14th October 2014 CORPORATE PROPERTY COMMITTEE Present *Councillor R Springett – Chairman #Cllr L M Barnes – Vice-Chairman Cllr A C Carter *Cllr D J Cawley *Cllr R E Chilcott *Cllr R W I Cooke – (Deputy Mayor) *Cllr T de Galleani *Cllr A J C Fyson #Cllr F J Hawke *Councillor R M Lyon – (Town Mayor) Observers: Cllr D M Gent Also in attendance 3 members of the public. *Denotes attendance #Denotes apology for absence 1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. There were none. 2. IVY LANE YOUTH CENTRE. Cllr Gent reported that the Clerk had received the keys to Ivy Lane Youth Centre from Devon County Council on Monday 6th October and meter readings had been taken. The Clerk had arranged insurance cover through the Town Council’s insurers at a cost of £163 for the remainder of the current insurance year. Devon County Council had prepared an interim lease until the freehold transfer took place. A condition survey of the building had been circulated to members and it was estimated that refurbishment costs would be under £10,000 including redecoration. 1 Cllr Gent had approached a local charity for funding for this work. He informed the meeting that the cost of the Youth service would need to be established and it was planned to bring young people from local villages into Dartmouth to use the youth centre. A TAP bid would be made for a contribution to these transport costs. Concerns were raised regarding the missing drum kit and recording equipment; the drum kit would be replaced by Devon County Council and new recording equipment bought from the additional funds granted by the County Council. Cllr Gent would provide regular updates on Ivy Lane to the Committee. The next meeting of the Corporate Property Committee would be held in Ivy Lane Youth Centre. 3. COMMERCIAL USES OF THE GUILDHALL. Suggested commercial uses of the Guildhall from the Torbay Development Agency had been circulated to members. Peter Bailey from the Business Forum informed members that it was important to understand the scope of flexibility of the use of the Guildhall and to determine the unused space that could provide flexible office space. Cllr Cawley reported that previous suggestions of a micro-managed business hub providing internet access, fax, printing etc. and the possibility of using upstairs space in the Guildhall had been welcomed by the Business Development Manager for South Hams District Council, Carol Trant, as a perfect scheme for a grant from the South Devon Coastal Local Action Group. Members recognised the need for a “needs analysis” for Dartmouth to judge the possible take-up of business hub services; Peter Bailey had already set up a landing page for people to indicate possible required uses. Cllr Gent left the meeting at 6.15 pm Cllr Cawley commented that this would be a wonderful asset for the Town and would require a “leap of faith” from the Town Council; it might be possible to use 1/3 of the Ballroom. Peter Bailey would view the rooms in the Guildhall and would report back with a list of suggested facilities. 2 4. CEMETERY – GARDEN OF REMEMBRANCE RENOVATION . The Chairman had visited the site that day, although the hard paving and benches had been finished South Hams District Council still had the planting to complete. 5. ST SAVIOURS CHURCHYARD – REQUEST FOR REPLACEMENT OF THE EXISTING TARMAC PATH. The trustees of St Saviour’s Church had requested that the tarmac path around the outside of St Saviour’s be replaced. The Clerk had suggested that a gravel path could be put in place and the trustees were due to discuss this at their next meeting. The Chairman and Cllrs Lyon and Chilcott would visit the Churchyard to decide on any further action. 6. COMMUNITY ORCHARD – UPDATE ON MAINTENANCE AND ACCESS. The Chairman reported that a useful meeting with concerned local residents had been held earlier that day at the Orchard. The residents were to form a user’s group –Friends of the Orchard. This group would bring ideas back to the Council for consideration. Hedging and native grasses would be planted in the spring on the area recently cleared adjacent to Ridge Hill. At the site visit members had viewed the stone pillar and wall adjacent to the small gate which was in need of repair; the Clerk was in the process of seeking quotes for this work. The Clerk would also check with the Dartmouth History Research Group concerning the “Toll window” in the Orchard wall. The Chairman would draft a paper on possible projects for the Orchard and its maintenance which would be circulated to the Committee. Proposed: Cllr R W I Cooke Seconded: Cllr D J Cawley Recommended: That the Town Council continues to maintain the Community Orchard as a sensitively managed amenity space. 3 7. BUS SHELTERS. A list of the Town Council’s bus shelters had been circulated to members. The Clerk would contact the Academy concerning the ownership of the “derelict” shelter in Milton Lane. The Chairman with Cllrs Lyon, Chilcott and de Galleani would visit all the Town Council’s shelters to ascertain the condition and work required (see appendix 1 with results of the visit). 8. IDENTIFICATION OF ANY EXTRAORDINARY COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE MAINTENANCE OF TOWN COUNCIL PROPERTIES IN 2015/2016. Members identified the following additional works for inclusion in the budget for 2015/2016: Boatfloat Sill – The Chairman would contact Cllr C Smith who had previously researched this. Cemetery – additional grounds maintenance work. 9. PROVISION OF OVERNIGHT PARKING SPACES IN THE TOWN CENTRE FOR MOTOR CARAVANS. Mr Harris and Mr Callas informed members about the facilities provided for motor caravans in towns in Europe. They suggested that 6 parking spaces with facilities could be provided in the extended Mayors Avenue car park. This would be discussed at the Neighbourhood Plan meeting on 20 th October 2014 and Mr Harris and Mr Callas were invited to attend. The Clerk would write to South Hams District Council to suggest this provision in Mayors Avenue car park and would also write to Wales and West Utilities regarding the empty Gas site in Mayors Avenue to enquire if the Town Council could lease the site for this use. 4 10. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR A POSSIBLE TAP (TOWN AND PARISH) FUND APPLICATION. Members discussed possible items for a TAP fund bid which included:– Minibus transport for young people from the surrounding parishes to Ivy lane Youth Centre. - Remodelling of the junction by the Sportsman’s Arms at the request of Dittisham Parish Council. - New bus stops and pulling in areas at Norton Park. Proposed: Cllr D J Cawley Seconded: Cllr T de Galleani Recommended: That the Council make a TAP fund bid for Minibus transport for young people from the surrounding parishes to Ivy lane Youth Centre. 11. ADVERTISING OF TOWN COUNCIL PROPERTIES IN THE DISCOVER DARTMOUTH GUIDE FOR 2015. A copy of the advert placed in Discover Dartmouth in 2014 had been circulated to members. The Clerk reported that this had been at a cost of £600. Proposed: Cllr R M Lyon Seconded: Cllr R E Chilcott Recommended: That the Town Council take out an advert in Discover Dartmouth for 2015. 12. TO FORMULATE A TOWN COUNCIL POLICY ON REFUNDS OF RENTS TO TENANTS. Following an item raised at Full Council members discussed a policy on the refund of rents to tenants who had paid in advance. 5 Proposed: Cllr R W I Cooke Seconded: Cllr A J C Fyson Recommended: That in order to receive a refund of rents paid in advance Town Council tenants must give one month’s notice. Proposed: Cllr D J Cawley Seconded: Cllr R Springett Resolved: That in view of the confidential nature of business about to be transacted, it was in the public interest that the press and public be excluded and that they be instructed to withdraw. 13. TO CONSIDER EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST FOR THE 2 BOATFLOAT KIOSKS. Members considered 5 expressions of interest for the 2 kiosks adjacent to the Boatfloat. Proposed: Cllr R W I Cooke Seconded: Cllr D J Cawley Recommended: That Mr Stephen Norvill be offered a three year lease for the kiosk opposite Boots subject to the receipt of a complete business reference and proof of the agreement for his sale of tickets on behalf of Greenway Ferries and that Dartmouth Ice Cream Company be offered a three year lease for the kiosk by the Royal Avenue Gardens. 14. QUOTATIONS FOR THE REFURBISHMENT OF THE 2 BOATFLOAT KIOSKS. Members considered 3 quotations for the refurbishment of the 2 Boatfloat kiosks. Proposed: Cllr D J Cawley Seconded: Cllr R E Chilcott Recommended: That the Town Council accept quotation 1 for £6,312.28 plus vat with a £300 contingency for timber repairs. 6 Appendix 1 Condition and work required to Town Council Bus Shelters BUS SHELTERS – Maintenance report 15th October 2014 Victoria Road 1 – Clean and weed kill Townstal Road downhill one needs complete renovation 2 – up hill one clean and paint Davis Road painting) 2 – clean and weed (1needs Carey Road 1 - cleaning Townstal Crescent (Mill Lane) 1 - clean Raleigh Close 1- clean and touch up Collingwood Road (Britannia Avenue junction with Nelson Road) 1 - clean and touch up only flaking paint) Station Restaurant 1 - cleaning Deadman’s Cross (Yorke Road) 1- clean and weed kill Church Road 1- clean and weed kill – who owns this? Academy (Milton Lane) (£2,000 - £3,000? ) Total 12 Shelters reviewed by Cllrs Lyon, Springett and Chilcott on Wednesday 15th October 2014. The “downhill” shelter on Townstal Road will need replacing in the next few years and an allowance will need to be made in the budget. Dartmouth Academy will be approached concerning the ownership of the shelter in Milton Lane. 7