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Use this as a study guide for our final exam
Mid Term Final Exam – Friday, December 10, 2010
You should be able to open a blank InDesign file and format sentences, captions, headlines, subheads,photo credits
and bylines using the newspaper stylesheet. We will practice this in class.
Photography Composition - Practice this game
angle shots from above ................................................... aerial
catches your eye before the subject (person) ................. details
dimension (shallow or deep depth of field) ...................... often the background or FOREGROUND is out of focus for effect
images mirror each other ................................................ repetition
rule of thirds .................................................................... shooting a photo off center
snapshot.......................................................................... tells a story and usually includes 2 – 3 people in the photo
tightly framed................................................................... the background is cropped out
establishing shot ............................................................ dominant photo on the page (falls above or below the fold)
Inverted Pyramid
Parts of the Newspaper - Practice this game
Pull quote
Photo credit
Skybox or teaser
Copy block
Drop cap
Flag or nameplate
Jump or jumpline
Double truck
1. When facing pages form one single sheet of newsprint, the page layout is called a
2. The example - By Eleanor Rigby - is called a
3. What size are The Austin American-Statesman, The Chicago Tribune, and The Wall Street Journal?
4. A tiny story is called a
5. An extra large formatted letter - such as A for An - that begins copy is called a
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Newspaper Midterm Pretest
6. News that is printed on two facing pages is called a
7. In the newspaper industry if your story must move to another page to be continued the story is said to have a
8. A headline that appears under the main headline is called a
9. A term for promotional boxes that are usually above the nameplate of the newspaper is called a
10. A short phrase or sentence taken from a story and set in larger type than the text is called a
11. The newspaper's name on page one, is called the
12. The box giving the names of the publisher, editor and other people who manage departments of the newspaper is
called the
13. The little white spaces on either side of the newspaper's name on the front page are called
14. What do we call the middle of the page where the crease or fold is?
15. The words at the beginning of an article that give the location of the article are called the
16. A box or extra information placed near a column that gives additional highlights about the story is called a
17. The name of a photographer or artist below or alongside a photo or illustration is called the
18. Typed information that will be used for an article is referred to as the
Newspaper Layout
Sidebar (infographic)
Fill in the blanks.
1. The vertical division of a layout which aides in giving structure to the printed page is called
2. The portion of a layout which explains what is happening in a photograph is called the
3. How many columns do we use per page when formatting the Jag Journal?
4. Newspapers are created using rectangular boxes. Within these boxes we include articles in column format and add
photos, cutlines, and headlines. Using rectangular shapes is considered what kind of newspaper design?
5. Each column is measured in picas. How many picas equal 1 inch?
Newspaper Midterm Pretest
6. If you use a photo that is 2 columns wide, you can write a cutline that goes directly under the photo. But, if you use a
photo that is 3 columns wide you must create how many columns for the caption?
7. Sometimes you will want to add more information to your story such as a graph or statistics. This extra space of
information is called a
Conducting and Writing Interviews - Practice this game
personal .......................................... observations eyewitness accounts such as athletic games
printed materials.............................. press releases or prior news
interviews ........................................ fact, personal, or group
fact interview ................................... question and answer to get the facts
personal interview ........................... feature interview where a list of questions are prepared
group interview ................................ man on the street or symposium interview
man on the street interview ............. asking the same question to a random number of individuals
symposium interview ....................... gathering of information from authorities on the same subject and comparing the
News Elements - Practice this game
Proximity .......................... news that is located near our school or city
Prominence ...................... news that includes people who others want to know about
Timeliness ........................ news that is recent-old news is just that
Oddity ............................... news that is unusual
Consequence ................... news that impacts our readers directly
Conflict ............................. unrest with people that creates news
Human Interest ................. news that is related to people and emotion
Newsworthy ...................... news that affects our student body or the Austin/Round Rock area
Journalistic Style versus Narrative Style
Q-T Formula Writing - Practice this game
angle ................................ a writer's specific perspective on a broader topic
attribution ......................... to identify the person who said the words being quoted
caption .............................. the copy that describes the picture--avoid the obvious when writing captions
copy .................................. article or story
editorializing ..................... when a reporter provides his or her opinion to the reader, it is considered editorializing. The
reporter must remain objective unless writing a commentary or editorial.
Headine ............................. a line of large type used to gain the reader's attention
Interview ............................ a conversation between a reporter and a source
Lead .................................. an attention-grabbing introduction that sets the tone of the story
Quotation........................... a direct statement a reporter obtains through an interview source the person a reporter interviews
style sheet ........................ a list of guidelines a writer uses to maintain consistent punctuation and capitalization
subhead ............................ a secondary headline
transition............................ a factual sentence a writer uses to link one quotation to another in a piece of copy
Types of Leads
Cartridge Lead ................................ Mayor Clint Hillary resigned his post today.
Punch Lead ..................................... Gig Em!
Newspaper Midterm Pretest
Summary Lead ................................ Firemen cut open the doors of Mr. Dowd’s wrecked Hummer with acetylene torches to
free Dowd after he crashed into the new toll booth.
Quotation Lead................................ “They’re corrupt and inefficient,” Ms. Root claimed today as she announced her candidacy
for the city council.
Question Lead ................................. “Can you believe the Horns?”
Visual Lead ..................................... Spiderman, red-faced, muscles bulging, sweat streaming from his corpulent 160 pound
body, grunted with pain, as he hoisted Mrs. Dowd high above his head to win the Keep
Austin Weird Weightlifting Championship. The two were atop the Frost Bank Building in
downtown Austin.
Quotes and Attribution
attribution ........................................ SAID – not stated, not retorted, not remarked - SAID
direct quote ..................................... “I think this is the finest class I’ve ever taught,” Mrs. Best said.
indirect quote................................... Mr. Trombone said that the band performance was the best he had ever heard.
partial quotes................................... Mrs. Remark said, “Many schools have the full week of Thanksgiving off,” adding that
school districts in the state should follow the same calendars.
Editorials, Column Writing, and Commentaries – Practice this game
editorial.......................................................... official stance of the editorial staff of the Jag Journal
commentary .................................................. an opinion article that represents the writer’s stance-not that of the paper
op-ed page .................................................... the page opposite the editorial page
stance............................................................ the position you take on a controversial topic – you MUST take a SIDE
persuade ....................................................... to write an editorial or commentary effectively you often want the reader to “see
things your way” – this is to persuade
Editing Symbols
close up
insert space
add a period
Newspaper Midterm Pretest
add a comma
add apostrophe
add colon
add semicolon
add quotation marks
add parentheses
start a new paragraph
insert a line break
run together
add long em dash
add short en dash
leave as is
spell out
lc /
make lower case
sm cap
Newspaper Midterm Pretest
make bold
make subscript
make superscript
The ball was caught by the boy who was nearby under the bridge.
awkward phrasing
Though he didn’t know it.
sentence fragment