RIGHTS IN ACTION INC Independent advocacy for people with disabilities NEWSLETTER STREET ADDRESS: Ground Floor, 88 Abbott St POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 1041N, North Cairns QLD 4870 PHONE: (07) 4031 7377 FACSIMILE: (07) 4031 7383 EMAIL: info@rightsinaction.org March 2012 – Issue 24 Rights In Action Inc Staff ADVOCATE/COORDINATOR Robyn Renton ADVOCATES Monday – Friday Bob Paten Tuesday – Friday Jasmine Cook Tuesday – Thursday John Hartigan ADMINISTRATION OFFICER Monday – Thursday Mary Klansek Management Committee 2011/2012 PRESIDENT Mark Phillips VICE PRESIDENT Lynette Carter SECRETARY Marleen Blake TREASURER Robert (Bob) Dollery GENERAL MEMBERS Lyndell Bourke Sue Tomasich Message from the Coordinator… The first quarter of 2012 is passing quickly and we have received many calls from people with disability, family, carers and the general community seeking advocacy, information and links to local services. So here are some statistics of the number of people we have assisted since January. Currently we are providing independent advocacy for 45 people with a disability. 9 people remain on our waiting list. 27 people have contacted us as a general enquiry and another 17 people were referred to other local services. We are also visiting Mareeba and Atherton on regular bases and look forward to meeting people at the Community Services Tablelands Centre, 13A Herberton Road, Atherton on the 1st Wednesday and at Community Support Services, 212 Walsh Street, Mareeba on the 3rd Wednesday every month. Contact us on 40317377 to make an appointment for Atherton - 2nd May or 6th June OR Mareeba – 21st March, 18th April, 16th May or 20th June. Unfortunately RIA, is unable to provide advocacy to everyone, however we do endeavour to provide information to anyone who contacts us to address their enquiry. Our systemic advocacy is often identified by people contacting us raising similar issues that require positive change to legislation, policy and practices or address barriers and discrimination. We encourage everyone to provide us feedback, identify important issues that impact on people with disabilities in our community and let us know what stories or updates you would like us to address in future Newsletters. In this Newsletter, we have included some of the enquiries we have received that may be useful to our readers… Update on the Public Advocate E petition. Link:http://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/en/work-of-assembly/petitions/epetitions In our December Newsletter I alerted readers to the issues raised in the Weller Report to abolish the function of the Public Advocate and transfer this role to the Office of the Adult Guardian. At that time 265 people had supported the e-petition. Currently there are 295 Part of the Australian Network of Disability Advocacy Services Funded by the Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and the Department of Communities, Disability and Community Care Services .Page 1 of 4 supporters. Thank you to those people who pledged their support. I am happy to report that the Bligh government intend retaining the full independence of the Public Advocate and that the Attorney-General, Paul Lucas has listened to the concerns of disability and human rights advocates, the Queensland Law Society and members of the public. Legal Advocacy Preparation Time 20 – 80 minutes Makes 20 Ingredients Olive oil spray 180g white chocolate, melted 85g (1 1/4 cups) shredded coconut 100g multicoloured glacé cherries, finely chopped 20 small chocolate Easter eggs Method 1. Spray twenty 20ml (1-tablespoon) capacity mini muffin pans with oil. Combine chocolate and coconut in a bowl. Stir in cherries. Divide among the prepared pans. 2. Use the end of a wooden spoon to press the mixture in the centre of each pan to make an indent. Place in the fridge for 1 hour or until set. 3. Remove the nests from the pans. Place an egg in each nest. Cook's tip: In step 2, make sure each indent is large enough to hold an egg. Don't press all the way through. RIA Advocates are NOT solicitors and we are unable to provide legal advice. Generally we will refer people to seek assistance from Legal Services including the Cairns Community Legal Centre – 40317688 (Incorporating: Disability Discrimination Legal Service, Seniors Legal and Support Service, Family Law Service, & Consumer Law Service), Queensland Legal Aid – 1300651188, or the NQ Women’s Legal Service Inc - 4041 0066 OR Queensland Advocacy Incorporated (QAI), based in Brisbane has a Human Rights Legal Service and solicitors who can assist with Mental Health Law. The HRLS can provide telephone advice to assistance to people with: intellectual disability and/or cognitive impairments; a dual diagnosis of intellectual disability/cognitive impairment plus mental illness; profound physical disability. in the following areas of law: Restrictive practices (use of seclusion, containment and restraint); Guardianship and administration; Forensic orders under the Mental Health Act 2000; Health care and life sustaining measures; Abuse/neglect and serious injury of people with disabilities. The HRLS lawyer is available every Thursday. Contact 3844 4200 to arrange an appointment for the next Thursday. Voting at the Upcoming Elections The State Election will be held on Saturday 24 March 2012. Local Government elections will be held on Saturday 28 April 2012. Voting in both elections is compulsory for all people registered to vote. You may be fined if you do not vote. Voting hours are between 8.00am & 6.00pm. The Electoral Commission Queensland website has excellent information and quick links such as Information in Auslan, Voting in Braile and Checking Your Enrolment. Please visit http://www.ecq.qld.gov.au/ For information and registration forms visit the Australian Electoral Commission http://www.aec.gov.au/ and outlines eligibility, Information for people who are homeless or of no fixed address and Queenslanders who are unable to sign their name due to physical incapacity. Voters' Helpline 1300 881 665 Part of the Australian Network of Disability Advocacy Services Funded by the Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and the Department of Communities, Disability and Community Care Services .Page 2 of 4 Infirm Service has no additional cost to your existing cleansing charge for your property. DO YOU KNOW… Cairns Regional Council has a new SERVICE DIRECTORY Cairns Regional Council provides a service to residents with a physical disability or a disability that prevents them from being able to place their wheelie bins on the kerbside and have no other person without a disability living with them. The waste collection contractor will enter the property to collect the waste and recycling wheelie bins and return them after servicing. Visit their website www.cairns.qld.gov.au A letter must be supplied to the Council from the resident’s GP, occupational therapist, health care professional or nursing agent or http://cairns.serviceseek advising the Council that the resident requires an infirm service. er.com.au Once written notification is received Waste Services will send a request for the service to begin. They will then contact the resident with the details of their service e.g.: day of service and will send a letter to the resident with the relevant information. CAIRNS REGIONAL COUNCIL CYCLONE PREPAREDNESS RESOURCES LOOKING FOR SOME INTERESTING http://www.cairns.qld.gov.au/community-information/cyclone-emergencyinformation READING? Caring for People who sniff petrol or other volatile substances National Health and Medical Research Council, Feb 2012. This guide is a summary of consensus-based clinical practice guideline for the management of volatile substance use in Australia. The council now offers a suite of accessible cyclone information resources, which will be complete when Daisy (talking book) versions arrive for folks with vision impairments. Information can be found in the following versions: - Auslan (via You Tube, or link through the council website); - Braille; - Large print; - Easy read, for people with complex communication needs; - Several different languages. Other information includes the region's storm surge guide and annual cyclone preparedness guide. http://apo.org.au/researc The Disaster Management Unit's disaster resilience officer is available to work h/caring-people-whowith groups and communities on request. sniff-petrol-or-otherAll the resources can be found on the council's website, or hard copies can be volatile-substancesobtained from the council's disaster management unit by calling 40443044 or quick-reference-guidee-mailing disaster@cairns.qld.gov.au health-wo Part of the Australian Network of Disability Advocacy Services Funded by the Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and the Department of Communities, Disability and Community Care Services .Page 3 of 4 MORE KEY ISSUES….. The Taxi Transport Subsidy Scheme was introduced in Queensland in 1987 but has not increased in over 20 years, and not kept up with rising fares. It's time for an increase. Queensland Disability Network (QDN) & The Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Disability Network of Queensland Vision Statement: Championing the rights of Murris and Torres Strait Islanders living with a Disability and their Supporters, to keep strong in Voice, Spirit and Culture. Position Statement In Victoria, the taxi transport subsidy is $60 of a $120 fare. Queensland lags behind other states with only $25 of a $50 fare. TELL YOUR LOCAL MEMBER – Queenslanders need a fair go! A review of the Queensland Taxi Subsidy Scheme is required to have equal entitlements aligned with other states. IMPORTANT CONTACT NUMBERS Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people with a disability have the right to To be respected, valued and Included as a member of their family and community Have their culture acknowledged Receive services that respect their culture and disability Live in the community of their choice Aims 1. To build and strengthen an active connected membership of Aboriginal with Torres Strait Islander people with a disability and their supporters. Carers Queensland 40310163 2. To increase awareness and education for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organizations and disability services of the rights and issues facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people with a disability. Welfare Rights Centre 1800 358 511 3. To link Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander communities and organizations with disability services and organizations. National Abuse & Neglect Hotline 1800 880 052 4. To collect and document key issues facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people and lobby for changes. For further information please contact us on Disability Services Cairns 4048 9900 Reminder If you haven’t already done so, let us know if you do not want to receive this Newsletter and whether you would prefer to receive it (a Word Document) by email or post by contacting Robyn Renton on (07) 4031 7377 or email T/TTY 07 3252 8566 Fax 07 3252 8477 Local Call 1300 363 783 Email atsidnq@qdn.org.au Web www.qdn.org.au Byron Albury Network Facilitator Mobile 0428 628 308 Compliments & Complaints Rights In Action Inc is committed to providing excellent advocacy assistance. We welcome your suggestions and are always looking at ways to change and improve. If you are not happy with our assistance we would like to hear from you. We will listen to your concerns and try to resolve any problems. If you are not happy with the way we address your complaint you can contact the Complaints Resolution and Referral Service on 1800 880 052. coordinator@rightsinaction.org Part of the Australian Network of Disability Advocacy Services Funded by the Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and the Department of Communities, Disability and Community Care Services .Page 4 of 4