PAGE 38 August 25, 2004 . The Randolph Township Board of Education held a Work Session and Business Meeting on Wednesday, August 25, 2004 at 7:15 P.M. in the Randolph High School Library, Millbrook Avenue, Randolph, New Jersey. Board Member, Gregory Mark, read the following statement: The New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law was enacted to insure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of this Act, the Randolph Township Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date, time and place thereof posted in the Morristown Daily Record. It is also posted in all district schools as well as the Randolph Township Municipal Building. The following Board Members were present: Ethan Blynn, Kathleen Fettweis, Brian Jaffa, Gregory Mark, Eugene Stracco, Douglas Weisberger and Christine Carey. The following Board Members and Administrator were absent: Meryl Zweig and Linda Gordon, Board Secretary. Claire Keller, The following administrators were present: Interim Superintendent, Dr. Samuel Stewart, Suzanne Peters, Director of Personnel and Michael Neves, Business Administrator. Also present was Board Attorney, Malachi Kenney. CLOSED SESSION At 7:20 P.M. Gregory Mark made a motion seconded by Douglas Weisberger and carried unanimously to adopt the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 10:4-12 and 10:4-13 that the Board of Education of the Township of Randolph will hold a Closed Session regarding Personnel. It is not yet possible to determine when the matters discussed in Closed Session will be made public. The meeting reconvened at 8:00 P.M. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Board President, Christine Carey reviewed the following items: PAGE 39 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. August 25, 2004 Representatives from the National Guard made a presentation to the Randolph High School Key Club members for their efforts in raising care packages for US troops in the field. Best wishes to a Randolph High School custodian injured in an accident. Commented on the Board’s participation in Randolph’s Night Out. The Board president updated the Board on the referendum presentation to the Randolph Planning Board. Commented on Randolph High School placement in the top 75 schools in New Jersey in the NJ Magazine. Closed Goal Setting meeting set for September 14, 2004 from 7:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. Acknowledged arrival of new teachers to the District for this year’s school openings. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Interim Superintendent, Dr. Samuel Stewart presented the following: 1. His proposed reorganization plan, administrative structure. 2. His vision of District Management. 3. He addressed the arrival of new teachers and discussed teacher retention. PUBLIC DISCUSSION A resident commented about the handicapped doors being locked during public meetings. She asked if the Emery Avenue site recycled its waste products. A resident thanked the Superintendent for acknowledging district staff. He asked the following questions: 1. Curriculum administration between K – 5 and 6 – 12. 2. Are assistant superintendent positions still open? 3. What is the status of Art Supervisor position? A resident said she was concerned about combining Art, Home Economics and Music into one supervisor’s responsibility. COMMITTEE REPORTS PAGE 40 August 25, 2004 Each committee chairperson gave a brief report on his or her respective committees. NEW BUSINESS PERSONNEL Gregory Mark made a motion seconded by Kathleen Fettweis and carried unanimously by roll call vote, to approve the following personnel motions: Accepted the resignation of Keith Sattely as vocal music teacher at the High School effective July 19, 2004. Accepted the resignation of Harry P. Kerr, Jr., mathematics teacher at the Middle School effective July 20, 2004. Accepted the resignation of Pandora Fink-Meyer as a special education teacher at the High School effective August 4, 2004. Accepted the resignation of Jamie Mazzolla as elementary teacher at Center Grove School effective August 1, 2004. Accepted the resignation of Michelle McBurney, teacher of Spanish at the High School effective July 19, 2004. Accepted the resignation of Jennifer Eisgrau as teacher of English at the High School effective July 16, 2004. Accepted the resignation of Linda Gottlieb, speech therapist at Shongum School, effective July 19, 2004. Accepted the resignation of Allison Millian, school nurse at Center Grove School, effective August 1, 2004. Rescinded the appointment of Jenny Bingley, teacher of English at the Middle School for the 2004-2005 school year. Approved the appointment of Dudley North for bus duty at Shongum School for the 2003-2004 school year at the rate of $7.98 per hour. SUMMER 2004 All REA salaries and stipends for the summer of 2004 and for the 2004-2005 school year will remain the same as the 2003-2004 school year until a new PAGE 41 August 25, 2004 salary guide has been agreed upon and ratified by the Board of Education and the Randolph Education Association. Approved the appointment of the following staff members to work on the Supervision and Evaluation Committee at the rate of $188.00 per diem for the days listed below: NAME NO. OF DAYS Jacquelyn Fik Patricia Barter-Varrichio Ruth Herr Elizabeth Trierweiler Lori Arends Theresa Oliveira 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 6 Approved the appointment of the following staff members to attend Middle School Language Arts Writing Curriculum meetings for Vertical Articulation among 6th, 7th and 8th grades on July 19, 20 and 22, 2004 at the rate of $188.00 per diem: Deborah Ensminger Jean Hannon Jacqueline Fik Approved the appointment of the following staff members to attend a Middle School Language Arts Writing Curriculum meeting to align curriculum to N.J. Core Standards on July 27, 2004 at the rate of $188.00 per diem: Deborah Ensminger Jacqueline Fik Rescinded the appointment of Cathleen Lindstrand to attend RMS Language Arts Writing Curriculum meetings for three (3) days on July 19, 20 and 22, 2004. Approved the appointment of the following Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultants to create schedules for special education students in their respective buildings during the summer of 2004 for the number of days and per diem rates listed below: NAME SCHOOL Bonnie Ackerman Elizabeth Trierweiler Mary Humphries Alice Steinheimer RMS RHS Center Grove Fernbrook #OF DAYS 5 4 2 2 PER DIEM RATE $403.00 $403.00 $400.50 $401.50 PAGE 42 Jennifer Kuperman Celeste Stracco August 25, 2004 Ironia Shongum 2 2 $230.50 $403.50 Approved the appointment of Kathleen Ronca to conduct seven (7) additional speech pathologist evaluations during the summer of 2004 at the per diem rate of $320.30. Rescinded the appointment of Linda Gottlieb to conduct five (5) speech pathologist summer child study evaluations. Approved the appointment of Elizabeth Trierweiler to conduct scheduling of RHS special education students for one (1) additional day at the rate of $403.00 per diem. Approved the appointment of Catherine Luciani, speech therapist to conduct three (3) evaluations on June 24, 25 and 30, 2004 totaling 2.5 workdays at the per diem rate of $403.00. Approved the appointment of Catherine Luciani, speech therapist to participate in child study team conferences on July 16, and July 28, 2004 totaling one (1) full workday at the per diem rate of $403.00. Approved the appointment of Alice Steinheimer to accompany a student and parent to out of district placements for ½ day at the rate of $401.50 per diem (pro-rated). Approved the appointment of the following child study team members to conduct evaluations for additional days during the summer of 2004 at the per diem rates listed below: NAME Susan Herschman Christine Hebden # OF DAYS PER DIEM RATE 4 1 $363.85 $230.50 Approved the appointment of the following teachers to attend CST parent conferences, as required by statute, during the months of July and August 2004 at the rate of $38.00 per hour: Maria Keenan Anjanette May Ann Marie Contino Kathleen Manning Paula Antin Karen Wozniak Kathleen Hertzig Dee Sturdevant Sharon Kopmann PAGE 43 August 25, 2004 Approved the appointment of the following staff members to participate in child study team meetings at the rate of $38.00 per hour on July 15, 2004 for the amount of time listed below: NAME TIME Deborah Calderone Michele Cannata Alice Steinheimer 1 Hour 1.5 hours 1.5 hours Approved the appointment of Diane Rich to provide services during the Extended School Year Program for two (2) students for six (6) weeks from July 2, through August 11, 2004 for two (2) hours per week at the rate of $38.00 per hour. Approved the appointment of Carol Vorhies, school nurse, for Freshman Ropes Orientation at the High School for three (3) days, August 23, 24 and 25, 2004 at the daily rate of $339.45. Rescinded the appointment of Alison Richardi as band camp staff member for the 2004 band camp. Approved the appointment of Susan Cuno as a band camp staff member for the 2004 band camp for four (4) days at the rate of $114.00 per day. Corrected the per diem rate for the employees listed below for work completed during the summer, 2004: NAME FROM TO Julie Ioannou Jane Dann $245.93 $130.63 $272.55 $125.00 Approved the appointment of Matthew Hernandez as a custodian at Shongum School during the summer of 2004 at the rate of $8.00 per hour. Corrected the following hourly rates for the Shongum School summer custodians listed below: NAME FROM TO Elaine Slattery James Keith $8.00 $8.00 $9.00 $9.00 PAGE 44 August 25, 2004 Approved the following Randolph Community School appointments for the summer of 2004 for the effective dates listed below: Summer Fun Substitute Instructor at the rate of $46.00 per course per day, effective July 1, 2004: Joann Whitcomb Summer Fun Administrators extra hours (after 12:00 Noon) at the rate of $25.00 per hour: Michael Kennedy Kristin Mueller Summer Aide at the rate of $7.50 per hour, effective July 1, 2004: KA CB Junior Counselor Level I at the rate of $7.50 per hour, effective July 26, 2004: AG Accepted the resignation of Alyssa Olesen, special education aide at Center Grove School effective August 12, 2004. Accepted the resignation of Agatha Wilke as head girls’ lacrosse coach for the 2004-2005 school year. Approved the appointment of Jennifer Sanders as elementary teacher at Center Grove School effective September 1, 2004 at the annual salary of $38,495.00 (Level 4, Step 7). Approved the appointment of Tana Ferris, teacher of English at the Middle School effective on or about September 1, 2004 at the annual salary of $38,495.00 (Level 4, Step 7). Approved the appointment of Jennifer Earl as special education teacher at Fernbrook School effective September 1, 2004 at the annual salary of $39,775.00 (Level 4, Step 8). PAGE 45 August 25, 2004 Approved the appointment of Brian Lieberman as Spanish teacher at the High School effective September 1, 2004 at the annual salary of $37,495.00 (Level 4, Step 6). Approved the appointment of Lisa DiAgostino as elementary teacher at Ironia School effective September 1, 2004 at the annual salary of $37,495.00 (Level 4, Step 6). Approved the appointment of Gail Alcock-Bresky as a speech therapist at the YMCA pre-school program effective September 1, 2004 at the annual salary of $61,185.00 (Level 5, Step 15). Approved the appointment of Michelina DiCicco as Spanish teacher at the High School effective September 1, 2004 at the annual salary of $42,335.00 (Level 4, Step 10). Approved the appointment of Lauren Michaele Notte as elementary teacher at Ironia School effective September 1, 2004 at the annual salary of $37,495.00 (Level 4, Step 6). Approved the appointment of Joanne Califano as a mathematics teacher at the Middle School effective September 1, 2004 at the annual salary of $41,800.00 (Level 5, Step 7). Approved the appointment of Tiffany Webb as elementary teacher at Shongum School effective September 1, 2004 at the annual salary of $37,495.00 (Level 4, Step 6). Approved the appointment of Helen Bradfield as special education teacher at the High School effective September 1, 2004 at the annual salary of $45,100.00 (Level 5, Step 9). Approved the appointment of Deborah Mello as vocal music teacher at the High School effective September 1, 2004 at the annual salary of $73,640.00 (Level 5, Step 16). Approved the appointment of Elaine Evans as general secretary for the Special Services Department effective August 16, 2004 at the annual salary of $32,925.00 (pro-rated) (Level GS, Step 11). Approved the appointment of Kelly Bradbury as a long-term substitute English teacher at the Middle School effective on or about September 1, 2004 at the rate of $187.28 per diem. PAGE 46 August 25, 2004 Approved the appointment of Nina DeCoster as a special education aide at the Middle School effective on or about September 1, 2004 at the annual salary of $16,233.00 (Step 1). Approved the appointment of Jolyn Russell as Docutech Secretary at the High School effective on or about September 1, 2004 at the annual salary of $24,688.00 (AS, Step 7) (.83). Approved the appointment of Phyllis Vida, Hebrew Academy nonpublic school nurse for the 2004-2005 school year at the annual salary of $10,650.00 (NOTE: This salary is paid through Non-public Nursing Aid funds). Approved an unpaid child-rearing leave of absence for the employee identified on Schedule A, effective July 6, 2004. (NOTE: The Family and Medical Leave Act will consist of 90 working days of health benefits coverage commencing July 6, 2004). Approved the following level changes for the 2004-2005 school year, due to completion of course work, effective September 1, 2004: NAME FROM TO Robert Koroski $37,495.00 Level 4, Step 6 $38,595.00 ($100.) Level 4, Step 7 $38,595.00 ($100.) Level 4, Step 7 $41,400.00 ($100.) Level 4, Step 9 $38,495.00 Level 4, Step 7 $51,660.00 ($200.) Level 5, Step 12 $37,495.00 Level 4, Step 6 $38,495.00 Level 4, Step 7 $38,495.00 Level 4, Step 7 $37,495.00 Level 4, Step 6 $74,240.00 ($600.) Level 5, Step 16 $40,800.00 Level 5, Step 6 $41,900.00 ($100.) Level 5, Step 7 $41,900.00 ($100.) Level 5, Step 7 $45,200.00 ($100.) Level 5, Step 9 $41,800.00 Level 5, Step 7 $57,460.00 ($200.) Level 6, Step 12 $40,800.00 Level 5, Step 6 $41,800.00 Level 5, Step 7 $41,800.00 Level 4, Step 7 $40,800.00 Level 5, Step 6 $80,700.00 ($600.) Level 6, Step 16 Dana Feyl Melanie Flynn James Dixon Sandra Varner Lee Hackney Marcella Hlavsa Carol McCarthy Amy McMahon Dana Hade Gloria Gaffney PAGE 47 August 25, 2004 Approved the appointment of Michael Cascione to assume an additional period daily during the 2004-2005 school year for the Randolph Education Association president, at the rate of $45.00 per coverage during the 20042005 school year. (NOTE: This class coverage will be reimbursed by the REA). Approved the appointment of the following co-curricular and coordinating positions at the High School at the stipend amounts listed below for the 2004-2005 school year: NAME ACTIVITY STIPEND Bonnie Baumert Carol Suttile Sattik Deb Sumit Minhas Sandra Kessell Marilyn Tuzzo Pandora Fink-Meyer Peter Konstantopoulos Eileen Waite Martel Roberts John McGrath Ruth Rupprecht Charles Haas Elaine Pulwer Robert Maier Deborah Iosso John McGoldrick Karen Rodino Daniel Austin Robert Finning Lisa Holloway Michael Palko Michael Suk Bernadette Parasolle Richard Christie Robert Finning Richard Christie Luke Suttile Michael Suk Academic Decathlon Art Enrichment Freshman Class Advisor Sophomore Class Advisor Junior Class Advisor Senior Class Advisor Drama Troupe Advisor Drama Production Director Forensics Advisor (per activity) FBLA Key Club Advisor National Honor Society Newspaper Advisor Newspaper Assistant Physics/Engineering Renaissance-Student Recognition Senior Mentoring Student Council Advisor Student Council Assistant Video Club Yearbook Assistant Cafeteria Coordinator Cafeteria Coordinator Chemical Hygiene Officer Ramparts Ramparts Technical Stage Director Technical Stage Assistant Weight Room Coordinator $1,792.00 $1,899.00 $1,904.00 $2,147.00 $2,860.00 $2,572.00 $1,792.00 $2,184.00 $1,792.00 $1,792.00 $1,792.00 $1,294.00 $4,285.00 $2,184.00 $1,792.00 $1,792.00 $1,792.00 $4,285.00 $2,184.00 $1,899.00 $2,184.00 $4,341.00 $4,341.00 $4,341.00 $4,802.00 $4,802.00 $4,825.00 $3,190.00 $3,859.00 Approved the appointment of the following High School club advisors for the 2004-2005 school year at the annual stipend amount $980.00: PAGE 48 August 25, 2004 NAME CLUB ACTIVITY Christian Montone Sattik Deb Daniel Austin Timothy Mattassa Michael Cascione Barbara Lorent Mary Riley Bonnie Baumert Thomas Allen Lisa Holloway John McGrath James Moen James Moen James King Jennifer Cusmano Heather Funk Barbara Lorent Richard Howe Sumit Minhas Mercedes Ingenito Joan Palladino Art National Honor Society Asian Club Chess Club Community Outreach Computer Club Culture Club Eyes on the Prize French Honor Society G.L.O.B.E. (Science Club) Investment Club Irish Club Mock Trial Model Congress Photography Club Science League Spanish Club Spanish Honor Society Students Against Violating the Environment Students Against Drunk Driving Team Harmony Word Processing Club Approved the appointment of the following lead teacher positions at the High School at the annual stipend of $4,457.00 for the 2004-2005 school year: NAME DEPARTMENT Luanne Budd David Aulenbach Robert Cardie James King Mathematics Music Guidance Art Approved the following assignment and salary change for the High School staff member listed below effective September 1, 2004: NAME FROM TO Ursula Wagner Math Teacher (.40) $29,556.00 ($100.) Level 5, Step 16 Math Teacher (F/T) $73,640.00 Level 5, Step 16 Approved the following Middle School staff for cafeteria/recess duty for the 2004-2005 school year at the rate of $15.00 per coverage: PAGE 49 Bonnie Ackerman Christi Ackerman Judith Apicella Donald Baubles Elizabeth Bauer Dale Baumwoll Kimberly Bory Kristine Bost Christine Brembs Susan Brown Chris Bruno Deborah Burne Joshua Cardinale Mary Ella Carlucci Elizabeth Carmona Katina Cassidy Rio Clemente Steven Coleman Stephen Cullis Joan Czapka Thomas Day Christina DelGuercio James Dixon Thomas Dumansky Marcy Elfand Joy Elias Deborah Ensminger Robert Faasse Michele Fashan Sanford Feld Regina Femminella Annie Ferrat Theresa Ferree Carmela Ferrentino August 25, 2004 Carol Fietelson Jacqueline Fik Laura Fiore Melanie Flynn Barbara Foerster Gloria Gaffney Kathleen Gallagher Robert Garay Susanne Gerdes Jean Hannon Christine Harris Kelly Hart Pamela Kupets-Hubbard Helaine Jeanette Lindsay Joice Deborah Kauf Margaret Keith Barbara Kelleher Edie Klink Robert Koroski Megan Law-Koroski Judith Lewis Cathleen Lindstrand Marjorie List Maria LoBue Dominick LoPresti Michael Lyons Jeannine Majewski Audra Marsh Lindsey Martin Diana May Bernice Mbadugha Lisa McNamara Kelli Megletti Richard Meskowitz Judy Kay Moore Kathleen Napurano Amanda Orem Jill Pariseau Young-Sil Park Catherine Parker Tracey Platt Nicholas Pollaro Christine Rachalis John Rittweger Diana Rodriguez Katherine Russell Richard Sackerman Mary Sallo Christopher Scroggins Leonard Sheehy Tracy Silverschotz Andrea Silverstein Corinne Stevens Jennifer Stivers Scott Straub Colleen Suflay Barbara Swanson Cheryl Taylor Jill Thibeau Sandra Varner Judith Wagner Ellen Walsh Susan Wardell Barbara Weber Kathleen Whiteley Agatha Wilke William Zagoren Approved the appointment of the following homework club advisors at the Middle School for the 2004-2005 school year at the annual stipend of $980.00: Christina DelGuercio Marcella Hlavsa Judy Wagner Barbara Kelleher Barbara Foerster LuAnn Mizzoni Michele Faschan PAGE 50 August 25, 2004 Approved the following Middle School co-curricular and coordinating appointments for the 2004-2005 school year at the stipend amounts listed below: NAME ACTIVITY STIPEND Dominick LoPresti Elizabeth Bauer Jeanine Majewski Steven Coleman Sandra Varner Tracey Platt Robert Garay Karen GaNung James Dixon Jaclyn James Pamela Hubbard Kerri Ann Iapicca Richard Meskowitz Thomas Day Robert Garay Robert Garay James Dixon Richard Meskowitz Jeanine Majewski Richard Meskowitz Tracey Silverschotz Colleen Suflay Thomas Dumansky Joan Czapka Chris Bruno Christine Brembs Barbara Swanson James Dixon Diana Rodriguez Christine Brembs Helaine Jeanette Fred Iradi Leonard Sheehy Stephen Cullis Richard Sackerman Michelle Land Indoor Soccer Yearbook Advisor Debate/Forensics Art Enrichment Art Enrichment Art Enrichment Technology FCCLA Drama Design/Construction/Art Dir. Student Government Drama Director Music Director PM Bus Supervisor PM Bus Supervisor AM/PM Crossing Guard AM Bus Supervisor Technical Stage Director Chemical Hygiene Officer Literary Magazine Advisor AM Bus Supervisor Choreography/Play Goal F.I.T. New Learner Spanish Family & Consumer Science Stock Market Math Counts Competition Team Math Club Stage Crew Library Club Mock Trial Internet Advisor School Website Coordinator Science Olympiad Advisor Chess Club Kiwanis Builders Sharing Our Cultures $1,152.00 $2,184.00 $1,364.00 $1,899.00 $1,899.00 $1,899.00 $1,792.00 $1,792.00 $1,899.00 $1,792.00 $1,899.00 $1,899.00 $1,436.00 $1,436.00 $2,872.00 $1,436.00 $4,825.00 $1,976.00 $2,184.00 $1,436.00 $1,899.00 $ 980.00 $ 980.00 $ 980.00 $ 980.00 $ 980.00 $ 980.00 $ 980.00 $ 980.00 $ 980.00 $ 980.00 $ 980.00 $ 980.00 $ 980.00 $ 980.00 $ 980.00 PAGE 51 August 25, 2004 Approved the appointment of the following instructional team leaders at the Middle School for the 2004-2005 school year at the annual stipend of $1,883.00: Barbara Swanson William Zagoren Dale Baumwoll Deborah Ensminger Marjorie List Thomas Day Susan Wardell Cathleen Lindstrand Jacqueline Fik Deborah Kauf Kathleen Napurano Leonard Sheehy Approved the appointment of the following unit coordinators at the Middle School for the 2004-2005 school year at the annual stipend of $942.00: Michele Faschan Mary Sallo Katherine Russell Approved the appointment of the following sixth grade environmental education coordinators for the 2004-2005 school year for four (4) trips each to Camp Speers Eljabar for a stipend of $1,036.00 each per trip: Nicholas Pollaro Dominick LoPresti Approved the following coaching appointments for the 2004-2005 school year at the stipend amounts listed below: NAME ACTIVITY STIPEND STEP Brian Gravatt Damion Macioci Asst. Girls Spring Track Strength and Conditioning $5,275.00 Volunteer 3 Approved the appointment of the following bedside instructors for the 2004-2005 school year at the rate of $38.00 per hour: Patricia McGibbon Elizabeth McConnell Sally Rosen-Lefkofsky Geraldine Restivo Approved the appointment of the following cafeteria/recess aides, for the 2004-2005 school year, at the hourly rates and schools listed below: NAME Steven Kunnakkattumalayil Itton Jean-Francois Silvia Garcia Deborah Chionchio Patricia Klucharits Karen Timpani HOURLY RATE SCHOOL $13.50 $11.00 $11.00 $11.50 $13.50 $11.50 Shongum Shongum Shongum Ironia Ironia Ironia PAGE 52 August 25, 2004 Evelyn Heinrich $11.00 Center Grove Corrected the hourly rate for the Fernbrook School cafeteria/recess aide listed below for the 2004-2005 school year: NAME FROM TO Valerie Sedestrom $12.50 $13.50 Corrected the annual salaries of the employees listed below for the 20042005 school year: NAME Susan Andrews David Sampson FROM TO $19,960.00 Aide, Step 8 – Fernbrook $80,200.00 ($100.) (F/T) Level 6, Step 16 – RHS $20,160.00 ($200.) Aide Step 8, Fernbrook $48,160.00 ($100.) (.60) Level 6, Step 16 – RHS Rescinded the following Center Grove School appointments for the 20042005 school year: Hector Kelly – Night Shift Foreman Johane Spears – Boiler License Stipend Approved the appointment of the following maintenance staff to receive boiler license, pneumatic level and pesticide license stipends in the amounts listed below for the 2004-2005 school year: NAME LICENSE STIPEND Peter Deignan Peter Deignan Peter Deignan Andrew Finland Andrew Finland Andrew Finland Georg Kniazew Georg Kniazew Georg Kniazew Terrence Leonard Terrence Leonard Terrence Leonard Michael Rudella Michael Rudella Boiler License Boiler Mechanic, Level 1 & 2 Pneumatic Level 1 & 2 Boiler License Boiler Mechanic Level 1 & 2 Pneumatic Level 1 & 2 Boiler License Boiler Mechanic Level 1 & 2 Pneumatic Level 1 & 2 Boiler License Boiler Mechanic Level 1 & 2 Pneumatic Level 1 & 2 Boiler Mechanic Level 1 & 2 Pneumatic Level 1 & 2 $300.00 $900.00 $900.00 $300.00 $900.00 $900.00 $300.00 $900.00 $900.00 $300.00 $900.00 $900.00 $900.00 $900.00 PAGE 53 August 25, 2004 Peter Smith Boiler License $300.00 Peter Smith Peter Smith Frank Wrede Frank Wrede Frank Wrede Nicholas Lios Jeffrey Munson Donald Pirylis Kyle Smith Robert Mahler Andrew Hurd Andrew Hurd Boiler Mechanic Level 1 & 2 Pneumatic Level 1 & 2 Boiler License Boiler Mechanic Level 1 & 2 Pneumatic Level 1 & 2 Boiler License Pesticide License #27764A Pesticide License #20680A Pesticide License #68417A Pesticide License #22785B Boiler License Pesticide License #26838A $900.00 $900.00 $300.00 $900.00 $900.00 $300.00 $569.00 $569.00 $569.00 $569.00 $300.00 $569.00 Approved the appointment of Andrew Hurd as Right-to-Know Monitor at the annual stipend of $3,825.00 for the 2004-2005 school year. Approved the appointment of Peter Smith as Technology Networking and Certification Specialist at the annual stipend of $4,547.00. Approved the appointment of Peter Deignan as Ironia Pump Station Operator at the annual stipend of $4,547.00. Approved the appointment of Hester Bausback, substitute nurse, to assist High School nurses with review of immunizations and health records for four (4) days on September 1, 2, 7 and 8, 2004 at the rate of $75.00 per day. Approved the appointment of Heidi Gebhard to provide the following services at the hourly rates listed below effective July 1, 2004: (NOTE: These services are part of a legal settlement agreement between the parents and the district). SERVICES HOURLY RATE ABA/AVB Therapy ABA/AVB Therapy Coordination $35.00 $60.00 Approved the appointment of the following substitute secretaries for the 2004-2005 school year at the rate of $10.50 per hour: Kathy Dzurina Sandra Sergison Judith Kessell Elizabeth White Sheryl Jacobson PAGE 54 August 25, 2004 Approved the appointment of the following substitute teachers and nurses for the 2004-2005 school year: Sudhir (Sid) Ambekar Ann Goad Lindsay Amelio Ralph Goldberg Perri Aybalik Lisbeth Haugh Carole Bahor Paul Internicola Ellen Baubles Jenise Janulis Hester Bausback, RN Susan Jentzen Valerie Beam Kimberly Kantor Eileen Bennett Ronald Kiesche Francine Bianchini William Kimberlin Rosemary Borsky Lawrence Krutzel Kelly Bradbury Sally Rosen-Lefkofsky Joel Levy Lorraine Scandariato Renee Levy Dale Schoenberg Sharon Lippe Patricia Schwartz Nadine Mastrogiacomo Robert Seawick Albert Mazza Thomas Sharkey Elizabeth McConnell Susan Spanos Patricia McGibbon Anne Standridge Robert McGuire Frank Stracco Jo-Ann Moser Frank Tagliente Lisbeth Moultis Tiffany Webb Linda Munzial-Andrews Mark Wirth Michelle Novo Jay Wolinsky Margaret O’Donnell Elizabeth Frister Rosemary Lerner Sheryl Jacobson Suzanne Caputo Stephen Kunnakkattumalayil Katherine O’Neill Aubrey Parasolle Susan Pedersen Lisa Perkowski Joseph Rajkumar Ramachandra Rao Mark Rashap Temple Ratcliffe Jehan Rehayem Geraldine Restivo Chester Budd Sandra Burns-Shapitl Ellen Charm, RN Iva Cook Cheryl Corin-Bonder Tanya Crowley Doug Dale Lisa Davis Helene DelVecchio Rosemary DePalma Maureen Duffy, RN Arlene Feldman Patricia Gibson Lillah Nussbaum Kim LaScola Approved the appointment of Anne Standridge as alternate substitute caller for the 2004-2005 school year at the rate of $10.50 per hour: Approved the appointment of the following AVA technicians to provide services at Board of Education meetings at the rate of $35.00 per hour during the 2004-2005 school year: Dario Rosso Jeremy Rich Approved the following Randolph Community School appointments for the 2004-2005 school year effective on or about September 1, 2004: Site Coordinator at the rate of $17.00 per hour and Holiday Fun Site Coordinator at the rate of $20.00 per hour: PAGE 55 August 25, 2004 Anne Prebor Site Coordinator at the rate of $17.50 per hour and Holiday Fun Site Coordinator at the rate of $20.00 per hour: Linda Summers Group Leader at the rate of $16.50 per hour and Holiday Fun Group Leader at the rate of $18.00 per hour: Linda Summers Group Leader at the rate of $14.25 per hour and Holiday Fun Group Leader at the rate of $18.00 per hour: Laura Tango Jacqueline Niggli Cheryl Murphy Megan Watson Program Aide at the rate of $9.85 per hour and Holiday Fun Program Aide at the rate of $14.50 per hour: Matilda Kurzynski Junior Aide I at the rate of $7.00 per hour and Holiday Fun Junior Aide I at the rate of $8.50 per hour: Lauren Marcinkowski Stephanie Knable Jennifer Knable Michael Tango Monica Rehayem Bianca Niggli RESCINDED Program Aide at the rate of $13.50 per hour and Holiday Fun Program Aide at the rate of $14.50 per hour: Edith Cefaloni CHANGE TO Program Aide at the rate of $14.00 per hour and Holiday Fun Program Aide at the rate of $14.50 per hour: Edith Cefaloni PAGE 56 August 25, 2004 RESCINDED Group Leader at the rate of $14.25 per hour and Holiday Fun Group Leader at the rate of $18.00 per hour: Ramakrishnan Kasivisalatchi CHANGE TO Group Leader at the rate of $14.25 per hour and Holiday Fun Group Leader at the rate of $18.00 per hour: Kasivisalatchi Ramakrishnan Accepted the resignation of Bonita Humphreys as elementary teacher at Shongum School effective September 1, 2004. Approved the appointment of Thomas Kietrys as District Supervisor (Interim) effective on or about September 1, 2004 at the rate of $475.00 per diem. Approved the appointment of Lee Hackney as interim vice-principal at the High School effective on or about September 1, 2004 at the annual salary of $75,000.00 (pro-rated). Approved the appointment of Beata Szatko as elementary teacher at Center Grove School effective September 1, 2004 at the annual salary of $37,495.00 (Level 4, Step 6). Approved the appointment of Jeffrey Todd as elementary teacher at Shongum School effective September 1, 2004 at the annual salary of $40,800.00 (Level 5, Step 6). Approved the appointment of Linda Munzial Andrews as kindergarten aide at Ironia School effective September 1, 2004 at the annual salary of $16,233.00 (Aide, Step 1). Rescinded the appointment of Jason Eveland as elementary teacher at Fernbrook School for the 2004-2005 school year. Accepted the resignation of Tjasa Bienus as assistant girls’ lacrosse coach for the 2004-2005 school year. PAGE 57 August 25, 2004 Approved an unpaid child rearing leave of absence for the employee identified on Schedule B effective September 1, 2004. (NOTE: The Family and Medical Leave Act will consist of 90 working days of health benefits coverage commencing September 1, 2004). Extended an unpaid child rearing leave of absence for the employee identified on Schedule C effective September 1, 2004 until on or about January 3, 2005. Approved the appointment of the following staff to complete child study team evaluations for an additional day during the summer of 2004 at the per diem rates listed below: NAME PER DIEM RATE Celeste Stracco Danielle Chadwick $403.50 $230.50 Approved the appointment of Laurie Pandorf to attend the Everyday Math Workshop at County College of Morris on June 24, 2004 at the rate of $188.00 per diem. Approved the following Randolph Community School appointments effective September 1, 2004: Group Leader at the rate of $14.25 per hour and Holiday Fun Group Leader at the rate of $18.00 per hour: Laura Bond Junior Aide at the rate of $7.00 per hour and Holiday Fun Junior Aide at the rate of $8.50 per hour: Erin Ricca Angelo Guarino EDUCATION Gregory Mark made a motion seconded by Ethan Blynn and carried with the following roll call vote to approve the following: Ethan Blynn, Brian Jaffa, Gregory Mark, Eugene Stracco, Douglas Weisberger and Christine Carey voting YES and Kathleen Fettweis ABSTAINING: PAGE 58 August 25, 2004 Approved occupational therapy services contract as recommended by the contract party child study team, to be provided for a Randolph out-ofdistrict student SE-05-22 at Montgomery Academy one time per week for 30 minutes IND/INT sessions, and one time per month for 30 minutes consultation with classroom teachers to provide integration of therapeutic modalities for the 2004-2005 school year. Services will be billed at $40.00 per 30-minute session by the following provider: Dawn Odell, O.T.R. Approved the placement of a Randolph student in alternative educational placement at the Morris County Vocational School District Academy of Automotive Sciences, for the 2004-2005 school year at the tuition rate of $7,000.00: STUDENT GRADE AEP-05-1 9 Approved the placement of a Randolph student in alternative educational placement at the Morris County Vocational School District Academy of Construction Arts, for the 2004-2005 school year at the tuition rate of $7,000.00: STUDENT GRADE AEP-05-2 9 Approved the placement of a Randolph student in alternative educational placement at the Morris County Vocational School District Academy for Law & Public Safety, for the 2004-05 school year, at the tuition rate of $7,000.00: STUDENT GRADE AEP-05-3 9 Approved the placement of a Randolph student in alternative educational placement at the Morris County Vocational District Academy for Mathematics, Science & Engineering for the 2004-2005 school year, at the tuition rate of $7,000.00: STUDENT GRADE PAGE 59 August 25, 2004 AEP-05-4 10 Approved the placement of a Randolph student in alternative educational placement at the Morris County Vocational School District Academy for Mathematics, Science & Engineering for the 2004-2005 school year, at the tuition rate of $7,000.00: STUDENT GRADE AEP-05-5 11 Approved the placement of a Randolph student in alternative educational placement at the Morris County Vocational School District Academy for Networking Information Technology for the 2004-2005 school year, at the tuition rate of $7,000.00: STUDENT GRADE AEP-05-6 9 Approved the placement of a Randolph student in alternative educational placement at the Morris County Vocational School District Academy for Visual & Performing Arts for the 2004-2005 school year, at the tuition rate of $7,000.00: STUDENT GRADE AEP-05-7 11 Approved the placement of a Randolph student in alternative educational placement at the Morris County Vocational School District Academy for Visual & Performing Arts, for the 2004-2005 school year, at the tuition rate of $7,000.00: STUDENT GRADE AEP-05-8 11 Approved the placement of a Randolph student in alternative educational placement at the Morris County Vocational School District Academy for Visual & Performing Arts, for the 2004-2005 school year, at the tuition rate of $7,000.00: PAGE 60 August 25, 2004 STUDENT GRADE AEP-05-9 12 Approved the following students in out-of-district placements for the 20042005 school year: PRIVATE SCHOOLS AdvoServ/Mathbe Middle School, Inc. – Delaware STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-1 MD $ 171,681.40 Allegro School – Cedar Knolls STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-2 SE-05-3 AUT AUT $ $ STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-4 LLD $ 57,600.00 57,600.00 Banyan School – Fairfield 29,941.00 Chancellor Academy II – Lincoln Park STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-5 MD $ 37,575.00 Children’s Institute – Verona STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-6 BD $ ECLC – Chatham 36,790.20 PAGE 61 August 25, 2004 STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-7 SE-05-8 SE-05-9 SE-05-10 CH CH CH CH $ $ $ $ 27,732.60 27,732.60 27,732.60 27,732.60 Grammon School – Fairfield STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-11 MD $ 36,615.60 High Road School – Parlin STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-12 MD $ 30,423.60 Hunterdon Learning Center – Califon STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-13 SE-05-14 BD BD $ $ 32,130.00 32,130.00 Lakeland-Andover – Lafayette STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-15 BD $ 36,000.00 Matheny School – Peapack STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-16 SE-05-17 SE-05-18 MD MD MD $ $ $ 62,100.00 62,100.00 62,100.00 Midland School – North Branch STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-19 SE-05-20 MD LLD $ $ 30,600.00 30,600.00 PAGE 62 SE-05-21 August 25, 2004 LLD $ 30,600.00 Montgomery Academy – Gladstone STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-22 SE-05-23 SE-05-24 SE-05-25 SE-05-26 BD BD BD BD BD $ $ $ $ $ 37,347.00 37,347.00 37,347.00 37,347.00 37,347.00 Mt. View Elementary School – Flanders STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-27 MD TBD New Beginnings – Fairfield STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-28 SE-05-29 AUT PSD $ $ 43,077.60 43,077.60 P.G. Chambers School – Cedar Knolls STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-30 SE-05-31 SE-05-32 SE-05-33 SE-05-34 SE-05-35 MD MD PSD MD MD MD $ $ $ $ $ $ Phoenix Center – Nutley 39,586.29 39,586.29 39,586.29 39,586.29 39,586.29 39,586.29 PAGE 63 August 25, 2004 STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-36 SE-05-37 MD MD $ $ 41,400.00 41,400.00 Shepard High School – Morristown STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-38 SE-05-39 LLD LLD $ $ 36,232.20 36,232.20 Windsor School - Pompton Lakes STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-40 MD $ TOTAL PRIVATE 38,799.00 $1,651,988.54 + TBD PUBLIC SCHOOLS: Educational Services Commission of Morris County Regional Day School – Morristown STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-41 MD $ 49,995.00 Park Lake School – Rockaway STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-42 PSD $ 49,995.00 Morris-Union Jointure Commission (Developmental Learning Center) - New Providence STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-43 AUT $ 62,528.00 PAGE 64 SE-05-44 August 25, 2004 AUT $ 62,528.00 Roosevelt Middle School – West Orange STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-45 AUT $ TOTAL PUBLIC 42,000.00 $ 267,046.00 GRAND TOTAL – OUT-OF-DISTRICT PLACEMENTS $1,919,034.54 + TBD Approved the following students for Extended School Year Out-of-District placements: PRIVATE SCHOOLS Allegro School – Cedar Knolls STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-ESY-1 SE-05-ESY-2 AUT AUT $ $ STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-ESY-3 LLD $ 9,600.00 9,600.00 Banyan School – Fairfield 2,661.44 Chancellor Academy II – Lincoln Park STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-ESY-4 MD $ 4,383.75 Children’s Institute – Verona STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-ESY-5 BD $ 4,087.80 ECLC – Chatham PAGE 65 August 25, 2004 STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-ESY-6 SE-05-ESY-7 SE-05-ESY-8 CH CH CH $ 3,081.40 $ 3,081.40 $ 3,081.40 Matheny School – Peapack STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-ESY-9 SE-05-ESY-10 SE-05-ESY-11 MD MD MD $ 14,145.00 $ 14,145.00 $ 14,145.00 Midland School – North Branch STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-ESY-12 SE-05-ESY-13 SE-05-ESY-14 LLD LLD LLD $ $ $ 5,100.00 2,890.00 (pro-rated) 5,100.00 Mt. View Elementary School – Flanders STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-ESY-15 MD TBD New Beginnings – Fairfield STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-ESY-16 SE-05-ESY-17 PSD AUT $ $ 7,179.60 7,179.60 P.G. Chambers School – Cedar Knolls STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-ESY-18 SE-05-ESY-19 SE-05-ESY-20 MD MD PSD $ $ $ 6,597.71 6,597.71 6,597.71 PAGE 66 SE-05-ESY-21 SE-05-ESY-22 SE-05-ESY-23 August 25, 2004 MD MD MD $ $ $ 6,597.71 6,597.71 6,597.71 STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-ESY-24 SE-05-ESY-25 MD MD $ $ Phoenix Center – Nutley 4,140.00 4,140.00 Summit Speech School – New Providence STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-ESY-26 PSD $ 3,300.00 Windsor School – Pompton Lakes STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-ESY-27 MD $ TOTAL PRIVATE SCHOOLS: 6,466.50 $155,839.15 + TBD PUBLIC SCHOOLS Educational Services Commission of Morris County Regional Day School – Morristown STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-ESY-28 SE-05-ESY-29 PSD MD $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 Morris-Union Jointure Commission (Developmental Learning Center) – New Providence STUDENT CLASSIFICATION COST SE-05-ESY-30 AUT $ 10,248.00 PAGE 67 August 25, 2004 SE-05-ESY-31 AUT TOTAL PUBLIC SCHOOLS GRAND TOTAL ESY $ 10,248.00 $ 26,496.00 $182,335.15 + TBD Approved the cancellation of ESY tuition for student SE-05-ESY-13 who is attending the Midland School, effective August 2, 2004. Approved the placement of a Randolph student in the special education program at Lakeland Andover School, P.O. Box 200, Lafayette, NJ 07848, for the 2004-2005 school year, effective September 2, 2004, and, BE IT FURTHER MOVED, that a contract be entered into with Lakeland Andover School, at the tuition rate of $36,000.00: STUDENT GRADE SE-05-46 Ungraded Approved the opening of the following classes at the YMCA in September 2004: Preschool Disabled – Full Day (Teacher – Christe Cirelli) Preschool General Education Class (Teacher – Diane Rich) Approved the closing of Karen Wozniak’s Language/Learning Disabilities class at Center Grove School. All students previously in this class will be attending Randolph Middle School in September, 2004. Approved the cancellation of the ESY and the 2004-2005 tuition for student SE-05-35, who was attending the PG Chambers School in Cedar Knolls, effective immediately. FINANCE/FACILITIES & TRANSPORTATION Brian Jaffa made a motion seconded by Kathleen Fettweis and carried with the following roll call vote: Ethan Blynn, Kathleen Fettweis, Brian Jaffa, and Christine Carey voting YES and Douglas Weisberger NO ONLY on Checks # 28056 and 28495, Gregory Mark ABSTAINING ONLY on Check #29853 and Eugene Stracco ABSTAINING ONLY on Check # 29745, to approve the following motions: PAYMENT OF BILLS PAGE 68 August 25, 2004 RESOLVED, the Randolph Township Board of Education approved the attached list of checks, Finance Exhibit #1, in the amount of $5,660,263.48, dated 6/30/04, and Finance Exhibit #1A in the amount of $4,591,707.14 dated 7/31/04 and orders that they be attached to and made a part of the minutes. BUDGET RESOLVED, the Randolph Township Board of Education approved an additional transfer for the period ending 6/30/04, Finance Exhibit #2 and approve transfers dated 7/31/04, Finance Exhibit #2A and orders that they be attached to and made a part of the minutes. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY AND TREASURER WHEREAS, the Randolph Township Board of Education has received the Report of the Secretary for the month of June, 2004, Finance Exhibit #3 consisting of: 1. Interim Balance Sheets 2. Schedule of Revenues – Estimated Compared with Actual 3. Statement of Appropriations Compared with Expenditures and Encumbrances to date 4. Food Service Cash Report 5. Petty Cash Report And WHEREAS, the Randolph Township Board of Education has received the Report of the Treasurer for the month June, 2004, Finance Exhibit #4 and WHEREAS, these reports show the following balances: FUND CASH BALANCE APPROPRIATION BALANCE (10) General Current Expense Fund (11) Current Expense (12) Capital Outlay (13) Special Schools (20) Special Revenue Fund (30) Capital Projects Fund (40) Debt Service Fund Capital Reserve TOTAL $5,591,854.49 $ 0 $1,065,931.09 $ 492.70 $ 4,453.23 $ 115,961.32 $ (130,921.00) $ .50 0 $1,095,917.84 ($ 74,385.36) $ 812,597.97 $ 4,520.91 $ 644.87 $6,335,232.88 PAGE 69 August 25, 2004 And WHEREAS, in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6:20-2A.10(d), the Secretary has certified that, as of the date of the report(s), no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the district Board of Education, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, the Randolph Township Board of Education accepted the above referenced reports and certification and orders that they be attached to and made a part of these minutes, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6:20-2A.10(e), the Randolph Township Board of Education certifies that, after review of the secretary’s monthly financial reports (appropriation section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of its knowledge, no major account or fund has been overextended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:202A.10(a)(1), and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the year. AWARD OF CONTRACT – PURCHASE OF TYPE ‘A’ SCHOOL BUS RESOLVED, the Randolph Township Board of Education accepted bids and awarded a contract for the purchase of one (1) 16 passenger type “A” school bus to American Bus & Coach, LLC, of Trenton, New Jersey, in the amount of $44,187.00, based on lowest responsible bid meeting all bid specifications as stipulated in bid documents, and as summarized in Finance Exhibit #5, attached hereto and made a part of the minutes. AWARD OF A CONTRACT – PURCHASE OF TYPE ‘D’ SCHOOL BUSES RESOLVED, The Randolph Township Board of Education accepted bids and awarded a contract for the purchase of two (2) 54 passenger type “D” school buses to American Bus & Coach, LLC of Trenton, New Jersey, in the total amount of $139,194.00 based on lowest responsible bid meeting all specifications as stipulated in bid documents, and as summarized in Finance Exhibit #6, attached hereto and made a part of the minutes. PURCHASE OF SOFTWARE FOR FOOD SERVICES DEPARTMENT RESOLVED, the Randolph Township Board of Education approved a contract between Horizon Software International LLC, and the Randolph Township Board of Education for the purchase of the point of sale system for the PAGE 70 August 25, 2004 Food Services Department, as summarized in Finance Exhibit #7, attached hereto and made a part of the minutes. APPROVAL OF TUITION RATES RESOLVED, the Randolph Township Board of Education approved the following tuition rates for the 2004-2005 school year as follows: AMOUNT Preschool/kindergarten Grades 1-5 Grades 6-8 Grades 9-12 Learning and/or Language Disabilities Multiple Disability Preschool Disabilities – FT $ 5,791.00 $ 7,305.00 $ 7,755.00 $ 8,453.00 $ 9,087.00 $ 7,019.00 $13,252.00 APPROVAL OF DISTRICT WALKING AREAS RESOLVED, the Randolph Township Board of Education designated and approved the areas of the Township that shall be walking areas and designated and approved areas of the Township that shall receive transportation, as summarized in Finance Exhibit #8, attached hereto and made a part of the minutes. REVISION OF CHANGE ORDER WHEREAS, on 7/21/04, a motion was passed to approve $6,700.00 for additional painting of the unit ventilators and heating baseboards, and WHEREAS, this work is no longer being considered a change order but is included as part of the original base bid, and WHEREAS, the underlayment of rooms 100 and 117 have been determined to be inferior and require upgrades to allow for proper installation of new flooring: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the change order for $6,700.00 to provide for additional painting of the unit ventilators and heating baseboards be withdrawn from the Center Grove Elementary School construction project, and PAGE 71 August 25, 2004 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a change order for $5,00.00 be approved for the Center Grove Elementary School construction project to upgrade the underlayment of rooms 100 and 117 to allow for proper installation of new flooring. AWARD OF CONTRACT – GARBAGE REMOVAL RESOLVED, the Randolph Township Board of Education accepted bids and awarded a contract for garbage and rubbish removal to Onyx Waste Services, Inc. of Totowa, New Jersey, for the 2004-2005 school year in the total amount of $76,649.66 based on lowest responsible bid meeting all specifications as stipulated in bid documents as follows and as summarized in Finance Exhibit #9, attached hereto and made a part of the minutes. ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION – FERNBROOK SCHOOL RESOLVED, the Randolph Township Board of Education accepted the donation of twenty (20) 27-inch TV/VCR/DVD units for education programs from Fernbrook Elementary School PTA. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Ms. Debbie Grefe, Principal, acknowledge receipt of this donation in a letter of thanks to Mrs. Lisa Mercurio, President, Fernbrook Elementary School PTA. APPROVAL OF SUBSCRIPTION BUSING RESOLVED, the Randolph Township Board of Education approved an agreement to provide subscription busing for J.K. for the 2004-2005 school year. POLICY Eugene Stracco made a motion seconded by Ethan Blynn and carried unanimously by roll call vote to approve the following on second reading: No. 236 Field Trips Eugene Stracco made a motion seconded by Ethan Blynn and carried unanimously by roll call vote to approve the following on first reading: No. 531.0 No. 531.3 No. 531.5 Immunization Requirements Draft – Automated External Defibrillator Policy Emergency Administration of Medication PAGE 72 August 25, 2004 OLD BUSINESS None PUBLIC DISCUSSION A resident discussed college admission and the new SAT testing. She feels that students should take both tests and colleges are undecided as to how to use the new SAT test. A resident expressed a positive note on the district’s present attention to dealing with past health issues and communications problems. A resident said that on Document A, page 6, number 39, the job title needed to be corrected for a typo. A resident asked why Personnel motion #86 had been pulled. A resident questioned the open position of head guidance counselor and teacher staffing levels at the elementary schools. ADJOURNMENT Kathleen Fettweis made a motion seconded by Gregory Mark and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Michael S. Neves Board Secretary Pro Tem