ellis (Gen & UGI Surgery) Mr D Gourevitch (Gen & UGI Surgery) Mr K Wheatley (Gen & Colorectal Surgery) Sandwell District General Hospital Sandwell West Midlands FEB 1998 - MAR 1998 VISITING LECTURER IN SURGERY Professor T Sano (Gastric Cancer Division) National Cancer Center Hospital Tokyo Japan APR 1998 – SEPT 1998 CLINICAL LECTURER IN SURGERY Mr D Ellis (Gen & UGI Surgery) Mr D Gourevitch (Gen & UGI Surgery) Mr K Wheatley (Gen & Colorectal Surgery) Sandwell District General Hospital Sandwell West Midlands OCT 1998 – SEPT 1999 CLINICAL LECTURER IN SURGERY Professor MRB Keighley (Barling Professor) Mr D Morton (Senior Lecturer - Coloproctology) Mr S Radley (Senior Lecturer - Coloproctology) Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham B15 2TH 5 APPOINTMENTS (cont.) OCT 1999 – SEPT 2001 CLINICAL LECTURER IN SURGERY Professor P McMaster Mr J Buckels Mr D Mayer Mr D Mirza Mr D Candinas (HPB & Liver Transplant Surgery) Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham B15 2TH OCT 2001 – JAN 2002 CLINICAL LECTURER IN SURGERY Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham B15 2TH FEB 2002 – AUG 2002 HONORARY CONSULTANT SURGEON Clinical Lecturer in Surgery The Liver Unit Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham B15 2TH AUG 2002 - CURRENTLY CONSULTANT SURGEON The Liver Unit Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham B15 2TH COURSES 1. Small and Large Bowel Anastomosis Techniques Department of Surgery, University of Leicester. 24.11.90 and 1.12.90 2. 36th Intensive Course in Surgery Dudley Road Hospital, Birmingham. 9.3.92 to 20.3.92 3. Molecular Biology for Clinicians Department of Molecular Biology, Warwick University. 13.12.93 to 16.12.93 4. Lecturing and Presentation Skills Staff Development Unit, University of Birmingham. 13.11.95 and 14.11.95 5. Personal Tutoring Staff Development Unit, University of Birmingham. 12.01.96 6. Writing a Successful Research Proposal Staff Development Unit, University of Birmingham. 27.03.96 and 22.05.96 7. Writing for Publication Staff Development Unit, University of Birmingham. 18.04.96 8. Teaching in a Clinical Setting Staff Development Unit, University of Birmingham. 24.06.96 6 9. Strategies for Assessment Staff Development Unit, University of Birmingham. 25.11.96 10.Supervising Students Staff Development Unit, University of Birmingham. 25.03.97 11.Course Design Staff Development Unit, University of Birmingham. 15.05.97 12.Management Awareness Department of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations, University of Keele. 27.04.98 – 28.04.98 13.2nd Scottish Therapeutic Endoscopy Workshop Glasgow Royal Infirmary. 08.10.98 – 10.10.98 14.Recruitment and Selection Briefing Staff Development Unit, University of Birmingham. 15.10.98 15.Training the Trainers Royal College of Surgeons of England, London. 19.01.00 – 20.01.00 16.Preparing for the Consultants Interview First Course, Birmingham 29.04.00 17.2nd International Split Liver Course University of Hamburg 04.10.01 – 05.10.01 18.Paris Right Liver Lobe Course: From Resection to Donation Clichy Hospital, Paris 14.12.01 – 15.12.01 19. UHB Leadership Programme Birmingham 03/08-09/08 20. Laparoscopic HPB Surgery Surgical Skills Centre, Dundee 28/05/08 21. Chairing Meetings Effectively UHB Consultant Development Programme 08/07/08 22. MedicoLegal Course Lyons Davidsons Solicitors, Leeds 18/6/09 23. Teaching the Teachers UHB 16/09/13 7 MANAGEMENT I am or have been directly responsible for the following members of University or NHS staff: Dr Darren Williams, PhD Student Dr Paul Wilson, Clinical Research Fellow Mr Martin Wadley, Clinical Research Fellow Mr John Whiting, Clinical Research Fellow Mr Mangta Manu, Clinical Research Fellow Mr Roger Brammer, Clinical Research Fellow Mr Anant Desai, Clinical Research Fellow Ms Sarah Barclay, Research Nurse Ms Patricia Donoghue, Research Nurse Mr Michael O’Keefe, Research Nurse Ms Josephine Lee, Research Nurse Mr Eoin Scott, Research Nurse Ms Catherine Markham, Research Nurse Ms Helen Hewitt, Research Nurse Mr Abraham John, Trust Grade/Research Fellow Mr Edward Alababra, Trust Grade/Research Fellow Mr Chandra Bhatti, Trust Grade/Research Fellow Mr Anand Bhatt, Trust Grade/Research Fellow Mr Ricky Bhogal, Trust Grade/Research Fellow Mr David Bartlett, Trust Grade/Research Fellow Mr Rupesh Sutaria, Trust Grade/Research Fellow Mr Timothy Evans, Trust Grade/Research Fellow Mr Barney Stephenson, Trust Grade/Research Fellow Mr Gregory Moorlock, PhD Student Mr Richard Wilkin, Trust Grade/Research Fellow Mr Richard Laing, Trust Grade/Research Fellow I was responsible for negotiating the financial contracts for the majority of these posts with the post sponsors, I formulated the posts and wrote the job descriptions and was responsible for short-listing and interviewing all of the candidates. Following their appointment I have become their in-line manager and clinical project supervisor, in the majority of cases I am also their academic supervisor. I have maintained a strong academic record as a consultant: Development and funding for 3 substantive Trust Grade Research Fellows o These posts now form an integral part of our unit staffing at weekends and during the week they are based in laboratories carry out basic science research. o In the early stages I helped supervise their research degrees but more recently this has been carried out by Prof D Adams and Dr P Newsome and I provide clinical mentorship. o 4 of these candidates have gone on to obtain MRC Training fellowships. Since 1995 I have supervised 6 students studying for an MD and all bar one have been awarded, in addition I have also supervised 2 students who have been awarded PhDs. I have also supervised 7 research nurses (plus 4 NCRN research nurse posts) all who have been involved in carrying out clinical trials on my behalf I am both an internal and an external examiner for MD theses. Since 1993 I have been involved in raising more than £2.5 million of research grants. o Recently: funding from AHRC for a PhD into the ethical study of directed donation. o As a collaborator in the CRCUK funded ESPAC 4 prospective tissue collection. Active recruitment into clinical trials; major recruiter into ESPAC3, BilCap, GemCap, Silver study 2002-2003: data safety monitoring committee for PRT 030 & 031 trials. 2000-2001: Trial steering committee for Aphton PC3 trial. 2002: Clinical advisor to Bristol Myers Sqibb. 2009-current: Member of UHB Charities Grant Committee. Current journal reviewer for: British Journal of Surgery, Digestive Surgery, Transplantation, Liver Transplantation, American Journal of Transplantation, World Journal of Surgical Oncology. 8 o o o o o Previous reviewer for Lancet, Nature Reviews Cancer, British Journal of Cancer, GUT, Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs and the International Journal of Cancer. 2009-current: member of editorial Board of World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery. Editorial Board International Journal of Hepatology Editorial Board World Journal of Methodology CRUK Stratified Medicine Programme – Board of Human Tissue Repository MRC grant peer review process Since becoming a consultant I have been actively involved in Trust management: 2006-2008: clinical representative on modernising patient administration working group. 2006- 2009: liver surgical representative on Hospital @ Night working group. Development of junior doctor deal and EWTD compliant rotas for liver unit doctors. o Employment of new staff. o Development of Research Fellow grade. 2002-2009: Clinical lead for organ procurement, oversaw merger of Birmingham with Coventry teams, further increase in coordinators and finally the transfer of all services to NHSBT. Business cases for NHBD, LRLT and Laparoscopic HPB surgery as above. 2002-2008: Clinical lead for NCRN within Trust. Management of 4 NCRN funded research nurses. 2005-2008: Clinical Lead for Choose and Book. 2005-2006: Surgical representative on Theatre A* equipment committee for the new hospital development. 2005-2006: Member of UK Transplant working group investigating zonal liver allocation. 2005-2006: National peer reviewer for National Cancer Peer Review Programme. 2007-2010: member of BTS Council. 2005-2006: BTS higher awards committee. 2006-2009: member of council for Pancreatic Society of GB and Ireland. 2006: Author of a damming report into organs lost to transplantation. I wrote the report and circulated copies to Intensive Care Society, BMA, ASGBI, all political parties and to the DH. After several meetings with the DH, Rosie Winterton (then minister with responsibility for transplantation) agreed to the setting up of the Organ Donation Task Force. 2006-current: Transplant surgical representative on the DH ODTF. Successful completion of 2 reports into aspects of organ donation. 2008-current: Laboratory Automation Committee, as part of the move to the new hospital. 2009-current: UHB Organ Donation Committee, set up in response to the report from ODTF. 2008-current: elected representative on the Trust Clinical Excellence Awards Committee. 2008-2009: New Hospital Bed Allocation Committee. 2008-current: member of novel therapeutics committee. 2007-2009: Trust appointed Associate Divisional Director for length of stay, discharge and theatres. o Development of a strategy for Trust wide pre-admission services. o Development of strategy to deliver admission on day of surgery o Development of electronic notification of expected length of stay. o Development of strategy for Trust wide Discharge team to deal with long stay patients. Leading the Best in Care - Leadership course RCS invited review mechanisms UHB Clinical Governance case review of individual performance UHB representative on NHSBT LAG 2010-2013 BTS Councillor without Portfolio RCS Board of Assessors NPSA Safety Alert Task & Finish Group 9 TEACHING As a temporary lecturer in anatomy I taught medical and dental undergraduates, in both a formal classroom setting and individually in the dissecting room. I also examined undergraduate medical and dental students for their first MB, or equivalent, in topographical anatomy and histology. This involved both marking written material and anatomy viva-voce examinations. I have supervised medical students undertaking their Public Health and Epidemiology projects the data contained within them has been presented at the West Midlands Surgical Society and Midlands Gastroenterolgical Society meetings. I have taught medical undergraduates in clinical subjects, at the patients’ bedside, in practical techniques and in more formal tutorials. I have been actively involved in the third year surgical students formal lecture programme; I have lectured to the 4th year dental students and 1st year medical students on anatomy. Ever since obtaining my FRCS I have been involved in formal and informal teaching and mock clinical examinations for fellowship candidates and more recently for students sitting their FRCS(gen surg). I have designed and taught a special study module on pancreatic cancer to 3rd year medical students. This involves 30 hours of clinical teaching to a small group of students on a specific topic. The students are shown the interrelationship between basic science and clinical management of pancreatic cancer; present a clinical case and each produce a dissertation. I was a lead tutor in the digestive disease module to the pre-clinical undergraduate students and designed and produced part of this course. This involved four hours of tutorial-based teaching. I am a University internal examiner for higher degrees and have been involved as an examiner for the MBChB and BDS. I have also been involved in the following: 2002-2008: UHB clinical lead for 5th year surgery. Educational Supervisor for one FY1 and one specialist trainee each year. 2005: Development of Liver Unit as a Postgraduate Training Institution recognised by the GMC for overseas graduates to obtain GMC registration. Bedside/clinical teaching of 3rd, 4th and 5th year medical students. Liver unit clinical lead for work experience students. Lecture based teaching to 3rd medical students, regional trainees, foundation year doctors and professions allied to medicine. National lectures on organ donation, liver transplantation and HPB surgery. 2005-2007: elected member of the British Transplantation Society Education and Training Committee. 2007-2010: Chairman of the BTS Training and Education Committee. 2007-2010: BTS representative on the ASGBI Education Training Board. o Member of NHSBT education group to develop syllabus for delivery of education around organ donation o Development with others of MSC in Organ Donation o RCS MRCS e-learning package o University of Birmingham representative on WM Deanery School of Surgery RESEARCH Thesis Abstract Proteolytic degradation of the extracellular matrix (ECM) is an essential component of tumour spread. The matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are capable of degrading different substrates within the ECM. The MMPs belong to a family of proteolytic, zinc-binding enzymes involved in several physiological processes such as angiogenesis and morphogenesis. The functional activity of the activated forms of the MMPs is controlled by specific tissue inhibitors of the metalloproteinases (TIMPs). Prior to my publications in this area very little was known of the role of MMPs and TIMPs in pancreatic cancer. 10 The aim of my thesis was to characterise the expression of several of the key MMPs and their specific TIMPs. Expression was determined in human pancreatic cancers, chronic pancreatitis and healthy pancreas using immunohistochemistry and Northern analysis. The expression of the MMPs and TIMPs was compared with clinical and histopathological features of the disease known to affect prognosis. The cell types involved in expression of the enzymes were determined by in-situ hybridisation. Several human pancreatic cancer cell lines were characterised for MMP and TIMP expression and a number of MMP inhibitors were tested for their ability to inhibit invasion of the basement membrane in an invitro model. RESEARCH SUPERVISION 1.PhD Student, October 1995-September 1998. Mr D Williams. The regulation of activation and expression of MMPs and TIMPs by hypoxia and VEGF in pancreatic cancer. Awarded 2000 2. MD Student, April 1997-Mar 1999. Mr M Wadley. Circulating tumour cell release and expression and activation of MMPs in patients with primary breast cancer. Awarded 2001 3. MD Student, June 1997-May 1999. Mr J Whiting. The relationship between the MMPs and apoptosis in gastric cancer and premalignant gastric lesions. Awarded 2004 4. MD Student, February 1998-February 2000. Mr M Manu. The influence of neural factors on perineural invasion in pancreatic cancer. 5. MD Student, August 2000-May 2002. Mr Roger Brammer. The role of anti-angiogenic factors in acute pancreatitis. Awarded 2003 6. MD Student, March 2001-September 2003. Mr Anant Desai. The role of anti-angiogenic factors in gastro-oesophageal cancer. Awarded 2008 7. MD Student, November 2003 – July 2008. Mr A John. Endostatin Regulation in HPB Malignancy. Awarded 2009 8. PhD Student, October 2003 - 2005. Mr E Alababra. Macrophage Induction in Chronic Liver Rejection. Awarded 2009 9. PhD Student, October 2009 – September 2012. Mr Gregory Moorlock. Conditional Organ Donation. Awarded 2013 RESEARCH GRANTS & OTHER FUNDING 1. Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Research Committee. The Expression of Metalloproteinases and Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinases in Human Pancreatic Cancer. SR Bramhall 1993 £2,800. 2. Dudley Road Hospital Research Committee. The Expression of Metalloproteinases and Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinases in Human Pancreatic Cancer. SR Bramhall, JP Neoptolemos 1994 £2,780. 11 3. Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Research Grant. Joint Department of Surgery Application. M Crundwell, SR Bramhall, SMA Phillips, D Morton, NK Green, JP Neoptolemos 1994 £3,000. 4. Duphar Laboratories Ltd. Clinical Trial Comparing the Effects of Creon 8000 with Creon 25000 in Patients who have Undergone Pancreatectomy. SR Bramhall, JP Neoptolemos 1994 £16,000. 5. Birmingham Heartlands Hospital Research Committee. The Control of Metalloproteinase Induced Invasion and Metastases in Human Pancreatic Cancer. SR Bramhall 1995 £2000 6. British Biotech Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Phase II Clinical Trial of BB2516 in Patients with Advanced Pancreatic Cancer. JD Evans, SR Bramhall, JP Neoptolemos. 1996 £52,000. 7. British Biotech Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Phase II Clinical Trial of BB2516 in Patients with Advanced Pancreatic Cancer. SR Bramhall. 1997 £11,000. 8. Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Research Grant. The Control of Metalloproteinase Induced Invasion and Metastasis in Human Pancreatic and Colorectal Cancer. SR Bramhall, D Williams, JP Neoptolemos. 1995 £1403 9. The Royal College of Surgeons of England Surgical Research Fellowship. Regulation of Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis in Pancreatic Cancer. JD Evans, SR Bramhall, M Eggo. 1996 £30,000 10.British Biotech Pharmaceuticals Ltd. A Pivotal Randomised Controlled Study Comparing Marimastat Against Gemcitabine as First Line Therapy in Patients with Non-resectable Pancreatic Cancer. SR Bramhall, J Buckels. 1997 £74,000. 11.British Biotech Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Phase III Clinical Trial of Lexipafant in Severe Acute Pancreatitis. P Wilson, SR Bramhall, D Adams. 1998 £50,000. 12.British Biotech Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Phase III Clinical Trial of Marimastat in Advanced Gastric Cancer. SR Bramhall, MT Hallissey, JWL Fielding. 1998 £128,000. 13.British Biotech Pharmaceuticals Ltd. A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomised Study Comparing Gemcitabine + Marimastat vs. Gemcitabine + Placebo as First Line Therapy in Patients with Locally Advanced or Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer. SR Bramhall, JAC Buckels. 1998 £72,000. 14.The Royal College of Surgeons of England Research Fellowship. Apoptosis causes increased expression of matrix metalloproteinases. JL Whiting, Mr JWL Fielding, SR Bramhall. 1998 £39,000. 12 15.British Biotech Pharmaceuticals Ltd. A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Minimized Phase III Study Comparing Marimastat to Placebo as Adjuvant Therapy in Patients with Resectable Pancreatic Cancer. SR Bramhall, JAC Buckels. 1998 £50,000. 16.Eli Lilly and Company Ltd. Educational Grant. A Randomised Phase II Trial of Neoadjuvant Therapy for Patients with Resectable Pancreatic Cancer; Gemcitabine alone versus Gemcitabine Combined with Cisplatin versus Gemcitabine Combined with Radiotherapy. SR Bramhall, D Kerr, J Buckels, D Spooner. 1999 £180,000. 17.The Liver Foundation, Birmingham Liver Unit. Two year funding for a Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Research Nurse. SR Bramhall, JAC Buckels, S Ingelby. 1999 £55,000. 18.The Eveson Charitable Trust. A Randomised Phase II Trial of Neoadjuvant Therapy for Patients with Resectable Pancreatic Cancer; Gemcitabine alone versus Gemcitabine Combined with Cisplatin versus Gemcitabine Combined with Radiotherapy. SR Bramhall. 1999 £75,000. 19.The Wellcome Trust, Clinical Research Fellowship. Anti-angiogenic factors in acute pancreatitis. R Brammer, S Bramhall, M Eggo. 2000 £46,000. 20.The Hilda Avery Research Trust. Anti-angiogenic factors in gastro-oesophageal cancer. A Desai, JWL Fielding, SR Bramhall. 2001 £120,000. 21.Aphton Corporation. A randomised, parallel group, active comparator controlled, multi-centre study to evaluate the efficiacy and safety of G17DT in subjects with advanced pancreatic cancer. SR Bramhall, JAC Buckels. 2001 £35,000. 22.Aphton Corporation. Prospective, randomised, controlled, double-blind, multi-national, multi-center study of G17DT immunogen in combination with gemcitabine versus placebo in combination with gemcitabine in previously untreated subjects with locally advanced (nonresectable stage II and III), recurrent disease following primary resection, or metastatic (stage IV) adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. SR Bramhall, JAC Buckels. 2002 £40,000. 23. UK Transplant. Non Heart Beating Organ Donation. SR Bramhall, Organ Procurement Team, Ms J Dutton. 2004 £150,000 + £110,000 recurring. 24. Fujisawa Clinical Nurse Specialist in Post Transplant Diabetes. SR Bramhall. 2005 £61,200. 25. Arts & Humanities Research Council. An empirically informed ethical analysis of directed and conditional cadaveric organ donation. H Draper, SR Bramhall. 2009 £65,940 26. Cancer Research UK European Study Group for Pancreatic Cancer Trial 4 prospective sample collection - ESPAC 4T Collaborator. 2009 £390,985.70 13 27. NHS Blood and Transplant National Organ Retrieval Service SR Bramhall, Division 2 Management. 2010 £1.95million 28. Cancer Research UK Stratified Medicine Programme Birmingham Biosample Collaborative Hub SR Bramhall (Collaborator). 2011 £298,330 MEMBERSHIP OF LEARNED SOCIETIES 1. Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 2. European Pancreatic Club. 3. Surgical Research Society. 4. West Midlands Surgical Society. 5. European Digestive Surgery. 6. Midland Gastroenterological Society. 7. Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland. 8. Association of Upper GI Surgeons. 9. International Association of Pancreatology. 10. British Transplantation Society. 11. International Liver Transplant Society. COMMITTEES 1. Surgical Training Sub-Committee. Academic Representative, 1997 – 2001. 2. Upper GI Site Specific Sub-group of the Cancer Services Clinical Advisory Group. HPB surgical representative, 1998 – 2001. 3. National Database Sub-Committee, Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 1997 – 1998. 4. West Midlands Region Third Part FRCS Working Party. 1998 – 1999. 5. West Midlands Infection Specialist Advisory Group. 1995 – 2001. 6. Data Safety Monitoring Committee PRT 030 & 031 Trials Daiichi Pharma 2002-2003. 7. Pan Birmingham NCRN Clinical Lead UHB NHS Trust, 2002- current. 8. University Hospital NHS Trust Clinical Lead for 5th Year Surgery, 2002-current. 9. British Transplantation Society Training Committee, 2005-current. 10. UK Transplant Working Group to Review Liver Zones and Liver Allocation, 2005-2007. 11. University Hospital NHS Trust Theatre A* Equipment for New Hospital project, 2005-2007. 12. Pancreatic Society of GB and Ireland Committee, 2005-2009. 14 13. University Hospital NHS Trust The Modernising Patient Administration Steering Group, 2005-2008. 14. Department of Health Donor Task Force. 2006-current. 15. University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Hospital 24/7. 2006-2009. 16. British Transplantation Society Council 2007-2013. 17. University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Organ Donation Committee. 2009-current. 18. University Hospital Birmingham Charities Grant Committee 2009-current. 19. Editorial Board World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 2009-current. 20. Editorial Board International Journal of Hepatology 2010-current OTHER ACTIVITIES I was chairman of my schools Young Enterprise Company in 1981/2 that won the Midlands Regional Young Enterprise competition and came 6th nationally. On a personal level, prizes were won in the Young Enterprise commerce examination; first place in the Midlands, and in the top ten nationally. From 1972 to 1983 I had a continuous interest in scouting through cubs to venture scouts and then to scout leader with a local group, winning the venture scout award. My fourth year elective period was spent in Africa. I lived for 2 months at Uzuakoli leprosy settlement, Imo State, Nigeria, working with chronically disabled patients. During this period I surveyed the disabilities of the 199 long-term residents at the settlement, documenting the neurological damage caused by their disease. I have two children and most of my spare time is taken up with family orientated activities. I have also reviewed manuscripts for the Lancet, Nature Reviews Cancer, British Journal of Cancer, GUT, British Journal of Surgery, Transplantation, Digestive Surgery, Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs and the International Journal of Cancer. I have been involved in reviewing and editing the pancreatic cancer page of the CancerHelp UK web site and patient information matrial for The British Liver Trust. I have also reviewed grant applications for the Royal College of Surgeons of England Fellowship programme. I have worked with Bristol Myers Sqibb and Daiichi as an advisor on clinical trials in pancreatic cancer and sat on the steering committee for the Aphton sponsored PC3 trial. I was the only European representative on a Data Safety Monitoring Board for a Daiichi clinical trial in pancreatic cancer. PAPERS 1. Bramhall SR, Veitch PS, Gourevitch D, Wicks AC. An improved method for oesophageal intubation. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 1993;75:189-92. 15 2. Stonelake PS, Powell J, Dunn JA, Warwick J, Bramhall SR, Neoptolemos JP, Baker PR, Morrison JM. Influence of timing of surgery during menstrual cycle on survival of premenopausal women with operable breast cancer. The Breast 1995;4:19-24. 3. Bramhall SR, Neoptolemos JP. Mini-symposium: pancreatic cancer. Adjuvant therapy. Current Practice in Surgery 1994;6(3):161-166. 4. Bramhall SR, Allum WH, Jones AG, Allwood A, Cummins C, Neoptolemos JP. Incidence, treatment and survival in 13,560 patients with pancreatic cancer: An epidemiological study in the West Midlands. British Journal of Surgery 1995;82(1):111-115. 5. Bramhall SR, Neoptolemos JP. The role of adjuvant chemo- and radiotherapy in pancreatic cancer. Digestive Surgery 1994;11:408-413. 6. Bramhall SR, Crundwell MC, Durr C, Goldman MD. The evolution of a laparoscopic cholecystectomy service in a district general hospital. Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh 1996;41(3):155-159. 7. Williams JG, Bramhall SR, Neoptolemos JP. Purse-string pancreaticojejunostomy following pancreatic resection. Digestive Surgery 1997;14:183-186. 8. Bramhall SR, Stamp GWH, Dunn J, Lemoine NR, Neoptolemos JP. Expression of collagenase (MMP2), stromelysin (MMP3) and tissue inhibitor of the metalloproteinases (TIMP1) in pancreatic and ampullary disease. British Journal of Cancer 1996;73:972-978. 9. Bramhall SR, Neoptolemos JP. Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic cancer. Gastroenterologist 1995;3(4):301-310. 10.Bramhall SR, Neoptolemos JP, Stamp GWH, Lemoine NR. Imbalance of expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue inhibitors of the matrix metalloproteinases (TIMPs) in human pancreatic carcinoma. Journal of Pathology 1997;182:347-355. 11.Bramhall SR, Neoptolemos JP. Adjuvant chemotherapy in pancreatic cancer. International Journal of Pancreatology 1997;21(1):59-63. 12.Evans JD, Wilson PG, Carver C, Bramhall SR, Buckels JAC, Mayer AD, McMaster P, Neoptolemos JP. Outcome of surgery for chronic pancreatitis. British Journal of Surgery 1997;84(5):624-629. 13.Neoptolemos JP, Russell RCG, Bramhall SR, Theis B. For the UK Pancreatic Cancer Group (UKPACA). Low mortality following resection for pancreatic and periampullary tumours in 1026 patients: UK survey of pancreatic specialist units. British Journal of Surgery 1997;84(10):1370-1376. 16 14.Bramhall SR. The matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in pancreatic cancer: from molecular science to a clinical application. International Journal of Pancreatology 1997;21(1):1-12. 15.Evans JD, Eggo MC, Donovan IA, Bramhall SR, Neoptolemos JP. Serum levels of insulin-like growth factors (IGF-I and IGF-II) and their binding protein (IGFBP-3) are not elevated in pancreatic cancer. International Journal of Pancreatology 1997;22(5):95-100. 16.Bramhall SR. The use of molecular technology in the differentiation of pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis. International Journal of Pancreatology 1998;23:83-100. 17.Neoptolemos JP, Ghaneh P, Andrén-Sandberg A, Bramhall SR, Patankar R, Kleibeuker JH, Johnson CD. Treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency after pancreatic resections: Results of a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study of high versus standard dose pancreatin. International Journal of Pancreatology 1999;25(3):171-180. 18.Bramhall SR, Harrison JD, Burton A, Wallace DMA, Chan KK, Fielding JWL. A phase II trial of radical surgery for locally advanced pelvic neoplasia. British Journal of Surgery 1999;86(6):805-812. 19.Bramhall SR. Stromal degradation by the malignant epithelium in pancreatic and ampullary cancer and the therapeutic potential of proteolytic inhibition. Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery 1998;5(4):392-401. 20.Bramhall SR. Advances in the treatment of pancreatic cancer. Aesculapius 1998;18:21-23. 21.Manu M, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. Management of pancreatic cancer at the turn of the century. Update 1999 4th March:442-448. 22.Bramhall SR. Academic higher surgical training after the Calman reforms. Surgery 1999;17(7):Scalpel 2. 23.Brammer R, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. Advances in non-operative therapy in pancreatic cancer. International Journal of Clinical Practice 2000;54(6):373-381. 24.Manu M, Buckels J, Bramhall SR. Molecular technology and pancreatic cancer. British Journal of Surgery 2000;87:840-853. 25.Garcia CE, Bramhall S, Mirza DF. Use of Marginal Donors. Current Opinion in Organ Transplantation 2000;5:50-56. 26.Bramhall SR. Novel non-operative treatment and treatment strategies in pancreatic cancer. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs 2000;9(6):1179-1195. 17 27.Satoi S,Bramhall SR, Solomon M, Mayer AD, Ville de Goyet J, Buckels JAC, McMaster P, Mirza DF. The use of liver grafts from donors with bacterial meningitis. Transplantation 2001;72(6):1108-1113. 28.Bramhall SR, Rosemurgy A, Buckels JAC, On behalf of Marimastat Pancreatic Cancer Study Group. Marimastat as first line therapy for patients with unresectable pancreatic caner – A randomized trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2001;19(15):3447-3455. 29.Ferry DR, Deakin M, Baddeley J, Daryanani S, Bramhall S, Anderson DA, Wakelam MJO, Doran J, Pemberton G, Young AM, Buckels J, Kerr DJ. A phase II study of the 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor, CV6504, in advanced pancreatic cancer: Correlation of clinical data with pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic endpoints. Annals of Oncology 2000;11:1165-1170. 30.Bramhall SR, Minford E, Gunson B, Buckels JAC. Liver transplantation in the UK. World Journal of Gastroenterology 2001;7(5):602-611. 31.Bramhall SR, Hallissey MT, Whiting J, Scolefield J, Tierney G, Stuart R, Hawkins R, McCulloch P, Maughan T, Brown PD, Baillet M, Fielding JWL.On behalf of Marimastat Gastric Cancer Study Group. Marimastat as maintenance therapy for patients with advanced gastric cancer: A randomized trial. British Journal of Cancer 2002;86(12):1864-70. 32.Bramhall SR, Schulz J, Neumatis J, Brown PD, Baillet M, Buckels JAC On behalf of Marimastat Pancreatic Cancer Study Group. A double-blind placebo-controlled, randomised study comparing gemcitabine and marimastat with gemcitabine and placebo as first line therapy in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer British Journal of Cancer 2002;87(2):161-7. 33.Bramhall SR, Gur U, Coldham C, Gunson BK, Mayer AD, McMaster P, Candinas D, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF. Liver resection for colorectal metastases. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2003;85;334-339. 34.Brammer R, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF, Mayer AD, McMaster P, Buckels JAC. Complex liver trauma: A ten-year experience. British Journal of Surgery 2002;89(12):1532-1537. 35.Teixeira P, Wilde J, Bramhall SR, Gunson B, Mutimer D, Buckels J, McMaster P, Mirza DF. Liver transplantation in haemophilia. British Journal of Haematology 2002;117(4):952-956. 36.Leelaudomlipi S, Bramhall SR, Gunson BK, Candinas D, Buckels JAC, McMaster P, Mirza DF, Mayer AD. Hepatic artery aneurysm in adult liver transplantation. Transplant International 2002;16(4):257-261. 37. Markham C, Stocken DD, Hassan AB. (Bramhall S) Benefit versus toxicity in advanced pancreatic cancer: report of a phase II irinotecan-cisplatin combination. British Journal of Cancer 2003;89(10):1860-1864. 38. Soonawalla Z, Bramhall S. The potential clinical role of matrix metalloproteinases. Chinese Journal of Practical Surgery 2003;23(10):635-637. 18 39. Jarufe NP, Coldham C, Mayer AD, Mirza DF, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. Favourable prognostic factors in a large UK experience of the head of the pancreas and periampullary region. Digestive Surgery 2004;21:202-209. 40. Soonawalla ZF, Orug T, Badminton MN, Elder GH, Rhodes JM, Bramhall SR, Elias E. Liver transplantation as a cure for acute intermittent porphyria. Lancet 2004;363(9410):705. 41. Tekin K, Imber, C J, Atli M, Gunson BK, Bramhall SR, Mayer D, Buckels JA, McMaster P, Mirza DF. A simple scoring system to evaluate the effects of cold ischemia on marginal liver donors. Transplantation 2004;77(3):411-416. 42. Muralidharan V, Imber C, Leelaudomlipi S, Gunson BK, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF, Mayer AD, Bramhall SR. Arterial conduits for hepatic artery revascularisation in adult liver transplantation. Transplant International 2004;17:163-168. 43. Silva MA, Mirza DF, Bramhall SR, Mayer AD, McMaster P, Buckels JAC. Treatment of hydatid disease of the liver. Evaluation of a UK experience. Digestive Surgery 2004;21:227-234. 44. Clift PF, Townend JN, Bramhall S, Isaac JN. Successful treatment of severe portopulmonary hypertension after liver transplantation by bosentan. Transplantation 2004;77(11):1774-1775. 45. Brammer RD, Bramhall SR, Eggo MC. Endostatin expression in pancreatic tissue is modulated by elastase. British Journal of Cancer 2005;92:89-93. 46. Jarufe N, McMaster P, Mayer AD, Mirza DF, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. Surgical treatment of metastases to the pancreas. Surgeon 2005;3(2):79-83. 47. Silva MA, Tekin K, Atykin F, Bramhall SR, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF. Surgery for hilar cholangiocarcinoma; a ten year experience of a tertiary referral centre in the UK. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2005;31(5);533-539. 48. Silva MA, Richards DA, Bramhall SR, Adams DH, Mirza DF, Murphy N. A study of the metabolites of ischaemia-reperfusion injury and selected amino acids in the liver using microdialysis during transplantation. Transplantation 2005;79(7):828-835. 49. Jarufe NP, Coldham C, Orug T, Mayer AD, Mirza DF, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. Neuroendocrine tumours of the pancreas: Predictors of survival after surgical treatment. Digestive Surgery 2005;22(3):157-162. 50. Haydon E, Haydon G, Bramhall S, Mayer AD, Neil D. Hepatic epithelioid haemangioendothelioma. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 2005;98:364-365. 51. Brammer RD, Bramhall SR, Eggo M. Endostatin expression in a pancreatic cell line is modulated by a TNFalpha- dependent elastase. British Journal of Cancer 2005;93(9):1024-1028. 52. Silva MA, Jambulingam PS, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC, Gunson BK, Mirza DF, Bramhall SR. Hepatic artery thrombosis following orthotopic liver transplantation; a 10 year experience from a single centre in the UK. Liver Transplantation 2006;12(1):146-151. 19 53. Kondili LA, Lala A, Gunson BK, Hubscher SG, Olliff S Elias E, Bramhall SR, Mutimer DJ. Primary hepatocellular cancer in the explanted liver: outcome of transplantation and risk factors for HCC recurrence. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2007;33(7):868-73.. 54. Palmer DH, Stocken DD, Hewitt H, Markham CE, Hassan AB, Johnson PJ, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. A randomised phase II trial of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in resectable pancreatic cancer: Gemcitabine alone vs. gemcitabine combined with cisplatin. Annals of Surgical Oncology 2007; 14(7):2088-96. 55. Wojcicki M, Silva MA, Jethwa P, Gunson B, Bramhall SR, Mayer D, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF. Biliary complications following adult right lobe ex vivo split liver transplantation. Liver Transplantation 2006;12(5):839-844. 56. Silva MA, Murphy N, Richards DA, Wigmore SJ, Bramhall SR, Buckels JAC, Adams DH, Mirza DF. Interstitial lactic acidosis in the graft during organ harvest, cold storage and reperfusion of human liver allografts predicts subsequent ischemia reperfusion injury. Transplantation 2006;82(2):227-233. 57. John AR, Haghighi KS, Taniere P, Esmad E, Tan YM, Bramhall SR. Is a raised CA 19-9 diagnostic for a cholangiocarcinoma in patients with no history of sclerosing cholangitis. Digestive Surgery 2006;23:319-324. 58. Höroldt BS, Burattin M, Gunson BK, Bramhall SR, Nightingale P, Hübscher SG, Neuberger JM. Does the BANFF rejection activity index predict outcome in patients with early acute cellular rejection following liver transplantation? Liver Transplantation 2006;12:1144-1151. 59. John AR, Khan S, Mirza DF, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. Multivariate and univariate analysis of prognostic factors following resection in HCC: The Birmingham experience. Digestive Surgery 2006;23:103-109. 60. Jethwa P, Breuning E, Bhati C, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF, Bramhall SR. The microbiological impact of preoperative biliary drainage on patients undergoing hepato-biliarypancreatic (HPB) surgery. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2007;25(10):1175-1180. 61. Tamijmarane A, Ahmed I, Bhatti CS, Mirza DF, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. Role of completion pancreatectomy as a damage control option for post pancreatic surgical complications. Digestive Surgery 2006;23(4):229-234. 62. Wojcicki M, Silva MA, Jethwa P, Gunson B, Bramhall SR, Mayer D, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF. Biliary complications following adult right lobe ex vivo split liver transplantation. Liver Transplantation 2006;12:839-844. 63. Jethwa P, Sodergen M, Lala A, Weber J, Buckels JA, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF. Diabetic control after total pancreatectomy Digestive and Liver Disease 2006;38(6):415-419. 64. Adham M, Mirza DF, Chapius F, Mayer AD, Bramhall SR, Coldham C, Baulieux J, Buckels J. Results of vascular resections during pancreatectomy from two European centres: an analysis of survival and disease-free survival explicative factors. HPB 2006;8:465-473. 20 65. Khan S, Silva MA, Tan YM, John A, Gunson B, Buckels JAC, Mayer AD, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF. Conventional versus piggyback technique of caval implantation; without extra-corporeal veno -venous bypass. A comparative study. Transplant International 2006;19(10):795-801. 66. Koukoutsis I, Bellagamba R, Morris-Stiff G, Wickremesekera S, Coldham C, Wigmore SJ, Mayer AD, Mirza DF, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. Haemorrhage following pancreaticoduodenectomy: Risk factors and the importance of sentinel bleed. Digestive Surgery 2006;23(4):224-228. 67. Silva MA, Mirza DF, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR, Mayer AD, Wigmore SJ, Murphy N, Richards DA. Arginine and urea metabolism in the liver graft: A study using microdialysis in human orthotopic Liver transplantation. Transplantation 2006;82(10):1304-1311. 68. Zang W, Jambulingham PS, Silva M, Taniere P, Mayer D, Bramhall S, Buckels J, Mirza DF. Orthotopic liver transplantation for epitheliod haemangioendothelioma. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2007;33(7):898-901. 69.Koukoutsis I, Bellagamba R, Tamijmarane A, Gunson B, Muralidharan V, Wigmore SJ, Mayer DA, Mirza DF, Buckels JA, Bramhall SR. Outcomes after identical and compatible orthotopic liver transplantation for fulminant hepatic failure: a single centre experience in UK. Transplant International 2007;20(8):659-65. 70.Koukoutsis I, Tamijmarane A, Bellagamba R, Bramhall S, Buckels J, Mirza D. The impact of splenectomy on outcomes after distal and total pancreatectomy World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2007;5:61-65. 71.Alabraba EB, Taniere P, Reynolds GM, Stewart PM, Wigmore SJ, Bramhall SR. Expression and functional consequences of oestrogen and progesterone receptors in human insulinomas. Endocrine-Related Cancer 2007;14:1081-1088. 72. Tamijmarane A, Bhati CS, Mirza DF, Bramhall SR, Mayer DA, Wigmore SJ, Buckels JAC. Application of Portsmouth Modification of Physiological and Operative Severity Scoring System for enumeration of morbidity and mortality (P-POSSUM) in pancreatic surgery. World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2008;6:39. 73. Carter R, Stocken DD, Ghaneh P, Bramhall SR, Olah A, Kelemen D, Bassi C, Friess F, Dervenis C, Spry C, Büchler MW, Neoptolemos JP. Longitudinal quality of life data can provide insights on the impact of adjuvant treatment for pancreatic cancer – subset analysis of the ESPAC-1 data. International Journal of Cancer 2009;15;124(12):2960-5. 74. Silva MA, Coldham C, Mayer AD, Bramhall SR, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF. Specialist outreach service for on-table repair of iatrogenic bile duct injuries – a new kind of ‘travelling surgeon’. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2008;90(3):243-246. 75. Stocken DD, Hassan AB, Altman DG, Billingham LJ, Bramhall SR, Johnson PJ, Freemantle N. Modelling Prognostic Factors in Advanced Pancreatic Cancer. British Journal of Cancer 2008;99:883-893. 76. John AR, Bramhall SR, Eggo MC. Antiangiogenic therapy and surgical practice. British Journal of Surgery 2008;95(3):281-293. 21 77.Morris-Stiff G, Bhati C, Olliff S, Hubscher S, Gunson B, Mayer D, Mirza D, Buckels J, Bramhall SR. Cholangiocarcinoma complicating primary sclerosing cholangitis: a 24-year experience. Digestive Surgery 2008;25(2):126-32. 78.Mehta NN, Ravikumar R, Coldham CA, Buckels JA, Hubscher SG, Bramhall SR, Wigmore SJ, Mayer AD, Mirza DF. Effect of preoperative chemotherapy on liver resection for colorectal liver metastases. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2007 Jul;34(7):782-6. 79. Marudanayagam R, Shanmugam V, Gunson B, Mirza DF, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. Aetiology and outcome of acute liver failure. HPB 2009;11:429-34. 80. Toti L, Attia M, Manzia TM, Lenci I, Gunson B, Buckels JA, Mirza DF, Mayer DA, Bramhall SR, Wigmore SJ. Reduction in bile leaks following adult split liver transplant using a fibrin-collagen sponge: a pilot study. Digestive and Liver Disease 2010;42(3):205-2009. 81. Marudanayagam R, Krishnamoorthy R, Shanmugam V, Langman G, Rajesh P, Coldham C , Bramhall SR, Mayer D, Buckels J, Mirza DF. Long-term outcome following sequential resections of liver and lung metastases from colorectal carcinoma. HPB 2009;11(8):671-6. 82. Morris-Stiff G, Alabraba E, Tan Y-M, Shapey I, Bhati C, Tanniere P, Mayer D, Buckels J, Bramhall S, Mirza DF. Assessment of survival advantage in ampullary carcinoma in relation to tumour biology and morphology European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2009;35(7):746-50. 83. Bhati CS, Silva MA, Wigmore SJ, Bramhall SR, Mayer DA, Buckels JA, Neil DA, Murphy N, Mirza DF. Use of bioelectrical impedance analysis to assess liver steatosis. Transplant Proceedings 2009;41(5):1677-81. 84. Cherian PT, Chiu K, Gunson B, Bramhall SR, Mayer D, Mirza DF, Buckels JAC. Pulmonary Thromboembolism in Liver Transplantation. A retrospective review of the first 25 years. Transplant International 2010;23(11):1113-1119. 85. Ramkumar K, Perera MTPR, Marudanayagam R, Coldham C, Simon P Olliff, Mayer AD, Bramhall SR, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF. A re-audit of specialist managed liver trauma following establishment of regional referral and management guidelines. The Journal of Trauma, Injury, Infection and Critical Care 2010;68(1):84-89. 86. Houlihan DD, Armstrong MJ, Davidov Y, Hodson J, Nightingale P, Rowe I, Paris S, Gunson B, Bramhall S, Mutimer D, Neuberger J, Newsome P. Renal function in patients transplanted for NASH cirrhosis: time to reconsider immunosuppression regimens? Liver Transplantation 2011;17(11):1292-1298. 87. Marudanayagam R, Shanmugam V, Sandhu B, Gunson B, Mirza DF, Mayer D, Buckels J, Bramhall SR. Liver retransplantation- a single centre 25-year experience. HPB 2010;12(3):217-224. 22 88. Boot CS, Bramhall SR, Mahon B, Clark PM. Investigation of the analytical validity of CEA and CA 19-9 measurement in pancreatic cyst fluid using Roche Elecsys immunoassays. Clinical Chemistry 2010;56(8):1351-2. 89. Perera MTPR, Monaco A, Silva MA, Bramhall SR, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF. Laparoscopic posterior sectoral bile duct injury: Emerging role of conservative management with improved long term results following delayed diagnosis. Surgical Endoscopy 2011;25(8):2684-2691. 90. Perera MTPR, Silva MA, Hegab B, Muralidharan V, Bramhall SR, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF. Specialist early and immediate repair of post laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) bile duct injuries (BDI) is associated with an improved long term outcome. Annals of Surgery 2011;253(3):553-560. 91. Manzia TM, Toti L, Lenci I, Attia M, Tariciotti L, Bramhall SR, Buckels JA, Mirza DF. Benign disease and unexpected histological findings after pancreaticoduodenectomy: the role of endoscopic ultrasound fine needle aspiration. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2010; 92(4):295-301. 92. Banz VM, Croagh D, Coldham C, Tanière P, Buckels J, Isaac J, Mayer D, Muiesan P, Bramhall S, Mirza DF. Factors influencing outcome in patients undergoing portal vein resection for adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2011;38:72-79. 93. Neoptolemos JP, Stocken DD, Bassi C, Ghaneh P, Cunningham D, Goldstein D, Padbury R, Moore MJ, Gallinger S, Mariette C, Wente MN, Izbicki JR, Friess H, Lerch MM, Dervenis C, Oláh A, Butturini G, Doi R, Lind PA, Smith D, Valle JW, Palmer DH, Buckels JA, Thompson J, McKay CJ, Rawcliffe CL, Büchler MW; European Study Group for Pancreatic Cancer. (Bramhall S – Collaborator) Adjuvant chemotherapy with fluorouracil plus folinic acid vs gemcitabine following pancreatic cancer resection: a randomized controlled trial. Journal Of the American Medical Association 2010; 304(10):1073-81. 94. Perera MT, Silva MA, Shah AJ, Hardstaff R, Bramhall SR, Issac J, Buckels JA, Mirza DF. Risk Factors for Litigation Following Major Transectional Bile Duct Injury Sustained at Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. World Journal of Surgery 2010; 34(11):2635-41. 95. Varma V, Tariciotti L, Coldham C, Taniere P, Buckels JA, Bramhall SR. Preoperative localisation and Surgical Management of Insulinoma: Single centre experience. Digestive Surgery 2011;28;63-73. 96. Morris-Stiff G, Tamijmarane A, Tan Y-M, Shapey I, Bhati C, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF. Pre-operative stenting is associated with a higher prevalence of post-operative complications following pancreatoduodenectomy. International Journal of Surgery 2010;92):145-149. 97. Marudanayagam R, Sandhu B, Perera MTPR, Taniere P, Coldham C, Bramhall S, Mayer D, Buckels J, Mirza D. Hepatic resection for non-colorectal, nonneuroendocrine, Non-sarcoma metatsasis – a single centre Experience. HPB 2011;13(4);286-292. 98. Dowman JK, Gunson BK, Bramhall S, Badminton MN, Newsome PN. Liver Transplantation from donors with Acute Intermittent Porphyria. Annals of Internal Medicine 2011;154(8);571-572. 23 99. Roberts KJ, Bramhall S, Mayer D, Muiesan P. Uncontrolled organ donation following prehospital cardiac arrest: a potential solution to the shortage of organ donors in the United Kingdom? Transplant International 2011;24(5):477-481. 100. Marudanayagam R, Sandhu B, Perera MT, Bramhall SR, Mayer D, Buckels JA, Mirza DF. Liver resection for metastatic soft tissue sarcoma: an analysis of prognostic factors. European Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2011;37(1):87-92. 101. Koffman G, Singh I, Bramhall S. Presumed Consent for Organ Donation Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2011;93(4);268-272. 102.Moorlock G, Draper H, Bramhall SR. Liver transplantation using ‘donation after circulatory death’ donors: the ethics of managing the end of life care of potential donors to achieve organs suitable for transplantation. Clnical Ethics 2011:6(3):134-139. 103.Bramhall SR. How to Address the Gap between Supply and Demand for Cadaveric Organs. 2011:issue 13. 104.Roberts KJ, Ismail A, Coldham C, Buckels J, Bramhall S. Long-Term Symptomatic Relief following Surgical Sphincteroplasty for Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction. Digestive Surgery 2011:28;304-308. 105.Aroori S, Puneet P, Bramhall SR, Muiesan P, Mayer AD, Mirza DF, Buckels JC, Isaac J. Outcomes comparing a pancreaticogastrostomy (PG) and a pancreaticojejunostomy (PJ) after a pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD). HPB 2011;13(10);723-731. 106. Dowman JK, Gunson BK, Mirza DF, Bramhall SR, Badminton MN, Newsome PN; on behalf of the UK Liver Selection and Allocation Working Party. Liver transplantation for acute intermittent porphyria is complicated by a high rate of hepatic artery thrombosis. Liver Transplantation 2011;(in press). 107. Leithead JA, Tariciotti L, Gunson B, Holt A, Isaac J, Mirza DF, Bramhall S, Ferguson JW, Muiesan P. Donation after cardiac death liver transplant recipients have an increased frequency of acute kidney injury. American Journal of Transplantation 2012;12(4):965-975. 108. Perera MTPR, Bramhall SR. Current status and recent advances of liver transplantation from donation after cardiac death. World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 2011;3(11):167-176. 109. Tariciotti L, Rocha C, Perera MT, Gunson BK, Bramhall SR, Isaac J, Buckels JA, Mayer AD, Muiesan P, Mirza DF. Is it time to extend liver acceptance criteria for controlled donors after cardiac death? Transplantation 2011;92(10):1140-1146. 110. Leithead JA, Smith M, Materacki L, Sagar V, Gunson BK, Bramhall SR, Mutimer DJ, Shah T. Inter-current infection predicts mortality in patients with late hepatic artery thrombosis listed for liver re-transplantation. Liver Transplantation 2012;18(11):1353-1360. 24 111. Chamberlain K, Baker MR, Kandaswamy P, Shaw EJ, McVeigh G, Siddiqui F, Guideline Development Group. Donor identification and consent for deceased organ donation: summary of NICE guidance. British Medical Journal 2012;344:341. 112. Roberts KJ, McCulloch N, Sutcliffe R, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Bramhall S, Mirza D, Marudanayagam R, Mahon BS. EUS assessment of lesions of the ampulla of Vater: of particular value in low grade dysplasia. HPB 2013;15(1):18-23. 113. Neoptolemos JP, Moore MJ, Cox TF, Valle JW, Palmer DH, McDonald AC, Carter R, Tebbutt NC, Dervenis C, Smith D, Glimelius B, Charnley RM, Lacaine F, Scarfe AG, Middleton MR, Anthoney A, Ghaneh P, Halloran CM, Lerch MM, Oláh A, Rawcliffe CL, Verbeke CS, Campbell F, Büchler MW; European Study Group for Pancreatic Cancer. Effect of adjuvant chemotherapy with fluorouracil plus folinic acid or gemcitabine vs observation on survival in patients with resected periampullary adenocarcinoma: the ESPAC-3 periampullary cancer randomized trial. JAMA 2012;308(2):147-156. 114. Battula N, Tsapralis D, Takhar A, Coldham C, Mayer D, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Sutcliffe RP, Marudanayagam R, Mirza DF, Bramhall SR. Aetio-pathogenesis and the management of spontaneous liver bleeding in the West: a 16-year single-centre experience. HPB 2012;14(6):382-389. 115. Banz VM, Croagh D, Coldham C, Tanière P, Buckels J, Isaac J, Mayer D, Muiesan P, Bramhall S, Mirza DF. Factors influencing outcome in patients undergoing portal vein resection for adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2012;38(1):72-79. 116. Battula N, Tsapralis D, Mayer D, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Sutcliffe RP, Bramhall S, Mirza D, Marudanayagam R. Repeat liver resection for recurrent colorectal metastases: A single centre 13-year experience. HPB 2013; (in press). 117. Thomas E, Herrington J, Bramhall S, Draper H. Live liver donation, ethics and practitioners: “I’m between the two and if I don’t feel comfortable about this situation, I can’t proceed.’’ Journal of Medical Ethics 2013; (in press). 118. Roberts KJ, Hodson J, Mehrzad H, Marudanayagam R, Sutcliffe R, Muiesan P, Isaac J, Bramhall S, Mirza DF. A pre-operative predictive score of pancreatic fistula following pancreatoduodenectomy. HPB 2013; (in press). 119. Roberts KJ, Blanco G, Webber J, Marudanayagam R, Sutcliffe R, Muiesan P, Bramhall SR, Isaac J, Mirza DF. Quality of life and diabetic management after total pancreatectomy: a case matched analysis. HPB 2013; (submitted). 120. Liossis L, Mourad MM, Kumar S, Coldham C, Marudanayagam R, Mirza DF, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Sutcliffe R, Roberts K, Bramhall SR. The Liver first approach to synchronous colorectal liver metastasis: outcomes in a tertiary centre. British Journal of Surgery 2013; (submitted). 121. Rocha C, Perera MTP, Roberts K, Bonney G, Gunson B, Nightingale P, Bramhall SR, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Mirza DF. Outcomes following liver transplantation of patients with indo-asian ethnicity. Liver Transplantation 2013; (submitted). 25 122. Mourad MM, Liossis C, Gunson BK, Mirza DF, Mergental H, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Perera MTPR, Bramhall SR. Aetiology and Management of Hepatic Artery Thrombosis after Adult Liver Transplantation. Liver Transplantation 2013; (submitted). 123. Mourad MM, Algarni A, Gunson BK, Mirza DF, Mergental H, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Perera MTPR, Bramhall SR. Tumor characteristics and long-term outcome of incidental hepatocellular carcinoma after orthotopic liver transplant. Liver Transplantation 2013; (submitted). CASE REPORTS & CORRESPONDENCE 1. Winslet MC, Bramhall SR, Neoptolemos JP, Harding LK, Hesslewood SR. Diffuse increase in renal uptake of technetium 99m methylene diphosphonate in association with disseminated cholangiocarcinoma. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine 1990;17:372-73. 2. Bramhall SR, Varma S. Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma presenting as cellulitis. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 1991;44:622-23. 3. Bramhall SR, Mangham DC, Keighley MRB. Endometriosis: A cause of confusion when assessing operative suitability for restorative proctocolectomy. Coloproctology 1993;15(1):36-7. 4. Bramhall SR, Winslet MC. Fatal pulmonary embolus in a keep-fit enthusiast. British Journal of Hospital Medicine 1993;50(6):342. 5. Kmiot WA, Bramhall SR. Life quality and psychological morbidity with an ileostomy (letter). British Journal of Surgery 1993;80(9):1216. 6. Bramhall SR, Neoptolemos JP, Cummins C. Treatment and survival in 13,560 patients with pancreatic cancer, and incidence of the disease, in the West Midlands: an epidemiological study (letter). British Journal of Surgery 1996;83:874. 7. Bramhall SR. The pre-conceived British beliefs of gastric cancer in Japan need to be changed (letter). Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 1998;28(6):411-412. 8. Slavin J, Bramhall S, Russell RCG, Neoptolemos JP. Low mortality following resection for pancreatic and periampullary tumours in 1026 patients: UK survey of specialist pancreatic units (letter). British Journal of Surgery 1998;85(3):426-427. 9. Bramhall S, Buckels J. Effect of flutamide on survival in patients with pancreatic cancer (letter). British Medical Journal 1999;318:326-327. 10.Bramhall SR, Buckels J. Management of liver trauma (letter). British Journal of Surgery 2000;87(4):517-518. 26 11.Rezende M, Bramhall SR, Hayes T, Olliff S, Buckels JAC, Candinas D, Mirza DF. Pancreatic arteriovenous malformation. Digestive Surgery 2003;20(1):65-69. 12. Messenger D, McAfferty I, Bramhall SR. Repair of an extensive, dissecting coeliac artery aneurysm by an endovascular approach. European Journal of Radiology 2006;58:89-92. 13. Bhati CS, Tamijmarane A, Bramhall SR. A tale of three spilled gallstones: One liver mass and two abscesses. Digestive Surgery 2006;23:198-200. 14. Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. Systematic review of outcome of synchronous portal-superior mesenteric vein resection during pancreatectomy for cancer. British Journal of Surgery 2006;93(10):1303. 15. Singhal A, Bramhall SR, Mutimer D. Abdominal wall burns; a late complication of liver transplant. Liver Transplantation 2008;14(7):1065-1066. 16. Palmer DH, Stocken DD, Hewitt H, Markham CE, Hassan AB, Johnson PJ, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Resectable Pancreatic Cancer. Annals of Surgical Oncology 2008 Jul;15(7):2061. 17. Bhatti CS, Bhatt A, Starkey G, Hubscher S, Bramhall S. Acute liver failure due to primary angiosarcoma : a case report and review of literature. World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2008;6:104 18. Alabraba EB, Bramhall SR, O’Sullivan B, Mahon B, Taniere P. Pancreatic insulinoma co-existing with gastric GIST in the absence of neurofibromatosis-1. World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2009;7:18. 19. Mann CM, Bramhall SR, Buckels JA, Taniere P. An unusual case of duodenal obstruction-gangliocytic paraganglioma. Journal of Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Surgery 2009;16(4):562-5. 20. Bhogal RH, Sutaria R, Gunson BK, Bramhall SR. Similar liver transplantation survival with selected cardiac death donors and brain death donors. British Journal of Surgery 2010;97(8):1310. 21. Iqbal A, Isaac J, Bramhall S. Ethical issues and donor numbers. Anaesthesia 2010;65(6):656. 22. Arulraj R, Bramhall SR, Mahon BS, Boulton R. Gone and forgotten, a rare complication of peptic ulcer disease. Endoscopy 2010 (submitted). 23. Tariciotti L, Platto M, Bramhall SR. A rare cause of massive hepatomegaly. Liver International 2012;32(7):1112. 24. Tariciotti L, Das I, Perera MTPR, Bramhall SR. Asymptomatic transmission of Treponema Pallidum (Syphilis) infection through deceased donor liver transplantation. Transplant Infectious Diseases 2012;14(3):321-325. 27 25. Gregg, R, Lester, W, Bramhall, S, Wilde, J. Orthotopic Liver Transplantation in a Patient With Severe Haemophilia A and a High Titre Factor VIII Inhibitor from an Antithrombin Deficient Cadaveric Donor. Haemophilia 2013;19(2):e96-7. 26. Scalera I, Kumar S, Bramhall S. Traumatic Focal Pancreatitis with Retro-Duodenal Hematoma: A Rare Cause of Combined Biliary and Gastric Outlet Obstruction. Journal of Pancreas 2012;13(6):690-692. 27. Mourad MM, Liossis C, Kumar S, Bramhall SR. Primary hepatic tuberculosis in immunocompetent adults – a UK case series. Journal of Surgical Case Reports 2013; (submitted). PUBLISHED ABSTRACTS 1. Bramhall SR, Cummins C, Jones AG, Allwood A, Neoptolemos JP. Incidence, treatment, and survival in 13,560 patients with pancreatic cancer: an epidemiological study in a UK region (abstract). GUT 1994;35:A576. 2. Bramhall S, Cummins C, Jones AG, Allwood A, Neoptolemos JP. Incidence, treatment, and survival in 13,560 patients with pancreatic cancer: an epidemiological study in a UK region (abstract). Digestion 1994;55(5):286. 3. Bramhall S, Lemoine N, Stamp G, Donovan I, Dunn J, Neoptolemos J. 72kDa collagenase, stromelysin-1 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 expression in pancreatic cancer (abstract). Digestion 1994;55(5):286. 4. Bramhall SR, Lemoine NR, Stamp GWH, Neoptolemos JP. Enhanced expression of matrix metalloproteinases is often unopposed by their inhibitors (tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases) in pancreatic cancer (abstract). British Journal of Surgery 1995;82(5):707-708. 5. Bramhall SR, Michell NP, Eggo MC, Langman MJS, Neoptolemos JP. Enhanced mitogenic activity of insulin-like growth factor by insulin-like growth factor binding proteins in pancreatic cancer cell lines (abstract). British Journal of Surgery 1995;82(5):705-706. 6. Bramhall SR, Lemoine NR, Stamp GWH, Neoptolemos JP. MMP upregulation in pancreatic cancer is not countered by an upregulation of TIMPs (abstract). Digestion 1995;56:275. 7. Bramhall SR, Lemoine NR, Stamp GWH, Neoptolemos JP. Aggressive MMP upregulation in pancreatic cancer (abstract). British Journal of Surgery 1995;82(11):1568. 8. Evans JD, Wilson PG, Bramhall SR Neoptolemos JP. Outcome of surgery for chronic pancreatitis (abstract). GUT 1996;38:795. 9. Bramhall SR, Lemoine NR, Stamp GWH, Neoptolemos JP. MMP and MTMMP upregulation is not countered by an upregulation of TIMP2 in pancreatic cancer (abstract). GUT 1996;38:797. 28 10.Bramhall SR for the UK Pancreatic Cancer Trials Group. Adjuvant combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer (abstract). GUT 1996;38:798. 11.Hastie RH, Baban D, Evans JD, Green NK, Bramhall SR, Neoptolemos JP, Seymour LW. Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in pancreatic carcinomas and in the serum of cancer patients (abstract). Digestion 1996;57:235. 12.Evans JD, Wilson PG, Carver C, Bramhall SR, Mayer D, McMaster P, Buckels JA, Neoptolemos JP. Outcome of surgery for chronic pancreatitis (abstract). International Journal of Pancreatology 1996;19:218-219. 13.Evans JD, Bramhall SR, Neoptolemos JP, Eggo MC. Mechanisms of apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cell lines (abstract). International Journal of Pancreatology 1996;19:218. 14.Evans JD, Bramhall SR, Stark A, Kinley H, Porter C, Osborne L, Daniel F, Carmichael J, Imrie C, Johnson CD, Neoptolemos JP. A phase II trial of marimastat (BB-2516) in advanced pancreatic cancer (abstract). International Journal of Pancreatology 1996;19:218. 15.Baban DF, Hastie RF, Neoptolemos JP, Bramhall SR, Seymour LW. Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in pancreatic carcinomas (abstract). British Journal of Cancer 1996;73(suppl.26):163. 16.Hastie RH, Baban D, Evans JD, Green NK, Bramhall SR, Neoptolemos JP, Seymour LW. Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in the primary tumours and sera of patients with pancreatic cancer (abstract). British Journal of Surgery 1996;83(11)1632. 17.Evans JD, Bramhall SR, Neoptolemos JP, Eggo MC. Mechanisms of apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cell lines (abstract). British Journal of Surgery 1996;83(11):1631. 18.Evans JD, Bramhall SR, Stark A, Kinley H, Porter C, Osborne L, Daniel F, Carmichael J, Imrie C, Johnson CD, Neoptolemos JP. A phase II trial of marimastat (BB-2516) in advanced pancreatic cancer (abstract). British Journal of Surgery 1996;83(11)1652. 19.Evans J, Bramhall S, Carmichael J, Daniel F, Imrie C, Johnson C, Neoptolemos J, Stark A. A phase II trial of marimastat (BB-2516) in advanced pancreatic cancer (abstract). Annals of Oncology 1996;7(5):51. 20.Evans JD, Bramhall SR, Donovan IA, Neoptolemos JP, Eggo MC. Phorbol esters induce apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cell lines (abstract). GUT 1996;39(3):A251. 21.Bramhall SR, Williams D, Youngs D, Neoptolemos JP. Type IV collagenase expression is integral to MMP induced in-vitro invasion and is inhibited by BB2516 and BB94. GUT 1996;39(3):A257. 22.Bramhall SR, Williams D, Youngs D, Neoptolemos JP. Type IV collagenase expression is important in MMP induced in-vitro invasion and is inhibited by BB2516 and BB94. International Journal of Pancreatology 1997;21:196. 29 23.Evans JD, Bramhall SR, Donovan, IA, Neoptolemos JP, Eggo MC. Activation of protein kinase C induces apoptosis in SUIT-2 and BxPC3 pancreatic cancer cell lines. International Journal of Pancreatology 1997;21:195. 24.Evans JD, Bramhall SR, Stark A, Kinley H, Porter C, Osborne L, Daniel F, Carmichael J, Imrie C, Johnson CD, Neoptolemos JP. A phase II trial of marimastat (BB-2516) in advanced pancreatic cancer. International Journal of Pancreatology 1997;21:191. 25.Evans JD, Wilson PG, Carver C, Bramhall SR, Buckels JAC, Mayer AD, McMaster P, Neoptolemos JP. Outcome of surgery for chronic pancreatitis. British Journal of Surgery 1997;84(1):5. 26.Neoptolemos JP, Bramhall SR, Russell RCG, Johnson CD, Williamson RCN, Benjamin IS, Alderson D, Kleibeuker JH. Double-blind, cross-over study comparing the efficacy and tolerance of Creon® 25000 versus Creon® in patients following total or partial pancreatectomy. Digestion 1997;58(S2):54. 27.Ghaneh P, Neoptolemos JP, Andrén-Sandberg Å, Bramhall SR, Johnson CD, and members of the high/low dose pancreatin study. Steatorrhoea following major pancreatic resection is difficult to control despite the use of high doses of effective pancreatic enzyme supplements. International Journal of Pancreatology 1997. 28.Khaliq A, Williams D, Griffin J, Bramhall S, Ahmed A. Hypoxia down-regulates vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and metalloprotease-2 (MMP-2) in BeWo cells: Implications for impaired invasion in pre-eclampsia. Placenta, 1997:18(5/6). 29.Gur U, Bramhall S, Dolapci M, Bain I, McMaster P, Mayer D, Buckels JAC. How and where should blunt liver trauma be managed. British Journal of Surgery, 1998;85(1):10. 30.Carballo RA, Bastos JLA, Yoong K, Gunson B, Bramhall S, Mayer DAJ, McMaster P, Buckels JAC. Hepatic resection for colorectal cancer metastases. British Journal of Surgery, 1998;85(1):79. 31.Wadley MS, Jones CE, Bramhall SR, Lee MJR, Stonelake PS. Bone marrow micrometastases and metalloproteinase expression in primary breast cancer. British Journal of Surgery, 1999:86(1);11. 32.Wadley MS, Jones CE, Bramhall SR, Lee MJR, Stonelake PS. Detection of bone marrow micrometastases in primary breast cancer: Pre or post operative sampling. British Journal of Surgery, 1999:86(1);54. 33.Manu M, Mirza D, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. Expression patterns of neurotrophins and Trk receptors in human pancreatic cancer and their relationship to perineural invasion. International Journal of Pancreatology, 2000;27(3):266. 34.Bramhall S, Buckels J, Rosemurgy A, Charnley R, Lloyd D, Steward W, Scarffe H, Johnson C, Falk S, Rosewicz S, Curtis L and Marimastat Pancreatic Cancer Study Group. A pivotal randomised controlled study comparing marimastat against gemcitabine as first line therapy in patients with nonresectable pancreatic cancer. International Journal of Pancreatology, 2000;27(3):267. 30 35.Brammer RD, Eggo MC, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. The angiogenesis inhibitor endostatin is present in pancreatic tissue and suit-2 cell lines. International Journal of Pancreatology, 2001;1(2):159. 36.Brammer R, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF, Mayer AD, Candinas D, McMaster P, Buckels JAC. Complex liver trauma: A ten-year experience. British Journal of Surgery 2002;89(S1):60-61. 37.Coldham C, Jarufe N, McMaster P, Mayer AD, Candinas D, Mirza DF, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. The impact of recent changes in surgical practice on patterns of referral in pancreatic surgery. Pancreatology, 2002;2(3):325. 38.Brammer RD, Eggo MC, Bramhall SR. Endostatin production by pancreatic cells is regulated by tumour necrosis factor-alpha and forskolin. Pancreatology, 2002;2(3):268-269. 39.Jarufe N, Bramhall SR, Coldham C, Orug T, Rezende M, McMaster P, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC. A large UK experience in adenocarcinoma of the pancreas and periampullary region. Pancreatology, 2002;2(3):320. 40.Jarufe N, Bramhall SR, Coldham C, Orug T, Rezende M, McMaster P, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC. Neuroendocrine tumours of the pancreas and duodenum (NETP). Pancreatology, 2002;2(3):320. 41. Yoshimura N, Mirza D, Bramhall S, Whiting J. The usefulness of staging laparoscopy in pancreatic cancer. British Journal of Surgery, 2003. 42. Imber C, Patel N, Coldham C, Tekin K, Hubscher S, Buckels J, Mayer D, Mirza D, Bramhall S. Hepatic steatosis/stetohepatitis (NASH) in a cohort of patients undergoing liver resection for metastatic adenocarcinoma. Does it affect outcome? British Journal of Surgery, 2003. 43. Silva MA, Mirza DF, Bramhall SR, Mayer AD, McMaster P, Buckels JA. The treatment of hydatid disease of the liver. Evaluation of an UK experience. British Journal of Surgery, 2003. 44. Muralidharan V, Silva MA, Bramhall SR, Mayer AD, Buckels JA, Mirza DF. A UK experience in the management of bile duct injuries following laparoscopic cholecystectomy. British Journal of Surgery, 2003. 45. Jethwa P, Breuning E, Lala A, Wong T, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC. Preoperative ERCP drainage of malignant obstructive jaundice: The effect on bile bacteriology. British Journal of Surgery, 2003. 46. Lala A, Jethwa P, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC. Role of surgical resection in the management of gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST). British Journal of Surgery, 2003. 47. Tekin K, Shrestha P, Imber C, Atli M, Buckels JAC, Mayer AD, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF. The surgical management of gallbladder cancer: Results of a tertiary referral centre. British Journal of Surgery, 2003. 48. Lala A, Jethwa P, Buckels JAC, Mayer AD, Mirza DF, Bramhall SR. Spontaneous rupture of benign hepatocellular tumours. British Journal of Surgery, 2003. 31 49. Lala A, Hubscher SG, Yannam GR, Mirza DF, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC, Bramhall S. Spontaneous rupture of the non-malignant liver: UK perspective. HPB, 2004 ;6(1) :101. 50. Kato Y, Coldham C, Bramhall SR, Mayer AD, Olliff S, Buckels JAC, Mirza D. Effect of perioperative blood transfusion on long-term outcome of liver resection for colorectal metastasis. British Journal of Surgery, 2005;92(1):3. 51. Jambulingham PS, Silva MA, Kantharia CV, Coldham C, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF. Liver resection for non-coloractal non-neuroendocrine hepatic metastases. British Journal of Surgery, 2005;92(1):74. 52. Silva MA, Muralidhran V, Coldham C, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF. Outcome of on-table repair of iatrogenic bile duct injury: the experience of a tertiary referral unit in the West Midlands. British Journal of Surgery, 2005;92(1):116. 53. Breuning E, Jethwa P, Lala A, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF. Should antibiotic prophylaxis be altered after biliary manipulation in HPB patients undergoing surgery? British Journal of Surgery, 2006. 54. John AR, Khan S, Mirza DF, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. Hepatic resection in hepatocellular carcinoma: analysis of 100 cases at a tertiary level centre in the UK. British Journal of Surgery, 2006. 55. Alabraba EB, Lai VK, Bramhall SR, Wigmore SJ, Adams DH, Afford SC. Liver-derived macrophages mediate CD40-dependent cholangiocyte apoptosis and proinflammatory cytokine release during in vitro co-culture. Liver Transplantation 2006;12:153. 56. Silva MA, Richards DA, Wigmore SJ, Bramhall SR, Buckels JAC, Adams DH, Mirza DF. Interstitial lactic acidosis in the graft during organ harvest, cold storage and reperfusion of human liver allografts predicts subsequent ischaemia reperfusion injury. Liver Transplantation 2006;12:167. 57. Tamijmarane A, Koukoutsis I, Gunson B, Mayer AD, Mirza DF, Wigmore S, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. Factors predicting new-onset diabetes mellitus after liver transplantation – a logistic regression analysis. Liver Transplantation 2006;12:172. 58. Bhatti CS, Tamijmarane A, Gunson B, Mayer D, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF, Wigmore SJ, Bramhall SR. Impact of model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) and delta MELD (DMELD) on outcome following liver transplantation. Liver Transplantation 2006;12:317. 59. Bhatti CS, Stiff GM, Gunson B, Mayer D, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF, Wigmore SJ, Bramhall SR. Prevalence and outcome of cholangiocarcinoma in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis referred to a regional liver transplant unit. Liver Transplantation 2006;12:362. 32 60. Koukoutsis I, Bellagamba R, Muralidharan V, Mayer D, Buckels JA, Mirza DF, Wigmore SJ, Bramhall SR. ABO non-identical liver transplantation (LT) for fulminant hepatic failure (FHF). Liver Transplantation 2006;12:419. 61. Bhatti CS, Silva M, Wigmore S, Bramhall S, Mayer D, Buckels J, Neil D, Murphy N, Mirza D. Bioelectrical analysis (BIA) – a potential simple tool to assess liver steatosis. Liver Transplantation 2006;12:420. 62. Adham M, Mirza DF, Chapius F, Mayer AD, Bramhall SR, Coldham C, Baulieux J, Buckels J. Results of vascular resections during pancreaticoduodenectomy from two European centres: an analysis of survival and disease free survival explicative factors. HPB 2006;8:465-473. 63. Morris-Stiff G, Alabraba E, Tan YM, Shapely I, Mayer D, Buckels J, Bramhall S, Mirza D. Stenting prior to pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2006;32(1) S22. 64. Morris-Stiff G, Tamijmarane A, Tan YM, Shapely I, Bhati C, Mayer D, Buckels J, Bramhall S, Mirza D. Survival advantage in ampullary carcinoma: tumour biology or lead-time bias due to tumour morphology? European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2006;32(1): S72-S73. 65. Bagia JS, Gunson BK, Mirza DF, Buckels JA, Bramhall SR, Wigmore SJ, Mayer DA. Splenic artery aneurysm in adult liver transplant. Liver Transplantation 2007;13(6):S115-116. 66. Cherian PT, Hegab B, Bramhall SR, Mayer D, Mirza DF, Buckels JAC, Wigmore SJ. The accessory or replaced right hepatic artery. Incidence and consequences of its presence in the era of multi-organ retrieval. Liver Transplantation 2008;14(7):S151. 67. Cherian PT, Pissanou T, Tsourouflis G, Boulougouris P, Gunson B, Wigmore SJ, Mirza DF, Mayer D, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. Vascular complications following adult ex-vivo split liver transplantation – A 10-year experience. Liver Transplantation 2008;14(7):S165. 68. Cherian PT, Chiu K, Gunson B, Bramhall SR, Mayer D, Mirza DF, Freeman J, Buckels JAC. Liver transplantation and pulmonary thromboembolism. A retrospective review of 3000 transplants. Liver Transplantation 2008;14(7):S165. 69. Shanmugam V, Bhatti C, Maruthanayagam R, Buckels J, Mayer D, Mirza D, Gunson G, Bramhall S. Retransplantation in fulminant hepatic failure – A single centre experience over 15 years. Liver Transplantation 2009;15(7):S103. 70. Rocha C, Tariciotti L, Mirza D, Bramhall S, Muiesan P. Impact of graft steatosis on outcomes of liver transplantation from donors after cardiac death. Liver Transplantation 2010;16(6):S128. 71. Tariciotti L, Rocha C, Mirza D, Bramhall S, Muiesan P. DCD liver transplantation: Is it safe with overweight donors? Liver Transplantation 2010;16(6):S128. 33 72. Aroori S, Sandhu B, Gunson B, Mirza D, Muiesan P, Mayer D, Buckels J, Bramhall S. Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) and low dose tacrolimus based immunosuppressive regimen following orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT): Is it cost effective? Liver Transplantation 2010;16(6):S132. 73. Tariciotti L, Rocha C, Gunson B, Holt A, Ferguson J, Bramhall S, Muiesan P. Donation after cardiac death liver transplantation is associated with greater renal dysfunction. Liver Transplantation 2011;17(6):S109-110. 74. Tariciotti L, Rocha C, Gunson B, Isaac J, Mirza D, Bramhall S, Muiesan P. Six years of liver transplantation using grafts from controlled donors after cardiac death: A matched group comparison. Liver Transplantation 2011;17(6):S121-122. 75. Smith MR, Leithead JA, Materacki LB, Sagar VM, Gunson BK, Bramhall S, Mutimer D, Shah T. Long-term antibiotic prescription in patients relisted for late hepatic artery thrombosis is associated with greater wait-list mortality independent of MELD. Liver Transplantation 2011;17(6):S231. 76. Battula N, Takhar A, Tsapralis D, Mayer D, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Bramhall SR, Sutcliffe RP, Mirza DF, Marudanayagam R. Re-do liver resection for recurrent colorectal liver metastasis: A single centre 13 year experience. HPB 2011;13(3):A084 77. Tsapralis D, Battula N, Takhar A, Mayer D, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Sutcliffe RP, Marudanayagam R, Mirza DF, Bramhall SR. Aetio-pathogenesis and management of spontaneous liver bleeding in the West: A 16 year single centre experience. HPB 2011;13(3):A136 78. Battula N, Tsapralis D, Croagh D, Takhar A, Mayer D, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Mirza DF, Mahon B, Bramhall SR. Role of endoscopic ultrasonography in the diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma in patients with an underlying primary sclerosing cholangitis. HPB 2011;13(3):A171 79. Battula N, Tsapralis D, Mohamedbhai AH, Mayer D, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Mirza DF, Bramhall SR, Sutcliffe RP, Marudanayagam R, Perera T, Mergental H. Factors that could predict asystole within an hour after treatment withdrawal in donation after cardiac death. HPB 2011;13(3):A219 80. Battula N, Takhar A, Tsapralis D, Mayer D, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Mergental H, Perera MT, Mirza DF, Bramhall SR. Risk factor analysis to predict early graft dysfunction following liver transplantation. HPB 2011;13(3):A276 81. Battula N, Takhar A, Tripathi D, Mergental H, Muiesan P, Isaac J, Mirza D, Mayer D, Bramhall S, Perera T. Late graft dysfunction following liver transplantation: Diagnostic dilemma. Transplant International 2011;24(2):CC008 82. Tariciotti L, Monaco A, Isaac J, Mayer D, Muiesan P, Bramhall S, Perera T, Sutcliffe R, Mirza D. Treatment of small hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC), liver (LT) transplantation, liver resection (LR) and radiofrequency ablation (RFA). Transplant International 2011;24(2):RO261H 83. Takhar AS, Battula N, Neil D, Mergental H, Mirza D, Perera MT, Bramhall SR. 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Neoptolemos JP, Bramhall S, Kerr D. Principles of adjuvant treatment in pancreatic cancer. In: Eds. Beger HG, Büchler M. Cancer of the Pancreas: Progress in Molecular Biology, Diagnosis and Treatment. Berlin, Springer-Verlag. 1996;479-487. 3. Bramhall SR, Dunn JA, Neoptolemos JP. Epidemiology of pancreatic cancer. In: Eds. Beger HG, Warshaw AL, Büchler M, Carr-Locke DL, Neoptolemos JP, Russell RCG, Sarr M. The Pancreas. Boston, Blackwell Scientific. 1998;chapter 96:889-906. 4. Neoptolemos JP, Bramhall SR, Kerr D. Adjuvant treatment in pancreatic cancer: Combined treatment modalities. In: Eds. Beger HG, Warshaw AL, Büchler M, Carr-Locke DL, Neoptolemos JP,Russell RCG, Sarr M. The Pancreas. Boston, Blackwell Scientific. 1998;chapter 119:1104-1119. 5. Bramhall SR, Stamp GWH, Lemoine NR, Neoptolemos JP. Matrix metalloproteinases and their tissue specific inhibitors in pancreatic cancer. In: Eds. Neoptolemos JP, Lemoine NR. Pancreatic Cancer: Molecular and Clinical Advances. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific. 1996;chapter 6:68-91. 6. Bramhall SR, Neoptolemos JP. Adjuvant treatment of pancreatic cancer. In: Eds. Neoptolemos JP, Lemoine NR. Pancreatic Cancer: Molecular and Clinical Advances. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific. 1996;chapter 23:288-307. 7. Bramhall SR, Neoptolemos JP. Adjuvant treatment of pancreatic cancer. In: Ed. Dervenis CG. Advances in Pancreatic Disease. Stuttgart, Georg Thieme Verlag. 1996; 339-351. 8. Bramhall SR, Neoptolemos JP. The role of metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in pancreatic cancer. In: Ed. Dervenis CG. Advances in Pancreatic Disease. Stuttgart, Georg Thieme Verlag. 1996; 42-55. 9. Evans JD, Bramhall SR, Neoptolemos JP. Molecular biology and pancreatic disease. In: Eds. Trede M, Carter DC. Surgery of the Pancreas. London, Churchill Livingstone. 1997. 35 10.Bastos JLA, Bramhall S, McMcaster P. Treatment of colorectal cancer that has spread to the liver. In: Eds. McArdle C, Kerr DJ, Boyle P. Colorectal Cancer, Oxford, Isis Medical Media Ltd. 2000;129-144. 11.Bramhall SR. Lessons learned from the basic science of pancreatic cancer: what the clinician expects from molecular biology. In: Eds. Dervenis C, Bassi C. Pancreatic Tumors: Achievements and Prospective. Stuttgart, Georg Thieme Verlag. 2000;364-386. 12.Bramhall SR. What happens when things go wrong. In: Your Body Your Health. London, Carroll and Brown. 2002. 13. Bramhall SR. The matrix metalloproteinases: Their potential clinical role. In: Eds. Taylor I, Johnson C. Recent Advances in Surgery. London, RSM Press. 2003;25-41. 14. Perera TP, Bramhall S. Surgical Aspects of Liver Transplantation. In: Eds. Neuberger J, Ferguson J, Newsome P. Liver Transplantation. PRESENTATIONS 1. Bramhall SR, Kmiot WA, Gourevitch D, Wicks AC, Veitch PS. Endoscopic insertion of an Atkinson tube without X-ray screening: a novel method of oesophageal intubation. West Midlands Surgical Society, Stourbridge 1993. 2. Bramhall SR, Durr C, Goldman MD. Financial pitfalls of a move towards laparoscopic cholecystectomy. West Midlands Surgical Society, Stourbridge 1993. 3. Stonelake PS, Powell J, Warwick J, Dunn JA, Bramhall SR, Savage A, Neoptolemos JP, Baker PR, Morrison JM. Timing of surgery during menstrual cycle for pre-menopausal women with breast cancer. British Association of Cancer Research, Sheffield 1993. West Midlands Surgical Society, Stourbridge 1993. Association of Surgeons, Birmingham 1993. (poster presentation) 4. Bramhall SR, Cummins C, Jones AG, Allwood A, Neoptolemos JP. Incidence, treatment and survival in 13,560 patients with pancreatic cancer: an epidemiological study in a UK region. Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, London 1993. West Midlands Surgical Society, Birmingham 1993. Midlands Gastroenterological Society, Nottingham 1994. (prize presentation) European Pancreatic Club, Bologna 1994. International Association of Pancreatology, Chicago 1994. (poster presentation) 5. Crundwell MC, Bramhall SR, Durr C, Goldman MD. The evolution of a laparoscopic cholecystectomy service. West Midlands Surgical Society, Worcester 1994. 6. Williams G, Bramhall SR, Neoptolemos JP. Purse-string pancreato-jejunostomy following resections for pancreatic disease. West Midlands Surgical Society, Worcester 1994. Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne 1994. 36 7. Bramhall SR, Lemoine NR, Stamp GWH, Donovan IA, Dunn J, Neoptolemos JP. Collagenase, stromelysin and tissue inhibitor of the metalloproteinase expression in pancreatic and ampullary cancer. European Pancreatic Club, Bologna 1994. (poster presentation) International Association of Pancreatology, Chicago 1994. (Young Investigators Award) Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne 1994. Midlands Gastroenterological Society, Wolverhampton 1994. (poster presentation) 8. Bramhall SR, Friess H, Lemoine NR, Stamp GWH, Büchler M, Beger HS, Neoptolemos JP. Enhanced expression of matrix metalloproteinases is often unopposed by their inhibitors (tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases) in pancreatic cancer. Surgical Research Society, London 1995. 9. Bramhall SR, Michell NP, Eggo MC, Langman MJS, Neoptolemos JP. Enhanced mitogenic activity of insulin-like growth factor by insulin-like growth factor binding proteins in pancreatic cancer cell lines. Surgical Research Society, London 1995. 10.Wong CH, Gee B, Brown C, Cummins C, Neoptolemos JP, Bramhall SR. Preoperative prediction of outcome for Kausch-Whipples pancreaticoduodenectomy. West Midlands Surgical Society, Derby 1995. 11.Michell NP, Bramhall SR, Eggo MC, Neoptolemos JP, Langman MJS. Autocrine growth stimulation by insulin-like growth factor I is inhibited by binding proteins in pancreatic cancer. European Pancreatic Club, Barcelona 1995. (poster presentation) 12.Bramhall SR, Lemoine NR, Stamp GWH, Neoptolemos JP. MMP upregulation in pancreatic cancer is not countered by an upregulation of TIMPs. European Pancreatic Club, Barcelona 1995. (poster presentation) 13.Bramhall SR, Lemoine NR, Stamp GWH, Neoptolemos JP. Aggressive MMP upregulation in pancreatic cancer. Surgical Research Society, Manchester 1995. 14.Wong CH, Gee B, Brown C, Cummins C, Neoptolemos JP, Bramhall SR. Outcome following resection for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Midlands Gastroenterological Society, Birmingham 1995. 15.Bramhall SR, Buckels J, Neoptolemos JP, UK Pancreatic Cancer Study Group. Adjuvant combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer. Midlands Gastroenterological Society, Birmingham 1995. 16.Evans JD, Wilson PG, Bramhall SR, Morton DG, Buckels JAC, Mayer AD, McMaster P, Neoptolemos JP. Outcome of surgery for chronic pancreatitis. West Midlands Surgical Society, Birmingham 1995. 17.Evans JD, Wilson PG, Bramhall SR Neoptolemos JP. Outcome of surgery for chronic pancreatitis. Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Birmingham 1995. 18.Bramhall SR, Lemoine NR, Stamp GWH, Neoptolemos JP. MMP and MTMMP upregulation is not countered by an upregulation of TIMP2 in pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Birmingham 1995. 37 19.Bramhall SR for the UK Pancreatic Cancer Trials Group. Adjuvant combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Birmingham 1995. West Midlands Surgical Society, Birmingham 1995. 20.Baban DF, Hastie RF, Neoptolemos JP, Bramhall SR, Seymour LW. Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in pancreatic carcinomas. British Association of Cancer Research, Edinburgh 1996. 21.Hastie RH, Baban D, Evans JD, Green NK, Bramhall SR, Neoptolemos JP, Seymour LW. Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in pancreatic carcinomas and in the serum of cancer patients. European Pancreatic Club and International Association of Pancreatology (combined meeting), Mannheim, Germany 1996. 22.Hastie RH, Baban D, Evans JD, Green NK, Bramhall SR, Neoptolemos JP, Seymour LW. Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the primary tumours and sera of patients with pancreatic cancer. Surgical Research Society, Birmingham 1996. (Patey Prize Session) 23.Evans JD, Wilson PG, Carver C, Bramhall SR, Mayer D, McMaster P, Buckels JA, Neoptolemos JP. Outcome of surgery for chronic pancreatitis. European Pancreatic Club and International Association of Pancreatology (combined meeting), Mannheim, Germany 1996. (poster presentation) 23.Evans JD, Bramhall SR, Neoptolemos JP, Eggo MC. Mechanisms of apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cell lines. European Pancreatic Club and International Association of Pancreatology (combined meeting), Mannheim, Germany 1996. (poster) Surgical Research Society, Birmingham 1996 (Patey Prize Session). 24.Evans JD, Bramhall SR, Stark A, Kinley H, Porter C, Osborne L, Daniel F, Carmichael J, Imrie C, Johnson CD, Neoptolemos JP. A phase II trial of marimastat (BB-2516) in advanced pancreatic cancer. European Pancreatic Club and International Association of Pancreatology (combined meeting), Mannheim, Germany 1996. (poster presentation) 25.Evans JD, Bramhall SR, Stark A, Kinley H, Porter C, Osborne L, Daniel F, Carmichael J, Imrie C, Johnson CD, Neoptolemos JP. A phase II trial of marimastat (BB-2516) in advanced pancreatic cancer. Surgical Research Society, Birmingham 1996. Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, London 1996. 26.Bramhall SR, Williams D, Youngs D, Neoptolemos JP. Type IV collagenase expression is integral to MMP induced in-vitro invasion and is inhibited by BB2516 and BB94. United European Gastroenterolgy Week, Paris 1996. (poster presentation) 27.Evans JD, Bramhall SR, Donovan, IA, Neoptolemos JP, Eggo MC. Phorbol esters induce apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cell lines. United European Gastroenterolgy Week, Paris 1996. (poster presentation) 28.Evans JD, Bramhall SR, Stark A, Kinley H, Porter C, Osborne L, Daniel F, Carmichael J, Imrie C, Johnson CD, Neoptolemos JP. A phase II study of marimastat in advanced pancreatic cancer. European Society for Medical Oncology, Vienna 1996. (poster presentation) 38 29.Bramhall SR, Williams D, Youngs D, Neoptolemos JP. Type IV collagenase expression is important in MMP induced in-vitro invasion and is inhibited by BB2516 and BB94. Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, London 1996. 30.Evans JD, Bramhall SR, Donovan, IA, Neoptolemos JP, Eggo MC. Activation of protein kinase C induces apoptosis in SUIT-2 and BxPC3 pancreatic cancer cell lines. Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, London 1996. 31.Bramhall SR, Evans JD, Wilson PG, Carver C, Buckels JAC, Mayer AD, McMaster P, Neoptolemos JP. Outcome of surgery for chronic pancreatitis. Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland, Bournemouth 1997. 32.Gur U, Dolapci M, Bramhall SR, Jones EL, Buckels JAC. Pancreatic lymphoma: the importance of accurate histological diagnosis in pancreatic masses. Midlands Gastroenterological Society, Stafford 1997. (poster presentation) 33.Okajima H, Xu-Min, Bramhall SR, Briton BJ, McGregor-Blair E, Huson S, Maher ER, Heath D, Buckels JAC. Pancreas tumours associated with Von-Hippel-Lindau disease. Midlands Gastroenterological Society, Stafford 1997. (poster presentation) 34.Neoptolemos JP, Bramhall SR, Russell RCG, Johnson CD, Williamson RCN, Benjamin IS, Alderson D, Kleibeuker JH. Double-blind, cross-over study comparing the efficacy and tolerance of Creon® 25000 versus Creon® in patients following total or partial pancreatectomy. European Pancreatic Club, London 1997. (poster presentation) 35.Ghaneh P, Neoptolemos JP, Andrén-Sandberg Å, Bramhall SR, Johnson CD, and members of the high/low dose pancreatin study. Steatorrhoea following major pancreatic resection is difficult to control despite the use of high doses of effective pancreatic enzyme supplements. Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Lancaster 1997. 36.Khaliq A, Williams D, Griffin J, Bramhall S, Ahmed A. Hypoxia down-regulates vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and metalloprotease-2 (MMP-2) in BeWo cells: Implications for impaired invasion in pre-eclampsia. European Placenta Group, Vigso, Denmark 1997. 37.Olliff JFC, Olliff SP, McCafferty I, Bramhall S, Buckels JAC. Comparison of dynamic contrast enhanced spiral CT and MRI pre and post Mangafodipir Trisodium (Tesla scan) in the staging of pancreatic cancer. Radiology, Birmingham 1998. 38.Gur U, Bramhall S, Dolapci M, Bain I, McMaster P, Mayer D, Buckels JAC. How and where should blunt liver trauma be managed. Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland, Edinburgh 1998. 39.Carballo RA, Bastos JLA, Yoong K, Gunson B, Bramhall S, Mayer DAJ, McMaster P, Buckels JAC. Hepatic resection for colorectal cancer metastases. Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland, Edinburgh 1998. 40.Bramhall SR, Harrison JD, Burton A, Harrison GR, White A, Wallace DMA, Chan KK, Fielding JWL. A phase II trial of radical surgery for locally advanced pelvic neoplasia. British Association of Surgical Oncology, Liverpool 1998. West Midlands Surgical Society, Burton 1998. 39 41.Olliff JFC, Olliff SP, McCafferty I, Bramhall S, Buckels JAC. Comparison of dynamic contrast enhanced spiral CT and MRI pre and post mangafodipir Trisodium (Tesla scan) in the staging of pancreatic cancer. European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology, Marbella 1998. 42.Gur U, Bramhall SR, Afonso R, Dolapci M, Mayer ADM, McMaster P, Buckels JAC. Is conservative treatment of major blunt liver trauma justified? International Hepatopancreatobiliary Association, Madrid 1998. 43.Carballo RA, Bastos JLA, Yoong K, Gunson B, Bramhall S, Mayer DAJ, McMaster P, Buckels JAC. Hepatic resection for colorectal cancer metastases. International Hepatopancreatobiliary Association, Madrid 1998. 44.Gur U, Dolapci M, Bramhall SR, Jones EL, Buckels JAC. Pancreatic lymphoma: the importance of accurate histological diagnosis in pancreatic masses. International Hepatopancreatobiliary Association, Madrid 1998. 45.Williams DM, Griffin JA, Matthews GM, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. Investigation of the effect of hypoxia on matrix metalloproteinase expression in pancreatic cancer cell lines. Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Leeds 1998. 46.Le Cornu K, Gunson BK, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF, Mayer AD, McMaster P, BuckelsJAC. The evolution of a system specific tumour database. Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Leeds 1998. 47.Manu M, Bramhall SR, Gur U, Gunson BK, Le Cornu KJ, Mayer AD, Mirza DF, McMaster P, Buckels JAC. Improvements in operative mortality for pancreatico-duodenectomy in the West Midlands following the establishment of a specialist unit. Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Leeds 1998. West Midlands Surgical Society, Burton 1998. 48.Gur U, Bramhall S, Afonso R, Dolapci M, Mirza DF, Mayer D, McMaster P, Buckels JAC. How and where should blunt liver trauma be managed. West Midlands Surgical Society, Burton 1998. 49.Gur U, Bramhall SR, Afonso RC, Gunson B, Bastos JL, Mayer D, Mirza DF, McMaster P, Buckels JAC. Hepatic resection for colorectal cancer metastases. West Midlands Surgical Society, Burton 1998. 50.Wadley MS, Jones CJ, Bramhall SR, Lee MJR, Stonelake PS. Bone marrow micrometastases and metalloproteinase expression in primary breast cancer. Surgical Research Society, Brighton 1999. 51.Wadley MS, Jones CJ, Bramhall SR, Lee MJR, Stonelake PS. Detection of bone marrow micrometastases in primary breast cancer: Pre or post operative sampling. Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland, Brighton 1999. 52.Manu M, Mirza D, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. Expression patterns of neurotrophins and Trk receptors in human pancreatic cancer and their relationship to perineural invasion. Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, London 1999. 40 53.Bramhall S, Buckels J, Rosemurgy A, Charnley R, Lloyd D, Steward W, Scarffe H, Johnson C, Falk S, Rosewicz S, Curtis L & Marimastat Pancreatic Cancer Study Group. A pivotal randomised controlled study comparing marimastat against gemcitabine as first line therapy in patients with non-resectable pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, London 1999. 54.Satoi S, Solomon M, Bramhall S, Gunson B, Buckels JAC, Candinas D, Mayer AD, McMaster P, Mirza DF. Use of liver grafts from donors with bacterial meningitis. British Transplantation Society, Cardiff 2000. 55.Whiting J, Bramhall SR, Hallissey MT, Fielding JWL, and Marimastat Gastric Cancer Study Group. Marimastat as maintenance therapy for patients with advanced gastric or gastro-oesophageal cancer: A randomised trial. The 4th International Gastric Cancer Congress, New York 2001. 56.Brammer RD, Bramhall SR, Eggo MC. The presence and differential degradation of the angiogenesis inhibitor endostatin in pancreatic tissue and SUIT-2 cell lines. Midland Gastroenterological Society, Birmingham 2001. European Pancreatic Club, Tolouse 2001. 57.Teixeira P, Wilde J, Bramhall SR, Gunson B, Mutimer D, Buckels J, McMaster P, Mirza DF. Liver transplantation in haemophilia. European Society of Transplantation, Lisbon 2001. 58.Brammer R, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF, Mayer AD, Candinas D, McMaster P, Buckels JAC. Complex liver trauma: A ten-year experience. Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland, Dublin 2002. 59.Desai A, Brammer R, Bramhall S, Eggo M. Endostatin is expressed by oesophageal, gastric and pancreatic cancers and is regulated by tumour necrosis factor alpha. American Gastro-enterology Association, San Francisco 2002. 60.Kaukuntla H, Quinn D, Harrington D, Bramhall S, Neil D, Bonser RS. Metalloproteinases and their inhibitors – the final common pathway for thoracic aortic disease? Aortic Surgery Symposium VIII, New York 2002. 61.Coldham C, Jarufe N, McMaster P, Mayer AD, Candinas D, Mirza DF, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. The impact of recent changes in surgical practice on patterns of referral in pancreatic surgery. European Pancreatic Club and International Association of Pancreatology (combined meeting), Heidelburg, Germany 2002. (poster presentation, poster prize) 62.Brammer RD, Eggo MC, Bramhall SR. Endostatin production by pancreatic cells is regulated by tumour necrosis factor-alpha and forskolin. European Pancreatic Club and International Association of Pancreatology (combined meeting), Heidelburg, Germany 2002. (poster presentation) 63.Jarufe N, Bramhall SR, Coldham C, Orug T, Rezende M, McMaster P, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC. A large UK experience in adenocarcinoma of the pancreas and periampullary region. European Pancreatic Club and International Association of Pancreatology (combined meeting), Heidelburg, Germany 2002. (poster presentation) 41 64.Jarufe N, Bramhall SR, Coldham C, Orug T, Rezende M, McMaster P, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC. Neuroendocrine tumours of the pancreas and duodenum (NETP). European Pancreatic Club and International Association of Pancreatology (combined meeting), Heidelburg, Germany 2002. (poster presentation) 65.Jarufe N, Bramhall SR, Coldham C, Orug T, Rezende M, McMaster P, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC. Neuroendocrine tumours of the pancreas and duodenum. West Midlands Surgical Society, Birmingham 2002. 66. Coldham C, Jarufe N, McMaster P, Mayer AD, Candinas D, Mirza DF, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. The impact of recent changes in surgical practice on patterns of referral in pancreatic surgery. West Midlands Surgical Society, Birmingham 2002. 67. Imber CJ, Tekin K, Atli M, Gunson B, Bramhall SR, Buckels JAC, Mayer AD, McMaster P, Mirza DF. Marginal donors – the importance of cold ischaemia time for successful liver transplantation. British Transplantation Society, London 2003. 68. Imber C, Bramhall S, Buckels J, Mayer D, McMaster P, Mirza D, Mutimer D. The Birmingham experience of HIV patients undergoing liver transplantation. British Transplantation Society, London 2003. (poster presentation). 69. Yoshimura N, Mirza D, Bramhall S, Whiting J. The usefulness of staging laparoscopy in pancreatic cancer. Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland, Manchester 2003. 70. Imber C, Patel N, Coldham C, Tekin K, Hubscher S, Buckels J, Mayer D, Mirza D, Bramhall S. Hepatic steatosis/stetohepatitis (NASH) in a cohort of patients undergoing liver resection for metastatic adenocarcinoma. Does it affect outcome? Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland, Manchester 2003. 71. Silva MA, Mirza DF, Bramhall SR, Mayer AD, McMaster P, Buckels JA. The treatment of hydatid disease of the liver. Evaluation of an UK experience. Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland, Manchester 2003. 72. Muralidharan V, Silva MA, Bramhall SR, Mayer AD, Buckels JA, Mirza DF. A UK experience in the management of bile duct injuries following laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland, Manchester 2003. 73. Jethwa P, Breuning E, Lala A, Wong T, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC. Preoperative ERCP drainage of malignant obstructive jaundice: The effect on bile bacteriology. Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland, Manchester 2003. 74. Lala A, Jethwa P, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC. Role of surgical resection in the management of gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST). Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland, Manchester 2003. (Poster Presentation). 75. Tekin K, Shrestha P, Imber C, Atli M, Buckels JAC, Mayer AD, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF. The surgical management of gallbladder cancer: Results of a tertiary referral centre. Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland, Manchester 2003. (Poster Presentation). 76. Lala A, Jethwa P, Buckels JAC, Mayer AD, Mirza DF, Bramhall SR. Spontaneous rupture of benign hepatocellular tumours. Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland, Manchester 2003. (Poster Presentation). 77. Jarufe N, Tekin K, Imber C, Gunson B, Bramhall SR, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC, McMaster P, De Ville de Goyet J, Mirza DF. A comparison of outcome following whole and right ex-vivo split liver adult transplantation. European Society for Organ Transplantation. Venice 2003. 42 78. Silva M, Tekin K, Atykin F, Coldham C, Bramhall SR, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF. Surgery for hilar cholangiocarcinoma; the importance of liver resection in achieving clear histological resection margins. Midland Gastroenterological Society. Wolverhampton 2003. 79. Buckels JAC, Hewitt H, Palmer D, Stocken DD, Markham CE, Johnson PJ, Hassan AB, Bramhall SR. A randomised phase II trial of neoadjuvant therapy for patients with resectable pancreatic cancer; gemcitabine alone vs. gemcitabine combined with cisplatin. Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Southampton 2003. 80. Yoshimura N, Whiting J, Coldham C, Mirza DF, Bramhall S. The usefulness of staging laparoscopy in pancreatic cancer. International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, Istanbul 2003. 81. Jethwa P, Yoshimura N, Breuning E, Lala A, Wong T, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC. Preoperative ERCP drainage of malignant obstructive jaundice: The effect on bile bacteriology. International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, Istanbul 2003. 82. Lala AK, Yoshimura N, Jethwa P, Bramhall S, Mirza DF, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC. Surgical management of GastroIntestinal Stromal Tumours (GIST). International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, Istanbul 2003. 83. Muralidharan V, Yoshimura N, Mayer D, Buckels J, McMaster P, Mirza D, Bramhall S. ABO non-identical liver transplantation (LT) for fulminant hepatic failure (FHF). International Liver Transplant Society. Kyoto 2004 (Poster Presentation). 84. Muralidharan V, Yoshimura N, Mayer D, Buckels J, McMaster P, Mirza D, Bramhall S. Impact of acute renal failure (ARF) on outcome after liver transplantation (LT). International Liver Transplantation Society. Kyoto 2004. 85. Perrin M, Stanton C, Gunson B, Bramhall S. Improving the educational needs of patients who develop diabetes post liver transplantation through audit. British Transplantation Society, Birmingham 2004. 86. Silva MA, Richards DA, Bramhall SR, Adams DH, Mirza DF, Murphy N. The use of microdialysis for monitoring the metabolic changes that occur in the liver at transplantation. British Transplantation Society, Birmingham 2004. 87. Jethwa P, Hayes T, Buckels JAC, Mayer AD, Mirza DF, Bramhall SR. Biliary complications following right lobe split liver transplantation. British Transplantation Society, Birmingham 2004 (Poster Presentation). 88. Silva MA, Kahn S, Gunson B, Candinas D, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF. Liver transplantation without extra-corporeal veno-venous bypass; a comparison of conventional versus piggyback techniques in adult orthotopic liver transplantation. British Transplantation Society, Birmingham 2004 (Poster Presentation). 89. Haghighi KS, Orug T, Mirza DF, Stell DA, Mayer AD, Buckels JA, Bramhall SR. Blood transfusion in organ donors may increase the incidence of acute rejection in liver Transplantation. International Society of Transplantation, Vienna 2004 (Poster Presentation). 43 90. Silva MA, Jambulingham P, Muralidharan V, Coldham C, Mayer A, Bramhall S, Mirza D Outcome of on-table repair of iatrogenic bile duct injury; the experience of a tertiary referral unit in the West Midlands. West Midlands Surgical Society, Birmingham 2004. 91. Lala A, Hubscher SG, Yannam GR, Mirza DF, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC, Bramhall S. Spontaneous rupture of the non-malignant liver: UK perspective. International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association,Washington 2004. 92. Muralidharan V, Yoshimura N, Mayer D, Buckels J, McMaster P, Mirza D, Bramhall S. ABO non-identical liver transplantation (LT) for fulminant hepatic failure (FHF). International Liver Transplant Society, Kyoto 2004. 93. Silva MA, Jambulingam PS, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF, Bramhall SR. Hepatic artery thrombosis following Orthotopic liver transplantation; a 10 year experience from the UK. British Transplantation Society, Belfast 2005. 94. Silva MA, Wojcicki M, Gunson B, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF. Biliary complications following adult right lobe split liver transplantation. British Transplantation Society, Belfast 2005. 95. Kato Y, Coldham C, Bramhall SR, Mayer AD, Olliff S, Buckels JAC, Mirza D. Effect of perioperative blood transfusion on long-term outcome of liver resection for colorectal metastasis. Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland, Glasgow 2005. (Moynihan Prize Session). 96. Jambulingham PS, Silva MA, Kantharia CV, Coldham C, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF. Liver resection for non-colorectal non-neuroendocrine hepatic metastases. Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland, Glasgow 2005. (Poster Presentation). 97. Silva MA, Muralidhran V, Coldham C, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF. Outcome of on-table repair of iatrogenic bile duct injury: the experience of a tertiary referral unit in the West Midlands. Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland, Glasgow 2005. 98. Breuning E, Ngogo D, Jethwa P, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF, Buckels JAC. Pre-operative ERCP drainage of malignant obstructive jaundice: The effect of bile bacteriology. West Midlands Surgical Society, Dudley 2005. 99. Adham M, Mirza D, Chapuis F, Mayer D, Bramhall S, Baulieux J, Buckels J. Results of vascular resections during pancreatectomy from two European centres: an analysis of survival and disease free survival explicative factors. International Association of Surgeons and Gastroenterologists (and Oncologists), Prague 2005. 100.Adham M, Silva MA, Mirza DF, Chapuis F, Mayer AD, Bramhall SR, Baulieux J, Buckels JAC. Results of vascular resections during pancreatectomy from two European centres: an analysis of survival. Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Birmingham 2005. 101.John AR, Bramhall SR, Eggo MC. Endostatin – its role in pancreatic cancers. Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Birmingham 2005. 102.Morris-Stiff G, Wickremseekera K, Silva M, Mayer D, Buckels J, Mirza D, Bramhall S. Haemorrhage following pancreaticoduodenectomy: a predictable and preventable complication? Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Birmingham 2005. 44 103.Alabraba EB, Lai VK, Bramhall SR, Adams DH, Afford SC. Liver macrophages mediate cholangiocyte apoptosis and proinflammatory cytokine release during co-culture. Society of Academic and Research Surgery, Edinburgh 2006. 104.Breuning E, Jethwa P, Lala A, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF. Should antibiotic prophylaxis be altered after biliary manipulation in HPB patients undergoing surgery? Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland, Edinburgh 2006. 105.John AR, Khan S, Mirza DF, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. Hepatic resection in hepatocellular carcinoma: analysis of 100 cases at a tertiary level centre in the UK. Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland, Edinburgh 2006. 106.Alabraba EB, Lai VK, Bramhall SR, Wigmore SJ, Adams DH, Afford SC. Liver-derived macrophages mediate cd40-dependent cholangiocyte apoptosis and proinflammatory cytokine release during in vitro co-culture. International Liver Transplantation Society. Milan 2006. 106.Alabraba EB, Lai VK, Bramhall SR, Wigmore SJ, Adams DH, Afford SC. Liver macrophages mediate cholangiocyte apoptosis and proinflammatory cytokine release during co-culture. British Transplantation Society. Edinburgh 2006. 107.Bhati CS, Morris-Stiff G, Gunson G, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF, Bramhall SR. Prevalence and outcome of cholangiocarcinoma in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis referred to a regional liver transplant unit. British Transplantation Society. Edinburgh 2006. 108.Höroldt BS, Burattin M, Gunson BK, Bramhall SR, Nightingale P, Hübscher SG, Neuberger JM. Does the Banff rejection activity index predict outcome in patients with early acute cellular rejection following liver transplantation? European Association for the Study of the Liver. Vienna 2006 (Poster Presentation). 109.Alabraba EB, Lai VK, Bramhall SR, Wigmore SJ, Adams DH, Afford SC. Liver-derived macrophages mediate CD40-dependent cholangiocyte apoptosis and proinflammatory cytokine release during in vitro co-culture. Joint International Congress of ILTS, ELITA & LICAGE. Milan 2006. 110.Silva MA, Richards DA, Wigmore SJ, Bramhall SR, Buckels JAC, Adams DH, Mirza DF. Interstitial lactic acidosis in the graft during organ harvest, cold storage and reperfusion of human liver allografts predicts subsequent ischaemia reperfusion injury. Joint International Congress of ILTS, ELITA & LICAGE. Milan 2006. 111.Tamijmarane A, Koukoutsis I, Gunson B, Mayer AD, Mirza DF, Wigmore S, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. Factors predicting new-onset diabetes mellitus after liver transplantation – a logistic regression analysis. Joint International Congress of ILTS, ELITA & LICAGE. Milan 2006. 112.Bhatti CS, Tamijmarane A, Gunson B, Mayer D, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF, Wigmore SJ, Bramhall SR. Impact of model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) and delta MELD (DMELD) on outcome following liver transplantation. Joint International Congress of ILTS, ELITA & LICAGE. Milan 2006. 45 113.Bhatti CS, Stiff GM, Gunson B, Mayer D, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF, Wigmore SJ, Bramhall SR. Prevalence and outcome of cholangiocarcinoma in patienst with primary sclerosing cholangitis referred to a regional liver transplant unit. Joint International Congress of ILTS, ELITA & LICAGE. Milan 2006. 114.Koukoutsis I, Bellagamba R, Muralidharan V, Mayer D, Buckels JA, Mirza DF, Wigmore SJ, Bramhall SR. ABO non-identical liver transplantation (LT) for fulminant hepatic failure (FHF). Joint International Congress of ILTS, ELITA & LICAGE. Milan 2006. 115.Bhatti CS, Silva M, Wigmore S, Bramhall S, Mayer D, Buckels J, Neil D, Murphy N, Mirza D. Bioelectrical analysis (BIA) – a potential simple tool to assess liver steatosis. Joint International Congress of ILTS, ELITA & LICAGE. Milan 2006. 116.Cherian PT, Mahon BS, Tanierre P, Kejmadi RK, Wigmore SJ, Mirza DF, Mayer D, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. Impact of endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) on pancreato-biliary practice in a tertiary referral centre. A new benchmark in diagnostic yield? West Midlands Surgical Society, Birmingham 2007. 117.Manzia TM, Attia M, Toti L, Gunson B, Mirza DF, Wigmore S, Mayer D, Buckels JAC, Bramhall S. An analysis of late mortality after liver transplantation from non transplant related causes. American Transplant Congress, San Francisco 2007 (Poster Presentation). 118.Bagia JS, Gunson BK, Mayer AD, Mirza DF, Wigmore SJ, Buckels JA, Bramhall SR. Outcomes and cost implications using marginal donor livers for transplantation in recipients according to MELD score. American Transplant Congress, San Francisco 2007. 119.Attia M, Manzia TM, Toti L, Wigmore S, Buckels J, Bramhall S, Mayer D, Mirza DF. Analysis of 100 cadaveric right lobe split graft. Predictors of poor outcome. American Transplant Congress, San Francisco 2007 (Poster Presentation). 120.Bagia JS, Gunson BK, Mirza DF, Buckels JA, Bramhall SR, Wigmore SJ, Mayer DA. Splenic artery aneurysm in adult liver transplant. ILTS Rio de Janeiro 2007. 121.Toti L, Attia M, Manzia TM, Cherian T, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF, Mayer AD, Wigmore SJ, Bramhall SR. Incidental Gallbladder Cancer: Radical Surgery offers Longer Survival Association of Upper GI Surgeons, Cardiff 2007. 122. Silva MA, Pissanou T, Mehat M, Wigmore SJ, Mayer AD, Bramhall SR, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF. Spontaneous haemorrhage of the liver; a management algorithm Association of Upper GI Surgeons, Cardiff 2007. 123. Cherian PT, Tanierre P, Hejmadi RK, Wigmore SJ, Mirza DF, Mayer D, Bramhall SR, Buckels JAC, Mahon BS. Impact of endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) on pancreato-biliary practice in a tertiary referral centre. A new benchmark in diagnostic yield Association of Upper GI Surgeons, Cardiff 2007. 124. Manzia TM, Cherian T, Toti L, Wigmore S, Mayer D, Buckels JAC, Bramhall S, Mirza D. Pancreaticoduodenectomy for benign disease. Association of Upper GI Surgeons, Cardiff 2007. 46 125. Brooke-Smith M, Tsourouflis G, Solomonov E, Coldham C, Buckels J, Mayer D, Wigmore S, Bramhall S, Mirza D. Outcome of and risk factors for dialysis following hepatic resection Association of Upper GI Surgeons, Cardiff 2007. 126. Cherian PT, Manzia T, Pascoe J, Toti L, Bramhall SR, Wigmore S, Mayer D, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF. Primary pancreatic lymphoma: Incidence, histo-pathological characteristics and prognosis derived from a 10-year experience Association of Upper GI Surgeons, Cardiff 2007. 127. Cherian PT, Manzia T, Silva M, Toti L, Bramhall SR, Wigmore S, Mayer D, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF. Rare primary pancreatic malignancies – presentation and outcome Association of Upper GI Surgeons, Cardiff 2007. 128. Bhatt AN, Oniscu GC, Gunson B, Coldham C, Mayer AD, Mirza DF, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. Liver transplantation for polycystic liver disease. International Hepato-Pancreato Biliary Association, Mumbai 2008. 129. Oniscu GC, Perera T, Gunson B, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF, Bramhall SR, Mayer AD, Olliff S Stenting for venous outflow problems post-liver transplantation. International Hepato-Pancreato Biliary Association, Mumbai 2008. 130. Oniscu GC, Coldham C, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF, Mayer D, Bramhall SR. The role of open cholecystectomy in the era of laparoscopic surgery. International Hepato-Pancreato Biliary Association, Mumbai 2008 (poster presentation). 131. Bhatt A, Oniscu GC, Gunson B, Mirza DF, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. Transplantation for polycystic liver disease. International Hepato-Pancreato Biliary Association, Mumbai 2008 (poster presentation). 132. Bhati CS, Gills M, Bramhall SR, Mayer AD, Buckels JAC, Mirza DF. Clostridium difficile infection in HPB and transplant surgery: increasing concerns? International Hepato-Pancreato Biliary Association, Mumbai 2008 133. Fazal A, Ahmad N, Ramzan K, Waheed H, Richards S, Bramhall S. NHS staff and the organ donor register (ODR). British Transplantation Society, Glasgow 2008. 134. Bhati C, Naidu S, Gunson B, Bramhall S, Buckels J, Mayer D, Mirza D. Inferior long term graft and patient survival in Asian patients after adult liver transplantation compared to a matched Caucasian cohort. British Transplantation Society, Glasgow 2008 (Medawar Medal Session). 135. Perera T, Oniscu G, Gunson B, Buckels J, Mirza DF, Bramhall SR, Mayer D, Olliff S. The role of vascular stenting in the management of venous complications following orthotopic liver transplants. British Transplantation Society, Glasgow 2008 (poster presentation). 136. Cherian PT, Hegab B, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF, Buckels JAC, Mayer D, Wigmore SJ. The accessory or replaced right hepatic artery. Incidence and consequences of its presence in the era of multi-organ retrieval. British Transplantation Society, Glasgow 2008 (poster presentation). Joint International Congress of ILTS, ELITA & LICAGE, Paris 2008 (poster presentation). 47 137. Cherian PT, Chiu K, Gunson B, Bramhall SR, Mayer D, Mirza DF, Freeman J, Buckels JAC. Liver transplantation and pulmonary thromboembolism. A retrospective review of 3000 transplants. British Transplantation Society, Glasgow 2008 (poster presentation). Joint International Congress of ILTS, ELITA & LICAGE, Paris 2008 (poster presentation). 138. Pissanou T, Tsourouflis G, Boulougouris P, Gunson B, Cherian PT, Wigmore SJ, Mirza DF, Mayer D, Buckels JAC, Bramhall SR. Vascular complications following adult ex-vivo split liver transplantation – A 10 year experience. West Midlands Surgical Society, Shrewsbury 2008. British Transplantation Society, Glasgow 2008 (poster presentation). Joint International Congress of ILTS, ELITA & LICAGE, Paris 2008 (poster presentation). 139. Marudanayagam R, Ramkumar K, Shanmugam V, Langmann G, Coldham C, Rajesh P, Bramhall S, Mayer D, Buckels J, Mirza DF. Long-term outcome following sequential resections of liver and lung meatastases from colorectal carcinoma. Association of Upper GI Surgeons, Liverpool 2008. 140. Ramkumar K, Marudanayagam R, Coldham C, Bramhall SR, Mayer AD, Mirza DF, Buckels JAC. Re-audit of liver trauma management and current practice. Association of Upper GI Surgeons, Liverpool 2008. 141. Cherian PT, Mozdiak E, Karampini E, Coldham C, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF, Buckels J, Mayer D. Drains and drain fluid analysis post pancreaticoduodenectomy- are we any wiser? a 10-year, retrospective analysis of over 500 patients Association of Upper GI Surgeons, Liverpool 2008. 142. Marudanayagam R, Ramkumar K, Shanmugam V, Langmann G, Coldham C, Rajesh P, Bramhall S, Mayer D, Buckels J, Mirza DF. Long-term outcome following sequential resections of liver and lung meatastases from colorectal carcinoma. American Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, Miami 2009. 143. Marudanayagam R, Shanmugam V, Gunson B, Bramhall S, Mirza DF, Mayer D, Buckels J. Aetiology and outcome of acute liver failure American Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, Miami 2009. 144. Shanmugam V, Lala A, Maruthanayagam R, Buckels J, Mirza DF, Mayer D, Bramhall S. Spontaneous rupture of the non-malignant liver: Our 13 year experience American Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, Miami 2009. 145. Shanmugam V, Bhatti C, Maruthanayagam R, Buckels J, Mayer D, Mirza D, Gunson G, Bramhall S. Retransplantation in fulminant hepatic failure – A single centre experience over 15 years. International Liver Transplantation Society, New York 2009. 146. Davidov Y, Gunson BK, Saadeddin A, Gopalakrishnan K, Paris S, Mutimer D, Bramhall S, Hubscher SG, Newsome PN. Outcome and recurrent disease in patients undergoing liver transplantation for NASH (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis) cirrhosis. American Association for the Study of Diseases of the Liver, Boston 2009 (presidential Poster of Distinction). 48 147. Davidov Y, Gunson BK, Saadeddin A, Gopalakrishnan K, Paris S, Mutimer D, Bramhall S, Hubscher SG, Newsome PN. Recurrent disease is common in patients undergoing liver transplantation for NASH (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis) cirrhosis, but does not compromise their 5 year outcome. Midland Gastroenterological Society, Walsall 2009. 148. Gill P, Bramhall S. Post-procedure antibiotic administration in Hepatopancreaticobiliary patients vs University Hospital Birmingham antibiotic protocol. Infection 2009, Birmingham 2009. 149. Marudanayagam R, Sandhu B, Perera MTPR, Taniere P, Coldham C, Bramhall S, Mayer D, Buckels J, Mirza D. Outcome following hepatic resection for metastatic malignant mesenchymal tumours. West Midlands Surgical Society, Birmingham 2009. 150. Marudanayagam R, Sandhu B, Perera MTPR, Taniere P, Coldham C, Bramhall S, Mayer D, Buckels J, Mirza D. Hepatic resection for non-colorectal, non-neuroendocrine metastatic tumours- a single centre Experience. West Midlands Surgical Society, Birmingham 2009. 151. Rossi R, Buckels J, Mayer D, Mirza D, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Shah T, Taniere P, Bramhall S. Prognostic factors in resected pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours. UK and Ireland Neuroendocrine Tumour Society, London 2009. 152. Aroori S, Sandhu B, Gunson B, Jowett S, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Mirza D, Mayer D, Buckels J, Bramhall SR. Mycophenolate moeftil (MMF) and low dose Tacrolimus based immunosuppressive regimen following Orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT): Is it cost-effective? British Transplantation Society, London 2010 153. Tariciotti L, Rocha C, Perera TM, Bramhall S, Mirza D, Muiesan P. Is graft steatosis relevant when transplanting NHBD livers? British Transplantation Society, London 2010 154. Aroori S, Gupta P, Gunson B, Nightingale P, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Mirza D, Mayer D, Buckels J, Bramhall S. Comparison of Model for End-Stage liver disease (MELD) & United Kingdom End-Stage Liver Disease (UKELD) scores as a predictor for death on the liver transplant waiting list and as a predictor of mortality following liver transplantation. International Congress of the Transplantation Society, Toronto 2010. 155. Aroori S, Sandhu B, Gunson B, Lowett S, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Mirza D, Mayer D, Buckels J, Bramhall S. Cost-effectiveness of Mycophenolate Moefetil and Tacrolimus compared to Azathioprine and Tacrolimus following Orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). International Congress of the Transplantation Society, Toronto 2010. 156. Aroori S, Tariciotti L, Monaco A, Bramhall S. The safety and outcomes following multi-visceral pancreatic resections. European Society of Surgical Oncology, Bordeaux 2010. 157. Aroori S, Pancreatic fistula rate (defined according to the International Study group for Pancreatic Fistula criteria) and other outcomes between pancreaticogastrostomy (PG) and pancreatico-jejunostomy (PJ) following pancreaticoduodenenctomy (PD). European Society of Surgical Oncology, Bordeaux 2010. 49 158. Rocha C, Tariciotti L, Mirza D, Bramhall S, Muiesan P. Impact of graft steatosis on outcomes of liver transplantation from donors after cardiac death. International Liver Transplantation Society, Hong Kong 2010. 159. Tariciotti L, Rocha C, Mirza D, Bramhall S, Muiesan P. DCD liver transplantation: Is it safe with overweight donors? International Liver Transplantation Society, Hong Kong 2010. 160. Aroori S, Sandhu B, Gunson B, Mirza D, Muiesan P, Mayer D, Buckels J, Bramhall S. Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) and low dose tacrolimus based immunosuppressive regimen following orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT): Is it cost effective? International Liver Transplantation Society, Hong Kong 2010. 161. Leithead JA, Tariciotti L, Rocha C, Gunson B, Holt A, Ferguson JW, Bramhall S, Muiesan P. Donation after cardiac death liver transplantation is associated with greater renal dysfunction. British transplantation Society, Bournemouth 2011. Joint International Congress of ILTS, ELITA, & LICAGE, Spain 2011. 162. Smith M, Leithead JA, Materacki L, Sagar V, Gunson B, Bramhall S, Mutimer D, Shah T Long-term antibiotic prescription in patients relisted for late hepatic artery thrombosis is associated with greater wait-list mortality independent of MELD. Joint International Congress of ILTS, ELITA, & LICAGE, Spain 2011. 163. Tariciotti L, Rocha C, Gunson B, Isaac J, Mirza D, Bramhall S, Muiesan P. Six years of liver transplantation using grafts from controlled donors after cardiac death: A matched group comparison. Joint International Congress of ILTS, ELITA, & LICAGE, Spain 2011. 164. Smith M, Rye K, Haldane T, Gunson BK, Bramhall SR, Mutimer D Combined Liver and Kidney Transplantation: a single centre experience. British Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, London 2011 American Association for the Study of Diseases of the Liver, San Francisco 2011 165. Battula N, Takhar A, Tsapralis D, Mayer D, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Bramhall SR, Sutcliffe RP, Mirza DF, Marudanayagam R. Re-do liver resection for recurrent colorectal liver metastasis: A single centre 13 year experience. Asian-Pacific HPBA, Melbourne 2011 166. Tsapralis D, Battula N, Takhar A, Mayer D, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Sutcliffe RP, Marudanayagam R, Mirza DF, Bramhall SR. Aetio-pathogenesis and management of spontaneous liver bleeding in the West: A 16 year single centre experience. Asian-Pacific HPBA, Melbourne 2011 167. Battula N, Tsapralis D, Croagh D, Takhar A, Mayer D, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Mirza DF, Mahon B, Bramhall SR. Role of endoscopic ultrasonography in the diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma in patients with an underlying primary sclerosing cholangitis. Asian-Pacific HPBA, Melbourne 2011 168. Battula N, Tsapralis D, Mohamedbhai AH, Mayer D, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Mirza DF, Bramhall SR, Sutcliffe RP, Marudanayagam R, Perera T, Mergental H. Factors that could predict asystole within an hour after treatment withdrawal in donation after cardiac death. Asian-Pacific HPBA, Melbourne 2011 169. Battula N, Takhar A, Tsapralis D, Mayer D, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Mergental H, Perera MT, Mirza DF, Bramhall SR. Risk factor analysis to predict early graft dysfunction following liver transplantation. Asian-Pacific HPBA, Melbourne 2011 50 170. Battula N, Takhar A, Tripathi D, Mergental H, Muiesan P, Isaac J, Mirza D, Mayer D, Bramhall S, Perera T. Late graft dysfunction following liver transplantation: Diagnostic dilemma. European Society for Organ Transplantation, Glasgow 2011 171. Tariciotti L, Monaco A, Isaac J, Mayer D, Muiesan P, Bramhall S, Perera T, Sutcliffe R, Mirza D. Treatment of small hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC), liver (LT) transplantation, liver resection (LR) and radiofrequency ablation (RFA). European Society for Organ Transplantation, Glasgow 2011 172. Takhar AS, Battula N, Neil D, Mergental H, Mirza D, Perera MT, Bramhall SR. Persistently abnormal liver function in a young patient after liver transplantation: A complex case. European Society for Organ Transplantation, Glasgow 2011 173. Lordan JT, Gunson B, Mergental H, Isaac J, Mayer D, Muiesan P, Bramhall SR, Mirza DF, Neil DA, Perera T. Trends of usage in steatotic liver grafts for orthotopic liver transplantation over a ten year period in a single institution. European Society for Organ Transplantation, Glasgow 2011 174. Perera MTPR, Isaac JR, Bramhall SR, Mayer AD, Mirza DF, Muiesan P. Adult right lobe live donor liver transplantation (LDLT) in presence of a retro-portal accessory right hepatic artery (RPARHA) arising from left hepatic artery (LHA). European Society for Organ Transplantation, Glasgow 2011 175. Neo EL, Vinuela E, Bramhall SR, Isaac J, Marudanayagam R, Mayer D, Mirza DF, Muiesan P, Sutcliffe RP. Unplanned hospital readmission within 30 days after liver and pancreatic resection. Digestive Disease Federation, Liverpool 2012. 176. Viñuela E, Bramhall SR, Isaac J, Marudanayagam R, Mayer D, Mirza DF, Muiesan P, Sutcliffe RP. Effect of internal and external pancreatic duct stents on outcome after pancreaticoduodenectomy: meta-analysis of randomized and observational studies. Digestive Disease Federation, Liverpool 2012. 177. Roberts K, McCulloch N, Mayer D, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Bramhall S, Mirza D, Sutcliffe R, Forde C, Marudanayagam R, Mahon B. EUS assessment of lesions of the ampulla of Vater: of particular value in low grade dysplasia. Digestive Disease Federation, Liverpool 2012. 178. Neoptolemos JP, Greenhalf W, Cox TF, Campbell F, Palmer DH, Mackey JR, Bassi C, Scarpa A, Dervenis C, Avgerinos C, Bramhall SR, Valle JW, Corrie P, Middleton MR, Cunningham D, Friess H, GarnerE, Buchler MW, European Study Group for Pancreatic Cancer. Evaluation of the chemotherapy response markers hENT1, dck1 and CNT1 in patients with resected pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma randomized to observation or adjuvant gemcitabine or 5FU/FA in the ESPAC1/3 trials. American Society of Clinical Oncology, Chicago 2012. 179. Thomas E, Draper H, Bramhall S. An Empirically Informed Ethical Analysis of Live Liver Donations. The Transplantation Society, Berlin 2012. International association of Bioethics, Rotterdam 2012 180. Mourad M, Kumar S, Liossis C, Gunson BK, Shah T, Olliff S, Mangat K, Bramhall SR, Isaac J, Mayer D, Perera MTP, Muiesan P, Mirza DF, Mergental H. Feasibility of ablate and wait strategy with a salvage liver transplant for single hepatocellular carcinoma lesions less than 3 cm. EASL HCC Workshop, Istanbul 2013. 51 181. Mihaylov V, Houlihan D, Vinuela E, Gunson BK, Shah T, Bramhall SR, Isaac J, Perera MTP, Muiesan P, Mirza DF, Mergental H. Liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma with marginal grafts: intention to treat outcomes. EASL HCC Workshop, Istanbul 2013. 182. Mourad M, Liossis C, Kumar S, Gunson BK, Olliff S, Mangat K, Bramhall SR, Isaac J, Perera MTP, Muiesan P, Shah T, Mergental H, Mirza DF. Outcomes of primary radiofrequency ablation in single hepatocellular carcinoma lesions. EASL HCC Workshop, Istanbul 2013. 183. Mourad M, Algarni A, Kumar S, Gunson BK, Bramhall SR, Isaac J, Perera MTP, Muiesan P, Mirza DF, Shah T, Mergental H. Diabetus mellitus is an independent risk factor for macrovascular tumor invasion in hepatocellular carcinoma. EASL HCC Workshop, Istanbul 2013. 184. Murthy V, Murray D, Hebballi S, Bramhall S, Wilde JT. Outcome of liver transplantation in patients with hereditary bleeding disorders: A single centre UK experience. British Society of Haematologists, Liverpool 2013. 185. Scalera I, Catalano G, Isaac J, Marudanayagam R, Muiesan P, Sutcliffe R, Mirza D, Bramhall S. Predictors of recurrence after pancreatic resections for neuroendocrine tumors. E-AHPBA, Belgrade 2013. 186. Faulconer E, Navarro A, Merhzad H, Zia Z, Mirza D, Bramhall S, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Sutcliffe R, Marudanayagam R. Adult Choledochal Cyst Excision: A single centre UK experience over 17 years E-AHPBA, Belgrade 2013. 187.Sandhu B, Isaac J, Bramhall S, Muiesan P, Mirza D, Sutcliffe R, Marudanayagam R. Clinico-pathological features and outcomes of Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasms of pancreas - a single centre Western experience. E-AHPBA, Belgrade 2013. 188.Roberts K, Hodson J, Marudanayagam R, Sutcliffe R, Muiesan P, Isaac J, Bramhall S, Mirza D. A pre-operative predictive score of pancreatic fistula following pancreaticoduodenectomy E-AHPBA, Belgrade 2013. 189.Bonney G, Vinuela E, Thompson C, Mihaylov V, Muiesan P, Bramhall S, Perera T, Mergental H, Isaac J, Mirza D. The effect of tumour biology on outcomes following liver resections and transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma. E-AHPBA, Belgrade 2013. 190.Toti L, Scalera I, Manzia TM, Sutcliffe R, Marunadayagam R, Bramhall S, Mayer D, Isaac J, Mirza D. Incidental gallbladder cancer: Radical surgery offers longer survival. E-AHPBA, Belgrade 2013. 191.Bhogal R, Bramhall S, Isaac J, Mararudanayagnam R, Mirza D, Muiesan P, Sutcliffe R. Multivariate analysis of risk factors for early recurrence after resection of colorectal liver metastases: potential impact on preoperative staging protocols E-AHPBA, Belgrade 2013. 52 192.Kumar S, Mourad M, Bramhall S, Isaac J, Marudanayagam R, Mayer D, Mirza D, Muiesan P, Sutcliffe R. Clinical utility of drain fluid amylase on the first postoperative day after pancreaticoduodenectomy: a comparison between pancreatico-gastric and pancreatico-jejunal reconstruction. E-AHPBA, Belgrade 2013. 193.Liossis C, Kumar S, Mourad M, Coldham C, Gunson B, Marudanayagam R, Isaac J, Mirza D, Muiesan P, Sutcliffe R, Bramhall S. The Liver first approach to synchronous colorectal liver metastasis: outcomes in a tertiary centre. E-AHPBA, Belgrade 2013. 194.Rocha C, Bonney G, Vinuela E, Roberts K, Bramhall S, Mirza D, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Sutcliffe R, Marudanayagam R. Clinico-pathological factors predicting malignancy in ampullary lesions. E-AHPBA, Belgrade 2013. 195. Mihaylov V, Houlihan D, Gunson B, Shah T, Bramhall S, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Perera T, Mirza D, Mergental H. Liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma with marginal grafts: intention to treat outcomes. ILCA, Washington 2013. 196. Houlihan DD, Rowe IA, Mihaylov V, Shetty S, Stangou A, Doolin R, Armstrong MJ, Bramhall S, Isaac J, Perera T, Muiesan P, Mirza D, Shah T, Mergental H. Recently proposed AFP model fails to predict poor survival in hcc patients listed for liver transplantation within the UK criteria. ILCA, Washington 2013. 197. Rajoriya N, Leithead JA, Gunson BK, Bramhall SR, Mutimer DJ. Patients with late hepatic artery thrombosis listed for liver re-transplantation are disadvantaged by the implementation of a national scoring system. AASLD, Washington 2013. BASL, London 2013. 198. Rajoriya N, Leithead JA, Lord S, Gunson BK, Bramhall SR, Ferguson JW, Hirschfield GM. Portal hypertension in patients with polycystic liver disease listed for liver transplantation is not associated with greater morbidity and mortality. AASLD, Washington 2013. BASL, London 2013. 199. Rajoriya N, Leithead JA, Lord S, Gunson BK, Bramhall SR, Hirschfield GM, Ferguson JW. The impact of a national scoring system on wait-list morbidity and mortality for patients with polycystic liver disease listed for liver transplantation. AASLD, Washington 2013. BASL, London 2013. 200. Mourad M, Algarni A, Gunson BK, Bramhall S, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Perera T, Elsharkawy AM, Mirza D, Mergental H. Diabetes mellitus is independent significant factor associated with gross-vascular invasion in HCC patients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation. BASL, London 2013. 201. Algarni A, Mourad M, Gunson BK, Mergental H, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Mirza D, Perera T, Elsharkawy AM, Bramhall S. Aetiology and risk factors for early mortality after orthotopic liver transplantation: One centre experience. BASL, London 2013. 53 202. Mourad M, Liossis C, Gunson BK, Mirza D, Mergental H, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Perera T, Elsharkawy AM, Bramhall S. Aetiology and management of hepatic artery thrombosis after adult liver transplantation. BASL, London 2013. 203. Mourad M, Algarni A, Gunson BK, Mirza D, Mergental H, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Perera T, Elsharkawy AM, Bramhall S. Tumor characteristics and long-term outcome of incidental hepatocellular carcinoma after orthotopic liver transplant. BASL, London 2013. 204. Dissanayake R, Mourad M, Gunson BK, Mirza D, Mergental H, Isaac J, Muiesan P, Perera T, Elsharkawy AM, Bramhall S. Outcome and risk factors for de novo tumors after orthotopic liver transplantation: One centre experience. BASL, London 2013. 205.Sutcliffe RP, Kumar S, Bramhall SR, Isaac J, Marudanayagam R, Mirza DF, Muiesan P, Roberts K. Safety and efficacy of a targeted enhanced recovery pathway after pancreatico-duodenectomy. AUGIS, Gateshead 2013. 206. Gardiner D, Richards S, Bramhall S. Evaluation into ‘failed’ brainstem death testing in the Midlands. Intensive Care Society. London 2013 INVITED LECTURES 1. Bramhall SR. Matrix metalloproteinases and their tissue specific inhibitors in pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic Cancer: Molecular and Clinical Science, Birmingham 1995. 2. Bramhall SR. Matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in pancreatic cancer. European Pancreatic Club and International Association of Pancreatology, (combined meeting), Mannheim, Germany 1996 3. Bramhall SR. The matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in pancreatic cancer: from molecular science to a clinical application. Eurosurgery Roma ‘96 and Italian Surgical Society, Rome 1996. 4. Bramhall SR. Matrix metalloproteinases: laboratory findings. 4th Wessex Pancreatic Symposium: New Treatments in Pancreatic Cancer, Southampton 1997. 5. Bramhall SR. Pancreatic disease both benign and malignant. 46th Intensive Course in Surgery, Birmingham 1997. 6. Bramhall SR. Pancreatic cancer epidemiology. The Practical Management of Pancreatic Cancer, Windlesham 1997. 54 7. Bramhall SR. Advances in Gastroenterology: Hepatobiliary - Extrahepatic Sands Cox Society, Birmingham 1997. 8. Bramhall SR. The Calman-Hine Proposals: Implications for the trainee. West Midlands Surgical Society, Birmingham 1998. 9. Bramhall SR. Lessons learned from the basic science of pancreatic cancer: what the clinician expects from molecular biology. European Digestive Surgery, 3rd International Meeting on Pancreatic Diseases, Athens 1999. 10.Bramhall SR. Colorectal cancer: screening and genetics, prevention. Update on Bowel, Birmingham Medical Institute, Birmingham 1999. 11.Bramhall SR. Acute cholecystitis; role of open surgery. UEGW Postgraduate Course, G.I. Emergencies – Role of Endoscopic Versus Conventional Surgery, Brussels 2000. 12. Bramhall SR. Radiology and Surgery: Dual Approach for a Quality HPB Service. South West Radiology Association. Torquay 2003. 13. Bramhall SR. Research and rare cancers. Rare Cancer Conference. Birmingham 2004. 14. Bramhall SR, Markham C. Surgery for pancreatic cancer in specialist centres. 2nd Annual National Pancreatic Nurse Specialist Meeting. Birmingham 2004. 15. Bramhall SR. Surgical Aspects of Liver Transplantation. MASTIG. Birmingham 2004. 16. Bramhall SR. Prognostic factors in the surgical treatment of adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. Pancreatic Disease Symposium, Department of Visceral and Transplantation Surgery University Berne, Inselspital. Berne 2004. 17. Bramhall SR. Living Related Liver Transplantation; For and Against. Carrel Club, Birmingham 2005. 18. Bramhall SR. Assessment of pancreatic cancer Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Masterclass, Manchester 2006. 19. Bramhall SR. Can we get 300 more livers per year? British Association for the Study of the Liver, Edinburgh 2008. 20. Bramhall SR. Required referral versus presumed consent. International Transplant Nurses Society, London 2008. 55 21. Bramhall SR. Challenges of providing donor material. Transfusion Medicine Today, London 2008. 22. Bramhall SR. How preoperative imaging can affect decision making: the surgeons view. Pancreas and Biliary Imaging. Royal College of Radiologists, Birmingham 2013. CONFERENCE ORGANISATION 1. Organising Committee Member. Pancreatic Cancer: Molecular and Clinical Science, Birmingham, June 1995. 2. Organising Committee Member. 84th Meeting of the Surgical Research Society, Birmingham, June 1996. 3. Bramhall SR, Wilson P, Iqbal T. Controversial Issues in Gastroenterology, Birmingham, November 1996. 4. Bramhall SR, Wilson P. Current Perspectives in Gastroenterology, Birmingham, November 1997. 5. Bramhall SR, Wilson P, Dowds A. Current Perspectives in Gastroenterology, Warwick, November 1998. 6. Bramhall SR, Wilson P. Current Perspectives in Gastroenterology, Birmingham, March 2000. 7. Bramhall SR, Procurement Coordinator Team. Non-Heart Beating Donor Study Day, Birmingham, September 2004. 8. Bramhall SR. Midlands HPB Group, Birmingham, October 2004. 9. Bramhall SR. Midlands HPB Group, Birmingham, March 2007. 56 REFEREES 57