Did you know that between 6*-10% of the population are lesbian, gay or bisexual? (*UK Treasury Estimates). Did you know that people who are lesbian, gay and bisexual experience considerable sexual, physical and mental health inequalities? Did you know that the key barriers for people who are lesbian, gay or bisexual in accessing mainstream statutory and voluntary health promotion and services are Homophobia, Fear of Homophobia, Internalised Homophobia and Heterosexism? The Rainbow Project will be delivering Sexual Orientation Awareness training sessions for Community, Voluntary and Statutory service providers and policy makers. Places are supported by the and Southern Area PHA and are therefore FREE. Understanding same-sex attraction and use of appropriate terminology Key health inequalities experienced by people who are same-sex attracted Forms of homophobia and heterosexism Barriers to accessing mainstream statutory/community/voluntary service provision Mental and Sexual Health Outcomes for people who are LGB Legislative and social policy context Tips for improvement of practice This training will be of benefit to all those involved in direct service delivery, policy development and equality/diversity work, and specifically for those working in Mental Health, Suicide Prevention, Drugs and Alcohol and Sexual Health. The Training dates are as follows: DATE VENUE Friday 1st of March 2013 Banbridge React, Banbridge Friday 8th of March 2013 PIPS Newry and Mourne, Newry Full details and further information will be issued in advance of the training. (Lunch will be provided). Training runs from 9:30am to 4:30pm. Places are strictly limited to 20 places per session and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. To reserve a place please complete the application form below (giving all the information requested) and return to admin@rainbow-project.org (please cc your mail to Malachai@rainbow-project.org). Incomplete forms will not be processed. For any further information please contact Malachai O’Hara Malachai@rainbow-project.org or Aidan Donegan admin@rainbow-project.org Tel 02890319030 All sections MUST be fully completed Date of Training: ____________________________ Full Name: _________________________________ Organisation: _______________________________ Job Title: ___________________________________ E Mail Address: ______________________________ Contact Telephone No: ________________________ Line Manager’s E Mail: ________________________ Special Dietary/Access Requirements? ___________ ____________________________________________