CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL DETAILS: Date of Birth: 01-January-1977 Nationality: Cambodian Sex: Male Office Address: CDRI, 56 Street 315. Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA Office telephone: 855-23-881 701/881 384 Hand phone: 855-12-702 840 E-mail: Personal E-mail: EDUCATION: Holding bachelor degree of Economic Development at Royal University of Law and Economic Currently, I’m Studying Master of Development Studies at Royal University of Phnom Penh. Training courses attended: - Research Training at CDRI, 2009-2010. - Data Analysis using STATA software at CDRI, 2009 - Advanced Poverty Analysis with World Bank held on 30 June to 04 July 2008 - Qualitative Data Analysis with Nvivo software at CDRI held on 21-25 July 2008 - GIS and Mapping from 14-22 February 2006 with DataCam. - The Introduction to General Methodology in Social Research from August-2003 up to December 2004 at CRD. - Project Planning Methodology held 11-16, March 2002 with CRD. - SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) Held on: October 2002. - Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) held 21-25 May, 2001 with CRD. - Computer software skills: MS. Offices, SPSS, and STATA, QSR Nvivo , ArcGIS Other Skills trained: Years/ places Courses Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Mapping Focus Group Interview/discussion (FGI/D) Questionnaire Survey (QS) Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) Data Collection Methods (DCM) Basic analysis using SPSS software From 2001 up to 2007, various organizations, Frequently in Phnom Penh and some in provinces. Tasks Facilitator and Co-trainer Co-trainer, field facilitator Co-trainer, field facilitator Co-trainer, field facilitator Co-trainer, field facilitator Trainer EMPLOYMENT: From Feb-2008 To Description of the Position Held and Major Responsibility Name of work place Cambodia’s Leading Independent Development Policy Present and Institution: Research Institute (CDRI) Position Held: Research Assistant Poverty, Agriculture and Rural Development Unit Current Projects Involved CDRI-IFPRI Stock taking on Food Security, Nutrition, and Agricultural Development Policy in Cambodia Policy Coherence for Agriculture and Rural Development Development of impact assessment methodology for mine 1/2 action sector in Cambodia resilience of community fisheries in the Tonle Sap Lake: Collective action and the capacity to manage resource competition Poverty Dynamic Study Youth Situation Analysis Enhancing the effectiveness of Rural Productive Services Delivery Systems Assessment of the Impacts of the Economic Crisis on Cambodian Households TA-6490-REG: Assessing the socio-economic effects of the Greater Sub-region Project Logistics preparation and budget for field survey. Involved along research designed Suppervised field data collection both quantitative and qualitative data. Literature review Data analysis by using software SPSS, STATA, and Nvivo. Data Research, Analysis and Consultancy Services in Cambodia (DataCam) Trainer, Data Analysis Specialist, Assistant Team Leader Research Study, Baseline Assessment, Mid-term or Final Project Evaluation, Impact Assessment, Training Provision Education Livelihood Improvement and Poverty Reduction Integrated Community Development Sustainable Agriculture Development and Practices Building Major Task and Responsibility: Sept 2005 Name of work place Jan 2008 and Institution: Positions held: Main project features: Working Dimensions and Areas Cover Client: Location: Feb.2002 Jan. 2005 Name of work place and Institution: Position Held: Project Involved Major Task and Responsibility: Both local and international NGOs Various research site across the rural, urban areas of the country Cambodian Researchers for Development (CRD) Surveyor, quantitative data supervisor Socio-economic Survey of Garment Factory Employees Evaluation of National Tetanus Immunization Project Survey on Cambodians' Perception and Attitude toward Blood Donation. Field data collection and produced quantitative data analysis LANGUAGES: - Khmer: Mother Tongue - English: good 2/2