The Blind Bowler Official Publication of the American Blind Bowling Association January, 2015 Nancy Giddings, Editor 8804 Able St N.E. Blaine, MN 55434 763-438-0647 American Blind Bowling Association, Inc. 2014 – 2015 Officers and Assistants President Thomas Lester 19146 Ardmore Detroit, MI 48235 313-864-0448 1st Vice President A.J. Inglesby 406 Hargett Street Greensboro, NC 27406 336-638-4115 2nd Vice President James Benton 1209 Summerset Road Raleigh, NC 27610 919-755-0007 Secretary-Treasurer Rozella Campbell 2826 Tall Oaks Ct. #15 Auburn Hills, MI 48326 248-410-2411 Tournament Director Sandy McDaniel 115 Powell Blvd. Apt. 14102 Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386-576-6413 FROM THE DESK OF THE EDITOR Happy 2015, I hope that everyone had a great holiday season, and now you are back to a great season of bowling. After our trip to Chicago for the midyear meetings, I know that I’m looking forward to going back for the national tournament. One of the highlights of the trip to Chicago was a tour of Horizons for the Blind. Horizons is the place where The Blind Bowler comes to life. It was a very interesting tour. If anyone is interested in going over for a visit, please contact me at my email address. At the midyear meetings, we elected a new tournament director, Sandy McDaniel from Daytona. If you need to get in touch with Sandy, her contact information is listed with the rest of the officers in this newsletter. There is a lot of information in this issue, including tournament information for both the nationals and the Midwest. The proposed bylaw changes that were discussed at the midyears and will be voted on at our convention, are also included. So, sit back and get ready to enjoy another issue of The Blind Bowler. ~~Nancy Giddings, editor FROM THE DESK OF THE PRESIDENT I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. I hope you all got new bowling balls and bags for Christmas, to start the year off on a right note. Congratulations to Sandy McDaniel, she will be the new tournament director for the upcoming tournament in Arlington Heights, IL. The election for a new tournament director was held at the midyear meeting. There were two fine candidates for the position, Sandy McDaniel and Chad Wolf. The Tournament Committee will begin the task of putting together the prize list for the tournament held in Nashville TN. I have reviewed some of the listings and it appears the scores are listed in order from high to low. The task will be to sort out the bowlers and their sight categories and place them where they belong. The committee should begin this process soon. Those of us at the midyear convention had a chance to hear from Judy, she sounded well. I hope she is getting better and we will see her soon. Because of the issues we had during the 1st half of the season, I expect the legislative committee to be very busy. Anyone having ideas about rule changes and bylaw changes, should submit them to Rozella and James for consideration. Let’s all work together to get the job done and make ABBA the best. I hope to see you all in Arlington Heights, IL, in May. As always if you have any questions or concerns please let me know. If I don’t know the answer, I will find someone who does. ~~Submitted by Thomas Lester, ABBA President FROM THE DESK OF THE SECRETARY/TREASURER Welcome once again to the 2014-2015 bowling season. League and area association secretaries, active life members, officers, and tournament directors, I missed some of you at the midyear. Those of you who did not attend, I only ask that you check with someone who attended. We had tons of fun, along with taking care of business all in a timely manner. By now, those of you who have email addresses have received the minutes of the meeting. Please read them. There is important information you should pass on to members. All others will /have received the minutes in the mail. I am listing reminders from REIC, once again: Minutes should be maintained for all league meetings. If you are not a secretary why not check on this? A prize list should be approved by the league at least by the 5th week of the bowling season. It can be amended at a later date. Once again, members who are reading this, has this been done in your league? The fiscal year for ABBA is August 1st through July 31st of the following year. Leagues should review and update their bylaws or constitution on an annual basis, per ABBA bylaws Article IV, Sec. 3. Has this been done in your league? Policy Statement F-3 - Financial Reports From Member Leagues, approved in November 2011: Leagues under ABBA’s 501(c)(3) status must submit a brief fund raising guideline explaining how the proceeds will be used. This information should be recorded in the meeting minutes. The league’s fund-raising guideline should be sent to the ABBA Secretary/Treasurer if the league plans to raise more than $1,000 in a year. That amount does not include prize money. League secretaries must file the 990 EZ form with the IRS each year. If this is not done, the league is removed from the list of ABBA leagues covered by the nonprofit status. Leagues not covered under the 501(c)(3) status do not have to follow this procedure. Tournament Information The 2015 convention/tournament will be held Wednesday, May 20th - Sunday May 24th, 2015. The cutoff date for reservations is April 20th, 2015. Anyone flying into Chicago on Southwest, please note that Southwest only flies into Midway and there is not a hotel shuttle pick-up at Midway. Things are being worked out to transport from Midway to O Hare for the shuttle. The hotel is the Holiday Inn Rolling Meadows Schaumburg, 3405 Algonquin Road, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008, phone 847259-5000, or toll-free 1-800-holiday. You must identify yourself as a member of ABBA to receive the group rate of $89 per night plus 13.64% tax, which includes breakfast. All reservations will need to be guaranteed by credit card or the first night’s reservation. If a reservation must be cancelled, please notify the hotel by 3:00 p.m. the day prior to arrival, in order to avoid being billed for the first night’s stay. Check in is 3:00 p.m., check out is 11:00 a.m. For your information: Some leagues have not submitted their membership forms to your area association or to the secretary/treasurer. Please get them in as soon as possible. Some are sending award applications that do not qualify for the award listed, please check the form and do the math. Pins over average are not the total pins for all games, they are only one game. If a person qualifies for pins over and a silver or bronze medal, they must decide which they want. They cannot get both for the same game. Please check the visual status on the form, including if male or female. I cannot determine the sex of a person by their name, it does not work. Lastly, please not write in cursive. The teacher skills I have do not allow me to decipher some of the words, for example your o may be interpreted as an a. Believe it or not, I am still receiving checks that should have gone to the area association secretary. I am trying to make my hours shorter and this does not help, especially when I must put your list in alphabetical order. I received this message: “Rose, I think someone owes someone an apology.” This was regarding the article in the October Blind Bowler, where I stated if there was a question mark beside a member name, it was because the visual status, along with gender, was not listed. I apologize for stating the average was not listed but I still abide by my statement. All secretaries must list whether a person is male or female, even if it does not state on the form male or female. If I decided to put male or female beside a name and it was the opposite, I am sure the member would not appreciate being listed as what he/she is not. I will continue to put question marks by names that are not identified as male or female, I am not going to guess. The only reason I took “male/female “off the new form was to try and reduce the size of the form. I truly cannot please everyone all the time, nor some of you most of the time, but I will continue to try and please some of you some of the time. Below is a listing of those who have earned patches, chevrons or medals. If there is an H by the name, those are being held by request of the secretary. Name Visual Status Average Bowled League Plus 60 for averages 85 or less Cindy Sprague Douglas Cooper Jeff Anderson Kati Lear Ron Knepper TF TM P? T? T? 35 22 78 68 67 90 114-H 160 138 134 Portland, OR Detroit, MI Portland, OR Daytona, FL Portland OR TM PM PF SM PM 92 117 112 127 128 190 194 189 211 210 Pittsburgh, PA Baltimore, MD Portland, OR Milwaukee, WI Baltimore, MD 75 Pins Over Al Pietrolungo Andy Green Jeanne Daggett Joey Froemming Kevin Mason Mark Lear Peter Lucas Rex Shutler Ron Daniel Robert Piercy PM P? PM PM S? 134 101 56 101 113 212 193 133 187 201 Daytona, FL Daytona, FL Tulsa, OK Cincinnati OH Portland, OR TM 115 220-H Aurora, CO Bibi Baum Bill Waverly Clayton Bellinger Greg Gontaryk TF SM PM TM TF TF Robert Wright Mike Hawk Mike Staab Rod Clark Ron Stanchak Scott Hogwood Stanford Griffith TM PM PM TM PM PM PM 155-H 279-H 235 179-H 188-H 210-H 155-H 166-H 167-H 220-H 221-H 235-H 180 226-H 255-H 228 Aurora, CO Philadelphia PA Daytona, FL Clifton Hts. PA Janet Wright Lisa Travers 89 183 162 144 127 137 104 129 131 115 170 163 86 151 143 134 204 162 129 139 161 106 83 256-H 222-H 171-H 174-H 221-H 172-H 152 Philadelphia PA Minneapolis, MN Clifton Hts. PA 100 Pins Over Robert Wright Silver Medal Aurora, CO Aurora, CO Aurora, CO Portland, OR Pittsburgh, PA Tonawanda, NY Clifton Hts. PA Clifton Hts. PA Harrisburg, PA Bronze Medal Bill Waverly Elaine Vining Greg Gontaryk SM SF TM Mike Hawk Robert Wright Yvonne Hamm P? TM TF Portland OR Aurora, CO Tulsa, OK Split Conversion Donita Dinkins SF 126 4-6 Fernando Ferguson SM 117 4-6-7-10 Liz Conrad S? 100 8-10 Ivory Peoples PM 83 6-10 Cleveland, OH Temple Hills, MD Portland OR Maple Hts., OH I’m happy to report that I received a text from Judy Mandelkow, Jan. 1st. She said that she was in a nursing home and doing rehab. She has a knee full of arthritis and needs to have shots in the knee to try and stay a little mobile. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. I am available by phone, email or text (except Sundays/holidays) 248-410-2411, email I check mail daily, except on Sundays/holidays. ~~ Submitted by Rozella “Rose” Campbell, ABBA Secretary/Treasurer WHERE ARE THE GUIDE RAILS I remember when the Area Association Committee was in existence, we discussed guide rails at every midyear meeting. Although that committee was eliminated several years ago, this topic came up again and I was asked to share a friendly reminder in the Blind Bowler. About 30 years ago, ABBA’s bylaws were revised to require guide rails in place in order to receive ABBA awards. Following is the reference in ABBA’s bylaws: “ARTICLE X: AWARDS, SECTION 1: Eligibility Requirements, B. “Awards must be earned during competition in official ABBA member leagues or certified tournaments with guide rails in place.” The reason the guide rail requirement was added, was because bowlers in sighted leagues (without using guide rails) were receiving more awards than bowlers where guide rails were in place. There can be advantages when bowling without rails but the objective in ABBA’s awards program, is to make sure bowlers compete fairly under the same conditions in both leagues and tournaments. We understand it takes extra time and work to set them up and the cost of guide rails is expensive. We understand the league secretary’s packet sent in August is a very long document which contains a lot of information to review. If anyone needs help understanding the information or has questions, please feel free to contact any member of this committee; members are listed in the secretary’s packet and the Blind Bowler. A grant for guide rail funding can be obtained through the Wayne Keeney Fund, but only if a league does not have adequate funds to purchase them. Contact ABBA Secretary/Treasurer, Rozella Campbell to order guide rails. If award applications are sent only when rails are used, that’s O.K. Hope everyone is enjoying the bowling season. ~~Submitted by Kathy Brockman, Chair, Rules Interpretation and Enforcement Committee NOMINATING COMMITTEE This May at our National Convention, the positions of president, first vice president and second vice president will be up for election. The committee wants to remind everyone how to have their names considered for nomination. The first way is to submit a name to the committee in writing. The committee will consider all names submitted and make a recommendation to the National Convention. The second way is to have your name nominated from the floor at the convention. Anyone nominated from the floor must be present to accept or they will be ruled out of order and not be allowed to run. Nominations may be sent to me, Fred Nickl, 111 S. Dwyer Ave. Arlington Heights IL 60005, or email: I can be reached at 847-857-1792, if you have any questions. The other members of the committee are Ginger Rush and Art Tyson. Nominations may be submitted to them also. ~~ Fred Nickl, Chairman, Nominating Committee PROPOSED RULE CHANGES ARTICLE V - OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS SECTION 1: OFFICERS: The officers of this Association shall be President, 1st VicePresident, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer and Tournament Director. These officers, associate members and life members together with one representative from each sanctioned league and Area Association and as many additional persons as may be determined by the delegates at the annual convention shall be known as the Board of Directors. Change it to read: ARTICLE V - OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS SECTION 1: OFFICERS: The officers of this Association shall be President, 1st VicePresident, Secretary-Treasurer and Tournament Director. These officers, associate members and life members together with one representative from each sanctioned league and Area Association and as many additional persons as may be determined by the delegates at the annual convention shall be known as the Board of Directors. SECTION 2: ELECTION AND TERM OF OFFICE: The officers of the Association shall be elected by majority vote at the annual convention of the Association. The term of office for the President shall be two years beginning August 1. No individual may hold the office of President for more than one consecutive term. The term of office for the Vice-Presidents shall be one year beginning August 1. The term of office for the Secretary-Treasurer and Tournament Director shall be three years beginning August 1. League representatives shall serve for a term of one year beginning August 1. Area Association representatives shall serve for a term of one year beginning the date determined by each Area Association. The officers of the Association shall be ex-officio officers of the Board of Directors. Any legally blind member of ABBA is eligible to hold office in the Association, and any sighted member is eligible to hold the office of Secretary-Treasurer or Tournament Director. Change the rule to read: SECTION 2: ELECTION AND TERM OF OFFICE: The officers of the Association shall be elected by majority vote at the annual convention of the Association. The term of office for the President shall be two years beginning August 1. No individual may hold the office of President for more than one consecutive term. The term of office for the Vice-Presidents shall be two years beginning August 1. The term of office for the Secretary-Treasurer and Tournament Director shall be three years beginning August 1. League representatives shall serve for a term of one year beginning August 1. Area Association representatives shall serve for a term of one year beginning the date determined by each Area Association. The officers of the Association shall be ex-officio officers of the Board of Directors. Any legally blind member of ABBA is eligible to hold office in the Association, and any sighted member is eligible to hold the office of Secretary-Treasurer or Tournament Director. SECTION 4: VACANCIES: Vacancies occurring in any office shall be filled by an election held by the Board of Directors. Such election shall remain in force until the next annual convention of the Association. A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the 1st VicePresident. The 2nd Vice-President shall then become 1st VicePresident and another 2nd Vice-President shall be elected. Vacancies occurring in the office of a league or Area Association representative shall be filled by the alternate and a new alternate shall be elected by the league or Area Association. Such an election shall remain in force until the next regularly scheduled election held by the league or Area Association. Change it to read: SECTION 4: VACANCIES: Vacancies occurring in any office shall be filled by an election held by the Board of Directors. Such election shall remain in force until the end of the officer’s term. A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the 1st VicePresident. The 2nd Vice-President shall then become 1st VicePresident and another 2nd Vice-President shall be elected. Vacancies occurring in the office of a league or Area Association representative shall be filled by the alternate and a new alternate shall be elected by the league or Area Association. Such an election shall remain in force until the next regularly scheduled election held by the league or Area Association. SECTION 6: DUTIES OF THE 1st VICE-PRESIDENT: The 1st Vice-President shall: A. In the absence of the President perform the duties of the President. B. In the event of the absence of the President or if authorized by the President co-sign checks for withdrawal of all funds belonging to the Association. C. Serve as Chairperson of the Finance Committee. D. Perform such other duties that may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors. Change the rule to read: SECTION 6: DUTIES OF THE 1st VICE-PRESIDENT: The 1st Vice-President shall: A. In the absence of the President perform the duties of the President. B. In the event of the absence of the President or if authorized by the President co-sign checks for withdrawal of all funds belonging to the Association. C. Serve as a member of the Finance Committee. D. Perform such other duties that may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors. ~~~ TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE NEWS Start making plans to attend this year’s ABBA tournament to be held in Arlington Heights, IL, over Memorial Day weekend, May 21-25, 2015. The bowling will be held at Arlington Lanes in Arlington Heights. The bowling alley has 40 lanes and offers two bars, a restaurant and a pool room. The lanes are located three miles from the hotel. We will be staying at the Holiday Inn in Rolling Meadows, 3405 Algonquin Road, Rolling Meadows IL. They are offering us a rate of $89 per night plus tax. To make reservations, please call 847-259-5000. If you’re traveling by air, Arlington Heights is near O’Hare Airport. It’s not too early to start thinking about the Chinese auction! We will once again be hosting a Chinese auction in Arlington Heights, IL, during the ABBA tournament. Please contact Janice Erkilla, at 612-722-3041 to notify her of any donation you will be bringing to Arlington Heights. If you would like to mail a cash donation, her address is 5253 42nd Avenue So., Minneapolis, MN 55417. We hope to have approximately 30 fabulous items for you to be able to win. The success of the auction depends on your donations! We are still working on results from the 2014 tournaments...we will get them out as soon as we can. Thanks again for your patience and understanding. ~~Submitted by the National Tournament Committee FROM THE WEBMASTER If your league has its own website, send the link to that page to, and I will add it to the contact info for your league on our league site. ~~ Submitted by Robert Doc Wright Your Humble Webmaster NEWS FROM THE MIDWEST The 59th Annual MBBA tournament will be held in Minneapolis MN. The tournament dates will be from March 20th to March 22nd, 2015. The following information was sent by Ms. Louise Lawitzke, Tournament Director: Hotel: Crowne Plaza, 3 Appletree Square, Bloomington, MN. Tel: 952-854-9000, room rate: $85/night plus tax, (up to 4 in a room). One breakfast ticket is included for each person, for one breakfast. Bowling: Southtown Lanes, 7941 Southtown Center, Bloomington, MN. Breakfast specials will be offered at the lanes. Shuttle service is provided by the hotel to and from the airport and the Mall of America. I hope to see you all there. As always more information will be provided as I receive it. It is my understanding that reservations may be made now, by calling the hotel. You must state that you are with MBBA/Midwest Blind Bowling Association. Congratulations to the winners of the MBBA Prize Week. Listed below are the winners, if you don’t see a bowler you sent in, they were not in the average book for ABBA 2013-14 season, or were sent to the ABBA secretary after the printing of the book. Hope everyone had a good and prosperous holiday. If you have any questions let me know. Checks are enclosed for the winners. Just a reminder. ABBA is still working on the prize list for Nashville. We have the scores from the lanes. You will be notified once the list is completed. Pins Div Bowler total over Prize League AF Belinda Steele AF Patricia Farley Courtney AF Thompson Janeen AF Kalangain AM Edward Mollett AM Blaine Bance 600 558 141 $50.00 Motor City Blind Bowlers 81 $30.00 Chicago Spare Chasers 312 78 $20.00 Chicago Peace Breakers 481 364 590 BF Vicki Johnson BF Donna Sams 390 386 BF Rene Anderson Justin BM Greenwood 381 70 $15.00 Lansing 300 106 $50.00 Capitol City Blind Bowlers 74 $30.00 Rock County Railers Greater Cleveland 78 $50.00 Blind Bowlers 68 $30.00 Capitol City Blind Bowlers Minneapolis Blind 66 $20.00 Bowlers 445 88 $50.00 Milwaukee Beer Barrels CM Guy Shepard Robert CM McDonald EF Carol Riddle EM Willie Numm 415 103 $50.00 Chicago Peace Breakers 490 336 220 EM Tyrone Bowden 255 EM Simon McNeal EM Charles Clark 353 320 100 $30.00 Chicago Peace Breakers 54 $50.00 Capitol City Blind Bowlers 97 $50.00 Chicago Peace Breakers Greater Cleveland 84 $30.00 Blind Bowlers Greater Cleveland 74 $20.00 Blind Bowlers 74 $15.00 Chicago Spare Chasers ~~Submitted by Tom Lester, MBBA Secretary/Treasurer NEWS FROM AROUND ABBA Midwest News WHAT! - NO GOODIE BAGS AT THE MBBA TOURNAMENT??? HOW ABOUT EXTRA PRIZE MONEY INSTEAD? Instead of spending money on items that may or may not be of interest to all the bowlers, the Minneapolis Blind Bowlers have decided to use the money designated for goodie bags and give it away as extra prize money! The extra prize money will be won and available Saturday, during the team event. Details will be in the fact sheet at registration. We hope you are making your plans and reservations for being here March 20-22nd. If you are a sanctioned ABBA member, but not a member of the MBBA and would like to bowl in our tournament, contact Tom Lester at 313-864-0448, or about paying the $5.00 membership fee and $65.00 entry fee. Hotel reservations need to be made before February 26, to take advantage of the special $85.00 USD rate plus (14.275%), for a single or double occupancy room rate at the Airport Crowne Plaza, Three Appletree Square, Bloomington MN, 1-952-8549000. Up to four people per room will receive one free hot buffet breakfast. Every room includes a microwave, refrigerator and coffeemaker. A junior suite is available at $115.00 USD rate plus tax per night. When calling to make reservations ask for “in house reservations” and state that you would like the rate for the “MBBA Midwest Tournament”. If you will be staying outside of the tournament dates, let the receptionist know and they will try to accommodate you with the tournament rate. Rates outside of the tournament are subject to availability. If you have problems, contact Linda Fishman at the hotel, in the sales department. Don't forget your swimsuits! The hotel provides free shuttle service to/from the Minneapolis Airport every 30 minutes. If you will be arriving by airline, your flight will arrive at Terminal 1 or Terminal 2. To catch the hotel shuttle from Terminal 1, exit door 4 from the baggage claim area. If you will be arriving at Terminal 2 (Southwest Airlines), exit door 7 from the baggage claim area. Check out the following websites for information on activities to see and do in the Twin Cities area:, and If you have any questions about what to see or do, or getting around the area, please contact Janice Erkilla, 612-722-3041 or email: or Linda Hoepner, 952-888-6783. The Minneapolis Blind Bowlers Host Committee is selling raffle tickets at $5.00 per ticket. Below is a breakdown of prizes. You do not need to be present to win. If you won't be attending the tournament, the hotel night stay prizes can be exchanged for cash! 1st prize: $200.00 2nd prize: 1 hotel night stay during the tournament ($85.00 value). 3rd prize: 1 hotel night stay during the tournament ($85.00 value). 4th prize: 1 hotel night stay during the tournament ($85.00 value). 5th prize: $50.00 The drawing will be held at the hospitality party Friday, March 20th after the convention meeting, at room number 412. Individuals or league secretaries can send names, phone numbers and $5.00 for each raffle ticket. Send that information, including a check or money order, payable to: Janice Erkilla, 5253 42nd Avenue South, Minneapolis MN 55417. If you have questions, contact Janice at 612-722-3041. Tickets can also be purchased at the tournament. Please note that the registration fee on the registration form is incorrect, it should be $65.00, not $62.00. Thanks for understanding. Looking forward to seeing you all! ~~Submitted by Linda Mc Cleary and Janice Erkilla MERRITT CLARK I received notice from Merritt Clark’s wife that he passed away on November 17, 2014. Merritt is a former past president and a lifetime member of ABBA. I am taking the following quote from his obituary, which was published in a local paper. “Mr. Clark was a totally blind man who lived a full and successful life, devoting most of his working years to the support and betterment of the blind and handicapped. Merritt was a life time member of the American Blind Bowling Association, a board member of the Industry for the Blind and a member in good standing of the Society of Mechanical Engineers.” Merritt is survived by his wife, Dorothy, and other family members. ~~submitted by Nancy Giddings, editor LAST WORD Another issue of The Blind Bowler is over. I hope that you enjoyed this issue. As always, if you have any questions, comments or articles, please either send an email to or a note to 8804 Able St NE, Blaine, MN 55434. I am also available by phone at 763-438-0647. Good luck and good bowling. ~~Nancy Giddings, editor