Economic and Trade Department, Tel: +65


Economic and Trade Department, Tel: +65 -68349220 Fax: +65-67372502

Email: Website: http://www.isra


Issue 1, 2007


IE Singapore Seminar:

Israel – Your Technology Partner

Exploring collaborations with Israeli hi-tech companies

Friday, 16 March 2007

8.30 – 11.00 am

IE Singapore Seminar Room

230 Victoria Street

#07-00 Bugis Junction Office Tower

Singapore 188024

International Enterprises (IE) Singapore is organizing a seminar on exploring collaborations with Israeli companies, focusing on the following sectors: Homeland Security, Water &

Environmental, Electronics and Infocommunications.

At this seminar, IE Singapore hopes to interest

Singapore companies to join a business mission to

Israel on 30 April – 3 May. The Embassy of Israel in

Singapore will help to organize 1-on-1 meetings and industry tours during the visit.

To register for this seminar, please visit:

Dear Business friends of Israel,

The Israel Trade Newsletter is a bi-monthly publication of the

Economic and Trade Department of the Embassy of Israel in


Our office is the focal point of contact for Israeli companies seeking trade and investment opportunities in Singapore,

Malaysia and Indonesia. We also assist Singaporean companies who are interested to do business with

Israeli companies, in sourcing out the right partners.

As always – we will be happy to hear from you and be of assistance for any inquiry you may have.

Warm Regards,

Commercial Department

Israel Embassy, Singapore

Business Opportunities




Bi-national fund between Singapore and Israel for industrial research and development collaboration

Coming Exhibitions/Conferences in Israel

Agro Mashov 2007

The 17 th Annual International Agricultural Exhibition

April 18 – 19, 2007

Daily News

General News

Business News

Public Holidays in Israel 2007

Israel Government Portal

Israel Ministry of Finance

Homepage of

Embassy of Israel – Singapore

Visa and Consulate Affairs

Contact: Ms. Valerie Wong

Telephone: +65-68349264

Economic News Updates from Israel


General & Economic News



Foreign investment reached record US$23.7 billion in 2006

Life sciences exports increased by 35% in 2006


2006 M&A reaches new heights: 76 Israeli hi-tech companies were bought for

US$10.6 billion



“The Economist”: Israel in top 5 emerging markets

Standard & Poor's upgrades Israel's rating outlook


Fitch ups Israel outlook to Positive


Industry Developments



Turn Eyeglasses Into Movie Screen


Scigen opens biopharma manufacturing and R&D plant in Israel

Millennium Electric to build solar power station in Italy


Indonesia's Primasel Selects Trivnet's iCommerce Platform to Provide Mobile

Banking, Payment, Top-Up, Marketing and Loyalty Services


Nextwave, Microsoft and Polycom began 2007 with acquisitions in Israel


30 engineers at IBM Israel were central in the development of Sony’s

Playstation 3


Oracle opens new Israel R&D center


Special Feature


Update on Economic and Trade Department’s activities


Defining Events of 2006


Business Opportunities


Recent Business Opportunities from Israel

1. Economic News


Foreign investment reached record US$23.7 billion in 2006

Foreign investment in Israel reached an all-time high of US$23.7 billion in the year 2006, the

Central Bureau of Statistics announced.

The figure is notably 80% higher than foreign investment in 2005, the stats source said.

In the other direction, Israelis invested US$28.6 billion abroad, says the bureau, which is another all-time high. During the year 2005, Israelis invested US$17.6 billion overseas.

In the year 2001, for comparison, Israelis invested US$5.1 billion outside the country. (Ishitech

Feb ’07)



Life sciences exports increased by 35% in 2006

According to the Israeli Export Institute, Israeli exports in the field of Life Sciences reached

US$4.6 billion in 2006. Medical equipment reached US$1.5 billion, an increase of 15% over 2005.

63% of medical equipment and biotechnology exports are to Northern America, 28% to Europe and 8% to the far east. (IPC Jan ’07)



2006 M&A reaches new heights: 76 Israeli hi-tech companies were bought for

US$10.6 billion

Largest hi-tech deals in 2006: HP-Mercury for US$4.5 billion, M-Systems-SanDisk for US$1.5 billion

Hi-Tech mergers and acquisitions reached a 6 year high for Israeli hi-tech companies in 2006. The past record for M&A activity is for US$16.88 billion with 64 transactions, in 2000. These hi-tech figures do not include the monumental Berkshire Hathaway acquisition of Iscar for US$ 4 billion.

2006 was also a successful year for IPO's, with 20 Israeli hi-tech companies raising US$693 million on various stock markets. (IPC Jan ’07)



“The Economist”: Israel in top 5 emerging markets

Israel has risen 12 places to become the world 36th largest economy

In its latest emerging markets survey, “The Economist” notes that Israel has been one of the five fastest growing emerging markets in the past 20 years. Israel has risen 12 spaces from the world’s 48th biggest economy in 1980-84 to 36th biggest economy in 2001-05. “The Economist” ranked economies by size on the basis of their five-year average GDP in current dollars, and compared the rankings of 1980-84 with 2001-05.

“The Economist’s” report is a shot in the arm for Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Minister of Finance

Abraham Hirchson, and Governor of the Bank of Israel Prof. Stanley Fischer, given that, since

1980, the country has undergone two intifadas, the effects of two wars in Iraq and two wars in

Lebanon - the only one of the 28 emerging economies to have such an experience. (Globes




Standard & Poor's upgrades Israel's rating outlook

International rating agency Standard & Poor's (S&P) has upgraded its outlook for Israel's credit rating from "Stable" to "Positive". The upgrade is in the light of the Israeli economy's resilience in the face of external shocks. S&P confirmed its long-term foreign currency and local currency ratings for the State of Israel at A- and A+. The short-term rating for both foreign currency and local currency is A-1.

S&P analyst Veronique Paillat-Chayrigues said that the outlook upgrade reflected the improved capability of the Israeli economy to withstand geopolitical shocks, and that "the horizon for a rating improvement hinges on the pace of fiscal consolidation and on the future security situation." (Globes 13.02.07)



Fitch ups Israel outlook to Positive

This year has demonstrated that Israel's improved debt dynamics and now more robust, even faced with quite extreme security challenges.

Credit rating agency Fitch issued a report that upgrades Israel's outlook to Positive, from Stable.

The agency also ratified Israel's foreign currency rating of A-minus and local currency rating of A.

"The short-term rating is affirmed at Short-term 'F1' and the Country Ceiling at 'A+'," Fitch wrote.

The agency was impressed with the "increased dynamism" of the Israeli economy and its resilience following the reforms executed in recent years. Both were evident in the economy's rapid rebound from the effects of the second war with Lebanon, which may have lasted just six weeks but which displaced a million people.

Moreover, the economy endured a change in government too, the agency says.

During the first half of 2006, Israel's economy grew by a rapid 6%. It then retreated in the July-

August conflict in the north, only to rally in the last quarter.

Analyst Richard Fox predicts that economic growth will be at least 4.5% this year, which it sees being in line with Israel's potential.

Israel has improved its public debt to GDP ratio, Fox says, but it remains high at 90%, which is a damper on the country's creditworthiness, and also, Israel needs more wiggle room than most countries because of the potential for regional violence eruptions. Just look at what happened in

July and August, the analyst points out.

As for the deficit, Fox sees the government running a deficit of 1% to 2% of GDP, while its ceiling is 3%. "This year has demonstrated that Israel's improved debt dynamics are now more robust, even faced with quite extreme security challenges," he writes. (Globes 18.12.06)


2. Industry Developments


Turn Eyeglasses Into Movie Screen

An Israeli optics company says it has developed a miniature video projector that turns regular eyeglasses into a personal video screen. The technology, which until now has only been seen in movies such as Mission Impossible, projects a widescreen video image unnoticeable to anyone but the bespectacled individual.

"Imagine you're sitting in a meeting and you want to read an e-mail you just click a button on the phone in your pocket and you start reading away while you're looking attentively at the person who's giving the presentation," Ari Grobman, business development manager at Lumus Ltd., said in an interview.

Lumus has been approached by major manufacturers of cellular phones and portable media players and expects the product to be on the market during 2007.

Motorola Inc. is listed as an investor in the venture capital-funded company.

The product can be used as regular, corrective eyeglasses, but it also creates an image matching that of a 70-inch television screen viewed from 10 feet away, Grobman said.

The difference between this eyewear and ordinary spectacles is only in the small, black box attached to the earpiece that receives the video signal and projects it into the lenses. The light waves then travel through fiber optics within the lenses where they are enlarged and directed at

the eyes.

Aside from watching movies and checking e-mails, Grobman said the technology will eventually provide drivers with virtual navigation through GPS. (Ishitech Jan ’07)



Scigen opens biopharma manufacturing and R&D plant in Israel

SciGen, a Singaporean biotechnology company, opened a new manufacturing plant in Israel only

6 months after its announcement. The new 120-employee plant, which SciGen invested US$30 million dollars in, will manufacture a Hepatitis B vaccine. Saul Mashaal, CEO of SciGen stated,

"Our operations in Israel are unique, in the plant that we opened here and in general in the research labs that will operate in conjunction… There is no substitute to the Israeli human capital." The Israeli manufacturing plant is expected to greatly enhance SciGen’s market penetration in this vaccine segment. (IPC Jan ’07)



Millennium Electric to build solar power station in Italy

Israel's Millennium Electric TOU Ltd.

, a developer of photovoltaic-based power systems with thermal solar elements, has signed an agreement with Italy’s Lavori to build solar power stations, solar-powered gas stations, and to convert street lighting in Rome to solar-powered street lights.

Lavori is about to build a 105-megawatt (MW) solar power station. It contracted with Millennium

Electric to build a 10-MW power station in the first stage, with an option to expand the contract after the first year. Lavori plans to invest €500-750 million in the projects over five years. €50 million will be invested in Millennium Electric’s 10-MW solar power station. Millennium Electric CEO

Ami Elazari estimated the company’s share of this project at 15%, before calculating its share of electricity sales from the power station. (Globes 30.11.06)



Indonesia's Primasel Selects Trivnet's iCommerce Platform to Provide Mobile

Banking, Payment, Top-Up, Marketing and Loyalty Services

Trivnet Inc., the iCommerce company, announced - at the 3GSM World Congress 2007 - that its iCommerce platform has been selected by PT Indoprima Mikroselindo (Primasel), a mobile telecom provider in Indonesia, to enable new interactive commerce services including mobile banking, payment, top-up, marketing and loyalty programs.

With over 1,000 base station sites planned, Primasel expects its CDMA network to serve more than 5 million customers in Indonesia within 12 months of commercial launch. Using Trivnet's iCommerce platform, Primasel subscribers will be able to benefit from a wide range of interactive services, such as:

- Mobile banking, including remittance and receipt of alerts and balance information

- Payment of digital and physical goods and services (e.g. PoS and Ticketing)

- Top-up, person-to-person transfers and mAgent(TM) (mobile agent) distribution networks

- Marketing campaigns, offers and promotions

- Loyalty programs

"With Trivnet's iCommerce platform, we'll be able to expand our subscribers' entire realm of communication," explained Joey V. Mendoza, Chief Mobile Commerce Officer of Primasel. "They'll be able to do their banking, pay their bills, store and transfer funds, make purchases and top-up their prepaid or postpaid accounts - anytime, anywhere - using their cell phones."

"Primasel is among a new breed of innovative operators about to launch an all-encompassing iCommerce service," commented Yael Mittelman, CEO of Trivnet. "We're proud of our role as the primary technology provider and look forward to great achievements from Primasel throughout

Indonesia." (IVC Online 12.02.07)



Nextwave, Microsoft and Polycom began 2007 with acquisitions in Israel

US technology company, Nextwave acquired Israeli developer of metro Wi-Fi network solutions,

Go-Networks, which Network World listed as a top 10 start-up to watch in 2005, for US$46.6 million.

After announcing its new R&D center in Israel and the acquisition of two other Israeli companies in 2006, Microsoft acquired Israeli start-up Secured Dimensions, which has developed technology for the protection of applications based on Microsoft's .NET platform.

Polycom, a leading manufacturer of teleconferencing and videoconferencing equipment, acquired

Destiny Conferencing, developer of patented communication and conferencing solutions, for

US$47.6 million. (IPC Jan ’07)



30 engineers at IBM Israel were central in the development of Sony’s

Playstation 3

The Israeli team planned the CPU that synchronizes and measures the processors' core operations

The Israeli team at IBM's R&D center in Haifa developed the Cell, which is the control panel's core. The tools that the Israeli team developed for the chip authentication shortened the development process and accelerated the product's time to market. The new control panel, which was launched on November 7th, 2006, sold 197,000 units on the first day in North America and within two weeks sold over a million. (IPC Jan ’07)



Oracle opens new Israel R&D center

Oracle Corp. (Nasdaq:ORCL) inaugurated its new R&D center in Petah Tikva, its first center in

Israel. The center is based on the technology and personnel of start-up Demantra, which Oracle acquired in May 2006 for US$41 million.

The R&D center will supply Oracle with Demantra’s demand forecasting applications. Oracle

Demantra VP development Bart Feldman said that the center would integrate Demantra’s products with Oracle CRM applications acquired from PeopleSoft and ERP applications acquired from Siebel Systems.

Oracle Israel managing director Moshe Horev said that the company would invest US$2-3 million in at least eight other Israeli companies this year. Oracle has already invested in four Israeli companies. The investments are made through Oracle Israel’s center for excellence, where the company collaborates with the Office of the Chief Scientist, matching the latter’s investments in

start-ups. Oracle does not make financial investments, but provides equipment.

Horev said, “The development center will have 10-15 companies this year. Oracle constantly thinks how to exploit local human capital, and the acquisition of Demantra fits in with this concept. Paralleling the investments, we’re constantly examining other acquisitions in Israel.”

(Globes 13.02.07)


3. Special Feature


Update on Economic and Trade Department’s activities

IE Singapore Seminar:

Israel – Your Technology Partner

Exploring collaborations with Israeli hi-tech companies

16 March, 2007

8.30 – 11.00 am

Seminar Room

230 Victoria Street

#07-00 Bugis Junction Office Tower

International Enterprises (IE) Singapore is organizing a seminar on exploring collaborations with

Israeli companies, focusing on the following sectors: Homeland Security, Water & Environmental,

Electronics and Info-communications.

At this seminar, IE Singapore hopes to interest Singapore companies to join a business mission to

Israel on 30 April – 3 May. The Embassy of Israel in Singapore will help to organize 1-on-1 meetings and industry tours during the visit.

To register for this seminar, please visit:



Defining Events of 2006

The Israeli high-tech sector experienced its best year ever, in 2006. Merger and acquisition activity was marked by small and big deals. The Warren Buffett acquisition of Iscar, a US$4.0 billion deal, San Disk's purchase of M-Systems for US$1.5 billion, and Hewlett-Packard's US$4.5 billion purchase of Mercury Interactive set a new record for foreign investments in Israel.

The Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange Index reached an all-time record high. Foreign investors were major participants. They not only enjoyed rising prices but also a strong Israeli shekel, which added to foreign investors' yields.

Following the successful firing of Arrow anti-missile system, Israel sees the Arrow program as a

response to the realistic threat of ballistic missiles in the region.

Intel confirmed that it will build a new US$3.5 billion facility. It is expected to go on stream in the second half of 2008. The Israeli government has approved a US$525 million grant towards the project.

The Red Herring technology magazine has listed six Israeli companies on its roster of 100 most promising small caps, all listed on Nasdaq.

The first Israel-China investment fund was formed.

Johnson & Johnson has formed a joint research program with Weitzmann Institute's Yeda.

The Corner Shot, a novel gun was unveiled. Corner Shot is a gun with a camera and a special barrel that swings on a hinge, allowing the shooter to observe and engage the enemy from around a corner.

1.2 million households had an Internet hook up, a growth of nearly 10 per cent from the preceding year.

Google sets up its first research and development in the Middle East in Haifa.

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett acquires 80 per cent of Iscar Metalworking Companies for

US$4.0 billion. For Mr. Buffett it was the first major acquisition of a company outside the United

States. The deal was initiated by an e-mail from Eitan Wertheimer, the son of Iscar's founder Stef

Wertheimer, which simply said "We have a company for sale".

The American Nasdaq stock market launched an index of the Israeli companies listed on its exchange.

July marked the beginning of the War in Lebanon. Israel could not find an answer to the 1,000 katyushas that landed in its territory. The war did not impact the Israeli high-tech sector as business continued, as usual.

San Disk, the world's largest manufacturer of memory cards, used in portable devices, acquired

Israel's M-Systems Flash Disk Pioneers for US$1.55 billion.

Hewlett-Packard Êpurchases Israeli Mercury Interactive for US$4.5 billion.

Foreign investment in Israeli start-ups ballooned to US$2.2 billion.

Epix Pharmaceutical concluded a US$1.2 billion deal with Glaxo Smith Kline.

Intel introduces its quad-core processor into the market place. The revolutionary processor was developed at Intel's Haifa R & D facility.

Israel's telecommunications exports reached US$3.3 billion.

2006 was Israel's best year in terms of economic achievements. Bank of Israel Governor Prof.

Stanley Fischer predicted that the growth for 2006 would reach 4.6% and he predicted an additional 4% growth in 2007. (Ishitech Jan ’07)


4. Business Opportunities


Recent Business Opportunities from Israel

Company Name: Sea Level -400 Ltd.

Contact Person: Fred Rosengart

Job Title: Export Manager

Address: Turmus street 12 a

Telephone: +972 9 8855440

Fax: +972 9 8652485

Cell Phone: +972 52 2809500


Year of Establishment: 2002

No. of Employees: 25


Business Interest: Export to Singapore

Company Activity: SEA LEVEL -400 LTD. is a leading company in manufacturing of spa & cosmetic products from the Dead Sea.

Target Countries: Worldwide export


"D&D+ - Campaign Management and Establishing the Agenda"

Contact Person: Yaniv Zaid, Adv., and Mrs. Dana Levy

Job Title: Owners and CEO's

Address: HaBonim 4 st. , Ramat Gan, Israel

Telephone: 972-77-8844105, 972-3-5750546

Fax: 972-3-6134730, 972-3-5750546

Cell Phone: 972-54-800-1200, 972-54-7777027



Year of Establishment: 2003

No. of Employees: 5



Business Interest: We provide business and media advice and personal coaching on improving marketing, persuasion and public speaking skills, to upgrade the effectiveness of your encounters with Israelis and Israeli business persons, by becoming acquainted with the Israeli mentality and the nature of the Israeli way of communicating.

We provide business and media advice on all the topics of requiring professional persuasion:

 Encounters and negotiations with Israeli business persons.

 Appearance and presentation in front of the Israeli public, the Israeli clients and the

Israeli media.

 Speech building and communication of message in a clear and organized manner.

 Adaptation of speeches to different target audiences in Israel.

 Communicating the message within the minimal time frame.

 Management of Campaigns and Image Design.

 Public Relations.

Production of Public Events.

Management of Communication Crises.

Company Activities: “Yaniv Zaid - Art of Persuasion” is a company established in 2003 and, since then, it has improved the persuasion and speaking abilities of thousands of managers and business persons in Israel and abroad. Among the company’s clients are governmental offices, private and public companies, foreign embassies, chambers of commerce, banks, social organizations, universities and colleges, law firms, schools and others.

"D&D+ - Campaign Management and Establishing the Agenda" specializes in Media Consultation,

Management of Campaigns, Image Design, Public Relations, Production of Public Events and

Management of Communication Crises, as well as Business Related and Political Lobbying

Services, and provides its services to a wide variety of political and business organizations and entities.

Target Countries: worldwide

Company Name: STERN Engineering

Contact Person : Mr. Igal Opendik

Job Title : International Sales Manager

Address: 15 Gan Rave, Yavne, Israel

Telephone : +972-8-9326000

Fax : +972-8-9326001


Year of Establishment : 1989

Website :

Business Interest: Export or OEM sales. We are keen to establish cooperation with local

Distributors and Manufacturers, well connected in the sanitary ware and construction spheres.

Company Activity : Developer and manufacturer of top-quality electronic sensor-based faucets, flush valves for urinals and W/Cs, shower controls, soap dispensers and hand dryers sold in over

60 countries.

Target Countries : Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia

Company Name: Aspire Advanced Software Solutions and Integration (2005)

Contact Person: Mike Melnik

Job Title: CEO

Address: Moshe Levi 11, UMI Building Suite 502, Rishon Lezion 75658, Israel

Telephone: 972-3-9411248

Fax: 972-3-9533466

Cell Phone: 972-50-5735511



Year of Establishment: 2005

No. of Employees: 10


Business Interest: Export and Joint Venture

Company Activity: Call Center solutions for LG-Nortel, Nortel, Avaya, CISCO PBXs.

Target Countries: worldwide.

Company Name: A.Y Electronics Ltd.

Contact Person: Julie

Job Title: Purchasing Department

Address: 58 Hamal St. Petah Tikva

Telephone: 00972-3-9235051 ex109

Fax: 00972-3-9235052

Cell Phone:


Year of Establishment: 1980

No. of Employees: 180 Employees (In the group)


Business Interest: Export, Import of electronic components

Company Activity: Distributor of electronic components and CEM.

AY Electronics has a large line of official distributions in our market and among them we are the official distributor for Samsung (Electro-Mechanics) and GE in Israel.

Our latest expend includes the purchase of one of the biggest subcontractors for electronic assembly in Israel named PM.

P.M. was establish on 1999 and is an EMS supplier, provides wide area of high-tech Turn-Key solutions for over 80 companies in Israel and worldwide including large scales cooperation with

Orbcom USA- end customer is general electric projects with 70,000 systems in 2004.

The company service includes electronic assembly, testing of products & systems and material procurement for wide range technologies and industries in need for high level of performance.

P.M. owns advanced manufacturing infrastructure at 2 different locations and headquarter office at Petach-Tikva.

In total, the number of employees in the group is 180 people divided between three locations in

Israel (30% are technical engineers). The group yearly gross turnover forecast is $30,000,000.

Target Countries: Singapore

Company Name: ONE

Contact Person: Hezi Ben-Avraham

Job Title: Project Manager, BD Dept.

Address: 2 Ben-Gurion St. Besser Tower 1 Ramat Gan Israel

Telephone: +972-3-7526116

Fax: +972-3-7520272

Cell Phone: +972-50-2205070


Year of Establishment: 1998

No. Of Employees: 70


Business Interest: Business Collaboration - Distributing of mobile content & apps, Licensing

Content for Mobile

Company Activity: Leader in developing and distributing sports and mobile content to all the wireless carriers in Israel; Handling sports broadcast rights; leading sports Internet site in Israel

Company Name: Insightix

Contact Person: Tony Miller

Job Title: Director of Marketing

Address: Hasadna 13, PO Box 2660, Ra'anana, 43665, Israel

Telephone: +972 9 740 1667

Fax: +972 7 742 6633

Cell Phone: +972 54 487 0808


Year of Establishment: 2002

No. of Employees:


Business Interest: export, joint venture, channel partners

Company Activity: Network discovery and network access control solutions - Enterprise security software

Target Countries: Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Korea,

Philippines, India

Company Name : IMM Technologies LTD.

Contact Person : Rona Betinger

Job Title : Marketing Manager

Address : Ayalon Tower, 11 Menachem Begin st. Ramat Gan, Israel

Telephone : +972 3 6117115

Fax : + 972 3 6117101

Cell Phone :

E-Mail :

Year of Establishment : 2000

No. of Employees : 20

Website :

Business Interest: Joint Venture , Export, Import, R & D

Company Activity : USA, Australia, South America, Russia

Target Countries : Singapore , Malaysia and Indonesia

Company Name: Vital Stone LTD.

Contact Person: Natalie Maimon

Job Title: Project Manager

Address: 15-17 Hamesila st. Nesher (Haifa) 31254

Telephone: 972-4-8212878

Fax: 972-4-8212879

Cell Phone: 972-54-5325582


Year of Establishment: 2 years + 15 years working in the field

No. of Employees: 3 + 100+ in the partner factory


Business Interest: Export

Company Activity: Jerusalem Stone distributors, Partners in a quarry. With experience of more the 15 years we are able to ensemble the best price, and best quality stone with various types of textures - Polished, Chiseled and others.

Target Countries: Europe, USA, East Asia

Company Name: Hanita Lenses

Contact Person: Ivan Berman

Job Title: International Sales and Marketing Division

Address: Hanita Lenses, Kibbutz Hanita, 22885

Telephone: ++972 4 995 0739

Fax: ++972 4 995 0741

Cell Phone: ++972 52 374 9550


Year of Establishment: 1993

No. of Employees: 95


Business Interest: Distributor partner

Company Activity: Manufacturer of Intraocular Lenses, PMMA and Foldable, accessories.

Target Countries: Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore


Contact Person: DROR KOEN


Address: M.P MEGIDO 19205 - ISRAEL

Telephone: 972 4 6599900

Fax: 972 4 6499763

Cell Phone: 972 50 8724186


Year of Establishment: 1986

No. of Employees: 110


Business Interest: Export through distributors

Company Activity: Engineering Thermoplastic compound

Target Countries: SINGAPORE

Company Name: Adin-Liss, Law Offices

Contact Person: Eran Liss

Job Title: Co-founding partner

Address: Amot Bituach Tower, 48 Menachem Begin, Rd., Tel Aviv 66180, Israel

Telephone: 972-3-6374422

Fax: 972-3-6374423

Cell Phone: 972-50-7694190


Year of Establishment: 2006

No. of Employees: 2


Business Interest: Providing legal services in the fields of intellectual property, computer and cyber law and related fields to foreign companies in Israel.

Company Activity: Full-service intellectual property law firm, well experienced in providing services to foreign client.

Target Countries: Worldwide

Company Name: Orcanos Ltd.

Contact Person : Ms. Galit Peretz

Job Title : Administration and Finance

Address : Lincoln 8 street Tel – Aviv 65220 Israel

Telephone : 972-3-5372561

Fax : 972-3-5372561

Cell Phone : 972-52-8305800

E-Mail :

Year of Establishment : 2004

No. of Employees : 7

Website :

Business Interest: Distributors, joint venture partners, potential customers.

Company Activity: Orcanos developed a web based system that manages the entire development process of hardware and software products known as QPack. QPack offers a unique end-to-end

solution for development lifecycle management, from requirements management, through issues and task management, test plan and execution, defect tracking, change management, all in scope of project version.

By being integrative, QPack provides better tracking and reporting tools, allowing managers to be updated with project progress at all times, provides professional tools for product managers,

QA department and the development teams, integrates with 3rd party tools, submitted to project methodology, and is easy to use and maintain.

QPack is installed in production over 1.5 years, in various High-tech companies, such as

Hardware, software and medical devices.

Some of our production sites include: Alvarion (, SuperDerivatives

(, Quategra (Germany) (, FlashNetworks

(, Incredimail (

Target Countries : Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Company Name: Galilee Investment & Enterprise

Contact Person: Yitzhak Blonder

Job Title: CEO

Address: 2a Hameyasdim St., Nahariya, Israel 22406

Telephone: +972-4-9525304

Fax: +972-4-9525304

Cell Phone: 972-52-3467327


Year of Establishment: 2007

No. of Employees: 4

Business Interest: Joint Venture

Company Activity:

1. Finding investors for Israeli start-up companies

2. Finding strategic partners for Israeli start-up companies.

3. Marketing Israeli inventions.

Target Countries: Worldwide

Company Name: Enrgplus

Contact Person: Noa Zakin

Address: Kfar Vitkin, Israel

Telephone: 972-543234300

Fax: 3721-46224926


Business Interest: We are interested in distributor off cigarettes, sweets, and drinks

Company Activity: we import the energy drink orgazma for all over the world and we sell it in


Target Countries: Worldwide

Company Name: CI Semi, a Division of CI Systems

Contact Person: Shay Tina

Job Title: Director of Sales & Marketing

Address: Ramat Gabriel Ind. Park, Migdal Haemek, ISRAEL

Telephone: +972-4-6448882

Fax: +972-4-6543570

Cell Phone: +972-50-7215732


Year of Establishment: 1983

No. of Employees: 20 / 100


Business Interest: We are looking for a representative

Company Activity: Semiconductor manufacturing equipment – A) In situ wafer temperature monitoring. B) In line wet chemicals monitoring

Target Countries: Singapore (with possible extension to Malaysia)

Company Name: Zuk Marble Products 98 Ltd.

Contact Person: Ofer Adler

Job Title: Sales Manager

Address: Hataas 22, Kfar Saba,44425 Israel

Telephone: 972-9-7661566

Fax: 972-9-7666974

Cell Phone: 972-50-2007644



Business Interest: Export

Company Activity: Export marble and lime stone from Israel-Tiles, Slabs,Cut to size and Blocks.

Target Countries: Europe, USA, Far East

Company Name : High Light Products

Contact Person : Assaf Yitzhaki

Job Title : Co- Founder

Address : 33 Maale Hatzofim St. Ramat Gan, Israel

Telephone : 972-3-6726379

Fax : 972-3-6726379

Cell Phone : 972-54-2224411

E-Mail :

Year of Establishment : 2002

No. of Employees : 4

Website :

Business Interest: High Light Products wishes to meet with distributors from the pet industry, nation wide and local food chain stores and buyers from other commercial enterprises.

Company Activity : High Light Products is an Israeli company dedicated to the development of pet relates solutions for an environment friendly culture

C ompany Name: AMC Technologies

Contact Person: Hilik Arusi

Job Title: General Mgr.

Address: 4 Orlanski St. Petach-Tikva 49571

Telephone: +972-77-432-2538

Fax: +972-577-949-409

Cell Phone: +972-544-932-253 / +972-526-572-538


Year of Establishment: 2004

No. of Employees: 4

Business Interest: Export, Joint-Venture, Investors.

Company Activity: 1. R & D.

2. CNC Control System Manufacturing.

3. Machines and CNC Control system Export to USA.

4. CNC Control Export to S.Korea.

5. Retrofitting Machines in Israel equipped with our Control

as well as Selling new Machines.

Target Countries: Any Potential Country in the Far East.

Company Name: SURON A.C.A LTD

Contact Person: Alon Etziony

Address: Kibbutz maagan Michael. D.N.menashe. 37805. ISRAEL.


Telephone: 972-4-6243559

Fax: 972-4-6243560


No. of Employees: 60


Company Activity: Production of flexible dies for the printing industry

Target Countries: world wide Countries

Company Name: RRSat - Global Communications Network Ltd.

Contact Person: Yaron Schwartz

Job Title: Sales Director - Asia & Africa


Telephone: +972-8-8610524

Fax: +972-8-8610555

Cell Phone: +972-50-8899370



Business Interest : Agent and distributor

Company Activity: RRSat (NASDAQ: RRST) provides global, comprehensive, content management, distribution, contribution, playout and turnaround services to the rapidly expanding television and radio broadcasting industries on 20 satellite platforms. we are looking for cooperation with teleports,tv,radio and date channels


US$ 1 = NIS 4.2175

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