2012 CEANA Program in Chicago AEA-CEANA Joint Session Session Title: Macroeconomics of Financial Markets (G1) Date and Time: Saturday, Jan 07, 2012 10:15 am Location: Hyatt Regency, New Orleans Presiding: LEE OHANIAN (University of California-Los Angeles) Can Credit Market Information Improve Labor Market Outcomes? TZU-YING DAPHNE CHEN (Florida State University) DEAN CORBAE (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Is the Volatility of the Market Price of Risk Due to Intermittent Portfolio Re-balancing? YILI CHIEN (Purdue University) HAROLD COLE (University of Pennsylvania) HANNO LUSTIG (University of California-Los Angeles) Financial Markets and Unemployment TOMMOASO MONACELLI (Bocconi University) VINCENZO QUADRINI (University of Southern California) ANTONELLA TRIGARI (Bocconi University) The Limited Contribution of Financial Crises to Depressions GIANG HO (International Monetary Fund) ELLEN MCGRATTAN (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis) LEE OHANIAN (University of California-Los Angeles) Discussants: BEEN-LON CHEN (Academia Sinica) SHU-CHUN SUSAN YANG (International Monetary Fund) YI-CHAN TSAI (University of Tokyo) TZU-YING DAPHNE CHEN (Florida State University) ASSA-CEANA Joint Session Session Title: Exchange Rates and the Macroeconomy (F4) Date and Time: Saturday, Jan 07, 2012 2:30 pm Location: Hyatt Regency, New Orleans Presiding: Ben-Chieh Liu (Chicago State University) Exchange Rates in a World of ZIRP, and After Menzie Chinn (University of Wisconsin at Madison) Pegs and Pain Stephanie Schmitt-Grohé (Columbia University) Martin Uribe (Columbia University) Risk versus Expectations in Exchange Rate Determination: A Macro-Finance Approach Yu-Chin Chen (University of Washington) Kwok Ping Tsang (Virginia Tech) Can Credit Constraints Amplify Macroeconomic Fluctuations? Zheng Liu (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco) Pengfei Wang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) Tao Zha (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta) Discussants: Wan-Jiun P. Chiou (Shippensburg University) Masanori Kashiwagi (National Taiwan University) Yong Bao (Purdue University) Sharon G. Harrison (Barnard College, Columbia University) CEANA-NTU-TEA Sessions Session 1 Title: Applied/Empirical Economics I Date and Time: Friday January 6, 2012; 8:00 – 10:00AM Location: Hyatt Regency, Stetson Suite D Session Chair: Hung-Jen Wang (National Taiwan University; wangh@ntu.edu.tw) 4 Papers 1. Ya-Chi Lin (National Applied Research Laboratories, Taiwan), and Kuo-Chun Yeh (Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance and National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan; ecdkcy@ccu.edu.tw) – The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the EMU Enlargement: An Econometric Test and its Implications to East Asia 2. Ju-Chin Huang (University of New Hampshire; jchuang@cisunix.unh.edu), Daigee Shaw (Academia Sinica, Taiwan), Yu-Lan Chen (National Taipei University), and Min Qiang Zhao (Arizona State University and Xiamen University, China) – Valuing Public Goods through Demand for Related Commodities: Theory and Empirics 3. Lok Sang Ho (Lingnan University, Hong Kong; lsho@ln.edu.hk) – A New Monetary Conditions Index: An Empirical Test Using US and HK Data 4. Yi-Yi Chen (Tamkang University, Taiwan), Peter Schmidt (Michigan State University and Yonsei University, South Korea), and Hung-Jen Wang (National Taiwan University; wangh@ntu.edu.tw) – Consistent Estimation of the Fixed Effects Stochastic Frontier Model 4 Discussants 1. Lok Sang Ho (Lingnan University, Hong Kong; lsho@ln.edu.hk) 2. Chu-Ping C. Vijverberg (Wichita State University; chuping.vijverberg@wichita.edu) 3. Kuo-Chun Yeh (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan; ecdkcy@ccu.edu.tw) 4. Ju-Chin Huang (University of New Hampshire; jchuang@cisunix.unh.edu) Session 2 Title: Macroeconomics I Date and Time: Friday January 6, 2012; 10:15AM – 12:15PM Location: Hyatt Regency, Stetson Suite D Session Chair: Been-Lon Chen (Academia Sinica, Taiwan; bchen@econ.cinica.edu.tw) 4 Papers 1. Ying-Syuan Li (Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan; ysli@mail.fju.edu.tw), and Yiting Li (National Taiwan University) – Liquidity, Asset Prices, and Credit Constraints 2. Shu-Hua Chen (National Taipei University, Taiwan; shchen@mail.ntpu.edu.tw), and JangTing Guo (University of California, Riverside) – On Indeterminacy and Growth under Progressive Taxation and Productive Government Spending 3. Tzu-Ying Daphne Chen (Florida State University; dchen@fsu.edu) – The Impact of Personal Bankruptcy on Labor Supply Decisions 4. Been-Lon Chen (Academia Sinica, Taiwan; bchen@econ.cinica.edu.tw), and Chia-Hui Lu (National Taipei University, Taiwan) – Elastic Labor Supply and Endogenous Growth in a Matching Model 4 Discussants 1. Tzu-Ying Daphne Chen (Florida State University; dchen@fsu.edu) 2. Chia-Hui Lu (National Taipei University, Taiwan; chlu@mail.ntpu.edu.tw) 3. Shu-Hua Chen (National Taipei University, Taiwan; shchen@mail.ntpu.edu.tw) 4. Ying-Syuan Li (Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan; ysli@mail.fju.edu.tw) Session 3 Title: Macroeconomics II Date and Time: Friday January 6, 2012; 12:30 – 2:30PM Location: Hyatt Regency, Stetson Suite D Session Chair: Shu-Chun Susan Yang (International Monetary Fund; syang@imf.org) 4 Papers 1. Chu Ping Lo (National Taiwan University; cplo@ntu.edu.tw) – International Outsourcing and Sub-contract: The Role of Middlemen 2. Minchung Hsu (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan; minchunghsu@grips.ac.jp), and Pei-Ju Liao (Academia Sinica, Taiwan) – Financing National Health Insurance and Challenge of Fast Population Aging 3. Masanori Kashiwagi (National Taiwan University; mkashiwagi@ntu.edu.tw) – Exchange Rate Volatility and Welfare Implications in an Open Economy with International Currencies 4. Wen-Yi Shen (Indiana University), and Shu-Chun Susan Yang (International Monetary Fund; syang@imf.org) – Government Spending Effects in Small-Open Economies with Limited Capital Mobility 4 Discussants 1. Masanori Kashiwagi (National Taiwan University; mkashiwagi@ntu.edu.tw) 2. Shu-Chun Susan Yang (International Monetary Fund; syang@imf.org) 3. Chu Ping Lo (National Taiwan University; cplo@ntu.edu.tw) 4. . Minchung Hsu (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan; minchunghsu@grips.ac.jp) Session 4 Title: Applied/Empirical Economics II Date and Time: Friday January 6, 2012; 2:45 – 4:45PM Location: Hyatt Regency, Stetson Suite D Session Chair: Tin-Chun Lin (Indiana University – Northwest; tinlin@iun.edu) 4 Papers 1. Hung-Hao Chang (National Taiwan University; hunghaochang@ntu.edu.tw) – Social Security Pension System and the Succession Plan of Family Farms in Taiwan: Evidence of A Large-scale Population-based Survey 2. Ji-Liang Shiu (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan), and Meng-Chi Tang (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan; ecdmct@ccu.edu.tw) – Household Preferences for EmployerProvided Health Insurance: An Empirical Discrete Games Approach 3. Fung-Mey Huang (National Taiwan University; fmhuang@ntu.edu.tw), and Yu-Ning Chien (National Taiwan University) – Short-run and Long-run Impacts of Tobacco Tax on Teenager’s Smoking? A ten-year Longitudinal Study 4. Tin-Chun Lin (Indiana University – Northwest; tinlin@iun.edu) – Does Absenteeism Significantly Affect Exam Performance? 4 Discussants 1. Tin-Chun Lin (Indiana University – Northwest; tinlin@iun.edu) 2. Hung-Hao Chang (National Taiwan University; hunghaochang@ntu.edu.tw) 3. Meng-Chi Tang (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan; ecdmct@ccu.edu.tw) 4. Fung-Mey Huang (National Taiwan University; fmhuang@ntu.edu.tw) Session 5 Title: Applied/Empirical Economics III Date and Time: Saturday January 7, 2012; 8:00 – 10:00AM Location: Hyatt Regency, Stetson Suite D Session Chair: Victor Lux Tonn (Salve University; tonnv@salve.edu) 4 Papers 1. Chun-Fang Chiang (National Taiwan University; chunfang@ntu.edu.tw), Jin-Tan Liu (National Taiwan University), and Tsai-Wei Wen (National Taiwan University) – Economic Integration and National Identity 2. Ben-Chieh Liu (Chicago State University; bencliu678@hotmail.com), Jan-Jo Chen (Chicago State University), Jian-Chern Chen (Northwestern Polytechnic University), Johnson John (Chicago State University), and Lee-Hsuan Lin (Yuan-Ze University, Taiwan) – Economic Growth and Wealth Accumulation: Distributional Patterns among the Richest Billionaires in China and USA, 2005 and 2009 3. Elliott Fan (National Taiwan University; elliottfan@ntu.edu.tw), Xin Meng (Australian National University), Zichao Wei (Brown University), and Guochang Zhao (Australian National University) – Rates of Return to University Education: An Application of Regression Discontinuity Design 4. Victor Lux Tonn (Salve University; tonnv@salve.edu) – Xystematic Models of Cultures and Economic Advancement 4 Discussants 1. Elliott Fan (National Taiwan University; elliottfan@ntu.edu.tw) 2. Victor Lux Tonn (Salve University; tonnv@salve.edu) 3. Chun-Fang Chiang (National Taiwan University; chunfang@ntu.edu.tw) 4. Ben-Chieh Liu (Chicago State University; bencliu678@hotmail.com) Session 6 Title: International Finance Date and Time: Saturday January 7, 2012; 10:15AM – 12:15PM Location: Hyatt Regency, Stetson Suite D Session Chair: Wan-Jiun P. Chiou (Shippensburg University; WPChio@ship.edu) 4 Papers 1. Michael Funke (Hamburg University, Germany), and Tai-Kuang Ho (National Tsing Hwa University, Taiwan; tkho@mx.nthu.edu.tw) – Exchange-Rate Regimes and the Severity and Length of the Global Crisis: What Does the Cross-country Evidence Really Show? 2. Wenling Lin (Office of the Comptroller of the Currency; wenling.lin@occ.treas.gov) – International Equity Diversification: Small-Cap and Small-Market Effects 3. Ben Tomlin (Bank of Canada), and Loretta Fung (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan; phfung@mx.nthu.edu.tw) – The Effect of Exchange Rate Movements on Heterogeneous Plants: A Quantile Regression Analysis 4. Wan-Jiun P. Chiou (Shippensburg University; WPChio@ship.edu), and Kuntara Pukthuanthong (San Diego State University) – Time-Variation in the International Diversification Benefits 4 Discussants 1. Loretta Fung (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan; phfung@mx.nthu.edu.tw) 2. Wan-Jiun P. Chiou (Shippensburg University; WPChio@ship.edu) 3. Tai-Kuang Ho (National Tsing Hwa University, Taiwan; tkho@mx.nthu.edu.tw) 4. Wenling Lin (Office of the Comptroller of the Currency; wenling.lin@occ.treas.gov) Session 7 Title: Public Economics Date and Time: Saturday January 7, 2012; 12:30 – 2:30PM Location: Hyatt Regency, Stetson Suite D Session Chair: Yew-Kwang Ng (Monash University, Australia; kwang.ng@monash.edu) 4 Papers 1. Marcus Berliant (Washington University in St. Louis), and Charles C. Yu (National Tsing Hwa University, Taiwan; chaoenyu@mx.nthu.edu.tw) – Locational Signalling and Agglomeration 2. P.C. Roger Cheng (National Central University, Taiwan; paochih@mgt.ncu.edu.tw) – Credential Competing among Heterogeneous Contestants: Effects of the Pass Rate and Test Discriminability 3. Fan-Chin Kung (East Carolina University; kungf@ecu.edu) – Corporate Social Responsibility and Public Goods Provision 4. Waka Cheung (Monash University, Australia), and Yew-Kwang Ng (Monash University, Australia; kwang.ng@monash.edu) – Gender Division of Labor and Alimony 4 Discussants 1. Yew-Kwang Ng (Monash University, Australia; kwang.ng@monash.edu) 2. Charles C. Yu (National Tsing Hwa University, Taiwan; chaoenyu@mx.nthu.edu.tw) 3. P.C. Roger Cheng (National Central University, Taiwan; paochih@mgt.ncu.edu.tw) 4. Fan-Chin Kung (East Carolina University; kungf@ecu.edu) Session 8 Title: Labor Economics Date and Time: Saturday January 7, 2012; 2:45 – 4:45PM Location: Hyatt Regency, Stetson Suite D Session Chair: Shu-Shiuan Lu (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan; sslu@mx.nthu.edu.tw) 4 Papers 1. Xueyu Cheng (Alabama State University; xcheng@alasu.edu) – Does Attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities Affect College Completion? 2. Sanae Tashiro (Rhode Island College; stashiro@ric.edu), and Masa K. Naito (Nigata University, Japan) – “Dispatched” Temporary Workers in Japan’s Lost Decades: Evidence from the Japanese Panel Survey of Consumers 3. Winnie Fung (Wheaton College; winnie.fung@wheaton.edu), and Omar Robles (Bureau of Labor Statistics) – Short and Long-Term Effects of Prenatal Blood Testing Laws 4. Shu-Shiuan Lu (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan; sslu@mx.nthu.edu.tw) – Labor Structural Transformation and Labor Productivity Growth: A Comparison of Asian and Latin American Countries 4 Discussants 1. Winnie Fung (Wheaton College; winnie.fung@wheaton.edu) 2. Shu-Shiuan Lu (National Tsing Hwa University, Taiwan; sslu@mx.nthu.edu.tw) 3. Xueyu Cheng (Alabama State University; xcheng@alasu.edu) 4. Sanae Tashiro (Rhode Island College; stashiro@ric.edu)