Fall 2008 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Course Number: CSC384H Course Web Site: www.cdf.utoronto.edu/~csc384h/fall/ Lectures: Mondays and Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Lecture Location: MP 102 Tutorials: Fridays, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Tutorial Location: MP 102 Instructor: Sonya Allin Email: s.allin@utoronto.ca Office Hour: Fridays, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Office Hour Location: Bahen 2200 TAs: Jasper Snoek, jasper@cs.utoronto.edu Christian Fritz, fritz@cs.utoronto.edu Maryam Fazel-zarandi, mfazel@cs.utoronto.edu TA office hours will be posted to the course website in the first week of class. There will be no tutorial in the first week of class. Intro duc tion This course provides an introduction to some major topics in the field of Artificial Intelligence. The first half of the course will cover a variety of “intelligent” search strategies and ways that such strategies can be applied to two player games. We will also cover “classical” approaches to logic and planning that make use of binary valued variables. In the second half of the course we will introduce probabilistic methods to both reason and make plans. More specifically, we will introduce Bayesian Networks and tools to plan in uncertain conditions. Pre-requisites It will be helpful to have had an introductory class in statistics. Something like STA 250 or STA 255/247/257 would fit the bill. It will also be helpful to have some familiarity with Prolog, as one or two programming assignments will make use of this. We will, however, provide some Prolog tutorials. The only required preCourse Work 4 Assignments 1 Midterm Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Syllabus Fall 2008 1 Fall 2008 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence requisite for this course relates to your CGPA. You will be expected to learn necessary background material that was not covered in your prior courses on your own. Course Text Book Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (2003), 2nd Edition, Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig The textbook is recommended, but not required. Lecture notes will cover much of the material that is in the textbook. You can also look at the textbook in the engineering and computer science library; two copies have been placed on 24 hour reserve. 1 Final Assignments will be worth a total of 50% of the total grade (12.5% each). Exams (midterm and final) will be worth 50% of the total grade (15% for the midterm, 35% for the final). The final will be cumulative with an emphasis on the second half of the course. Late Policy/Make-Up Exams The general policy is this: late assignments will be docked 10% for every day they are overdue. After 5 days, a late assignment will not be accepted. It is advisable to start your assignments early, so that you can get a feel for how much time they are going to take you to complete. Don’t wait until the last minute to start an assignment, especially one that involves programming. This will only cause you pain, suffering and sadness. If you have a legitimate reason that you need to be late on an assignment, contact the course instructor. Please contact her as early as possible; not at midnight the night before the assignment is due. If there is a (legitimate and debilitating) medical reason that you cannot attend an exam, let us know and we will arrange a make up exam date for you. Bulletin Board There will be a very sparsely monitored bulletin board located at: https://csc.cdf.toronto.edu/bb/YaBB.pl?board=CSC384H1F Plagiarism Obviously, don’t do it; it is a serious academic offense. You can help one another with assignments or work together, but don’t give away code or answers to questions. If you are really stuck on a homework question, don’t panic ... just come and talk to the instructor or one of the TAs. For details on the meaning of plagiarism and how it is dealt with at this university, see: http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~fpitt/documents/plagiarism.html Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Syllabus Fall 2008 2 Fall 2008 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence The bulletin board will be primarily a tool for students to communicate with one another, not a forum to ask the instructor questions. If you have questions, please email them directly to the instructor or to one of the TAs. The website will be the primary tool by which you will find information about changes to the course syllabus, assignment clarifications, etc. (Tentative) Course Schedule Section 1: Searching Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Introduction and beginning of Search lectures Searching Game Play Constraint Satisfaction Problems Section 2: Knowledge Representation and Planning Week 5 Logical variables, operators Week 6 Logical inference, proof Week 7 Classical planning Section 3: Reasoning in Uncertain Conditions Week 8 Probability review / fundamentals Week 9 Intro to Bayesian Networks Week 10 Bayesian Network Construction Section 4: Planning in Uncertain Conditions Week 11 Expected Utility and Policies Week 12 Intro to Decision Networks Week 13 Constructing Decision Networks The midterm will be in Week 7 of class. You will have roughly 2 weeks to complete each assignment. The first assignment will be handed out the second week of classes. Some Important Dates to Remember September 21 October 13 October 17 November 3 December 5 December 22 Last day to add courses Thanksgiving (No class) Schedule for finals determined Last day to drop courses Last day of courses Winter holidays begin Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Syllabus Fall 2008 3