Navan Town Marketing Action Plan Tender Details/Requirements Brief to Consultants October 2011 1.0 BACK GROUND INFORMATION: Navan is one of the fastest growing population centres in the Country and is a key urban driver of growth within the Region due to its unique positioning. In the Retail Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area 2008-2016 Navan has been designated as a Level 2 County Town Centre. As a result, Navan is uniquely placed to benefit from this designation. The County Retail Strategy states that Navan is set to become an even more major town in both the GDA retail hierarchy and national settlement hierarchy. The National Spatial Strategy 2002 – 2020 identifies Navan as a Primary Development Centre and the County Town of County Meath. The strategy states that strong towns are needed to support a competitive business environment. This can be seen following the Health Partnership Report published in 2008 which identified Navan as the optimum location for the development of a North East Regional Hospital. Navan is an attractive location for investors. The Regional Planning Guidelines for the Greater Dublin Area 2004-2016 classify Navan as a large growth town I – described as a key destination, economically active town supporting surrounding areas. On the 1st May 2009, the Navan Town boundary was altered by the order of the Minister for the Environment, Heritage & Local Government. The population of Navan now stands at 30,000 aprox and is recognised nationally as the fourth largest Town in Ireland. 2.0 INTRODUCTION Navan “Irelands Floral Town” is gaining a growing reputation as a Town that is alive with opportunities and optimism for all. Navan has already witnessed the delivery of real improvements with a number of important projects coming to fruition over the past number of years. We want to continue to build on this success by creating a Town which is known locally, nationally and internationally as an excellent place to invest in, to visit, to shop and to live in, renowned for the quality of its employment opportunities, heritage, culture and the strength and viability of its communities With this in mind, Navan Town Council wishes to commission Consultants to (A) Research and prepare a detailed Innovative Marketing Action Plan taking cognisance of all aspects of life in the Town of Navan , based on all available information, in consultation with the relevant stakeholders and (B) To set out a proactive plan of business actions to address the Marketing Needs of the Town of Navan, hereafter referred to in the Brief as the Action Plan. Thus ensuring that Navan is known and revered locally, regionally, nationally and internationally as a Town to enjoy which provides everyone with a positive “experience”. A Town that people visiting, shopping in, working in, living in and investing in enjoy experiencing again and again. Navan Town Council is now in a position to fund this project & submissions from suitably qualified experienced professionals are now being sought. The commissioned consultants will have the relevant broad professional experience and expertise required to successfully fulfil the Brief as outlined in this document. Therefore the primary focus of this Plan is to provide a list of achievable actions for brand development and marketing, taking cognisance of all aspects of life in the Town of Navan so as to increase visitation, spur economic development, improve shopping experience, offer a sense of place/community and enhance business success. 3.0 KEY AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE ACTION PLAN. 3.1 Overall Aim of Plan To raise the local, regional, national and international profile of the town of Navan, so as to boost the local economy with increasing visitor foot-fall, helping to make local businesses more sustainable and enhancing the internal social cohesion of the community in the process. There is a perceived need for proactive collaborative efforts by the relevant stakeholders to facilitate and enable the development of an all year round Marketing Action Plan taking cognisance of all aspects of life in the town of Navan: The collaborative effort referred to above requires an overview by an appropriate person(s) with the relevant broad marketing experience, skill and knowledge. 3.2 Key Objective The key objective will be to draw up a list of practical business based actions which are implementable and which each of the stakeholders either jointly or separately would be willing to work up. The successful consultant should also be able to identify potential funding sources for such actions/activities and will be expected to cost each action. The consultant will actively engage with relevant stakeholders, carry out surveys where necessary and present their recommended business actions to Navan Town Council. The final output will focus on the provision of realistic, practical and achievable key actions which are implementable by the stakeholders that will boost the local economy with increasing visitor foot-fall, helping to make local businesses more sustainable and enhancing the internal social cohesion of the community in the process This overview should be of assistance in determining issues around possible Initiatives/ incentive schemes that may be considered. 3.3 Key Tasks The key tasks of the appointed consultant(s) will be to: Carry out a detailed Marketing assessment of the Town of Navan, to include recommendations, taking full cognisance of its strategic importance within a local, regional and national context. This should: Assess the functionality of Navan as the County Town and identifying all aspects of Marketing opportunities it should avail of to improve the service offering and experience to the customer Identify the key character/strength of the town e.g. Market town/Heritage/Tourist/ etc Identify and develop a Brand for Navan Identify and develop on –line and social media marketing solutions to enhance and promote all that is good about Navan that is targeted at a local, regional, national and international audience. Identify and develop other communication solutions that will assist in Marketing Navan to a local, regional, national and international audience. Consider growth projections for the Town and catchment area ( Target Audience) and resulting Marketing requirements. Carry out a gap analysis of any issues which militate against the positive Marketing of the Town. Identify existing and the possible expansion of all year-round events/festivals in the Town. Make suggestions as to how, either collectively or individually, the stakeholders in the Town can work to promote a positive image of Navan in a local, regional, national and international context. Carry out extensive consultation with all of the stakeholders. Overall, the consultant will be required to produce a list of achievable actions for brand development and marketing which are innovative and focused at creating a Town which is known locally, nationally and internationally as an excellent place to invest in, to visit, to shop in and to live in, renowned for the quality of its employment opportunities, heritage, culture and the strength and viability of its communitiesat 3.3 Consult with the key stakeholders as necessary throughout the process. In particular consult with ( not an exhaustive list ): a) Meath County Manager b) Navan Chamber of Commerce c) Navan Retailers Association d) Traders/Business associations e) Retailers not associated with any of the above ( a.,b., & c.) f) Navan Town Council Elected Members & Officials g) Shoppers ( existing/ potential ) in the Town and catchment area – this is to be done by way of targeted customer surveys h) Employers ( existing/potential ) i) Navan Shopping Centre j) Economic Development & Innovation Dept with Meath Co Council k) Meath Community & Voluntary Forum l) Vintners Association m) Meath Tourism n) Citizens o) Edge of town centre retailers/business p) Sporting Organisations/Clubs ( Passive & Recreational ) q) anyone else decided by the Town Council This consultation shall allow stakeholders an opportunity to convey their knowledge/opinions in respect of the Marketing of the Town and comment on the research findings and the proposed actions. It will also be the opportunity for the stakeholders to commit, or not, to the specific actions. Consultation with the Council shall commence at appointment and continue throughout the project with regular meetings supplied which will include a short written progress report and a Timetable/Progress chart presented. Outputs The outputs will consist of: o Completed & Costed Marketing Action Plan for Navan Town as detailed above o A completed, focused and agreed Action Plan which clearly identifies the actions to be undertaken; the expected outcomes from each action, the relevant agreed stakeholder responsible for each action; the resources required for each; the potential funding source for each etc o Presentation of the action plan to the stakeholders upon completion. This may include multiple presentations. o Draft Document 10 Copies in colour and on disk in Microsoft Word and Adobe o Final Document 10 Copies in colour and on disk in Microsoft Word and Adobe 4.0 PROCUREMENT 4.1 Response to the Brief The consultant(s) will provide a tender submission in response to the brief, setting out how the project will be approached and undertaken. The tender proposal submission must include the following information: Method Statement for the preparation of this Marketing Action Plan considering the project brief. Consultants that can bring added value to this project based on the broad experience gained on similar successful projects will be favourably considered. Previous experience of the ‘consultancy’ and project team members. The range of professional skills that shall be utilised, including names, level of experience of each member and full CVs of proposed team members; Experience of undertaking similar Marketing Projects; Timeframe to deliver the Brief. Please note that any change of key personnel to the project team subsequent to appointment must be agreed with Navan Town Council. 4.2 Selection Criteria Submissions will be measured against the following criteria, using the weighting indicated in brackets: Comprehensiveness, understanding and quality of approach (40%) Price (20 %) Expertise, experience and resources allocated (20 %) Innovation and originality of submission (20%) Navan Town Council is not obliged to accept the lowest, or any, tender. The successful consultant will be selected based on the tender submission made. Only the successful consultant selected for this project will be required to attend for interview. Navan Town Council may decide, following evaluation of tenders, not to proceed. Navan Town Council will not be responsible for any costs incurred in preparing a tender. PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET 5.1 Budget and Project Deadline It is expected that this project will cost less than €25,000 (Euro) to include all costs, including travel, subsistence, VAT and all associated expenditure. A current tax clearance certificate will be required. Costs shall be certified by the consultant and budget report. Payment will be made after the project is completed in full to the satisfaction of the Town Council and after the submission of the appropriate invoices, certifications and completion reports and shall be subject to certification by Navan Town Council. This funding is time limited and the Council shall require the successful consultant to be in a position to begin working immediately. In the interest of the efficient delivery of the Action Plan, each tender submission shall include the date in which the Action Plan shall be completed and delivered to Navan Town Council. 5.2 Navan Town Council Navan Town Council will be responsible for: Guiding the consultant during the key phases of the project; Overall monitoring of the project – ensuring that the project is delivered on time, within budget and that it addresses the scope/quality of the Brief to the satisfaction of the Town Council. The payment for the work undertaken subject to their satisfaction with the quality of the report prepared and confirmation that the consultants met the terms of the Brief Navan Town Council Officials will meet with the consultant on a regular basis during the project, to review the work programme and dates for key reviews and the production of key outputs. These meetings will take place in Navan and the consultant will present reports on progress as outlined above. Financial and administrative requirements associated with the project shall be carried out under the direction of the Town Manager, Navan Town Council. The Council and the consultant(s) chosen shall all nominate named points of contact and staff responsible for particular parts of the work. Where disputes arise, the Town Manager, Navan Town Council shall have the final say and that decision shall stand. The ‘Client’ will be Navan Town Council . The day-to-day key contact for the project will be with a designated Official from the Council. 6.0 GENERAL ISSUES 6.1 Freedom of Information (FOI) Navan Town Council undertakes to use its best endeavours to hold confidential information provided by you in this Tender, subject to the Council’s obligations under Lawincluding the Freedom of Information Act, 1997 and Freedom of Information (Amendment)Act, 2003. Should you wish that any of the information supplied by you in this tender should not be disclosed because of its sensitivity, you should, when providing the information, identify same and specify reasons for its sensitivity. If a tender is successful the tender price is, as a matter of course, available to the public outside of the scope of Freedom of Information legislation. Navan Town Council will consult with you about sensitive information before making decisions on any F.O.I. request received. In the event that Navan Town Council decides to release particular information relating to you, you will have the options of appealing the Council’s decision to the Information Commissioner. Please note that in the event that no information is identified by you as sensitive, with supporting reasons, then it is likely to be released in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Acts 1997 and 2003. 6.2 Insurance For the duration of the contract the successful consultants will arrange all appropriate insurance including Motor Insurance, Employers Liability Insurance and Public Liability Insurance and any other associated necessary insurances. These documents shall be submitted in advance to Navan Town Council for their necessary approval. Navan Town Council shall be indemnified against all and every risk in these Insurances. 6.3 Health and Safety Legislation Each Consultant submitting a Tender is required to complete, the attached “Meath Local Authorities External Safety and Health Prequalification Questionnaire for Non Construction Contractors” for assessment by the Council as to their competency. Please note that only Consultants who have passed this Questionnaire shall be eligible to have their tender assessed. Each Consultant shall submit with their tender, their completed Questionnaire in a separate sealed envelope labelled as follows: “Meath Local Authorities External Safety and Health Prequalification Questionnaire for Non Construction Contractors --- Navan Town Marketing Action Plan” The successful consultant shall be required to comply with all statutory requirements provided for under health and safety legislation. 6.4 Lowest Price Tender Navan Town Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest priced tender, and no person/consultants making a submission will be remunerated for any expense incurred in preparing a submission. 6.5 Canvassing Prohibited To ensure equality between applicants, Navan Town Council, will not enter into any correspondence or discussions with the applicants or their agents during the preparation period for tenders. To assist in tendering for this project, the following are the website addresses of the Navan Chamber of Commerce and the Council which may be of help: Tenders should familiarise themselves with the following documents : (this is not an exhaustive list); - Navan Development Plan 2009-2015 - Meath County Development Plan 2007-2013 - Meath County Tourism Strategy - Retail Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area 2008-2016 - Meath County Retail Strategy - Regional Planning Guidelines for the Greater Dublin Area 2010-2022 - National Spatial Strategy 2002-2020 - National Development Plan 2007-2013 6.6 Submission of Tenders Tenders shall only be accepted on paper. Tender Deadline: The deadline for receipt of completed tenders to include the “Meath Local Authorities External Safety and Health Prequalification Questionnaire for Non Construction Contractors” is 4pm on Thursday 27th October 2011 . Tenders received after this time will not be accepted. Labelling of Parcel (s)/Covering Envelope Parcels and envelopes containing written tenders should be clearly marked at the top left hand corner as follows: “Tender for Navan Town Marketing Action Plan” The Parcel/Envelope of the Tender to include the “Meath Local Authorities External Safety and Health Prequalification Questionnaire for Non Construction Contractors” shall also be clearly marked with the following name and address: Shane Donnelly, Town Clerk, Navan Town Council, Townhall, Watergate St, Navan, Co Meath. TENDERS RECEIVED AFTER 4.00PM ON THURSDAY 27TH OCTOBER 2011 WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AND SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE RELEVANT TENDERER. THOSE SENDING IN TENDERS BY ANY THIRD PARTY SHOULD ENSURE THAT THEY ARE CAPABLE OF GETTING THEM IN ON TIME AS THE COUNCIL CANNOT TAKE ACCOUNT OF ANY LATENESS OR REASON FOR LATENESS.