SpeakOUT! Advocacy Resources

SpeakOUT! Advocacy Resources
As of: March 8, 2016
This list is a work in progress. Inclusion
of an organization in this list doesn’t
mean that SpeakOUT! supports the
mission or goals of that organization. For
the latest edition, or to make additions
or corrections to this list, please contact
SpeakOUT! at (212)620-7310 or
speakout@gaycenter.org, or by visiting
our Web site at www.xris.com/speakout.
LGBT ........................................ 1
Statistics .................................. 1
Drug Policy ............................... 2
Harm Reduction ........................ 4
Internet Resources .................... 4
National Resources .................... 5
New York State Regional
Resources ................................. 7
New York City Resources ............ 7
Coalition of Lavender Americans on
Smoking and Health (CLASH)
c/o Lyon Martin Women’s Clinic
1748 Market Street Suite 201
San Francisco, CA 94102
Email: clashofca@aol.com
California Lavender Smokefree Project
116 Montgomery Street – Suite 728
San Francisco, CA 94105
Tel: (415)975-2955
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), US
Department of Justice. Statistics on
drug-related crimes, law enforcement,
courts, and corrections in the United
Statistics on Drugs and Crime;
Drugs and Crime Facts;
Community Epidemiology Work Group
ml. Operated by NIDA
Provides ongoing community-level
surveillance of drug abuse.
Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN)
Operated by SAMHSA
Monitors emergency room and medical
examiner reports.
Institute for Gay and Lesbian Strategic
Studies (IGLSS)
PO Box 53036
Washington, D.C. 20009-3036
Research Office
PO Box 2603
Amherst, MA 01004-2603
Tel: (413) 577-0145
Web: iglss.org
Researches “the social, economic and
psychological impacts of the challenges
faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender people.”
Justice Research and Statistics
Association (JRSA)
777 North Capitol Street, N.E. Suite 801
Washington, DC 20002
Tel: (202) 842-9330
Fax: (202) 842-9329
Email: cjinfo@jrsa.org
Web: jrsainfo.org
Monitoring the Future (MTF)
Web: www.isr.umich.edu/src/mtf/.
Surveys drug use among students,
from 8th grade through college.
SpeakOUT! Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Voices for Recovery
Phone: (212)620-7310 Email: speakout@gaycenter.org
3/8/2016 1:43:00 AM
SpeakOUT! Advocacy Resources
As of: March 8, 2016
National Household Survey on Drug
Abuse (NHSDA)
Web: www.samhsa.gov/NHSDA.htm.
Surveys alcohol, tobacco and other
drug use nationally, with breakdowns by
several factors including region, age (12
years and older), gender, and
race/ethnicity. Conducted by SAMSHA.
Safe Schools Coalition of Washington
Web: www.safeschools-wa.org
Publishes “83,000 Youth,” a summary
of findings from eight surveys of youth
regarding harassment, sexual orientation
and gender orientation and substance
use, among other “risk” factors.
United Nations Office for Drug Control &
Crime Prevention (ODCCP)
Web: www.odccp.org [Note: This Web
site is unusually slow to load.
Statistics on international drug use,
drug trade and drug control efforts.
Drug Policy
Alcohol Epidemiology Program (AEP);
www.epi.umn.edu/alcohol/, School of
Public Health, University of Minnesota in
Researches impact of public alcohol
policy on alcohol use.
California Campaign for New Drug
1250 6th Street #202
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Tel: (310) 394-2952
email: info@drugreform.org
Web: www.drugreform.org
Lobbies for passage of California
Proposition 36, The Substance Abuse
and Crime Prevention Act, which would
require “drug treatment program and
probation for certain non-violent drug
possession offenses and similar parole
Campaign for an Effective Crime Policy
514 - 10th Street N.W. Suite 1000
Washington, D.C. 20004
Tel: (202) 628-1903
Fax: (202) 628-1091
Email: staff@crimepolicy.org
Web: www.crimepolicy.org
 ”an organization of progressive
criminal justice professionals, academics
and community leaders working together
to … educate policy makers, the media
and the public about the relative
effectiveness of various strategies for
improving public safety, including
reforms to the treatment of juveniles,
drug offenders and the mentally ill within
the criminal justice system.”
Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics
PO Box 73481
Davis, CA 95617-3481
Tel: 1.888.950.MIND (6463)
Email: info@cognitiveliberty.org
Web: www.cognitiveliberty.org
Focuses on entheogens, psychedelics
and hallucinogens. Publishes the
Journal of Cognitive Liberties Operates
the Drug Law Library, an online
searchable database of drug-related
national and state laws and court cases
Common Sense for Drug Policy (CSDP)
3220 N Street, NW, #141
Washington, DC 20007
Tel: (703) 354-5694
Fax: (703) 354-5695
Email: info@csdp.org
Web: www.csdp.org
Provides technical assistance to policy
reform individuals and organizations.
Disseminates research, hosts public
forums and informs members of the
Drug Policy Foundation (DPF)
Web: www.dpf.org
SpeakOUT! Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Voices for Recovery
Phone: (212)620-7310 Email: speakout@gaycenter.org
3/8/2016 1:43:00 AM
SpeakOUT! Advocacy Resources
As of: March 8, 2016
Drug Reform Coordination Network
Web: www.drcnet.org
Weekly newsletter published on their
web site and e-mail distribution.
The Marin Institute
Web: www.marininstitute.org
Researches the impacts of public
policy, advertising and other forces on
alcohol use.
Drug Strategies
Web: www.drugstrategies.org
National Association of Drug Court
Professionals (NADCP)
901 N. Pitt Street, Suite 370
Alexandria, VA 22314
Tel: 703-706-0576
Fax: 703-706-0577
Web: www.nadcp.org
Mission: “seeks to reduce substance
abuse, crime and recidivism by
promoting and advocating for the
establishment and funding of Drug
Courts and providing for collection and
dissemination of information, technical
assistance, and mutual support to
association members.”
Families Against Mandatory Minimums
1612 K Street NW, Suite 1400
Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: (202) 822-6700
Fax: (202) 822-6704
Web: www.famm.org/
Advocates for reform of mandatory
sentencing laws and improvement of
sentencing guidelines.
Friends of the Addicted for
Comprehensive Treatment (FACT)
Web: www.factadvocates.org/.
“Advocacy by and for drug users and
their families.”
Justice Policy Institute (JPI), East Coast
1234 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Suite
Washington, DC 20005
Tel: (202) 737-7270
Fax: (202) 737-7271
Web: www.cjcj.org/jpi/
A project of the Center on Juvenile and
Criminal Justice (CJCJ)
The Lindesmith Center (TLC)
Web: www.lindesmith.org/.
Marijuana Policy Project (MPP)
P.O. Box 77492, Capitol Hill
Washington DC, 20013
Web: www.mpp.org/
Lobbies for the reform of federal
marijuana law.
National Association of Sentencing
Advocates (NASA)
514 - 10th Street, NW Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20004
Tel: 202.628.0871
Fax: 202.628.1091
Email: ghebron@sentencingproject.org
Web: www.sentencingproject.org/nasa
National Organization for the Reform of
Marijuana Laws (NORML)
Web: www.norml.org
“… serves as an informational resource
to the national media on marijuanarelated stories; lobbies state and federal
legislators to permit the medical use of
marijuana and to reject recent attempts
to treat minor marijuana offenses more
harshly; and serves as the umbrella
group for a national network of citizen
activists committed to ending marijuana
RAND Drug Policy Research Center
Web: www.rand.org/centers/dprc/
SpeakOUT! Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Voices for Recovery
Phone: (212)620-7310 Email: speakout@gaycenter.org
3/8/2016 1:43:00 AM
SpeakOUT! Advocacy Resources
As of: March 8, 2016
Reconsider: Forum on Drug Policy,
Syracuse, NY
Web: www.reconsider.org
Drug policy reform, especially New
York State Rockefeller Drug Laws.
The Sentencing Project
514 - 10th Street, NW Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20004
Tel: (202) 628-0871
Fax: (202) 628-1091
Email: staff@sentencingproject.org
Web: www.sentencingproject.org
 Coordinates the Campaign for an
Effective Crime Policy  Sponsors the
National Association of Sentencing
Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP)
Web: www.ssdp.org
 “…working to involve youth in the
political process, and promoting an
open, honest, and rational discussion of
alternative solutions to our nation's drug
problems.” – SSDP Mission Statement
White House Office of National Drug
Control Policy (ONDCP)
Web: www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov
Harm Reduction
National Office
Tel: 510-834-7500
Email: dsusa@dancesafe.org.
Web: www.dancesafe.org/.
Applies harm reduction model to
club/rave settings, especially use of
“club drugs” such as ecstasy, GHB, etc.
Harm Reduction Coalition (HRC)
East Coast Office
22 West 27th Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10001
Tel: (212) 213-6376
Fax: (212) 213-6582
e-mail: hrc@harmreduction.org
Web: www.harmreduction.org/.
Operates the Harm Reduction Training
Project SERO (Syringe Exchange
Resources Online);
www.projectsero.org/, a project of the
Drug Reform Coalition Foundation.
Internet Resources
These resources provide specialized
drug-related search, index, database or
other resources accessible from the
Web, newsgroups or electronic mail.
Alcohol and Alcohol Problems Science
Database (ETOH); etoh.niaaa.nih.gov/.
 A searchable, indexed bibliography of
alcohol and alcoholism studies and
research. A February 2000 search for
abstracts which contained the word
“lesbian” turned up over 100 references
from 1999 back to 1976.
Alcohol Industry & Policy Database;
marin.andornot.com/, operated by the
Marin Institute, www.marininstitute.org/.
 A searchable, indexed bibliography of
“over thirteen thousand articles and
news stories about the alcohol beverage
industry, alcohol policy, and prevention
The Alcohol Policies Project, Center for
Science in the Public Interest (CSPI);
The Alliance Project;
 Publishes the Recovery Community
Directory, an online directory of recovery
community groups around the country.
SpeakOUT! Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Voices for Recovery
Phone: (212)620-7310 Email: speakout@gaycenter.org
3/8/2016 1:43:00 AM
SpeakOUT! Advocacy Resources
As of: March 8, 2016
Center for Substance Abuse Research
(CESAR); www.cesar.umd.edu/,
University of Maryland.
DrugNews Index, Media Awareness
Project (MAP)
Web: www.mapinc.org/drugnews/
Searchable index of drug-related news
clippings. Also operates the DrugnewsDigest mailing list.
Indiana Prevention Resource Center
(IPRC): Dictionary of Street Drug Slang
Web: www.drugs.indiana.edu/slang/
Searchable index of drug-related
Join Together Online (JTO)
Web: www.jointogether.org/sa/
Supports grass-roots, community
organizing. Weekly or daily e-mail
digest of substance use news items and
funding information.
Legislative Alert Network (LAN). E-mail
or fax notification on pending legislation.
Operated by NAADAC.
The Lindesmith Center, Drug Policy
Research Institute
Web: www.lindesmith.org/.
Maintains searchable database of
documents and reports related to public
policy, an online discussion forum, and
numerous e-mail lists focusing on drug
policy from economic, criminal justice,
and public health perspectives. Funded
by the Soros Foundation; www.soros.org
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug
Dependence (NCADD); www.ncadd.org/.
Operates the Registry of Addiction
Recovery (ROAR) for people willing to
speak publicly about their experiences in
National Drug Strategy Network
(NDSN); www.ndsn.org/. Funded by the
Criminal Justice Policy Foundation;
 Yellow pages-style listings of many
drug-related resources, organized by
National Substance Abuse Web Index
(NSAWI); nsawi.health.org/.
 Consolidated search of over 25 drugrelated Web sites. A February 1999
search for the word “lesbian” turned up
over 340 matches.
The Online Library of Drug Policy;
www.druglibrary.org/, operated by the
Drug Reform Coordination Network
 ”The world’s largest online library of
drug policy.”
A searchable, indexed bibliography of
medical research abstracts, including
alcohol, substance use, etc. Hosted by
the National Library of Medicine.
National Resources
In alphabetical order by organization
Multidisciplinary Association for
Psychedelic Studies (MAPS);
Funds and publishes research on the
therapeutic uses of psychedelic drugs,
MDMA (ecstasy) and marijuana.
SpeakOUT! Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Voices for Recovery
Phone: (212)620-7310 Email: speakout@gaycenter.org
3/8/2016 1:43:00 AM
SpeakOUT! Advocacy Resources
As of: March 8, 2016
Addiction Science Research and
Education Center
College of Pharmacy
The University of Texas
Austin, TX 78712
Tel: 512-475-9568
Email: ltmeyer@mail.utexas.edu
Web: www.utexas.edu/research/asrec/
Publishes addiction-related
presentation and workshop materials for
general audiences
American Society of Addiction Medicine
4601 North Park Ave, Arcade Suite 101
Chevy Chase, M.D. 20815
Tel: 301/656-3920
Fax: 301/656-3815
Email: Email@asam.org
Web: asam.org
Publishes the ASAM News and Journal
of Addictive Diseases
Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
(CSAP); www.samhsa.gov/csap/.
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment
(CSAT); www.samhsa.gov/csat/.
SpeakOUT! is one of the Recovery
Community Support Programs (RCSPs)
funded by grants from CSAT.
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA),
US Department of Justice;
Gay and Lesbian Medical Association
459 Fulton Street, Suite 107
San Francisco, CA 94102
Tel: 415-255-4547
Fax: 415-255-4784
Email: info@glma.org
Web: www.glma.org/.
“… promotes quality health care for
LGBT and HIV-positive people, fosters a
professional climate in which its diverse
members can achieve their full potential,
and supports members challenged by
discrimination on the basis of sexual
orientation.”  Publishes the Journal of
the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association.
The Higher Education Center for Alcohol
and Other Drug Prevention
c/o Education Development Center, Inc.
55 Chapel Street
Newton, MA 02458
Tel: (800) 676-1730
Fax: (617) 928-1537
E-mail: HigherEdCtr@edc.org
Web: www.edc.org/hec/
National Association of Alcoholism and
Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC)
Web: www.naadac.org
Operates the Legislative Alert Network
(LAN) Publishes “Advocacy Update,” a
bi-monthly newsletter free to LAN
subscribers, on “alcohol and drug
treatment and prevention policy.”
Their Web site mentions a “Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual, Transgender SIG [Special
Interest Group]” but provides no
additional information.
National Association of Lesbian & Gay
Addiction Professionals (NALGAP)
1911 Fort Myer Drive, #900
Arlington, VA 22209
Tel: 703-741-7686, ext. 123
Fax: 703-741-7698
SpeakOUT! Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Voices for Recovery
Phone: (212)620-7310 Email: speakout@gaycenter.org
3/8/2016 1:43:00 AM
SpeakOUT! Advocacy Resources
As of: March 8, 2016
National Center on Addiction and
Substance Abuse at Columbia University
(CASA); www.casacolumbia.org/
The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol
and Drug Information (NCADI);
www.health.org/, a service of SAMSHA.
 Lists “Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual”
publications, resources and referrals;
www.health.org/multicul/gay. 
“Substance Abuse Prevention &
Treatment Issues”;
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
Alcoholism (NIAAA);
Hosts ETOH (see Internet resources)
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Web: www.nida.nih.gov
National Organization of Gay and
Lesbian Scientists and Technical
Professionals (NOGLSTP)
PO BOX 91803
Tel: 626.791.7689
Web: noglstp.org
”NOGLSTP's goals include dialog with
professional organizations, disseminating
information, improving our members'
employment and professional
environment, opposing anti-queer
discrimination and stereotypes,
educating the gay, scientific, and general
communities, and fostering inter-city
contacts among our members.”
Partnership for a Drug-Free America
Web: www.drugfreeamerica.org
Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration (SAMSHA)
Web: www.samhsa.gov
Working Partners;
U.S Department of Labor.
 Focuses on workplace issues of
substance use, abuse and treatment,
including the Drug-Free Workplace Act of
New York State Regional
Alcoholism & Substance Abuse Providers
of New York State [ASAPNYS]
99 Pine Street - Suite 109
Albany, New York 12207
Tel: (518) 426-3122
Fax: (518) 426-1046
Email: asap@asapnys.org
Web: www.asapnys.org
Center of Alcohol Studies, Rutgers
University; www.rci.rutgers.edu/~cas2/.
New Jersey Department of Health and
Senior Services, Division of Addiction
Statewide [New York] Black and Puerto
Rican / Latino Substance Abuse Task
146-15 Rockaway Boulevard
Jamaica, NY 11436
Tel: 718/ 322-7341
Fax: 718/ 322-7359
Web: www.nytaskforce.org/
New York City Resources
American Indian Community House
Alcohol & Substance Abuse Department
404 Lafayette Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10003-6946
Email: healthaich@aol.com (AICH Health
Web: www.aich.org
The Web of Addictions;
SpeakOUT! Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Voices for Recovery
Phone: (212)620-7310 Email: speakout@gaycenter.org
3/8/2016 1:43:00 AM
SpeakOUT! Advocacy Resources
As of: March 8, 2016
Asian & Pacific Islander Coalition on
275 Seventh Ave - Suite 1204
New York, New York 10001
voice: (212) 620-7287
fax: (212) 620-7323
Web: www.apicha.org
Callen-Lorde Community Health Center
356 West 18 Street
New York, NY 10011
Web: www.callen-lorde.org/.
 “… the nation's premier medical
facility for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender community – as well as
people living with HIV/AIDS.”
Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies
The Graduate Center
City University of New York
Room 7.115
365 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212.817.1955
Email: clags@gc.cuny.edu
Web: web.gc.cuny.edu/clags/
”dedicated to the study of historical,
cultural, and political issues of vital
concern to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgendered individuals.” “serves as
a national center for the promotion of
scholarship that fosters social change.”
Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC)
Substance Use Counseling and Education
The Tisch Building
119 West 24 Street
New York, NY 10011
Hotline: 1-800-AIDS-NYC
Web: www.gmhc.org/.
 AIDS-related support services,
advocacy and education.
Lower East Side Harm Reduction
Center (LESHRC)
100 Avenue C
New York, NY, 10009
Ph: 212 477 6863
Fx: 212 477 7015
New York City Gay & Lesbian AntiViolence Project (AVP)
240 West 35th Street
New York, NY 10001
Office: (212)714-1184
Hotline: (212)714-1141
TTY: (212)714-1134 (TTY)
Web: www.avp.org/.
A crime victim service agency
addressing bias incidents and hate
crimes, domestic violence, sexual
assault, and AIDS/HIV-related violence.
Operates the “Safe Bars” program.
New York harm Reduction Educators
903 Dawson Street
Bronx NY 10459
Tel: (718)842-6050
Fax: (718)842-7001
Web: nyhre.org
”Services - Needle exchange (clean
needles and syringes) - Distribution of
harm reduction materials - HIV/AIDS
and harm reduction education - On-site
medical services - Referrals to medical
and social services - Participant-driven
Office of Gay and Lesbian Health
Concerns (OGLHC)
New York City Department of Health
125 Worth Street
New York, NY 10013
Positive Health Project (PHP)
301 West 37th Street, 2nd Floor
NY, NY 10018
Tel. (212) 465-8304
Fax. (212) 465-8306
Web: www.positivehealthproject.org
SpeakOUT! Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Voices for Recovery
Phone: (212)620-7310 Email: speakout@gaycenter.org
3/8/2016 1:43:00 AM
SpeakOUT! Advocacy Resources
As of: March 8, 2016
Project Connect, The New York City
Lesbian & Gay Community Services
Web: www.gaycenter.org
Recovery support and referral
services, advocacy and education for
transgender, lesbian, gay and bisexual
SpeakOUT! Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
Transgender Voices for Recovery
The New York City Lesbian & Gay
Community Services Center
Web: www.gaycenter.org
Advocates for the recovery and
treatment needs of transgender, lesbian,
gay and bisexual people and
communities, their friends, families and
loved ones. Funded 1998-2001 by a
grant from the Center for Substance
Abuse Treatment, SAMSHA.
Young Adults Against Drugs & Alcohol
2390 Grand Concourse, 2nd Floor
Bronx, NY 10458
Tel: (718)364-9529
Fax: (718)364-0667
Web: yadda.org
SpeakOUT! Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Voices for Recovery
Phone: (212)620-7310 Email: speakout@gaycenter.org
3/8/2016 1:43:00 AM