MAP4C - Personal Finance Unit – Budget Assignment Overall Expectation Level Achieved B3 – design, justify, and adjust budgets for individuals and families described in case studies, and describe applications of the mathematics of personal finance. Criteria Find and justify monthly amounts accurately Clearly make adjustments to match life changes research housing/accommodation that matches your needs and include a link to a website where you found the information research monthly fees for insurances, taxes, utilities and other monthly charges and include a link indicating where you found the information clear communication Instructions: You must create an original budget and then modify your budget. (will have 2 budget worksheets) You must save or print 1 word file showing your entire project (includiung calculations and justifications) Step 1: Find a job that you can get right out of high school (i.e. no post secondary education required). Copy and paste the ad here… Step 2: Calculate your monthly earnings based on this job. Step 3: Calculate/research all of your monthly charges that would occur in your budget assuming that you take this job and don’t go on to post-secondary education. This includes finding a new place to live. (please copy and paste the ad here) Step 4: Open your excel file and input the numbers into the budget worksheet (you are also able to create your own budget worksheet if you prefer) Step 5: Copy and paste your excel file here… Step 6: See Ms. Vlug for a life changing moment Step 7: record what change you have received and how it will impact your income. Step 8: Adjust your monthly charges based on your changes. Discuss why these changes need to be made. This should be in depth. Step 9: Redo your budget worksheet with your new changes Step 10: Copy and paste your excel file here… Step 11: Write a conclusion discussing why it is important to make and adjust a budget