Sample Exam 3 - School of Journalism and Communication

There are some questions on this sample exam for which you are not responsible.
Possibilities include references to guest lecturers and / or lectures you have not had,
special readings, matls. not covered in this year’s class lectures, etc. PLEASE do not call
or email GTFs asking if you are responsible for question # whatever, if it falls into the
category addressed above. Mind you, too, that there is still one more class and some of
these items might be covered in Tuesday’s lecture. You are liable for all notes and
lectures and matls. used in class since the last exam. You are also responsible for the
units on ad formats, ad layout formats, TV advertising, the chapter on printing and the
last four chapters in the text: newsletters, annual reports, magazines and brochures.
Good luck on the final,
Prof Ryan
1. __________________, who works as creative director at Livingston, believes strongly
that advertising should have a special visual power.
a. Kirk Kahrs
b. Tracy Wong
c. Nigel Holmes
d. Kit Hinrichs
e. Mario Garcia
2. His Chevy's commercials were unique and difficult to produce because ....
a. they had to translate "freshness" in sixty seconds.
b. they were shot the same day they were run.
c. he had to art direct and direct the shoot as well.
d. b & c
e. all of the above
3. The Chevy's advertising was done while he was working at ______________.
a. Goodby Berlin Silverstein - San Francisco
b. Ogilvy Mather - New York
c. Livingston - Seattle
d. Goldsmith Jeffrey - New York
4. The advertising strategy for L'Orient "frozen" cuisine was __________________.
a. economy
b. Cantonese seasoning
c. authenticity
d. featuring the separate packaging for each entreé
e. targeted specifically at an oriental audience
5. Which of the following clients was not among Tracy Wong's slides or reel?
a. Crain's Communications
b. Honda
c. Royal Viking Lines
d. Muybridge Art Gallery
e. Kroll furniture
6. Wong suggested that those thinking of going into creative should study both art and
writing, but he said _____________________________ would likely be more effective
than the other.
a. bad art direction with good writing
b. bad writing with good art direction
7. The anti-smoking campaign which used the banana was sponsored by__________.
a. American Lung Assn.
b. Red Cross
c. American Heart Assn.
d. Surgeon General's Office
e. Respiratory Council of America
8. The finishing typography (“FRESH MEX”) on each of the Chevy’s commercials was ... .
a. classic Goudy bolded
b. derived from the restaurant’s logotype
c. created by hand with markers and crayons
d. designed on a character generator
e. videotaped from a Chevy’s business card
9. ________________________, who works as a design and graphics director at TIME
magazine, invented and perfected info- and picto-graphics; his work strongly affected the
look of today's newspaper and magazine designs.
a. Kirk Kahrs
b. Kit Hinrichs
c. Nigel Holmes
d. Tracy Wong
e. Mario Garcia
10. The Inn at Otter Crest brochure that was discussed in class and displayed in the text
stands out from its competitors’ designs because of its .... .
a. blind emboss logotype on the front and back panels
b. color-printed black-and-white photography
c. pop-up and pull-out folding scheme
d. die-cut top
e. Mondrian or modular design
11. According to your professor, the most significant change in magazines—both currently
and in the near future is _____________________________.
a. digital photography
b. larger photography
c. fusion of artwork and type
d. fewer in-depth pieces — more at-a-glance and fractured articles
e. desktop publishing
12. Indeed, _______________________ , possibly the most traditional magazine in the
country was affected by this change last summer.
b. Atlantic Monthly
c. Harpers
d. The New Yorker
e. National Review
13. _________________ produces Special Report (a magazine which is found in hospital,
clinic and doctors’ waiting areas), America and Student Traveler (magazines totally
subsidized by Nissan), Best of Business Quarterly and other unique magazines.
a. Whittle Communications
b. Knight Publishing
c. Prentice-Hall
d. Hearst Publishing
e. McGraw Hill
14. Because _________ best show proportion and percentages, they are a standard charting
tool of designers.
a. pie charts
b. column charts
c. fever charts
d. histograms
e. picto-graphs
15. _______________ do the best graphic job of reveal temporal fluctuation.
a. pie charts
b. column charts
c. fever charts
d. histograms
e. picto-graphs
16. Which of these was not noted about the Cracker Barrel brochure viewed in class.
a. its photography had a snapshot quality to it
b. the drop shot of table setting with newspaper nailed the viewer/reader
c. the pastel colors which hinted of the past are fairly trendy these days
d. the glossy enamel paper gave the design a high quality look
e. the color photography had a muted look to it
17. The governance of the _____ over annual reports helps protect public investment and
the corporation's shareholders.
a. FCC
b. FSA
c. SCC
d. FTC
e. SEC
18. According to the text and as exemplified in the Interlake annual report, budget reports
and accounting statements should use _______________ to explain the "bottom line"
a. pie charts
b. sidebars
c. fever charts
d. info- or picto-graphics
e. none of the above
19. Most of the best annual reports adopt ______________ formats.
a. magazine
b. newspaper
c. brochure
d. book
e. business report
20. At the very least, computers and desktop publishing bring newspaper, magazine, public
relations and advertising companies tremendous savings via _______________ costs.
a. typesetting
b. sizing graphics
c. scaling photography and artwork
d. two-color
e. full-color
21. According to your professor, a good table of contents should ____________________.
a. work like a menu
b. be positioned on the same page each issue
c. read quickly and easily
d. a & c
e. all of the above
22. Tom Wheeler suggested that this magazine used its cover as a contents page.
a. Teen
b. Golf Digest
c. Elle
d. Guitar Player
e. Vogue
23. The first step in building any table of contents page is to ______________ .
a. adopt graphic nuances from cover
b. organize
c. determine if photography will be used
d. decide on your typography
e. find out if advertising will be used across from it
24. A magazine’s page number and, sometimes, its name and month is referred to as a ... .
a. folio or folio line
b. date line
c. publication line
d. "bottom" line
e. none of these
25. Editing, re-edging or reframing the compositions of sketches, photography or anything
visual, for that matter, is commonly referred to as _____________.
a. selective focus
b. optical demarcation
c. cropping
d. contrapuntal forcing
e. scaling
26. Most of the beautifully mortised, multi-image Skald magazine layouts, discussed in
class used a(an) ______________ layout format.
a. rebus
b. multi-panel
c. info/picto-graphic
d. picture window
e. wide-angle
27. The majority of the photography used for the aforementioned Skald layouts is referred
to as ________ photography.
a. duotone
b. high-contrast
c. knockout or silhouette
d. two-color
e. full bleed
28. ___________________ art directed the layouts discussed in the two questions above—
as well as the layouts we saw in class from Art Center and the Potlatch annual reports.
a. Kirk Kahrs
b. Kit Hinrichs
c. Nigel Holmes
d. Micheal Gunselman
e. Mario Garcia
29. ______________________ are printed on the same paper as the interior pages of the
a. Gatefold covers
b. Self-mailing covers
c. Self-covers
d. Black-and-white covers
e. “Stock” covers
30. Your professor suggested that two more "accessible" publications that are really
exemplary models for contemporary or “cutting edge” magazine design are
_______________ and ________________.
a. Rolling Stone / Texas Monthly
b. Time / Rolling Stone
c. Texas Monthly / Pursuits
d. Skald / Texas Monthly
e. Rolling Stone / Skald
31. Both America and Pursuits magazines pushed the format envelope by using two-page
attention-getting ____________designs for the white-water rafting and rowing articles.
a. Mondrian
b. rebus
c. multi-panel
d. vertical
e. Swiss
32. Some interesting progressive current direction(s) in photography and likely future work
in advertising and magazine photography is/are __________________________________.
a. use of thumbnail photos
b. printing black-and-white photos in color
c. use of silhouette photography
d. a & c
e. all of the above
33. As a matter of fact, D. J. Stout's art direction of the long photo essay "The Soul of East
Texas" used ___________________ throughout the long layout.
a. use of thumbnail photos
b. printing black-and-white photos in color
c. use of silhouette photography
d. a & c
e. all of the above
34. Probably the least written-about but most widely used advertising or public relations
medium is ____________________.
a. newsletter
b. annual report
c. brochure
d. magazine
e. direct mail
35. Due to obvious space and design constraints, the _____________________ cover is
usually not a cover in the conventional sense.
a. newsletter
b. annual report
c. brochure
d. magazine
e. direct mail
36. Leo Burnett's Burnettworks used an amazingly functional version of this layout format.
a. Call-out
b. Mondrian, grid or module design
c. Rebus
d. Multi-panel
e. Ogilvy
37. Burnettworks' functional ploy was ____________________________ .
a. putting captions inside the photo area to save space
b. using negative space optimally by filling it with reversed pullouts
c. running type up the left sides of the photos
d. putting headlines inside the wide black rules
e. using cluster captions for all the photo spreads
38. Which one of these do newsletters borrow most from for their design?
a. annual reports
b. newspaper
39. According to the text, newsletters’ most glaring weakness overall is ______.
a. design
b. photography
c. typography
d. illustration
e. printing
40. Although the newsletter borrows a great deal from magazine design, it takes at least as
much from ___________________ design.
a. newspaper
b. brochure
c. direct mail
d. annual report
e. advertising
41. The newsletter's most popular and often-used typeface (not to mention today's bestselling computer typeface) is ____________________.
a. Goudy
b. Garamond
c. Futura
d. Helvetica
e. Optima
42. A good number of newsletters use sans serif type to suggest a modern appearance; two
very modern and popular san serif faces that do have a roman appearance and both thick
and thin strokes in their configuration are ______ and ________.
a. Optima / Helvetica
Optima / Sans Stone
Optima / Futura
Optima / News Gothic
Optima / Avant Garde
43. Gunselman's unusual design of ReLAY newsletter for DuPont used all of these seldomused newsletter design tactics, with one exception.
a. diagonal design
b. copy was entirely reversed
c. three-color
d. nameplate run on its side, diagonally
e. circularly cropped photos
44. ____________________ are also known as folders.
a. Newsletters
b. Brochures
c. Annual reports
d. Direct-mail pieces
45. Because of its exaggerated format, series of panels and other continuity problems, the
__________________ offers the art director special design problems unique to its medium.
a. newsletter
b. brochure
c. annual report
d. direct-mail kit
e. magazine
46. Because of this medium’s need for tight artwork, dominant visuals, short headlines and
exaggerated formats, your text makes an interesting analogy between the front panels of
brochures and ____________________ .
a. magazine features
b. annual report covers
c. outdoor
d. double-page spreads
e. record album covers
47. Often we associate spiral-binding with cheap, low-end publications—like some
technical manuals—but the _________________ and _____________ revealed how
specially sized inner pages can make a publication doubly effective.
a. Miller Cascade / Skald
b. Tatnall School / Nike
c. Miller Cascade / Nike
d. NEC Electronics / Otter Crest
e. NEC Electronics / Intel Computers
48. Such a double-format (a smaller formatted inner page spaced between larger sized
pages) publication can provide marvelous inner dynamics via __________.
a. cropping
b. providing additional accompanying information
c. making the layout—in effect— a four-page spread
d. a & b
e. all of the above
49. You should consider ______________ as a signature to whatever medium you’re
brochures, magazines, newsletters, annual reports or advertising—not to be confused with
single element type.
a. trademarks
b. logotypes
c. the thumbnail photograph
d. endmarks
e. contributor boxes
50. According to Dondis, in a visual message, _________________ is technique you
would choose to make a fine distinction, shunning any obviousness and energy of purpose;
it is a delicate and highly refined visual approach.
a. subtlety
b. accent
c. sequentiality
51. __________ is a proper balance of diverse elements into one totality that is visually all
of a piece and considered a single thing, while ______________ is the breaking up of those
elements and units of a design into separate piece that relate but retain their own individual
a. Consistancy / variation
b. Unity / fragmentation
c. Balance / instability
d. Transparency / opacity
e. Regularity / irregularity
52. Dondis points out that the graphic designer as he (she) exists today did not emerge until
the _____________________________.
a. Bauhaus put applied art on the landscape of respectability.
b. Industrial Revolution.
c. type was invented.
d. photography was perfected.
e. pencils were designed with erasers.
53. The development of ______________ was to the visual arts a complete revolution.
a. photography
b. lithography
c. craft
d. industrial design
e. graphic design
54. Dondis contends that if photography is represented by one-eighth inch in the timeline of
visual history, the ___________ is just a speck.
a. film
b. painting
c. sculpture
d. lithography
e. the Bauhaus movement
55. __________ is (are) the visual synthesis of the elements, techniques, syntax, inspiration,
expression and basic purpose.
a. Visual literacy
b. Style
c. Any art movement
d. Aesthetics
56. The technique polarities of ______________ and ________________ define each other
physically: the former means visual detail that can be seen through so that what is behind it
is revealed to the eye; the latter is just the opposite.
a. consistancy / variation
b. economy / intricacy
c. balance / instability
d. transparency / opacity
e. regularity / irregularity
57. _______________ in design is the favoring of uniformity of elements; its opposite is
_________________, which, as a design strategy, emphasizes the unexpected and unusual.
a. consistancy / variation
b. economy / intricacy
c. balance / instability
d. transparency / opacity
e. regularity / irregularity
58. Which of the following groups maintained that "form follows function" (and arranged
all of the fine and applied arts on one central point between fine and applied art)?
a. Bauhaus
b. Pre - Renaissance
c. Cubists
d. Primal Scream
e. Impressionists
59. The brochure that was produced for Simpson Paper which showed off their full line of
recycled-biodegradable papers was unique because ___________________ .
a. it used a "save the environment" theme
b. it provided a show and tell of their recyclable papers
c. it used a variety of art styles and subjects for each type of paper featured to
off that paper
d. a & b
e. a, b & c
60. Simpson's Merriweather Lewis page of that brochure, which discussed the American
buffalo and the Missouri Bottoms and which you saw at least three times, was particularly
functional because it showed off _______________________ .
a. the writing of Mark Twain
b. the colorful artwork of Remington
c. how metal ink printed on their paper
d. how beautiful their recyclable paper was
e. b & d
61. _____________ are also known as “step charts.”
a. fever charts
b. column charts
c. flow charts
d. histograms
e. pie charts
62. Potlatch Paper's brochure on their Quintessence line of paper used black-and-white
photography ________________________.
a. to show off their enameled paper
b. to show how four-color black and white photography printed on their paper
c. to show off how duotones reproduced
d. because they used important photographers who worked exclusively in b&w
e. b & d
63. The above brochure used ___________ for page numbers.
a. pool balls
b. reversed type in different colored circles
c. reversed type in different colored rectangles
d. Roman numerals
e. chicken scratches
64. The table of contents in Skald magazine used_______________________________
a. Mondrian
b. rebus
c. Swiss
d. Ogilvy
e. modular
65. Generally, ________________ list information regarding a publication’s submission
policy, subscriptions, addresses, and a hierarchical chart listing the names of everyone from
editor-in-chief to the administrative staff.
a. nameplates
b. info-boxes
c. slashes
d. mastheads
e. folios
66. The article on the "Soul of East Texas" in Texas Monthly was
_______________________ .
a. a photo essay
b. shot in color
c. shot in black and white
d. printed four-color
e. all of the above, excluding b
67. A _____________ is a diagonal strip that usually runs on a cover of a publication.
a. strip-in
b. splash
c. slash
d. tip-in
e. cover blurb
68. A two-page advertisement or page layout is commonly referred to as a
_______________________ among designers and art directors.
a. flat
b. overlay
c. double truck
d. "spread sheet"
69. This advertising format generally gets better than average readership and is especially
good for advertising that carries news or informative material.
a. editorial
b. rebus
c. picture window
70. __________________________ is the one generally credited with inspiring newspaper
and magazine designers to use the grid.
a. Mario Garcia
b. Marshall McLuhan
c. Piet Mondrian
d. Dean Martin
e. Claude Monét
71. A ____________ is a blurb printed atop an exploded area of a cover.
a. strip-in
b. splash
c. slash
d. sky box (or tease)
e. lead cover line
72. Nameplates are also correctly known as ____________ .
a. mastheads
b. flags
73. A ________________ is any grouping of pages printed together on both sides of a
single sheet of paper stock.
a. blueline
b. ream
c. sheaf
d. edition or case binding
e. signature
74. According to the text, what brochures do best is
________________________________ .
a. present statistical information clearly
b. show and tell
c. work a targeted audience
d. work quickly
e. present a company's best side
75. The single most important thing to magazine design (according to your professor) is
a. continuity
b. photo layout
c. color artwork
d. expressive typography
e. a solid table of contents
76. Grid designs or layouts are also commonly referred to as ______________________ .
a. modular layouts
b. quads
c. boxes
d. squares
77. Grids are also unique because they bring an inherent __________ to a page.
a. balance
b. unity
c. proportion
d. sequence
e. emphasis
78. Grids also establish composition inherently because of this compositional device.
a. repetitious shape
b. framing
c. texture
d. elemental form
e. contrast
79. The flexibility, order and pleasing effect of grids make them especially useful to
_______ .
a. magazines
b. newsletters
c. newspapers
d. annual reports
e. all of the above
80. The area where the name of a magazine is placed on its front page is most correctly
referred to a the publication's ______________________ .
a. masthead
b. logo
c. nameplate
d. banner
e. a & c
81. ___________________ and ____________________ are the irreducible, basic
components of all media.
a. Design / composition
b. Content / form
c. Visual communication / sound
d. Message / meaning
e. Polarity / bipolarity
82. According to Dondis, the major difference in elemental terms between television and
film is (are) _________________ .
a. method
b. medium
c. technology
d. scale
e. lens systems
83. Dondis states that the dominant visual element of film — both in seeing and in the
creation of film — is ____________________.
a. movement
b. reality
c. credibility
d. the illusion of reality
e. photography
84. The intent behind Thomas Ryan's brochure for Cracker Barrel was to have the
publication ______________________ .
a. look antiquated and leave a nostalgic feeling with the reader
b. introduce Cracker Barrel to a brand new area of the country—the northwest
c. tell audience that company had added entirely new line of products
d. establish a new, modern image for the company
e. a & c
85. When is an annual report not an annual report? For Plum Creek, Hornall Anderson
shows us when it's a(an) __________________.
a. recipe book
b. magazine
c. scrapbook from the county fair
d. fashion statement
e. product catalog
86. This two-page spread from Art Center is also a good example of ____________ design.
a. Swiss
b. rebus
c. modular layout
d. Ogilvy
e. all of the above
87. It is very characteristic of _______________ work.
a. Thomas Ryan's
b. Michael Gunselman's
c. Tracy Wong's
d. D. J. Stout's
e. Kit Hinrichs'
88. This beautiful advertising design rivals some of the artwork created by the surrealists; it
was designed and art directed by ______________ .
a. Thomas Ryan
b. Michael Gunselman
c. Tracy Wong
d. D. J. Stout
e. Kit Hinrichs
89. It uses a _______________ layout format.
a. rebus
b. poster
c. call-out
d. editorial
e. Ogilvy
90. This ______________ brochure conjures up nostalgia with its very strong 40's look.
a. Thomas Ryan
b. Michael Gunselman
c. Tracy Wong
d. D. J. Stout
e. Kit Hinrichs
91. It is unified by _______________________ .
a. artwork
b. color
c. the Oxford rule borders on mortises
d. a & c
e. a, b & c
92. This specially created brochure also works as (a) _______________________ for
NIKE with this exemplary _______-page spread design.
a. catalog / four
b. catalog / two
c. direct mail / four
d. direct mail / three
e. direct mail / two
93. Skald's feature page basically uses a _________-design format.
a. Swiss
b. Mondrian
c. rebus
d. multi-panel
e. call-out
94. It was designed by _______________________________________________ .
a. Nigel Holmes
b. Kit Henrichs
c. Kirk Kahrs
d. Hornall Anderson
e. Micheal Gunselman
95. Essentially, its photographic approach is ________________________ photography.
a. composite
b. studio
c. monotonal
d. elemental form
e. knockout (or silhouette)
96. This advertising uses a _______________ format.
a. Swiss
b. Mondrian
c. rebus
d. multi-panel
e. call-out
97. This advertising uses a _______________ format.
a. neo-punkster
b. Mondrian
c. editorial
d. multi-panel
e. call-out
98. Please note the advertising format utilized for this ad?
a. Swiss
b. Mondrian
c. rebus
d. multi-panel
e. call-out
99. Please note its art director and designer.
a. Thomas Ryan
b. Michael Gunselman
c. Tracy Wong
d. D. J. Stout
e. Kit Hinrichs
100. Finally, tell me who the ad was designed for — i.e., target audience.
a. adult
b. teens
c. kids—children aged 4 through 11