Innovative Integration M44 Hardware Manual The M44 Hardware Manual was prepared by the technical staff of Innovative Integration, September 1997 For further assistance contact Innovative Integration 5785 Lindero Canyon Road Westlake Village, California 91362 PH: FAX: email: WWW: (818) 865-6150 (818) 879-1770 This document is copyright 1997 by Innovative Integration. All rights are reserved. VSS\m44\documents\hardware\m44hw.doc #51032 rev – 3.03 Table of Contents 1. M44 Hardware Functions .................................................................... 1 1.1 1.2 M44 Hardware Initialization Requirements .............................................................................. 3 PCI Bus Interface ......................................................................................................................... 4 1.2.1 PCI Bus Interface Register Set ............................................................................................. 4 1.2.2 Introduction to PCI Bus Mastering ..................................................................................... 4 1.2.3 Bus Master Transfer Setup and Termination ..................................................................... 5 Host DRAM Page Locking ......................................................................................... 5 1.2.4 Bus Slave Setup ...................................................................................................................... 5 1.2.5 Mailbox Access....................................................................................................................... 6 1.2.6 PCI Bus Software support in Developer’s Package ............................................................ 6 1.3 OMNIBUS I/O .............................................................................................................................. 7 1.3.1 I/O Bus Accesses and Hardware RDY Generation ............................................................. 7 1.3.2 I/O Bus Power ...................................................................................................................... 10 1.3.3 I/O Bus Mechanical Specifications ..................................................................................... 10 1.3.4 I/O Bus Timing..................................................................................................................... 11 1.3.5 I/O Bus Module Design Guidelines .................................................................................... 11 1.4 Timers.......................................................................................................................................... 13 1.4.1 AD9850 Direct Digital Synthesizer..................................................................................... 13 1.4.2 8254 Counter-timer ............................................................................................................. 14 1.5 Communication Ports ................................................................................................................ 15 1.6 Digital I/O ................................................................................................................................... 17 1.6.1 Digital I/O Timing ............................................................................................................... 18 1.7 Interrupts .................................................................................................................................... 19 1.8 Multiplexer Control ................................................................................................................... 20 1.9 JTAG Test Bus ........................................................................................................................... 22 2. Appendices ...........................................................................................23 2.1 Connector pinouts ...................................................................................................................... 24 2.1.1 JP5, JP6, JP9, JP10, P1, P2 - I/O Module I/O Connectors .............................................. 24 2.1.2 JP24-JP27 - I/O Module ‘C44 Bus Connectors ................................................................. 26 2.1.3 JP1, JP2 - Processor Communication Port Headers ........................................................ 28 2.1.4 JP3 – Digital I/O Connector ............................................................................................... 29 2.2 Factory Default Jumper Settings .............................................................................................. 30 2.3 Device Data Sheets ..................................................................................................................... 31 List of Figures Figure 1: M44 Block Diagram ......................................................................................................................1 Figure 2: M44 Memory Map ........................................................................................................................2 Figure 3: OMNIBUS Control Register Initialization Values .....................................................................3 Figure 4: OMNIBUS I/O Memory Mapping ...............................................................................................7 Figure 5: I/O Module Wait State Generator Example ...............................................................................9 Figure 6: I/O Bus Power Ratings ...............................................................................................................10 Figure 7: OMNIBUS I/O Mechanical Specification .................................................................................11 Figure 8: DDS versus Counter-timer .........................................................................................................13 Figure 9: 8254 Timer Clock Sources ..........................................................................................................14 Figure 10: M44 Communication Port Usage .............................................................................................15 Figure 11: Communication Port Driver Settings ......................................................................................15 Figure 12: Digital I/O Control Registers ...................................................................................................17 Figure 13: Digital I/O Port Timing ............................................................................................................18 Figure 14: Digital I/O Port Timing Parameters ........................................................................................18 Figure 15: External Processor Interrupt Selection, Revisions C and D ..................................................19 Figure 16: External Processor Interrupt Selection, Revision E ...............................................................20 Figure 17: TERM Function Memory Map ................................................................................................20 Figure 18: I/O Module Connector Pinouts ................................................................................................24 Figure 19: I/O Module Bus Connectors .....................................................................................................26 Figure 20: I/O Module Bus Connectors .....................................................................................................27 Figure 21: JP1, JP2 Pin Description ..........................................................................................................28 Figure 22: Digital I/O Connector ...............................................................................................................29 M44 Hardware Manual - 1 1. M44 Hardware Functions The M44 is a digital signal processor (DSP) card based around the Texas Instruments TMS320C44 processor. The card is compatible with the PCI bus interface and is capable of both bus master and slave transactions on the host bus. Implementing a modular I/O expansion system, the M44 is particularly suited to data acquisition and control tasks, and is supported by a collection of OMNIBUS I/O function cards which provide hardware interfacing to real-world equipment. The M44 is also well suited for I/O slave activities in existing ‘C4x processor systems, allowing a network of ‘C4x family processors to access data and control hardware via the external communication port connectors. The M44’s features include: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) TMS320C44 processor (40-60 MHz) Dual SRAM memory pools (one local, one global) PCI bus interface (master/slave) Six channels of on-board timing (on-chip timers or external 8254 and 9850 DDS timebases) OMNIBUS I/O (two available slots) Two external communication port connectors External mux board control connectors (compatible with Mux44) JTAG hardware emulation support (with passthrough) The following figure gives a block diagram of the M44. I/O Module Slot 0 I/O Module Slot 1 Local SRAM (32K-128Kwords) TMS320C44 DSP AD9850 DDS 8254 CTC PCI Bus Interface (Master/Slave) Global SRAM (32K-512Kwords) Comm1 Comm4 External Connectors PCI Bus Figure 1: M44 Block Diagram The following figure gives the processor memory map of the M44. Function Digital I/O Data Register Digital I/O Byte 0 Direction Control Digital I/O Byte 1 Direction Control Digital I/O Byte 2 Direction Control Digital I/O Byte 3 Direction Control C Language Mnemonic Address Bus/Strobe DIGIO DIGDIR0 DIGDIR1 DIGDIR2 DIGDIR3 0x300000 0x400000 0x440000 0x480000 0x4C0000 Local Strobe 0 “ “ “ “ 2 - M44 Hardware Manual 9850 DDS W_CLK 9850 DDS FQ_UD 9850 DDS Reset 8254 Channel 0 Period Register 8254 Channel 1 Period Register 8254 Channel 2 Period Register 8254 Control Register I/O Module Strobe 0 I/O Module Strobe 1 I/O Module Strobe 2 I/O Module Strobe 3 I/O Module Strobe 4 I/O Module Strobe 5 I/O Module Strobe 6 I/O Module Strobe 7 Multiplexer Unit 0 Control Multiplexer Unit 1 Control External Local SRAM External Global SRAM PCI Bus Interface Registers Figure 2: M44 Memory Map DDS_W_CLK DDS_FQ_UD DDS_RESET PIT_A PIT_B PIT_C PIT_D IOMOD0 IOMOD1 IOMOD2 IOMOD3 IOMOD4 IOMOD5 IOMOD6 IOMOD7 MUX0 MUX1 V292_REG 0x500000 0x540000 0x580000 0x600000 0x600001 0x600002 0x600003 0x700000 0x740000 0x780000 0x7C0000 0x800000 0x840000 0x880000 0x8c0000 0x900000 0x940000 0x7FE00000 0x80000000 0x80800000 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Local Strobe 1 Global Strobe 0 Global Strobe 1 M44 Hardware Manual - 3 1.1 M44 Hardware Initialization Requirements The M44 design requires the following values to be written to its hardware control registers in order to provide error-free access to on-board hardware: Register Address Value GMICR LMICR 0x100000 0x100004 0x36A50000 0x3DA50040 Figure 3: OMNIBUS Control Register Initialization Values These values are initialized automatically by C programs compiled under the M44 Developer’s Package software libraries. Be sure to include initialization of these values whenever software is developed outside the Developer’s Package or when a JTAG hardware assisted debugger is employed for code downloading to the M44 (i.e. when using Code Composer or any other JTAG debugger package). Also note that the M44 uses on-board logic to control processor bootstrapping from the global bus SRAM. This logic controls the IIOF[3..0] processor interrupt input pins and effectively muxes these inputs between the bootloading function and external interrupt inputs. The logic’s multiplexer is reset by an IACK pulse from the processor, normally caused by the completion of the ‘C44’s ROM bootloader program. After a processor board level reset and until this pulse is received by the logic, external interrupts will be gated away from the processor. Normal application COFF loading under control of the Developer’s Package host libraries will utilize the ‘C44 bootloader and initialize interrupts correctly. All code loaded outside of the Developer’s Package (i.e. via a JTAG debugger) will need to execute an IACK instruction to external memory in order to initialize the external bootload logic and allow the processor to receive external interrupts. 4 - M44 Hardware Manual 1.2 PCI Bus Interface The M44 implements a high speed PCI bus master/slave interface for use in transferring data to and from host computer applications and other hardware installed in the host system. The card is able to directly access any memory address in the host system, and once initialized can automatically transfer data to and from the global SRAM memory pool without ‘C44 CPU intervention. The card also responds to bus master accesses as a bus slave, allowing other bus masters to write or read data directly to/from global SRAM without intervention from either the ‘C44 or host CPU. Also included in the PCI interface hardware is a mailbox register set which allows for straightforward transfer of 32-bit data one word at a time. The mailboxes are mapped in the I/O space on the host PCI bus, along with the rest of the PCI bus interface control register set. 1.2.1 PCI Bus Interface Register Set The register set of the PCI bus interface V292PBC device is mapped into the ‘C44’s global memory area starting at address 0x80800000. This register set allows the ‘C44 to control the PCI bus interface, including such functions as bus master transfers, slave memory mapping, and the mailbox register set. The PCI bus configuration space registers also reside within this set. The register set is initialized at system startup from a serial EEPROM device, allowing the various PCI configuration registers to be set up with required values prior to the system BIOS’ initialization of the PCI bus. After system plug and play initialization, the register set is mapped into a 128 byte region of I/O space on the PCI bus, allowing the registers to be accessed by the host’s operating system or application software. For a complete listing of available registers and their functions, please see the V292PBC User’s Guide in the appendices. 1.2.2 Introduction to PCI Bus Mastering Bus mastering allows the M44 to take direct control of the PCI bus and perform accesses to other hardware residing on the bus, either directly or through bridge hardware. This feature allows the ‘C44 processor to program reads and writes directly into the host CPU memory space, thus transferring data into and out of host memory without taking precious host CPU bandwidth away from other system management and application tasks. Via this interface, the M44 can also access other PCI slave hardware adapters. Bus slave access allows either the system host or other bus masters direct access to the M44’s global SRAM pool. This allows other processors in the system the ability to transfer data to and from the ‘C44’s memory space without requiring the ‘C44 to be involved in the transaction. This can save processor bandwidth on the ‘C44 side, allowing it to spend more time processing local data or handling I/O transactions on the I/O expansion bus. M44 Hardware Manual - 5 1.2.3 Bus Master Transfer Setup and Termination Bus master transfer setup is very similar to the initialization of most DMA controllers. The PCI bus interface requires three variables to be programmed prior to starting a bus master transfer: the PCI memory address, the offset into ‘C44 global memory, and the count of 32-bit words to be transferred. The direction and start bits in the bus master control register are initialized last, causing the DMA controller built in to the interface to begin the transfer. Once the transfer is initiated, the ‘C44 may continue on with other tasks while the DMA controller processes the transaction. Although the ‘C44 may poll for completion of the transfer, the bus interface is typically programmed to interrupt the ‘C44 upon transfer termination. Interrupt-driven bus master transactions allow the processor to proceed with other tasks while the bus interface hardware completes the transfer transparently. Host DRAM Page Locking It is generally necessary under most modern host operating systems to perform a page locking and devirtualization call in order to guarantee the availability of host RAM at a specified physical address. This is necessary because most currently available host operating systems use virtual memory techniques to page data between physical RAM and the host disk so as to increase the effective memory size of the system. Since the M44 bus master feature requires a known host RAM area to which or from which it can transfer data, and since this data transfer can occur asynchronously from host operating system activities including virtual memory swaps, the operating system must be restricted from moving data in the space to be used by the bus master mechanism. Note that this requirement also applies to other adapter cards used as slaves to an M44 bus master transfer, but in a slightly different way. The host operating system or applications running under the operating system must be aware of the bus master transfers being performed to the slave adapter so as to avoid conflicts. For example, if a bus master write were issued to a disk controller which is simultaneously being managed by a host operating system device driver, the two functions would likely collide if the device driver was not made aware of the impending bus master transfer. The M44 Developer’s Package provides a device driver which automatically locks a portion of host physical DRAM to provide a data transfer buffer. 1.2.4 Bus Slave Setup The M44 PCI bus interface maps the global SRAM memory into PCI memory space to allow other PCI bus masters access to this memory pool. This allows either the system host CPU or another bus mastering card to deliver data or program information to the M44’s ‘C44 processor without requiring processing time from the M44 to complete the transfer. The memory is directly mapped into a two MByte region in host memory (usually above the top of installed host DRAM), allocated during plug and play negotiations when the host system is first booted. The size is always allocated to two MBytes because the maximum global SRAM size on the M44 is 512Kwords (512Kx32, or two Mbytes). If the installed global SRAM memory is smaller than 512 KBytes, the memory image will alias through the allocated two MByte address space (i.e. multiple copies appear through the allocated area). 6 - M44 Hardware Manual No explicit software setup other than the basic board initialization (see above) is required in order to use the global SRAM as a PCI slave memory space. Note: the M44 PCI bus interface does not support bus master transfers simultaneous with slave global SRAM accesses. Before attempting to access global SRAM, host software should check for an active bus master transfer via the V292 register set. 1.2.5 Mailbox Access The PCI bus interface mailboxes include four 32-bit wide registers which may be used to transfer individual words between the M44 and host processors. Interrupts may be enabled on writes and reads of these registers, and there is no handshaking built in to the interface (i.e. either processor can access any mailbox at any time). The mailboxes are typically used for slow rate data transfer (as in the stdio library provided with the Developer’s Package) or command passing schemes. 1.2.6 PCI Bus Software support in Developer’s Package The M44 Developer’s Package includes libraries to drive both bus master transfers and mailbox accesses. The bus master support includes routines which set up and initiate bus master reads and writes from data areas in global SRAM. Routines are provided to help manage use of the mailboxes in a data passing scheme. The C language stdio library in the Developer’s Package also makes use of the mailbox system as its primary data passing method. M44 Hardware Manual - 7 1.3 OMNIBUS I/O The OMNIBUS I/O provides a modular, high-speed expansion area which is directly tied to the ‘C44 local bus and which is ideally suited for I/O hardware expansion. Direct memory-mapped accesses as fast as one wait state allow the ‘C44 to transfer data to and from I/O bus peripherals constructed as plug-in modules which can be mixed and matched to suit the particular user’s functional requirements. Implemented as two independent I/O module slots, the M44’s I/O bus is accessed as a memory-mapped peripheral with the M44 providing four decoded chip select signals per slot. The following figure gives the memory map for the M44’s I/O bus, and shows the decode signal to I/O slot mapping. Function C Language Mnemonic Address Module Slot IOMOD0 IOMOD1 IOMOD2 IOMOD3 IOMOD4 IOMOD5 IOMOD6 IOMOD7 0x700000 0x740000 0x780000 0x7C0000 0x800000 0x840000 0x880000 0x8c0000 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 I/O Module Strobe 0 I/O Module Strobe 1 I/O Module Strobe 2 I/O Module Strobe 3 I/O Module Strobe 4 I/O Module Strobe 5 I/O Module Strobe 6 I/O Module Strobe 7 Figure 4: OMNIBUS I/O Memory Mapping I/O module slot 0 is in the upper position (towards the top edge of the card), while slot 1 is in the lower position (towards the PCI bus edge connector). Each I/O module slot provides a full 32-bit wide data bus connection to the ‘C44 processor’s local bus, with 12 bits of low-order address signals for additional decoding beyond the four chip select signals available per slot. Each module also connects to a ‘C44 communication port (port 2 for I/O module 0, port 5 for I/O module 1) to allow comm port driven I/O. Bus reset, RDY, R/W, and processor clock signals are available, as are power connections for digital 5V and analog +-5V and +-15V. Timebase connections include timer channels from both the 8254 counter-timer chip and the 9850 direct-digital synthesizer. Each I/O module site has a 50 pin undedicated connector (JP5 on site 0, JP9 on site 1), for use in providing external I/O to/from a module installed in the site. The module’s I/O connector is in turn pinned out to a 50 pin .100” square double row header (JP6 on site 0, JP10 on site 1) on the board and a 15 pin DB style connector on the end bracket. The DB15 connector provides external access to the highest 15 pins of the I/O connections. Connector pinouts for the module sites are provided in the appendices. Individual pin functions are noted in the tables, and in general the I/O Bus pinout represents a direct connection to the ‘C44 local bus. The exceptions to this rule are noted below, along with custom module design recommendations. 1.3.1 I/O Bus Accesses and Hardware RDY Generation The ‘C44 processor’s local bus control register is initialized for hardware wait states in the strobe 0 region (see M44 Hardware Initialization Requirements, above), which means that the individual I/O modules are responsible for generating an active low RDY pulse to the ‘C44 processor to terminate bus accesses to their respective memory mapped areas. This allows each module to individually determine timing for bus accesses to the memory space in which it is installed, which in turn allows accesses as short as one wait 8 - M44 Hardware Manual state (and potentially as long as can be generated by the module). The ‘C44 local bus RDY0 pin is shared across both modules as well as the on-board wait-state generation logic (which is responsible for providing RDY pulses for on-board peripherals mapped into local strobe 0 space), and is generated by the hardware as a wired-OR open collector signal (the signal is pulled up to system 5V with a 1Kohm resistor). The following code example, written in the AMD MACHXL design language, shows how to provide a logic-based wait state generator for customer-designed modules. The wait state generator is implemented as a state machine clocked from the processor H1 clock signal (this code is used in the MACH210 CPLD device on the M44DIG module). The design generates two different levels of wait state length: one wait state cycles (for the control registers, digital I/O, and ID ROM accesses) and five wait state cycles (for all UART accesses). PIN ? H1 COMB PIN ? /IOMOD0 COMB PIN ? /IOMOD1 COMB PIN ? /IOMOD2 COMB PIN ? /IOMOD3 COMB PIN ? /LRDY0 REG NODE ? LRDY0_TRST REG NODE ? Q[2..0] REG ; IO Module bus wait state generator CASE (LRDY0_STATE) BEGIN dwell: BEGIN IF(DUMMY_INPUT) THEN ;fake IF to fix MACHXL compile bug BEGIN LRDY0_STATE = 7 LRDY0 = VCC LRDY0_TRST = VCC END ELSE BEGIN IF(/IOMOD0 * /IOMOD1 * /IOMOD2 * /IOMOD3) THEN ;if no cycle, remain in dwell state BEGIN LRDY0_STATE = dwell LRDY0 = GND LRDY0_TRST = GND END ELSE BEGIN IF(IOMOD0) THEN ;if UART access, execute five wait cycle BEGIN LRDY0_STATE = five_wait_start LRDY0 = GND LRDY0_TRST = VCC END ELSE BEGIN IF(IOMOD1 + IOMOD2 + IOMOD3) THEN ;if any other access, one wait state BEGIN LRDY0_STATE = one_wait_start LRDY0 = VCC LRDY0_TRST = VCC END END END END END M44 Hardware Manual - 9 one_wait_start: BEGIN LRDY0_STATE = dwell LRDY0 = GND LRDY0_TRST = GND END ; jump back to DWELL state ; send LRDY0 active low to 'C44 five_wait_start: BEGIN LRDY0_STATE = five_wait_dwell_one LRDY0 = GND LRDY0_TRST = VCC END five_wait_dwell_one: BEGIN LRDY0_STATE = five_wait_dwell_two LRDY0 = GND LRDY0_TRST = VCC END five_wait_dwell_two: BEGIN LRDY0_STATE = five_wait_dwell_three LRDY0 = GND LRDY0_TRST = VCC END five_wait_dwell_three: BEGIN LRDY0_STATE = five_wait_dwell_four LRDY0 = GND LRDY0_TRST = VCC END five_wait_dwell_four: BEGIN LRDY0_STATE = five_wait_dwell_five LRDY0 = VCC LRDY0_TRST = VCC END five_wait_dwell_five: BEGIN LRDY0_STATE = dwell LRDY0 = GND LRDY0_TRST = GND END ;jump back to dwell state ;send LRDY0 active to 'C44 END Q[2..0].CLKF = /H1 Q[2..0].RSTF = RESET LRDY0.CLKF = /H1 LRDY0.RSTF = RESET LRDY0.TRST = LRDY0_TRST LRDY0_TRST.CLKF = /H1 LRDY0_TRST.RSTF = RESET Figure 5: I/O Module Wait State Generator Example 10 - M44 Hardware Manual 1.3.2 I/O Bus Power The I/O bus provides five separate power supplies for use by I/O modules, along with two separate ground return connections. The following table lists the supplies and their power ratings. A separate digital 5V supply is provided along with separate digital grounds to minimize the digital noise present on the analog power supplies. Pin Name Voltage Current Rating (max) DVCC +12 -12 AVCC -AVCC +AV -AV 5V (digital) 12V -12V 5V (analog) -5V +15V -15V (System dependent) (System dependent) (System dependent) 500 mA 500 mA 330 mA 330 mA Figure 6: I/O Bus Power Ratings Please note that the AGND and DGND busses are separated on the M44 and for proper ground referencing they must be tied together on modules which use the analog power supplies (any supply other than digital 5V). Innovative Integration recommends that a ferrite bead (Panasonic EXC-ELSA35V or equivalent) be used on custom modules to connect the two ground busses in order to prevent high frequency digital noise on the DGND bus from polluting the clean AGND return. 1.3.3 I/O Bus Mechanical Specifications The following figure gives mechanical specifications for board size and connector placement and orientation for I/O bus modules. M44 Hardware Manual - 11 Figure 7: OMNIBUS I/O Mechanical Specification 1.3.4 I/O Bus Timing OMNIBUS I/O timing is identical to that of the card’s ‘C44 processor with the following exceptions: 1) IOMODx* signals have a propagation delay of approximately 7-10 ns max through onboard logic, which causes these signals to trail the ‘C44 LSTRB0* timing by the same amount of time. 2) All other processor bus signals have a small propagation time added to them by connector delays (approximately 2-3 ns). This slightly affects signal timing to and from the ‘C44 and should be taken into account when designing I/O module glue logic. For more information on the ‘C44’s local bus timing specification, see the TMS320C4x User’s Guide. 1.3.5 I/O Bus Module Design Guidelines The following guidelines should be observed when designing a custom module for the OMNIBUS I/O: 1) Keep all bus line loading to below four CMOS loads per module. If more than four devices are present on data or address bus lines, buffer the lines with fast (FCT or ABT family) logic. 12 - M44 Hardware Manual 2) Do not decode the IOMODx* strobes further using lower order address lines unless address and data latching is included for write accesses to the card. The IOMODx* signals already represent one propagation delay through a set of decode logic on the card (max 7-10 ns), and additional decoding may drive the resultant strobe trailing edge too far past the close of valid data and address information from the ‘C44. This can result in failed or intermittent write operations. 3) Keep bus signal trace lengths to the absolute minimum. Interface logic should be placed as close as possible to the bus connector end of the module. 4) Treat the processor H1 clock signal with special care. Termination may be required to maintain signal integrity. 5) Since the external DB15 connectors allow the highest 15 pins (pins 35-50) of the Bus’ I/O connector to propagate to the outside of the system chassis without special internal chassis cabling, custom module designs should always use these pins for I/O whenever possible. M44 Hardware Manual - 13 1.4 Timers The M44 provides a total of six channels of independent timebase generation on board for use in timing data acquisition, servo controls, real-time counters, and other applications. The functionality is divided into three devices: two channels of 32-bit timing on the ‘C44 processor, three channels of 16-bit timing on the 8254 counter-timer chip, and a 32-bit direct digital synthesizer (DDS) channel in the AD9850 device. This section discusses the AD9850 and 8254 devices: for more information on the on-chip timers, see the TMS320C4x User’s Guide. 1.4.1 AD9850 Direct Digital Synthesizer The AD9850 direct digital synthesizer (DDS) is a precision programmable clock source which is capable of generating frequencies in the range of 0 to 30 MHz with a resolution of approximately 0.014 Hz/step (the exact number is calculated using the equation, Step = Inputclk / 2^32). Unlike a digital counter-timer chip which uses a digital counter to divide down a high input clock rate, the DDS uses phase-locked-loop synthesize technology to tune a sine wave oscillator based on an 32-bit digital word. This method realizes a linear output frequency over input range rather than the nonlinear one associated with counter-timer chips, whose resolution drops dramatically as the period register used to program them falls. As an example take the following table, which shows frequency outputs for each of the two types of timebases over input codes: Input Code AD9850 Output Frequency (60 MHz input clock) (Hz) AD9850 Frequency Step (Hz) 8254 Output Frequency (10 MHz input clock) (Hz) 8254 Frequency Step (Hz) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 65533 65534 65535 0.014 0.028 0.042 0.056 0.070 0.084 0.098 0.112 0.126 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 5M 2.5M 1.25M 625k 312k 156k 78k 39k 19k 2.5M 1.25M 625k 312k 156k 78k 39k 19k 9k 915.485 915.499 915.513 0.014 0.014 76.2974 76.2962 76.2951 0.0012 0.0011 Figure 8: DDS versus Counter-timer The counter-timer device has a nonlinear frequency step change over its input code range, as opposed to the DDS device which maintains a linear frequency step for each input code increment. This results in the counter-timer’s increases resolution at the high end of its input code range, with a correspondingly low resolution at the low end. The AD9850 timebase should be selected for use when a fairly fast but very precise and accurate clock is required by the application. The M44 Developer’s Package includes a routine (timer()) which makes it easy to set the AD9850’s output frequency (see the M44 Developer’s Package Software Manual for details). 14 - M44 Hardware Manual 1.4.2 8254 Counter-timer The 8254 counter-timer provides three 16-bit counter timer channels which may be used as timebase generators or as external event counters, with the capability to gate counting as needed with external logic. When used as timebases, 8254 channels zero and one have two possible input signals while 8254 channel two has a single (external) source. Channels zero and one may be driven by either the on-board 1 MHz crystal oscillator or the output of the AD9850 DDS circuit, depending on jumper settings (see the table below for jumper setting information). Channel two is always driven by the 8254_CLK2 signal on the digital I/O connector. Channel Jumper Setting Input Source 0 JP22 pins 1-2 JP22 pins 2-3 JP23 pins 1-2 JP23 pins 2-3 DDS output 1 MHz oscillator DDS output 1 MHz oscillator 1 Figure 9: 8254 Timer Clock Sources Gating of these sources may be accomplished by the GATE[0..2] pins on the digital I/O connector. Pulling these lines low will stop counting on the corresponding channel. The lines are pulled high by 10K ohm resistors on the board. M44 Hardware Manual - 15 1.5 Communication Ports The M44 provides two external communication port connectors which allow the processor to exchange data quickly and easily with other ‘C4x-based processor boards. The port connectors are driven (with the exception of the REQ and ACK lines), allowing long lines to be used between boards. The connector pinouts used are compatible with Innovative Integration’s other ‘C4x processor boards. The following diagram shows the comm port usage on the M44. Two ports (ports one and four) are driven to the external comm port connectors while the other two available ports are connected directly (undriven) to the I/O bus connectors. ‘C44 Processor JP14 Comm 2 I/O Module Slot 0 Comm 5 I/O Module Slot 1 Comm 1 Comm 4 Drivers/Logic Drivers/Logic JP1 Connector JP2 Connector JP15 Figure 10: M44 Communication Port Usage All four comm ports are capable of bidirectional data transfer, but bidirectional usage is not recommended on the external comm ports with cables longer than approximately two feet. At this distance, token transfer timing over the unbuffered REQ and ACK lines becomes unreliable. If cables of this length or longer are to be used, the drivers may be forced into unidirectional mode through the use of jumpers JP14 and JP15, according to the following table. Jumper Number Position JP15 Off 1-2 2-3 Off 1-2 2-3 JP14 Function ‘C44 comm 4 is input only ‘C44 comm 4 is bidirectional Reserved Reserved ‘C44 comm 1 is bidirectional ‘C44 comm 1 is output only Figure 11: Communication Port Driver Settings Caution: when the board is jumpered for unidirectional transfer, do not attempt to perform bidirectional transfers. Doing so can cause drive contention between the ‘C44 processor and the comm port drivers, potentially causing significant damage to the M44 board. For example, if comm port 4 is jumpered for unidirectional functionality (input only), do not perform software writes to the comm port’s data FIFO. Caution: performing a JTAG scan path DSP reset can also cause hardware conflicts when running comm port based software. Since a JTAG reset initializes the on-chip peripherals as well as the CPU, the comm 16 - M44 Hardware Manual ports will revert to their normal power-on reset directions. If the M44’s external logic is set to an opposing direction due to comm port software operation, the drivers will conflict with the ‘C44’s comm port pin drive, potentially damaging the board. A board level hardware reset will simultaneously reset the external logic and the ‘C44 device, thus avoiding the problem. A utility for generating a hardware reset (CARD.EXE) is included with the Innovative Peripheral Libraries. M44 Hardware Manual - 17 1.6 Digital I/O The M44 includes 32 bits of software programmable digital I/O for use in controlling digital instruments or acquiring digital inputs. The digital I/O is mapped into local strobe zero at five addresses: one used to read/write the digital I./O data, and four more for controlling the direction of the four bytes of digital I/O The following table lists the addresses and their functions. Function Digital I/O Data Register Digital I/O Byte 0 Direction Control Digital I/O Byte 1 Direction Control Digital I/O Byte 2 Direction Control Digital I/O Byte 3 Direction Control C Language Mnemonic Address DIGIO DIGDIR0 DIGDIR1 DIGDIR2 DIGDIR3 0x300000 0x400000 0x440000 0x480000 0x4C0000 Figure 12: Digital I/O Control Registers The direction control registers provide for software control of the drive direction of the port. Each byte is individually controllable by writing a zero (to select output) or a one (to select input) to the respective direction control register. The data register allows software to directly read data from port pins programmed for input, or write data to pins programmed for output. Since the digital I/O port is a latching port (meaning that inputs are clocked in on the edge of a strobe signal and held for the processor to read), there is a jumper selection which allows the user to pick the strobe source. Jumper JP4 allows the user to select either software read clocking (pins 2-3 shorted) or external hardware clocking (pins 1-2 shorted). If software clocking is selected, then the port latches programmed for input will clock in the digital data present on the external pins at the beginning of a read cycle executed on the port (30-50 ns before the data is returned to the processor, depending on processor clock speed). If external clocking is selected, then the port will latch data on the falling edge of the TTL signal EXT_DIG_RD_CLK* on the digital I/O connector. The data will be held for the processor to read until the next low-going edge of the EXT_DIG_RD_CLK* signal. The ‘FCT16952 devices used to implement the digital I/O port are capable of sourcing 32 mA and sinking 64 mA per pin. 18 - M44 Hardware Manual 1.6.1 Digital I/O Timing The following diagram gives timing information for the digital I/O port when used in external readback clock mode (see above for details). This data is derived from device specifications and is not factory tested. External Readback Clock tSU Input data tH Data Valid Figure 13: Digital I/O Port Timing Parameter min (ns) tSU tH 0 10 Figure 14: Digital I/O Port Timing Parameters M44 Hardware Manual - 19 1.7 Interrupts The M44 provides a jumper header (JP13) which allows the user to connect any of several different interrupt sources to the ‘C44 processor’s external interrupt inputs. Interrupts may be triggered by any of the following sources: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 9850 DDS timebase 8254 timebase channels 0-2 External analog triggers 0 and 1 External interrupt inputs 0 and 1 External digital I/O strobe PCI-to-’C44 interrupt The following tables list the possible interrupt input to source connections. Note that there are separate tables for different revision cards. Processor Interrupt Input Source Signal JP13 Jumper Position IIOF0 9850 Timebase 8254 Channel 0 Timebase External Trigger 0 External Interrupt 0 External Trigger 0 External Interrupt 0 External Interrupt 3 8254 Channel 1 Timebase External Interrupt 3 8254 Channel 1 Timebase External Digital I/O Strobe External Interrupt 1 PCI Interrupt 8254 Channel 2 Timebase External Trigger 1 External Interrupt 2 1-3 2-4 3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8 7-9 8-10 9-11 10-12 11-13 12-14 15-17 16-18 17-19 18-20 IIOF1 IIOF2 IIOF3 Figure 15: External Processor Interrupt Selection, Revisions C and D 20 - M44 Hardware Manual Processor Interrupt Input Source Signal JP13 Jumper Position IIOF0 9850 Timebase 8254 Channel 0 Timebase External Trigger 0 External Interrupt 0 External Trigger 0 External Interrupt 0 External Interrupt 3 8254 Channel 1 Timebase 8254 Channel 1 Timebase External Interrupt 1 8254 Channel 2 Timebase External Interrupt 2 External Interrupt 3 External Digital I/O Strobe PCI Interrupt External Trigger 1 1-3 2-4 3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8 7-9 8-10 10-12 12-14 16-18 18-20 9-11 11-13 15-17 17-19 IIOF1 IIOF2 IIOF3 Figure 16: External Processor Interrupt Selection, Revision E Please note that the interrupt signals themselves are always TTL push-pull falling edge sensitive. In order to avoid contention between interrupt sources, only one signal may drive a particular interrupt input at one time. 1.8 Multiplexer Control The M44 provides two external multiplexer control bus connectors for use with the TERM external multiplexer board. Control for the multiplexer connectors is provided at the MUX0 and MUX1 addresses (see memory map above), with the memory-mapped functions described in the following table. M44TERM Module 0 1 Function Mux #0 Channel Select Mux #1 Channel Select Mux #2 Channel Select Mux #3 Channel Select All Muxes Channel Select Sample Trigger Reset Mux #0 Channel Select Mux #1 Channel Select Mux #2 Channel Select Mux #3 Channel Select All Muxes Channel Select Sample Trigger Reset C Language Mnemonic Address MUX0 MUX0+1 MUX0+2 MUX0+3 MUX0+4 MUX0+5 MUX0+7 MUX1 MUX1+1 MUX1+2 MUX1+3 MUX1+4 MUX1+5 MUX1+7 0x900000 0x900001 0x900002 0x900003 0x900004 0x900005 0x900007 0x940000 0x940001 0x940002 0x940003 0x940004 0x940005 0x940007 Figure 17: TERM Function Memory Map The control connectors (JP17 for TERM module #0 and JP18 for TERM module #1) select multiplexer channel numbers and trigger analog sample/hold operations. The first four addresses from the start of each mux control address map allow the selection of incoming signals on each multiplexer device on the TERM. M44 Hardware Manual - 21 The fifth address location allows the simultaneous selection of the same channel on all multiplexer devices. The remaining two addresses trigger analog samples on the sample/hold devices and perform a global reset of the TERM hardware. 22 - M44 Hardware Manual 1.9 JTAG Test Bus The M44 implements a JTAG 1149.1-compatible scan path loop through the onboard ‘C44. When connecting a JTAG controller card cable (from an Innovative Integration debugger card, Texas Instruments XDS-510, or other vendor’s JTAG hardware), the JP19 connector is used. M44 Hardware Manual - 23 2. Appendices 24 - M44 Hardware Manual 2.1 Connector pinouts 2.1.1 JP5, JP6, JP9, JP10, P1, P2 - I/O Module I/O Connectors Connector types: JP5, JP9: AMP .05 Subminiature D male JP6, JP10: .100” header (M44), 50 pin female SCSI style (cM44) P1, P2: DB15 male (M44 only) Number of pins: JP5, JP9: 50 JP6, JP10: 50 P1, P2: 15 Mating connector: JP5, JP9: AMP 173279-3 JP6, JP10: AMP 1-746285-0 (M44), AMP 749621-5 (cM44) P1, P2: AMP 747303-3 The following table shows the interconnections between the JP5 (I/O module slot 0) and JP9 (I/O module slot 1) module I/O connectors and their respective external I/O connectors, JP6 and P1 (for I/O module 0) and JP10 and P2 (for I/O module 1). Please note that the P1 and P2 pinouts only apply to the M44 board. JP5, JP9 Pin Numbers JP6, JP10 Pin Numbers P1, P2 Pin Numbers 1-35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 1-35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 1 9 2 10 3 11 4 12 5 13 6 14 7 15 8 Figure 18: I/O Module Connector Pinouts M44 Hardware Manual - 25 The following diagram gives the physical pin locations for JP6 and JP10 connectors on the cM44 board. Please note that these physical pin positions do not use the same numbering scheme as standard SCSI 50 pin connectors. pin 26 pin 27 pin 1 pin 2 pin 49 pin 50 pin 24 pin 25 Not to scale. Front view of JP6/JP10 connector with upper edge of the cM44 towards the top of the drawing. 26 - M44 Hardware Manual 2.1.2 JP24-JP27 - I/O Module ‘C44 Bus Connectors Connector types: AMP .05 Subminiature D male Number of pins: 50 Mating connector: AMP 173279-3 The following table gives the pin numbers and functions for the JP24 (I/O slot 0) and JP26 (I/O slot 1) connectors. The functions for JP26 are identical to those of JP24, except where noted. Pin Number JP24 Function 1, 19 2, 20 3-18 21,43,40,45,3 9,26,27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35-38 Digital +5V Digital ground Data bus 0-15 Address bus 0-6 25 23 41, 42 22, 24 44, 46 47, 49 48, 50 Reset (active low) External interrupt 0 Bus ready (active low) Processor H1 clock 8254 timebase channel 0 R/W* 9850 timebase IOMOD0-3 decoded selects (active low) -12V +12V Analog ground Analog -15V Analog +15V Analog +5V Analog -5V Figure 19: I/O Module Bus Connectors JP26 Function Direction (from M44) O, power O, power I/O O External interrupt 2 IOMOD4-7 decoded selects (active low) O I I (open-collector) O O O O O O, power O, power O, power O, power O, power O, power O, power M44 Hardware Manual - 27 The following table gives the pin numbers and functions for the JP25 (I/O slot 0) and JP27 (I/O slot 1) connectors. The functions for JP27 are identical to those of JP25, except where noted. Pin Number JP25 Function 1, 3-6 2, 19, 20, 49, 50 7 8 9 10 11-18 21 22 23, 25 24,26,27,28,3 0,31, 32 29 33-48 Address bus 7-11 Digital ground JP27 Function O O, power Comm port 2 REQ Comm port 2 ACK Comm port 2 STROBE Comm port 2 RDY Comm port 2 data 0-7 8254 timebase channel 1 External trigger 0 Optional Analog +12V Reserved Comm port 5 REQ Comm port 5 ACK Comm port 5 STROBE Comm port 5 RDY Comm port 5 data 0-7 External interrupt 1 Data bus 16-31 External interrupt 3 Figure 20: I/O Module Bus Connectors Direction (from M44) External trigger 1 I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O O O Power NA I I/O 28 - M44 Hardware Manual 2.1.3 JP1, JP2 - Processor Communication Port Headers Connector type: .100” header Number of pins: 26 Mating connector: AMP 746286-6 JP1: Comm Port 1 JP2: Comm Port 4 Pin Number(s) Pin Name(s) Pin Direction(s) Pin Function(s) 1 3 5 7 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,1 8,20,22,24 25, 26 CREQ CACK CSTRB CRDY CD0-CD7 I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O Token request Token acknowledge Data strobe Data ready Data lines DGND power Digital ground NC - - Figure 21: JP1, JP2 Pin Description M44 Hardware Manual - 29 2.1.4 JP3 – Digital I/O Connector Connector types: 50 pin header Number of pins: 50 Mating connector: The following table gives the pin numbers and functions for the JP3 connector. Pin Number JP3 Function Direction (from M44) 1-32 33 Digital I/O bit 0..31 External Trigger 0 Input (active low) 8254 Channel 2 Clock Input External Trigger 1 Input (active low) DDS Clock 8254 Gate 0,1,2 (active low) 8254 Channel 0, 1, 2 NC External Interrupt Input 0,1,2,3 (active low) External Dig I/O Readback Clock (active low) Digital +5V Digital Ground I/O I 34 35 36 37,39,41 38,40,42 43 44,46,48,50 45 47 49 Figure 22: Digital I/O Connector I I O I O I I Power Power 30 - M44 Hardware Manual 2.2 Factory Default Jumper Settings M44 Hardware Manual - 31 2.3 Device Data Sheets 32 - M44 Hardware Manual