SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION For ASCO 7000 Series Power Control System Low Voltage (600V) Digital Generator Paralleling Control Switchgear Division 16 – Electrical Standby/Utility Parallel Power Generator Systems PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE Provide a complete standby [ utility parallel] digital power control and distribution system to automatically start and parallel ___ engine generator sets, rated _____kW ____ Vac, at 0.8 pF for three phase, 4[3] wire, 60 [50] Hz. The Switchgear lineup shall be a complete free-standing assembly, containing the necessary number of the control and distribution sections, including selected optional accessories. Provide all interconnecting wiring for reliable operation. 1.2 1.3. RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 16XXX: Generators B. Section 16XXX: C. Section 16XXX: REFERENCE STANDARDS A. The Generator Paralleling Control Switchgear and all related components shall be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with the latest edition of the following applicable standards: 1. American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI) C37.20.1 Metal-Enclosed Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear C37.51 Testing of Metal-Enclosed Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear Assemblies 2. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) NFPA - 70 National Electrical Code NFPA - 99 Essential Electrical Systems for Health Care Facilities NFPA - 110 Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems 3. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) UL 1558 Switchgear Assemblies 4. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) NEMA SG-5 Power Switchgear Assemblies 5. International Standards Organization (ISO) ISO 9001:2000 ASCO Power Technologies, Florham Park, NJ 07932. 1 800-800-ASCO Publication 3179 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. B. 1.5 Manufacturer’s Qualifications: 1. The equipment shall be the product of a manufacturer who has produced this type of equipment for at least 25 years. The manufacturer must be certified under ISO 9001. 2. Third party assemblers who purchase commercial switchgear, vendor components and assemblies, in lieu of on-site manufacturing, shall not be classified as a manufacturer. Site Conditions: 1. Altitude: up to 5000 feet above mean sea level 2. Relative Humidity: 100 % maximum, continuous, non-condensing 3. Ambient temperature range: 0 to 122 degree F SUBMITTALS A. Upon receipt of purchase order, manufacturer shall provide Six (6) submittals for approval within twenty (20) working days after receipt of an order that shall include the following: 1. Bill of Material 2. Sequence of Operation 3. Mechanical Drawings: a. b. c. d. e. f. 4. Cable terminal sizes. 5. Base plan showing dimensions of base with equipment anchoring provisions. 6. Electrical Drawings: a. b. c. 7. 1.6 Dimensional plans and elevations, with front and side views, and other pertinent elevation views. Conduit entrance locations and dimensions within all assemblies for both bottom and top entrance. Door details. Circuit Breaker ratings. Weight of equipment (lb). Assembly ratings including: 1) Short circuit rating ( kA) 2) System Voltage (V) 3) Continuous current rating (A) Typical AC Three-Line Schematic diagrams with all components cross referenced. Typical DC Schematic diagrams with all components cross referenced. Typical equipment interconnecting drawings showing terminal points and external device function. Major component product data sheets. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Each Switchgear assembly shall be split into shipping groups for handling in accordance with manufacturer’s procedure or as determined during shop drawing phase per the installing contractor’s requirement. Shipping groups shall be designed to be shipped by truck, rail or vessel. Shipping groups shall be bolted to skids. Separate item accessories shall be suitably packaged and shipped separately. B. Equipment shall be handled and stored in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. One (1) copy of these instructions shall be included with the equipment at the time of shipment. ASCO Power Technologies, Florham Park, NJ 07932. 2 800-800-ASCO Publication 3179 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. The equipment described is the ASCO 7000 Series Power Control System – Low Voltage Digital Generator Paralleling Control Switchgear as manufactured by ASCO Power Technologies and is the basis for the design of this system. Any alternates to this bid shall only be considered if a complete written description of the proposed system along with any variances from the specification, are received ten (10) days prior to bid due date. Any variances not specifically enumerated prior to bidding shall be considered non-responsive. Costs incurred to modify the building and/or interfacing equipment which are affected as a result of an alternate, shall be the responsibility of the contractor. B. Systems that use paralleling controls that are mounted on the engine generator are not acceptable. CONSTRUCTION A. The enclosures shall be, freestanding, floor supported, with front and rear access. Removable lifting eyes shall be supplied for lifting purposes. Adequate number of anchor bolt-holes spaced to place the base in direct contact with the concrete pad when bolted. All doors shall be pan type and be provided with sufficient hinges to support the door and components for minimum deflection and wobbling when opening or closing. Front doors shall be supplied with a lockable handle. All door locks shall be keyed alike to operate from a single key, with one key supplied for each lock. All panel covers are secured with captive screws as necessary. B. The complete assembly shall be degreased, and thoroughly cleaned through a three stage aqueous process. The finish shall be ANSI-61, light gray, electrostatically charged polyester powder paint process, minimum 1.5 mils in density. Finish shall be suitable for indoor and outdoor environments. BUS A. Bus shall be silver plated copper and shall have a maximum current density of 1000 A per square inch. B. Main bus shall be rated for [XXXXX] and have a minimum bracing level not less than 100,000 A. C. A full size copper neutral bus and a 25% ground bus shall be provided and shall extend the full length of the Switchgear. WIRING/TERMINATIONS A. Control wiring 600 V, per UL 1015 or SIS. Use solderless compression screw type connectors for terminating all wires. Current transformer circuit terminations shall be ring tongue compression type. Other circuits shall be ring tongue compression type where feasible, otherwise they shall be spade type applied with the proper tooling. B. Control wires shall be numbered every six (6) inches and visible next to the terminals. Low level signal circuits shall be provided with shielded wire to minimize electromagnetic interference. Shielded wire grounded at one point. C. Current transformer circuits are connected through shorting terminal blocks. POWER CIRCUIT BREAKERS A. The generator [ , utility-tie] and distribution circuit breakers shall be low voltage draw-out, 3 pole with interrupting current ratings no less than 100 kAIC (symmetrical) and shall be UL 1066 (ANSI C37) rated. ASCO Power Technologies, Florham Park, NJ 07932. 3 800-800-ASCO Publication 3179 B. The draw-out feature shall provide for connected, test and disconnected positions. In the connected position, the main line and load terminals and all auxiliary control contacts and circuitry shall be connected and the breaker shall be fully operable. In the test position, the breaker auxiliary control contacts and circuitry only shall be connected to permit automatic operation of the complete control system without actually connecting the generator to the main bus. Main and auxiliary control contacts and circuitry shall be completely disconnected in the disconnect position. C. The breaker draw-out mechanism shall be mechanically interlocked with the breaker to permit draw-out operation only when the breaker main contacts are open. D. The generator circuit breakers shall be electrically operated with shunt trip, furnished with electronic trip units with Adjustable Long Delay, Short Delay and Instantaneous over current trips and Ground Fault Alarm only functions, and rated as described on the drawings. E. The distribution circuit breakers shall be electrically operated with shunt trip [ or manually operated] , and furnished with electronic trip units with Adjustable Long Delay, Short Delay and Instantaneous over current [and Ground Fault ] trip functions and rated as described on the drawings. Circuit breaker electronic trip unit shall include instantaneous overcurrent functions "on/off" feature. [Optional - to provide paralleling with utility functions and overcurrent protection] F. The utility-tie circuit breaker shall be electrically operated with shunt trip, furnished with electronic trip units with Adjustable Long Delay, Short Delay and Instantaneous over current and Ground Fault trip functions, and rated as described on the drawings. The utility – tie circuit breaker shall be equipped with a control switch with breaker position indicating lights, all mounted on a section door. PART 3 DIGITAL PARALLELING CONTROL SYSTEM (DPCS) 3.1 3.2 ENGINE GENERATOR CONTROL shall be equipped with the following functions: A. Each Engine Generator Control shall have its own dedicated processor and controls performing functions such as start/stop, synchronizing, load sharing, VAR/PF sharing, without depending upon Master Controller, or any other Generator Controllers. B. For dual Generator Control section arrangement, Generator processor (PLC software) redundancy shall be provided. In the event of one generator’s own processor ever going down, a second generator processor shall immediately take over and control the operation of the both engine generators. MASTER CONTROL A. The Master Control shall have a color touch screen Operator Interface Panel (OIP) that allows the operator to view status and allows adjusting system variables. The Master Control and Monitoring Panel shall be an integrated controller and shall combine the Touch Screen Interface, Networking and I/O into a single compact unit utilizing single programming software for all graphics and logic. B. The Master Control and Monitoring Panel shall provide the following features and characteristics: 1. The color touch screen OIP shall have at a minimum a resolution of 800 x 600, TFT, supporting 32768 different colors. System shall be a true controller with its own operating system, and the reliability of an industrial Programmable Logic Controller. Windows PC based systems are Not Acceptable. The control logic shall be ladder. The faceplate shall be made of Lexan and shall be resistant to most corrosive substances found in industrial environments. ASCO Power Technologies, Florham Park, NJ 07932. 4 800-800-ASCO Publication 3179 C. 2. The Master Control and Monitoring Panel shall have Portable memory in the form of a Compact FLASH card to accommodate flash memory that is readily available in most electronic stores. The Master Control and Monitoring Panel shall have the capability of reading, and updating the program from the Compact Flash Card. 3. The Master Control and Monitoring Panel shall have the capability of storing and capturing any of the displayed screens onto Compact Flash Card, in the form of JPEG or BMP files. The Master Control and Monitoring Panel shall also have the capability of reading any of these screen captures directly from the compact flash card. 4. The Unit shall be powered with a 24Vdc control voltage using engine starting batteries. Necessary equipment shall be installed to prevent “brownout” situations during the engine crank cycle. 5. The Unit shall operate at the temperatures range from 0 to 122 degree F, with humidity 5 to 95% Non-condensing. 6. The Unit shall be UL labeled and CE approved, including any ancillary AC power monitoring devices. The Master Control and Monitoring Panel shall have the following screens: 1. Main Menu Screen - to provide system status and access to One-Line diagram, Manual Paralleling, ATS Status, Individual Generator Set and Individual Generator & Bus Metering, Alarm Status, Event Log data, System Control and Certified Service Tech Screens. 2. One-Line Diagram Screen – to display system paralleling configuration. Shall depict system configuration in a single line format and system status. a. b. 3. Manual Paralleling Control Screen – to provide manual paralleling control capability over individual generator sets. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 4. Circuit Breaker Position of generator sets, Open/Closed. Real time power values of generator set(s) Voltage, Amps, kWatts, pF, kVars and Frequency. Synchroscope Graphical (real time 360-degree analog movement) with digital display. Manual Raise / Lower voltage and frequency. Automatic voltage and frequency set points of generator. Real time power values of generator / generator bus. Generator Circuit Breaker Position. Ability to select generator set to be paralleled. Manual closing of generator Circuit Breaker. Dual Three Phase Metering Screen: graphical analog (270 electrical degree) metering representation with digital display. Shall have capability to display metering for two generators at the same time or one generator and the bus at the same time. Screen shall display a graphical Synchroscope when one generator and the bus are selected. The following minimum metering data (parameters) for selected generator set and generator main bus totals shall be displayed: a. b. c. True RMS three phase Voltage, Amps, kWatts, kV-Amps, kVars, pF and Frequency. Engine battery Voltage display. Running Time Meter. ASCO Power Technologies, Florham Park, NJ 07932. 5 800-800-ASCO Publication 3179 5. Single Three Phase Metering Screen: graphical analog (270 electrical degree) metering representation with digital display. Shall display the following minimum metering data for selected generator set or selected main bus. a. b. 6. Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) Status Screen – to display status and provide control of each ATS connected to system. ATS shall be equipped with proper features and accessories. a. b. c. d. e. 7. ATS Connected to Normal ATS Connected to Emergency Engine Start Indication Load Shed Indication ATS Load Priority. Ability to change ATS priorities (password protected). System Setup Control Screen: a. b. c. d. 8. True RMS three phase Voltage, Amps, kWatts, kV-Amps, kVars, pF & Frequency Engine battery Voltage display. Engine priority, with Load Demand time delays (password protected). Load Demand pick-up and drop-out kW levels (password protected). Bus Load Optimization derate %, with Bus Load Optimization time delays (password protected). Scrolling system status: Emergency mode, Normal available, Gen(s) on-line, Gen(s) failure, Gen _ available, Gen _ synchronizer active, Gen _ Var Sharing active, Gen _ Load Sharing active. Engine Generator Alarms and Shutdowns Screen: a. Not in Auto (Red) b. Emergency Mode (Amber) c. Generator Circuit Breaker Ground Fault Alarm (Amber) d. *Pre-High Coolant Temperature (Amber) e. *Pre-low Oil Pressure (Amber) f. *Low Coolant Temperature (Amber) g. Low Battery Voltage (Amber) h. *Low Fuel Level Alarm (Amber) i. *Battery Charger Malfunction (Amber) j. *Engine Overcrank (Red) k. *Engine Overspeed (Red) l. *Engine Low Oil Shutdown (Red) m. *Engine High Coolant Temp Shutdown (Red) n. *Engine Low Coolant Level Shutdown (Red) o. Generator Circuit Breaker Tripped (Red) p. Generator Reverse Power (Red) q. Generator Under Voltage (Red) r. Generator Over Voltage (Red) s. Generator Under Frequency (Red) t. Generator Over Frequency (Red) u. Generator Loss of Excitation (Red) v. Generator Phase Reversal (Red) w. Alarm reset button x. Emergency Stop Button * - contact, sensor signal or serial communication must be supplied by the engine supplier. ASCO Power Technologies, Florham Park, NJ 07932. 6 800-800-ASCO Publication 3179 9. Engine Generator Protection and Setup Screen: a. b. c. d. e. f. 10. Bus Protection and Setup Screen: a. b. c. 11. Device 81 O/U Settings with enable feature. Device 27/59 three phase with enable feature. Current and potential transformer ratio setup. Engine Generator Control and Setup Screen: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 12. Device 40Q Settings with enable feature. Device 81 O/U Settings with enable feature. Device 27/59 three phase with enable feature. Device 15/25V Auto and manual synchronizing with voltage matching settings for both. Device 32 reverse power. Current and potential transformer ratio setup. Engine cool down timer setting. Cycle Crank attempts. Cranking time delay. Crank reset timer setting. Failure to synch timer setting. Number of actual crank attempts. Actual cool down timer left. Synch Mode Switch OFF, Auto, Check, Permissive. Cycle Crank logic enabled / disabled. kW Trending Screen- to display kW trending of generator sets and main bus. The kW trend screen shall have the capability to enable or disable auto store. The Auto store feature when enabled will automatically store the trend screen onto compact flash card every five minutes. a. b. Generator ‘X’ Trending Generator Bus Total Trending 13. Multiple Parameter Service Trending Screen: Capable of trending up to 16 different parameters on one screen, comparing all generators/utilities, kW, kVars, voltage, current and frequency. Trending screen shall have the capability to enable or disable auto store. Auto store feature when enabled will automatically store the trending screen onto compact flash every five minutes. The operator shall also have the ability to manual store any screen captures onto the compact flash card. 14. Event data Log Screen: Provides viewing of events logged with time and date. Operator can acknowledge and clear alarms, up to 2049 different events. a. b. c. 15. Alarm History Log of the last 64 events. Alarm Summary (Active Alarms and Unacknowledged) Active Alarm Indicator Full Range of Service Screens: Without the aid of a Laptop computer, a certified service technician shall have the capability of setting up all the paralleling parameters including proportional gains, ranges, and sensitivities of all parallel functions. The operator shall be able to view all controlling outputs to the voltage regulator and speed controller, including all power parameters of all engines on one screen. ASCO Power Technologies, Florham Park, NJ 07932. 7 800-800-ASCO Publication 3179 3.3 UTILITY - TIE CONTROL A. Utility -Tie Control shall have its own dedicated processor and controls performing parallel with utility functions such as Var/Power Factor control, Generator Loading control, Watt Transducer(s) and auxiliary devices associated with its respective utility service without depending upon Master Controller, or any other Generator Controllers. B. Utility -Tie Control shall have its own dedicated Protective Relays. C. The following Utility source protective devices shall be included: 1. Reverse power Relay (Device 32) 2. Under/Over voltage Relay (Device 27/59) 3. Under/Over frequency Relay (Device 81 U/O) 4. Negative sequence overcurrent Relay ( Device 46) 5. Negative sequence voltage Relay ( Device 47) 6. Directional overcurrent Relay ( Device 67) 7. Lockout Relay (Device 86) D. The utility protective devices shall be based on true RMS sensing method and shall be field adjustable. E. The utility protective devices (except auxiliary and lockout relays) shall be utility grade type, solid state or microprocessor based relays in accordance with ANSI Standard C37.90 enclosed in semi-flash, switchboard type drawout cases. Multifunctional Protective Relays (utility grade type, programmable, GE Multilin SR-750 type or equal) are acceptable. F. Utility - Tie Control shall use the Master Control and Monitoring Panel that allows the operator to view status and allows adjusting utility paralleling variables via the following updated and additional five screens: 1. One-Line Diagram Screen – to display system paralleling configuration. Shall depict updated with Utility-Tie Circuit Breaker system configuration in a single line format and system status. a. b. 2. Utility Control and Setup Screen a. b. 3. Generator sets and Utility-Tie Circuit Breaker Positions, Open/Closed. Real time generator set(s) and utility power values and Voltage, Amps, kWatts, pF, kVars and Frequency. Peak Reduction “ON/OFF” Switch Peak Load Mode control Push-buttons: “Manual/OFF/Auto” Single Three Phase Utility Metering Screen: graphical analog (270 electrical degree) metering representation with digital display. Shall display the following minimum utility power metering data: a. True RMS three phase Utility Voltage, Amps, kWatts, kV-Amps, kVars, pF and Frequency. ASCO Power Technologies, Florham Park, NJ 07932. 8 800-800-ASCO Publication 3179 4. Utility Protection and Setup Screen: a. b. c. d. e. g. Note: * 5. Utility Status and Alarms Screen: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 3.4 3.5 Device 32 reverse power. Device 81 O/U Settings with enable feature Device 27/59 three phase with enable feature. Device 46 with enable feature*. Device 47 with enable feature* Watt Transducer Input/Output current ratio and setup. For the external devices, setup can be done from individual or multifunctional protective relay screen. Utility Source Available Breaker Connected to Utility Peak Shave Initiated Peak Shave Canceled Utility Dev.27/59 Trip Utility Dev.81O/U Trip Utility Dev.32 Trip Utility CB Overcurrent Trip Failure to Synchronize (Amber) (Amber) (Amber) (Amber) (Red) (Red) (Red) (Red) (Red) SPECIAL FEATURES A. Monitoring shall be based on true RMS three phase, phase to neutral on all generators sensing methods. Monitoring based on averaging or calculating a potential phase from the other two phases is not acceptable. B. Shall have Soft-load transition during Load Demand Mode (standby operation) when load sharing between engine generators, on all diesel and natural gas generator sets. When a unit is in the Load Demand Mode and is being added, it will soft-load on to the bus. If a unit is taken off-line normally under load demand operation, the units should gradually unload before the generator breaker is signaled to open. C. Shall have Bus Load Optimization as detailed in section 3.8 Sequence of Operation under F on page 14. COMMUNICATIONS REQUIREMENTS A. The Digital Power Control System (DPCS) shall be interconnected to allow the control or monitoring of any unit by a single connection to a Local Area Network via Ethernet. All information including transfer switches, engine points and parameters, and other third party devices can be communicated with effectively. B. The DPCS shall have the capability of communicating directly with different engine generator set manufacturers. The DPCS shall support the following engine protocols: Serial based J1508 and CAN-Based J1939. C. Serial RTU/Modbus master/slave RS232/485. D. DeviceNet master/slave. E. CAN Network peer-to-peer protocol. F. Ethernet 100-base-T supporting, EGD, SRTP, Modbus/TCP slave. G. Interface with modules using ASCII (Caterpillar Engine Generator Sets). ASCO Power Technologies, Florham Park, NJ 07932. 9 800-800-ASCO Publication 3179 3.6 3.7 SECURITY A. Security Code Required For Access - The DPCS has built-in security to protect against configuration changes and alarm purges by unauthorized personnel. There are two levels of access to the configuration menus. They are listed below. Each successive level has access to all of the levels above. A four-digit security code is required for access to the configuration menus. B. Levels of Access: 1. Monitor with limited control (no security code) - Access to all Status Screens, view Alarm / Event Log Display, and ability to commit (clear) an Audible Alarm, provide some limited control. 2. Operator /Administrator (Level one) - Access to system set-points. 3. Technician (Level two) - Allows access to all set points including Engine generating paralleling digital calibration OPTIONAL CONTROL FEATURES A. The DPCS platform shall be fully flexible, in adding additional equipment such as future engine generators, external third party communication devices, AND additional I/O, with all this information easily sent to a Building Management System or owner host computer through one connection over Ethernet. B. The DPCS shall have two remote diagnostic capabilities, one using industrial grade analog modem, and the other using Ethernet IP connection. Both remote methods shall have full control capability, with one way backing up the other. Authorized certified technicians shall be able to connect to all DPCS(s) remotely and be able to perform diagnostics, modify screens, change logic if necessary and down load using one piece of software. C. The DPCS shall have the option to add a color-touch screen operator interface to each Generator Control section and Utility-Tie Control section (for parallel with utility operation mode). D. The DPCS shall be supplied standard with controls for 64 ATS’s. 1. Available options include: a. b. 3.8 Controls for 96 ATS’s. Controls for 128 ATS’s. E. The DPCS shall have the option to add Master Controller Redundancy - Hot Standby Master PLC, GE, Fanuc, 90-30 Series [or Hot Standby Synchronized Master PLC, GE, Fanuc, 90-70 Series]. F. The DPCS shall have the option to add Master Touch Screen Redundancy. G. The DPCS shall have capability to additional Remote Nodes for optional Remote Annunciation Panels and Mimic Graphic Panels accessing same information as primary Master Touch Screen Operator Interface Panel. REMOTE GENERATOR ALARM ANNUNCIATOR PANELS A. The Switchgear controls shall have capability to add up to two optional Remote Annunciation Panels Touch Screen type [or LED type] that shall fully duplicate the Master Operator Interface Panel with virtual monitoring (no control) capability to provide the total system and individual generators remote status, alarm and display functions. B. Visual and audible alarms shall be provided for each engine generator malfunction and adverse condition per listed in Paragraph 3.2.C.8 of this Specification. ASCO Power Technologies, Florham Park, NJ 07932. 10 800-800-ASCO Publication 3179 3.9 3.10 C. Visual status indications shall be provided for each automatic transfer switch in the system per listed in Paragraph 3.2.C.6 of this Specification. D. The Remote Annunciator Panel shall comply with NFPA 99. It shall include an alarm horn and a single selector switch with “Alarm lamp/test”, “Alarm silence” and “Automatic” positions. E. Remote Annunciator Panel shall be capable to locate up to 6500 feet (2000m) from the Paralleling Switchgear. REMOTE POWER MONITORING A. The Switchgear controls shall have capability to add optional 40 inch LCD Mimic Graphic Panel mounted in the Switchgear line-up or mounted in a separate section (cabinet) to display status of the Emergency power system elements such as Generator information (running, on line, locked out), Circuit Breaker positions (open, closed, tripped) automatic transfer switches data (position indication, source availability, load shed). LCD Screen shall include a one-line representation of the paralleling switchgear and automatic transfer switches. B. The Switchgear controls shall have capability to add optional PC based SCADA (ASCO Power Quest) Remote Power Monitoring system via Ethernet communications. C. The Switchgear controls shall have capability to communicate with Building Management System via Ethernet, Modbus Slave or Serial RS-485 protocols. D. The Switchgear controls shall have capability to add integrated [or optional stand alone] ASCO 5500 Series Thin Web Server for remote monitoring the status of the system generators and ATS’s from a Building Management PC or/and local PC via Internet Explorer. MISCELLANEOUS COMPONENTS A. Control Fuses - Control fuses shall be mounted in locations where they are readily accessible. Pullout type fuses shall be provided for all primary circuits and shall be of the current limiting type. B. Electromagnetic Control Relays - All electromagnetic control relays shall be suitable and adequately rated for their intended service in the control system. Relays used in low- voltage lowcurrent DC control circuits shall have gold flashed contacts to insure positive contact make. Relays used for other than logic and dry contact switching shall have contact ratings suitable for make and carry of their duty current at the voltage of operation. All relays for control circuit duty shall be plug-in type with retaining clips and transparent plastic covers. C. Current Transformers - Current transformers are furnished with VA burden ratings suitable to supply the metering, protective devices and electronic governor without affecting their accuracy. D. Potential Transformers (if required) - Potential transformers are provided in turns ratio and V.A. burden rating to be compatible with the controls, metering and the electronic governor. Transformers shall have integrally mounted primary and secondary fuses. E. Door Mounted Control station with the following controls for each Engine Generator: 1. Five Position Engine Control Selector Switch a. b. Lockout/Reset - In this position, the engine shall not be capable of starting and/or running. If the engine was shutdown due to the operation of a protective device, the shutdown malfunction shall be reset when the switch is moved to this position. If the engine is running when the switch is moved to this position, it shall immediately shutdown. Off/Cool-down - In this position, the engine shall shutdown after a cool-down period. ASCO Power Technologies, Florham Park, NJ 07932. 11 800-800-ASCO Publication 3179 c. d. e. F. G. Automatic - In this position, the engine control shall be in readiness for fully automatic operation upon receipt of a start signal. Test Off-Line - When placed in this position, the engine shall start and run as if a start signal were received except it shall not be connected to the bus unless a start signal is received. When returned to the Automatic position, the engine shall shutdown. Test On-Line - When placed in this position, the engine shall start, run and connect to the bus as if a start signal were received. When returned to the Automatic position the circuit breaker shall open and the engine shall run for its cool-down period before shutting down. 2. Generator Running Green Lamp (On for Running, Flashing for Cool-down). 3. Controls Not In Auto Red Lamp (Flashing). Door Mounted Control station with the following system controls: 1. Audible Alarm Horn. Located in Master. 2. Horn Silence Push-button. Located in Master. DC Control Power Selector -- Best Battery System Control power for the system logic shall be derived from the engine starting batteries. The control logic shall be powered through a suitable means which shall permit continuity of power until the last battery is no longer available. The controls shall be powered from any battery or combination of batteries and prevent feedback to a failing battery. The transition of control logic power from any battery combination to any other battery combination shall be accomplished without disruption in the power flow. 3.11 SEQUENCE OF OPERATION A. The ASCO 7000 Series Digital Paralleling Control System is designed to start and parallel all engine generator sets, upon receipt of a signal from an automatic transfer switch (es) that emergency power is required. B. Normal Mode Whenever the individual engine generator control switches are placed in their automatic position, the engine generator system is on standby in readiness for automatic starting and synchronization in the event of a power failure signal. C. Emergency Mode In the event of a power failure, all generators automatically start and come up to speed. The first generator set to achieve 90% of nominal voltage and frequency shall be connected to the bus. Interlocks permit the connection of only one engine generator to the dead generator bus in the event of simultaneous generator relay operation. Upon sensing the availability of emergency power, the priority-1 load block will be allowed to transfer their loads to the emergency bus, either through direct control or through a “permissive signal” to the automatic transfer switches (if equipped). Each synchronizer will automatically adjust the frequency of the on-coming generator(s) to synchronize with the bus. When synchronism is achieved, the on-coming generator is paralleled to the bus. When the second generator’s circuit breaker is closed the priority-2 load block will be allowed to transfer their loads to the emergency bus. As each generator parallels to the bus, another block of load is allowed to be added, until all generators and all loads are online. ASCO Power Technologies, Florham Park, NJ 07932. 12 800-800-ASCO Publication 3179 Upon sensing that normal utility power has been restored to acceptable limits, a sequence shall begin to transfer the load back to the utility source. The re-transfer shall be initiated after the retransfer to utility time delay has expired (adjustable at each ATS from 0 minute to 60 minutes) allowing an open transition transfer return to utility. After all the transfer switches have retransferred their loads to the normal source, the generator circuit breakers are simultaneously opened and the engine generators run for an adjustable no-load cool-down period of zero to thirty minutes; factory set at 5-minutes. The controls are released and the generators are placed in readiness for the next power failure. If a generator fails while operating in the automatic mode, it is disconnected from the bus and shutdown. Audible and visual alarms will be activated to indicate the condition. If “Bus Load Optimization” is not activated, the lowest priority feeder loads (as programmed by the operator via the Touch Screen) are signaled to shed so as to leave one block of load online per generator. A push-button permits override of the load-shed circuits for supervised operation (one for each priority except priority 1). Loads that have been block shed can be manually re-added using the priority-# Load Shed Bypass/Reset push-button located on the Master control section Touch Screen. By pressing the Load Shed Bypass/Reset push-button, the system will transfer the priority-# load block to the emergency bus. By pressing the Load Shed Bypass/Reset push-button a second time, the ENTIRE priority-# load block will shed. Indication from the Touch Screen will annunciate the status of each Priority load block, indicating if it is shed or manually bypassed. If the operator inadvertently bypasses the load shed and overloads the Generator(s) resulting in a bus under-frequency, all manually bypassed loads will be automatically shed along with blocks of load such that the remaining load blocks shall be one less than the number of generators remaining on the bus. The “Bus Underfrequency” condition will be indicated. If the online load exceeds 100% of rated generator capacity, loads will be sequenced off in reverse priority at one second intervals. The Bus Overload indication will light to indicate that the bus is overloaded. This condition will automatically reset as the overload is corrected. Once the online load no longer exceeds the generating capacity, step shedding will cease and the system will continue to power the remaining loads. Indicators will annunciate the status of each Priority load block, indicating if any loads in that block are shed or if the load block is manually bypassed. If the operator bypasses the load shed to bring the shed loads back online, and the online load exceeds 100% of the capacity again, the system will again sequence loads off in reverse priority at one second intervals. This condition will automatically reset as the overload is corrected. This is done in an attempt to prevent an underfrequency condition, thereby preventing the entire load block from being shed. Note: Individual ATS loads shall step on the Emergency bus based on their “Step Add Time Delay values”; these Time Delays are adjustable by the operator via the Touch Screen and are Factory set at zero. D. Generator Load Demand Control After all generators sets have been paralleled to the bus and all loads are connected, a stabilization time delay (0 - 900 seconds) factory sets at 60 seconds will be initiated while a Load Demand Mode indication flashes. At the expiration of the time delay period, the system will operate in a load demand mode at which time the mode indication remains illuminated. The load demand logic controls the number of generating sets on the bus, such that the on-line reserve capacity of the bus is not less than 10%, nor more than 110%, of the capacity of a single generator set. Upon sensing that the connected load has decreased the reserve capacity to 10% or less (field adjustable from 1-29% displayed as 81-99% of Generator rating), a 10 second time delay is initiated and a “Gen Start TD Active “ indication starts flashing. This time delay will be field adjustable from 0 - 300 seconds. If the reserve capacity stays below 10% for the duration of the 10-second time delay, the controls will initiate the starting and paralleling of the next set in sequence. If, during the time delay period, the reserve capacity decreased to 0 or less (signifying bus overload), the time delay will be bypassed and the next set in sequence will be immediately started and paralleled. At the same time, loads shall begin to shed in reverse order every second until the online load does not exceed 100% of rated online generator capacity. ASCO Power Technologies, Florham Park, NJ 07932. 13 800-800-ASCO Publication 3179 If at any time, the online load exceeds 100% of available rated capacity, the system will remove the last load that was added. If the online load does not decrease to less than 100% of rated capacity, loads will be shed one at a time, every second in reverse order until the overload is corrected. The Bus Overload indication will light indicating that the bus is overloaded and will automatically reset as the overload is corrected. If the online load exceeds 120% of capacity, signals will be given to shed load such that the connected priority blocks of load are reduced to equal the number of engine generator sets on line. When the next set is paralleled to the bus, the shed load will be reconnected and all controls automatically reset. If the next generator set does not come online, the system will not automatically reset. The Bus Overload indication will blink indicating that the bus was overloaded and will stay on solid (not blinking) if the bus remains overloaded. Loads will not be added to the bus while the Bus Overload indication is active (blinking or solid). Once the operator acknowledges the Bus Overload indication by activating the Alarm Reset pushbutton, then the loads will be re-added as capacity allows (in Load Bus Optimization mode). If while operating in the load demand mode, an engine-generator set malfunction occurs, the affected set will be removed from the bus. If the remaining loads online exceed 100% of the remaining online generator capacity, the loads will step shed as described in the previous paragraph. If the load does not exceed the online capacity, no loads will shed. Generator Load Demand mode will momentarily reset and all generators will start. Upon sensing that the on-line reserve capacity has increased to 120% or more (field adjustable from 120-140 % displayed as 80-60% of Generator rating), a 10 second (adjustable 0-300 seconds) time delay will be initiated and a “Gen Stop TD Active “ indication will start flashing. If the reserve capacity stays above 110% for the duration of the time delay, the circuit breaker of the last set that went on line will be opened. The engine will run for its cool down period, then shutdown. E. Bus Load Optimization Each ATS load shall be programmed with a priority value load (field adjustable, accessible via the Touch Screen on the master door). Note 1: A load’s priority value is a 3-digit number. The most significant digit refers to the load’s block priority value (i.e. 201 => priority 2 load block, whereas 118 => priority 1 load block). The two lower significant digits refer to the load’s sub-priority value, or load step priority (i.e. 201 => priority 2 block, step 01; 118 => priority 1 block, step 18). Valid priority values are 1 – 8 while valid sub-priority values are 1 - 99. Therefore, valid three digit priority values are 101 - 899. Note 2: Priority 1 loads (101 - 199) have insignificant sub-priority values since priority 1 loads are never optimized, also 3 digit priority values of 200, 300 and 400, etc. are not valid priority numbers. However, because of the dynamic nature of the adjustable load priorities, all loads, even priority 1 needs to have sub-priority step values. With the Bus Optimization soft switch in the "on" position (accessible via the Touch Screen) during emergency mode and with loads shed (loads requiring power), after a stabilization time delay (Bus Opt stable delay) the optimization feature is activated and a Bus Optimize Active indication illuminates. The Bus Optimize Active indication flashes through the duration of the stabilization time delay. At this time, the Bus Optimization loading control will determine if there is enough room to add the next load by checking the pre-set Load Value (field adjustable, accessible via the Touch Screen on the master door) assigned to the first sub-priority load (field adjustable, accessible via the Touch Screen on the master door) within the highest priority block that is shed and compare it to the excess generator bus capacity (also known as Headroom). ASCO Power Technologies, Florham Park, NJ 07932. 14 800-800-ASCO Publication 3179 Should a Priority Block fail to be added to the bus while operating in the Emergency Mode, loads may be added manually by the operator as described or automatically through "Load Bus Optimization". This feature is provided to re-add shed loads one at a time based on predetermined kW loading values up to the capacity of the on-line power. If it is determined that the load can be added without overloading the bus, the load is signaled to add. The real time kW demand is constantly measured and the next sub-priority load is evaluated. Loads are evaluated at a preset time interval defined via the operator interface (Bus Opt Step Time). When the bus has been loaded to a level such that the next load would exceed 95% of bus capacity, the Next Load Exceeds Headroom indication will activate and load adding will pause. The system will continuously monitor the generator demand and evaluate if the next load step can fit on the bus. If building demand decreases and the next load can fit (for the duration of the step time delay), the system will add it and continue the evaluation process until as many loads as possible are added to the bus. If the load has already been added, there is no reason to compare it to see if it will fit; the program will skip to the next available load. If the load is not calling for an engine start, it will be skipped. If at any time, the online load exceeds 100% of available rated capacity, the system will remove the last load that was added. If the online load does not decrease to less than 100% of rated capacity, loads will be shed one at a time, every second in reverse order until the overload is corrected. The Bus Overload indication will light indicating that the bus is overloaded and will automatically reset as the overload is corrected. In this event, the system will begin a 300 second stabilization delay time (fixed) before evaluating another load to be added to the bus. If a generator fails, it will be removed from the bus. If the remaining loads online exceed 100% of the remaining online generator capacity, the loads will step shed as described in the previous paragraph. If the load does not exceed the online capacity, no loads will be shed. The Bus Overload indication will activate indicating that the bus is overloaded and will automatically reset as the overload is corrected. If the connected load exceeds 120% of online capacity, all optimized loads will immediately shed in an attempt to avoid an underfrequency event. A Bus Overload indication will activate and latch indicating that the bus is overloaded. The system will NOT attempt to re-add loads until the Bus Overload indication is acknowledged by pressing the Alarm Reset pushbutton. In the event of a bus Under-frequency, all optimized loads will be shed as well as any additional unsupported blocks of load. Load blocks will be shed such that the remaining load blocks shall be one less than the number of generators remaining on the bus. The “Bus Underfrequency” condition will be indicated. No loads can be manually added while an underfrequency indication is active. The operator must acknowledge the alarm by pressing the Alarm Reset push-button. If the Bus Opt switch remains “on”, the stabilization timer will then re-initiate and the process of stepping on the loads is repeated (after the bus underfrequency has been reset). If a load block is manually bypassed, all loads in that block will add, subject to their individual step timers. If they were already optimized on, they will remain on. If the load block is then manually shed, all loads in that load block will shed. Once all loads in a priority load block have been added to the bus, the LOAD SHED indication for the associated priority will turn off. ASCO Power Technologies, Florham Park, NJ 07932. 15 800-800-ASCO Publication 3179 F. G. Exit from Emergency Mode 1. Automatic Transfer Switch(es) protective relaying senses utility source is within tolerance 2. Following the Automatic Transfer Switch return to normal time delay, to assure that the utility power source is stable, the Automatic Transfer Switches individually retransfer to the normal position. 3. When the last Automatic Transfer Switch has retransferred to the normal position, the Generator mains are opened: 4. The Generators are allowed to run to their programmed cooldown period. 5. The Power Control System is now backing in Automatic/Standby (Utility) Mode. Generator No Load Test A system test switch is provided in the master control Touch Screen to limit access to authorized persons only. Operation of this switch will initiate an automatic system operation as if an ATS Feature 7 (engine start signal) from any of the automatic transfer switches had operated. However, unless a normal source outage occurs during this mode of operation, the transfer switches will not transfer its load to the emergency bus. To terminate this test, the system test switch is reset to initiate a normal system shutdown sequence. H. Single Engine Test Each engine can be started for test purposes by placing its generator control switch to the test offline position. In this mode, the generator circuit breaker will remain open. Should a normal source outage occur during this mode of operation, the breaker will close and the remaining units will be started. Upon restoration of normal power, the system will revert to single engine test mode until the switch is returned to the AUTOMATIC position. For on-line test, placing of the generator control switch to the test on-line position will present a similar operation except that the generator breaker will close when the generator achieves nominal voltage and frequency. I. ATS Hand – Off – Auto (H-O-A) Controls The system shall be capable of H-O-A control for the ATS’s provided the ATS’s are equipped with the load shed relay (“Accessory 30B” signal). During Emergency Mode any ATS can be individually added to the bus or shed via these controls. The operator can select the ATS to be added by placing it in the HAND position. When placed in the HAND position, the load shed relay (“Acc. 30B” signal) at the ATS will be energized (if not already energized via normal load control), allowing the ATS to transfer to Emergency. If the operator inadvertently adds too much load, causing a Bus Underfrequency condition, all HAND switches will be reset back to AUTO and the system will revert to Normal load control. When the ATS is placed back into the AUTO position, the ATS will function per normal load control. Any switch that does not have an Acc. 30B picked up by normal load control (i.e. the switch is in Load Shed) will be immediately transferred back to Normal. When an ATS first calls for an engine start, the system will immediately begin emergency mode. Any ATS left in the HAND position will be returned to AUTO and normal load control will commence. If an ATS is placed in the OFF position, it will NEVER transfer to emergency. Any ATS left in the OFF position will not automatically return to AUTO at the start of emergency mode. An ATS left in the OFF position can only be taken out of OFF via the HOA switch. If the system is running in emergency mode, placing an ATS in the OFF position will immediately shed it from the emergency source. ASCO Power Technologies, Florham Park, NJ 07932. 16 800-800-ASCO Publication 3179 PART 4 - EXECUTION 4.1 FACTORY TESTING AND QUALITY ASSURANCE INSPECTION A. The equipment shall be factory tested to simulate a complete and integrated system. The circuit breakers supplied shall be installed in their actual positions and electrically and mechanically tested. A narrative of the system operation shall be provided and shall be utilized when testing the equipment. A certified factory test report shall be furnished to verify system testing. 1. The switchgear shall be subjected to the factory testing and quality control inspections to insure reliable operation. These tests and inspections shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following: 2. Perform a megger test with a 1000 volt megger. The minimum acceptable megger reading shall be 100 megohms on the switchgear, with all fuses, switches, circuit breakers, and contactors in the open position. 3. Insulation tests of all equipment and wiring, buses, etc., in accordance with manufacturer's standard practice. 4. Circuit continuity and wiring. 5. Mechanical equipment adjustment and operation of all moveable equipment and devices. 6. Equipment arrangements, types, and ratings for conformance with approved drawings. 7. Bus bar phase arrangement and bracing. 8. Integrity of all electrical connections. 9. Conformity with the nameplate and circuit identification indicated on the drawings and the approved manufacturer's drawings. 10. C. 4.2 Demonstration of switchgear functions. All switchboard equipment shall be given complete operational tests to ascertain that all design functions are satisfactorily performed. Testing shall include: 1. Actuation of all alarm indication devices. 2. All control circuits, automatic operations and interlocks shall be tested under simulated operating conditions. 3. All of the above shall be tested according to design specifications for correct and positive operations. INSTALLATION - The installing contractor shall perform all receiving, unloading, storage and installation of the equipment per all local applicable codes. A. Installation Instructions: 1. B. One copy shall be furnished of the installation, operation and maintenance instructions for all equipment and devices provided under this Contract for use during the installation and commissioning into service of the emergency power system. After installation by others, the engine-generator set and switchgear manufacturers shall provide the services of competent locally based service technicians/project managers to instruct the Installing Contractor, and to coordinate the commissioning of the equipment. They shall assist in placing the equipment into operation and provide instruction, as required, to the person or persons who are delegated to operate the equipment. This service shall include a minimum as follows: 1. Pre-installation coordination meeting to coordinate the installation and interconnection of the switchgear with the engine-generator equipment. 2. Initial checkout of the installation of the equipment to allow energizing of the switchgear. ASCO Power Technologies, Florham Park, NJ 07932. 17 800-800-ASCO Publication 3179 3. C. The switchgear manufacturer shall maintain a proficient factory service organization that is available for service and on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. D. It shall be the responsibility of the installing contractor to verify that the following items have been completed and are ready to perform as specified before the arrival of the start-up technician. E. 4.3 Post-installation start-up and testing prior to system turnover and for the initial instruction period for operating personnel. This shall include all service required to checkout the emergency power system and demonstrate its complete operation, for final acceptance by the Owner. 1. Inspect for obvious shipping damage. 2. The switchgear is installed, anchored down and grounded. 3. Shipping splits have been reinstalled with the splits bolted together, interconnect wiring installed and bus splice plates installed. 4. Terminate all power cables. 5. Install customer control wiring to external equipment including engines, batteries, ATS, associated motor controls, etc. 6. The engine-generator set is installed and ready to run. (Batteries charged and fuel in tank, etc.). 7. Associated motor controls, plumbing, building utilities are complete and operational. The start-up technician shall perform the following items: 1. Verify contractor connections, control power availability, visually inspect any relay settings. 2. With the engine generator supplier's technical representative controlling the engine, verify that the switchgear and control equipment are fully operational and perform per the sequence of operation specified. Equipment or services shall be provided by the engine generator set supplier. 3. With the engine generator supplier's technical representative controlling the engine, demonstrate all functions of the control system, both automatic and manual, to the satisfaction of the approving engineer. 4. Provide documentation in the form of function checklists and recorded data for each section to the approving engineer. 5. Provide plant operators with instruction on the plant operating procedures and major component operation after acceptance by the approving engineer. WARRANTY AND SERVICE A. Switchgear manufacturer warrants the equipment to be free from defects in material and workmanship for eighteen months from date of shipment. B. Switchgear manufacturer shall have an established network of factory owned and operated service centers within the continental US capable of servicing the specified equipment. C. The manufacturer's personnel shall be on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Personnel shall be factory trained and certified in the maintenance and repair of the specified equipment. ASCO Power Technologies, Florham Park, NJ 07932. 18 800-800-ASCO Publication 3179 D. 4.4 After-warranty service contracts shall be available to the owner by the manufacturer to provide periodic maintenance and/or repair of the specified equipment. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MATERIALS A. Operation Instructions and Maintenance Manuals: 1. After completion of work and start-up of the equipment at the project site, deliver to the Owner's Representative, (3) copies of operation instructions, maintenance manuals and drawings presenting full details for care and maintenance of each item of equipment provided under this Contract. 2. Each manual shall contain the operating and maintenance information and parts lists for all equipment provided under this Contract. When necessary, provide supplemental drawings to show system operation and servicing and maintenance points. For all electrical components, provide wiring and connection diagrams. Manuals shall include instructions required to accomplish specified operation and functions. Data shall be neat, clean, legible copies. 3. Switchgear drawings and wiring diagrams shall be included and up to date at the completion of start-up and system acceptance by the Owner. Drawings and wiring diagrams shall include any field modifications or changes to reflect actual as installed conditions. 4. In general the manual shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Switchgear Elevation drawings & One Line diagrams AC & DC Schematic and Physical Component Layout Drawings Remote Interface drawing Bill of Material Circuit Breaker Operation Manuals Description of System Operation Recommended Spare Parts List - showing all consumables anticipated to be required during routine maintenance and testing. Manuals shall be in the form of three-ring binders and compact discs (CD’s) adequately labeled with the project name and location and the contents indexed. Three (3) sets of manuals and three (3) sets of compact discs (CD’s) shall be provided to the Owner's Representative. END OF SECTION ASCO Power Technologies, Florham Park, NJ 07932. 19 800-800-ASCO Publication 3179