Individual and collective boxes with inductive electrometers 2011
Technical Part:
1) Integrated Individual Boxes (IIB) with SINGLE PHASE INDUCTIVE METER and MCB
8. Technical Data Sheet (TDSH):
What is the „detailed technical data“? – Is it the minimum parameters like in point
„6.Technical Requirements“ or TDSH must contain some more information – which specification/parameters is it?
Answear: See attached excel files TDSH.
2) Integrated Individual Boxes (IIB) with SINGLE PHASE INDUCTIVE meter and
3.General Technical Requirements
The boxes must be molded with the CEZ shperndarje logo – the logo is same like last tender of electrometers?
Is it important to have the request samples molded the logo or only declaration, that the logo will be molded in regular delivery of goods (because changes the mold is very time exacting)?
Answear: The logo must be molded on box and tenderer must show a sample in tender process. The logo shall be the same as last tender.
3) Integrated Individual Boxes (IIB) with SINGLE PHASE INDUCTIVE meter and
3.General Technical Requirements
What colour must be the wires? What colour must be the wires from MCB to electrometers? It is standard black (phases) and blue (N)?
Answear: Yes, it is.
4) Integrated Individual Boxes (IIB) with SINGLE PHASE INDUCTIVE meter and
3.General Technical Requirements
What colour must be grounding terminal? It is standard green/yellow (PE)?
Answear: Yes, it is.
5) Integrated Individual Boxes (IIB) with SINGLE PHASE INDUCTIVE meter and
3.General Technical Requirements
Must the seal be the part of the box or the box will be without the seal? If yes, which seal?
Answear: The box shall be without the seal.
6) Integrated Individual Boxes (IIB) with SINGLE PHASE INDUCTIVE meter and
9.Design and Material
Can be the Cable entrances solve with screw plug with same diameter like cable gland
(padding, filling)?
The cable entrances - knockout type is not coresponded to the technical request Impact strength 20J.
Answear: The cable entrance shall be knockout type .
7) Integrated Individual Boxes (IIB) with SINGLE PHASE INDUCTIVE meter and
Single phase meter:
9. Technical Data Sheet (TDSH):
What is the „detailed technical data“? – Is it the minimum parameters like in point
„8.Technical data“ or TDSH must contain some more information – which specification/parameters is it?
Answear: See attached excel files TDSH.
8) Integrated Individual Boxes (IIB) with THREE PHASE INDUCTIVE meter and
Three phase inductive meter:
Can we use electrometers 10-60A for the boxes with low value of MCB-current (16,
25,32,40A), or must be strictly using electrometers only 20-120A
Answear: The electrometer shall be 20-120 A.
9) Individual Boxes (IIB) with THREE PHASE INDUCTIVE meter and MCB
Three phase inductive meter:
11. tests
Elektrometers must be testing according the IEC 514. Is it possible calibration with calibration protocol?
Answear: The calibration shall be part of tests according the IEC 514.
10) Integrated Individual Boxes (IIB) with THREE PHASE INDUCTIVE meter and
Three phase inductive meter:
10. construction-barcode
Is it important to have the request samples this barcode or only declaration, that the barcode will be in regular delivery of goods?
Answear: The tenderer must show a sample of bar code in tender process.
11) Integrated Individual Boxes (IIB) with SINGLE PHASE INDUCTIVE meter and MCB
2. Mandatory Requirement
What is the „detailed technical data“? – Is it the minimum parameters like in point
„1.Technical data“ or TDSH must contain some more information – which specification/parameters is it?
Answear: See attached excel files TDSH.
12) Collective metalic boxes
After analyzing the technical specifications of joints in metal case is not attached wiring diagram. I wanted to know if our company has to offer electric diagram , or however electric diagram will be sent in order to present the offer as required by the buyer.
Answear: The electric diagram and wiring are part of bidder’s documentations.
Business part:
13) In Annex No. 2 – Subject of selection and quantities at individual locations:
In the line Item 4 – „Integrated individual box with three- phase inductive meter and minimal circuit breaker (MCB)“ is place only for one price, but the price is dependent to current of MCB and the price of the types will be different. Where we place this prices ?
Answear: See attached new Annex No.2.
14) Integrated Individual Boxes (IIB) with SINGLE PHASE INDUCTIVE meter and MCB
Single phase meter:
Can we offer bid with diferent type of electrometers (same technical parameters and price, different producer)?
Answear: Yes you can offer different type of electrometers (from various producers), but you have to use Annex No. 2 only for one offer. For the next offer (s) use again new
Annex No. 2. You shall present also samples and all required documents for each offered variant.
15) I wanted to also know you the amount of the meters and measurement joints is organized tender?
1) Single phase electromagnetic meter………...
20 000 pcs.
2) Three phase electromagnetic meter………… 10 000 pcs .
3) Integrated individual boxes single phase meter (electrometer 10-40A, MCB 25A,
factory assembled)…………………………..
32 000 pcs .
4) Integrated individual boxes three phase meter (electrometer 20-120A, MCB 16A,
factory assembled)…………………………… 1 000 pcs .
5) Integrated individual boxes three phase meter (electrometer 20-120A, MCB 25A,
factory assembled)…………………………… 3 000 pcs .
6) Integrated individual boxes three phase meter (electrometer 20-120A, MCB 32A,
factory assembled)…………………………… 2 500 pcs .
7) Integrated individual boxes three phase meter (electrometer 20-120A, MCB 40A,
factory assembled)…………………………… 1 200 pcs.
8) Integrated individual boxes three phase meter (electrometer 20-120A, MCB 63A,
factory assembled)…………………………… 1 100 pcs.
9) Integrated individual boxes three phase meter (electrometer 20-120A, MCB 80A,
factory assembled)……………………………… 500 pcs.
10) Integrated individual boxes three phase meter (electrometer 20-120A, MCB 100A,
factory assembled)……………………………… 600 pcs.
11) CMB Collective metallic boxes (5 single phase electrometers, MCB, factory
50 pcs.
12) CMB Collective metallic boxes (8 single phase electrometers, MCB, factory
assembled)……………………………………… 100 pcs.
13) CMB Collective metallic boxes (12 single phase electrometers, MCB, factory
250 pcs.
14) CMB Collective metallic boxes (16 single phase electrometers, MCB, factory
400 pcs.
15) CMB Collective metallic boxes (21 single phase electrometers, MCB, factory
400 pcs.
16) Can we reject the tender offer on joint in metal casings?
Yes, you don´t have to offer all items. You can offer also only some partial shipments.
17) Can you estimate the annual volume of each Item for 2011, please?
Answear: See estimated volume mentioned in point 14.
18) Is there any information about the quantities you intend to purchase?
Answear: See estimated volume mentioned in point 14.
19) Where are the Buyer’s warehouses in Albania (for fixing price for transport of goods).
Answear: Exact places will be known later. Generaly we count on places Tirana, Elbasan,
Durres – 1 delivery to one warehouse).
20) Framework Agreement for the Supply of Goods
XIV. Term and Termination:
From when (date) will be starting the contract? When will be starting the first delivery of goods?
Answear: Term and Termination of FWA – not limited yet
First deliveries – we suppose end of May / beginning of June 2011