Scenarios Set Handout 0210

Quality Matters Rubric Scenarios (Set A0810)
Handout With Feedback (February 2010)
Applying the QM Rubric Workshop
[Directions: There are 17 scenario questions below. Your facilitator will indicate whether you
will work in small groups or individually. For each question, read the scenario and then
determine whether, according to what you see, the standard is either met or not met. You will
need to provide a rationale for each decision.]
1. The example below shows what a student sees when logging into an online course for the first time
(the course homepage). The syllabus contains instructor contact information and office hours, a
course description, a list of course-level objectives, a course outline, a summary of the grading
policy, information about the text, and a description of the term project.
Standard 1.1: Instructions make clear how to get started and where to find various course components?
a. Does this scenario meet Standard 1.1?
YES or NO (you MUST indicate your decision)
b. Please explain your rationale for your decision.
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2. In a course you are reviewing, you find the following information in a section titled Introduction to
the Course.
Welcome to Cultural Anthropology. I hope that we will have an interesting
semester with this course that meets on the web and every other Tuesday night in
Simons Hall, from 2-5 pm.
To help you, this message outlines what will be your responsibilities and mine. Each
week you will have:
a reading assignment
a short video clip to view
a quiz to take
a small group project,
a discussion to participate in, and
a f2f meeting on alternate weeks.
This may seem like a lot of work, and it is, but remember that this is taking the
place of 2 and 1/2 hours of lecture, plus outside class work in a traditional class.
You should expect to spend at least five hours a week on this course. Hopefully it
should not be over 8 hours a week. To see specific dates for assignments and
tests, go to the Course Calendar. More information about the requirements for
assignments and how I will grade them may be found in the Syllabus. Be sure to
read it!
In a web course, the teacher is a resource to the learning process, while the
student takes a more responsible and central role in the learning. I am here to
help. You can email or phone me, or you can stop by my office on campus during
office hours. If you want me to review projects before they are due, I will gladly
review them. If you want to do the exercises in the Study Guide and have me
review them for accuracy, I am here for you. It is up to YOU to determine how
much you want my assistance.
Standard 1.2: A statement introduces the student to the purpose of the course and to its components;
in the case of a hybrid course, the statement clarifies the relationship between the face-to-face and
online components
a. Does this scenario meet Standard 1.2?
YES or NO (you MUST indicate your decision)
b. Please explain the rationale for your decision.
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3. In a course you are reviewing, you find no module or unit-level objectives. You do see (reprinted
below) a course description and course-level goals on the syllabus.
Course Description
During this course we will be intensely involved in reading and discussing readings
from the modern era (that is, from the 1600’s on), from around the world. We will
consider the common themes that bind us together as human beings on this planet,
as well as recognizing and acknowledging cultural relation of art to life and culture.
There is one major research paper.
Course Goals
This course will contribute to the development of the following General Education
oral and written communication
reading with comprehension
critical thinking
abstract reasoning
appreciation of cultural diversity
use of bibliographic sources
life-long learning
Standard 2.1: The course learning objectives describe outcomes that are measurable.
a. Does this scenario meet Standard 2.1?
YES or NO (you MUST indicate your decision)
b. Please explain the rationale for your decision.
4. Below are the course-level objectives and a sample of the module/unit level objectives for an
organizational communications course.
1. Understand the nature of communicative processes in organizations and the critical
organizational issues that are dependent upon communication.
2. Understand the impact on organizational communication patterns of globalization, increased
diversity in the work place, advancements in communication technology, stakeholder relations,
and ethical standards.
3. Demonstrate effective public speaking, written communication, interpersonal communication,
and team communication.
4. Demonstrate skills necessary for successful communication in organizational settings
Accurately interpreting evidence, statements, graphics, questions, etc.
Analyzing and evaluating major alternative points of view.
Drawing warranted, judicious, and non-fallacious conclusions.
Justifying results and procedures, and explaining assumptions and reasons.
(…continued on next page)
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After completing this module, the student will be able to
Define organizational communication and provide 3 examples of how it is carried out in
the workplace.
2. Compare and contrast four different organizational models.
3. Identify 5 significant communication issues that trouble modern organizations.
Standard 2.2: The module/unit learning objectives describe outcomes that are measurable and
consistent with the course-level objectives.
a. Does this scenario meet Standard 2.2?
YES or NO (you MUST indicate your decision)
b. Please explain your rationale for your decision.
5. You are reviewing a Chemistry course and find the following course level objectives:
Convert pressure given in either units of atmospheres, mm Hg,
inches Hg, torr, or Pa to any of the other units, to the correct
number of significant figures.
Apply classical methods of analytic chemistry and absorption
Analyze experimental data obtained via gravimetric, volumetric,
and instrumental methods of analysis.
Standard 2.3 All learning objectives are stated clearly and written from the students’ perspective.
a. Does this scenario meet Standard 2.3?
YES or NO (you MUST indicate your decision)
b. Please explain your rationale for your decision.
6. In an online course you are reviewing, you find the following course calendar:
Apr 2
1. Complete work in Module 1: Introduction
2. Review PowerPoint slides in Module 1
3. Participate in the Discussion Board
Apr 9
Complete work in Module 2: Standard 1 - Organization!
Navigation! Explanation!
2. Tour the online course
3. Plan your online course policies
4. Participate in the Discussion Boards
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Apr 16
Complete work in Module 3, Standard II – Learning Objectives
Drive Your Course
2. Review your learning objectives – ensure that they are
measurable and identify their level
3. Participate in Discussion Boards
Apr 25
Complete work in Module 4, Standard IV – Assess Your
2. Review your course assessments
3. Participate in the Discussion Boards
May 1
Complete work in Module 5, Standard V – Instructional
2. Explore new sources for instructional resources
3. Participate in the Discussion Board
4. Submit your completed CIP Worksheet
Standard 2.4: Instructions to students on how to meet the learning objectives are adequate and stated
a. Does this scenario meet Standard 2.4?
YES or NO (you MUST indicate your decision)
b. Please explain your rationale for your decision.
7. The Early Childhood Education course you are reviewing has listed the following course level
learning objective:
Design your ideal classroom using features that meet the space, safety, and
comfort needs of very young children.
Students are to produce a model of their ideal classroom, take pictures
of the model, post them on the course website, and also write and post
an essay explaining how the model represents the ideal. Both the
models and the essays will be evaluated according to a grading rubric
distributed along with the class assignment.
Standard 3.1: The types of assessments selected measure the stated learning objectives and are
consistent with course activities and resources.
a. Does this scenario meet Standard 3.1: YES or NO (you MUST indicate your decision)
b. Please explain your rationale for your decision.
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8. As you review a course, you are focusing on Standard 3.2: The course grading policy is stated
clearly. Below is the grading policy you find in the course.
Grading Scale:
Below 60
Evaluation Methods and Criteria:
All examination dates will be announced in the class calendar and will consist of objective type
questions as well as short-answer questions. If you wish to know more about the writing assignment and
how I will grade it, look in the Assignments section of this course. For information on how I will grade
your online discussions, see the Guidelines for Discussions posted on the home page. Examine the Lab
Report Rubric in the Assignments section of the course for information on how I will grad your lab
reports. Quizzes are self-grading and include feedback on each question.
Tests are mandatory, and should be taken at the Testing Center during the allotted time period. There
will be NO make-up examinations. If, for any reason, a student is not able to take a test, the student
must DIRECTLY contact the instructor BEFORE (not during or after) the scheduled test. Bio 101W will
be graded on a 174-point scale, broken down as follows. TOTAL SCORES will be divided by 174 to
determine 90%, 80%, etc.
1. Theory:
149 total points
3 Exams, 15 points each
45 points
1 Final Exam, 15 points
15 points
14 Quizzes, 2 points each
28 points
14 Discussions, 2 points each
28 points
14 Attendance checks*, 2 points each
* students must log in at least twice a week; I will
check "attendance" in WebCT.
28 points
1 Writing Assignment, 5 points
2. Laboratory Grade:
5 points
25 points
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2 practical examinations, 10 points each
20 points
Average of 2 lab reports, 5 points
5 points
Standard 3.2: The course grading policy is stated clearly
a. Does this scenario meet Standard 3.2: YES or NO (you MUST indicate your decision)
b. Please explain your rationale for your decision:
In each module of a business administration course you find a required discussion board activity.
Below is an excerpt from the instructor's directions for these discussions:
Each week you are to post a 7-9 sentence paragraph in which you take a stand
on the issue of the week. You must take a position on the issue (for, against,
undecided) and provide a clear argument for the decision. You may not repeat
an argument already provided by one of your classmates. All discussions have a
possible 10 points and will be graded weekly.
Standard 3.3: Specific and descriptive criteria are provided for the evaluation of students’ work and
a. Does this scenario meet Standard 3.3: YES or NO (to receive full points for this scenario, you
MUST indicate your decision)
b. Please explain how you would improve this scenario in accordance with Standard 3.3.
10. You teach composition and literature courses, and you find yourself reviewing a course in computer
languages, far outside your area of expertise. What should you do to provide a fair rating of
whether the course materials align with the stated learning objectives, as indicated in Standard 4.1:
The instructional materials contribute to the achievement of the stated course and module/unit
learning objectives?
11. Students in an introductory level personal computer skills course are required to purchase, install,
and use a particular audio-capable software package. The instructor has provided the following
directions to students with regard to this software package:
Go to to purchase the required software for our
Follow the directions at this site to purchase, download, and install the required
software. (There are several software packages at this site - be sure that you
have selected the correct software so that you don’t waste your time and
From my description of the software in the syllabus, remember that this must
be downloaded to your hard-drive and fully functional by the third week of
Go to and be sure that you have completed the
appropriate training tutorial by the second week of class.
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Standard 4.2: The relationship between the instructional materials and the learning activities is clearly
explained to the student.
a. Does this scenario meet Standard 4.2? YES or NO (you MUST indicate your decision)
b. Please explain how you would improve this scenario in accordance with Standard 4.2.
12. In a nursing pharmacology course students must learn to recognize and appropriately use a number
of medical terms, abbreviations, and symbols. The instructor has directed them to memorize the
terms, which are given on certain pages in the textbook. As a learning aid, the instructor has
provided a set of online flashcards.
Standard 5.1: The learning activities promote the achievement of the stated learning objectives.
a. Does this scenario meet Standard 5.1? YES or NO (to receive full points for this scenario, you
MUST indicate your decision)
b. Please state the rationale for your decision.
13. You are reviewing a beginning accounting course. The course provides plenty of student-content
interaction through reading of text assignments, viewing demonstrations, working many accounting
problems and checking their solutions. The instructor provides frequent feedback to students via
email, and he promptly answers questions posted by students in the discussion area each week.
However, he has asked students to direct their questions to him rather than to their classmates. On
the Instructor Worksheet, you read that the instructor has discouraged student-to-student
interaction in discussions because he does not want them to answer each others' questions
incorrectly, or present mistaken approaches to problems. He says that the only way to learn
accounting is to "noodle it out by yourself."
Standard 5.2: Learning activities foster instructor-student, content-student, and if appropriate to the
course, student-student interaction.
a. Does this scenario meet Standard 5.2: YES or NO (to receive full points for this scenario, you
MUST indicate your decision)
b. Please explain how you would improve this scenario in accordance with Standard 5.2.
14. On the homepage of a course you are reviewing is a button entitled "Notes on Course Topics." This
links to a commercial website that contains a huge amount of material: outlines, PowerPoints,
animations, exercises, self-test, charts and graphs, and text, all related in some way to the subject of
the course. Assignment directions in the online course say to click on the link, peruse the
commercial website, and find material related to the weekly topic.
Standard 6.1: The tools and media support the learning objectives, and are appropriately chosen to
deliver the content of the course.
a. Does this scenario meet Standard 6.1: YES or NO (you MUST indicate your decision)
b. Please explain how you would improve this scenario in accordance with Standard 6.1.
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15. You are reviewing a linguistics course that focuses on the co-development of language and culture.
In reviewing this course, you come across the following passage that lists and describes supporting
web sites:
The Center for Applied Linguistics - Use this site in week 8 as we discuss
“English As A Second Language” in our public school systems, and as a resource when you write
Paper #3.
The Association for Computational Linguistics -
This site provides information for professional activities and conferences.
Linguistic Anthropology Home Page - This site
is a resource for our discussion of the interplay between language and culture during week 4.
Crossword Puzzles - Practice building your vocabulary
at this site.
Shockwave Game Systems - For a little levity, take a
break from studying and check out this cool site!
Standard 6.2 The tools and media support student engagement and guide the student to become an
active learner.
a. Does this scenario meet Standard 6.2: YES or NO (to receive full points for this scenario, you
MUST indicate your decision)
b. Please explain how you would improve this scenario in accordance with Standard 6.2.
16. You are reviewing a business math course and find the following description of the assessments:
Tests and Quizzes are to be taken on the day specified or in advance on Blackboard. There are 5
tests in the course and 15 quizzes. You are allowed to use any of your class materials for the
quizzes, but NOT the tests. The date that a quiz or test needs to be taken by, will be listed on
Blackboard. Tests are password protected and must be taken in class or in the testing lab H-58
or the testing labs at the PA campuses or in a testing facility near you. The quizzes may be taken
at any location in which you have a reliable Internet connection. Many of the questions are fill in
the blank. Only type in the answer, do not type in units (such as $ or pounds, etc.). Round answers
to the nearest hundredth.
You are only allowed to take each quiz and test once, and I do not curve grades. If a real-life
problem has “no solution”, then just type in the word, “Never”. Students who miss a test due to a
prolonged illness may contact the instructor in advance by telephone or e-mail. I have an
answering machine in my office, so you can leave a message at anytime. This course is NOT, “learn
at your own pace”. You must keep up with the course schedule to be prepared for the tests and
quizzes. If you do not take a test or quiz by the date given on Blackboard under “Tests and
Quizzes” (and you do not give advance notification), you will receive a grade of zero on that test
or quiz. If you take a quiz or test in class or in one of the testing labs and get locked up on
Blackboard, let the test proctor know immediately. The test proctor can then inform me of the
problem so you will be able to complete the quiz or test. If you choose to take a quiz at home and
get locked up, you will not be able to retake the quiz. Blackboard is reset every Friday from 56:30, so do not take a quiz at this time.
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Standard 6.3: Navigation throughout the online components of the course is logical, consistent, and
a. Does this scenario meet Standard 6.3: YES or NO (to receive full points for this scenario, you
MUST indicate your decision)
b. Please explain how you would improve this scenario in accordance with Standard 6.3.
17. The upper level online writing course that you are reviewing is conducted via the instructor’s blog
and email traffic. The syllabus contains the following statements:
Current college’s policies on serving students with disabilities can be obtained at
the Our College website:
If you need accommodation because of a known or suspected disability, you should
contact the director for disabled student services at:
 Voice phone: 555-948-2049
 TTY: 555-948-2050 TTY
 Email:
 Walk In: Hawkins Hall, Room 124 (this building and room are handicapped
Standard 8.1: The course incorporates ADA standards and reflects conformance with institutional policy
regarding accessibility in online and hybrid courses.
a. Does this scenario meet Standard 8.1: YES or NO (you MUST indicate your decision)
b. Please explain how you would improve this scenario in accordance with Standard 8.1.
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