Dream Society: Information and Knowledge Age

Personal information: Name – Title – Affiliation
Dr. Renaldas Gudauskas
Dean University of Vilnius Faculty of Communication
Dr. Soc. Sci., Assoc. Prof. Editor-in-chief Academic papers collection “Informacijos mokslai”
(Information science)
Director of the Institute of Knowledge Management
Contact information: Address – E-mail – Phone – Fax
Universiteto 3, 2734 Vilnius, Lithuania
tel. +370 2 366 101,
fax. +370 2 366 104
E-mail: renaldas.gudauskas@kf.vu.lt
Presentation information: Title – Subject – Scope
Dream Society: Information and Knowledge Age Scenario
Change is the only constant process which exists in the world. But for many nations,
organizations and people, the ability to change is at once critical and elusive; they are
unable to transform themselves even in the face of need. There are also many of them
that seem to be able to change with relative easy and move rapidly to take strategic
Success of society, group or individual now primarily depends on the capabilities to use their
creative skills and knowledge, and not on the capacity to produce. Knowledge and
information, not tangible assets, become the most important asset in modern society.
Emphasis is put not on acquisition of elementary knowledge or realisation of basic skills
alone, but on the importance of life-long-learning.
So, why do some Nations succeed and others fail in the happening Dream Society? Maybe it
is because getting to the future is more a function of resourcefulness than of resources. And
resourcefulness stems not from elegantly structured strategic architecture, but from deeply felt
sense of purpose, a broadly shared dream, a seductive view of tomorrows opportunities.
This paper will describe, how, using scenarios technique, Nations can learn to develop
strategies that promote the most favorable outcome while guarding against least
favorable. We can broaden the limits of our possibilities by creating ambitious future
scenarios. So, scenario planning - a technique designed to provide insight into the
forces that shape the future. Our task is to facilitate the process of building scenarios
rather to present finished Information and Knowledge Age Scenario.
Nord I&D Association in Iceland • P.O. Box 544 • IS-121 Reykjavík, Iceland • www.bokis.is/iod2001 • iod2001@bokis.is