Placement Information Sheet

Behavioural Science Programs
George Brown College
George Brown – Toronto City College
Behavioural Science Technology Program and
Autism and Behavioural Science
Placement Information Sheet
Note: The electronic version of this form can be found at the Placement Providers link at
Name: _____________________________
Organization: ___________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Postal Code: _________________________
Best time to contact: ______________________
Phone: __________
Email: __________________________
Fax: ___________
Is the placement accessible by public transportation? Yes / No
If so, which is the closest station / stop? ________________________________________________
Client Population Served: ___________________________________________________________
Type(s) of Service Provided (Check all that apply):
Residential _____
Day Program _____
Outreach _____
Educational _____
Vocational _____
Rehabilitation _____
Treatment _____
Behavioural Science Technology Program
Student supervision will be provided by a(n) ________________________ (Profession / Title)
Placements for First Year students are for four (4) hours per week for 14 weeks from January 9, 2006 to April 21, 2006
with an Intersession break from February 27 – March 3, 2006.
Placements for Second and Third Year students are 7-week (37.5 hrs per week) block placements. The dates for these
placements are:
Winter Semester I
March 6 – April 21, 2006
Winter Semester II
April 24 – June 10, 2006 (Intensive Students Only)
Number of students you can support:
Winter Semester I
Winter Semester II
First Year students (4 hours
per week for 14 weeks)
Second Year / Intensive
Program students (37.5
hours per week for 7-weeks)
Third Year / Intensive
Program students (37.5
hours per week for 7-weeks)
Autism and Behavioural Science Program
The second Field Placement is a 7-week (37.5 hrs per week) block placement. The dates for this placement are March 6
to April 22, 2006.
Number of students you can support:
Winter Semester
Second Placement (37.5 hours per
week for 7-weeks)
Thank you for participating in the George Brown College Behavioural Science programs!
Behavioural Science Programs
George Brown College
Please provide a brief description of the placement including the hours of work, learning experiences, and activities that
would be relevant to the placement.
Other assets / needs relevant to this placement:
Please fax your response to 416-415-2646, Attention: Andrew McNamara or via email to
Thank you for participating in the George Brown College Behavioural Science programs!