Initial Training Phase

Initial Training Phase – Uniform and Appearance
During the working day officers will wear uniform at all times, except
when directed to do otherwise by trainers, e.g. to take part in specialist
Officers should present a smart, professional appearance. Footwear
should also be clean and polished. Socks must be plain and coloured
black, dark blue or dark grey.
Uniform clothing must always be clean and properly pressed. Uniform
trousers will be worn with a belt.
Personal hygiene will be kept to a high standard at all times.
Headgear will be worn at all times when you are on duty out of doors
and not in a vehicle. Headgear must also be worn indoors in
appropriate situations when it is important to identify an on-duty officer.
This will be appropriate when you are carrying out role plays in public
areas (e.g. shopping malls, public areas, etc.)
Uniform fleece and other waterproof jackets should always be properly
fastened. The National uniform fleece is not permitted to be worn as a
top garment on patrol duties. It will be worn as a layer under a coat.
When pullovers and fleeces are worn, the sleeves will be rolled down.
The fleece collar will be turned down.
Black ‘Coolmax’ shirt will be worn during duty hours. The shirt will be
tucked within the trouser waist line and the zip fasten will be done up in
line with the collar bone. Epaulettes will be worn at all times so your
warrant number is clearly visible.
During the Graduation ceremony a white shirt and clip on tie will be
worn underneath a ‘best uniform’ which will be issued during the Initial
Training phase. Only one appropriate tiepin is allowed. This will be
returned on completion.
Medal ribbons may be worn, but medals are not required.
Uniform off-site. Travelling to and from work and during the duty day if
going off site civilian coat/jacket must be worn over the Coolmax shirt.
You should not be easily identifiable as a police officer.
Wearers of uniform should not keep their hands in their pockets, or
behave in a manner which can be perceived as sloppy or
unprofessional by observers.
Chewing of gum is not allowed. It does not convey a professional
image to members of the public.
The Learning & Development Section will not accept any liability for
loss or damage for any items of jewellery worn during training.
Items of jewellery must not depict words, letters, symbols or pictures
that may cause offence to individuals or sections of the community.
Earrings should be of a plain stud design with only one earring in each
Rings should be kept to a minimum and should not be of a style likely
to cause injury to others.
Bracelets should not be worn on duty.
The wearing of jewellery has health & safety implications and some
jewellery may need to be removed for certain lessons.
All visible piercings, body jewellery (tongue, lip, nose and eyebrow
jewellery) is not permissible. Navel and nipple rings are acceptable in
non-operational police roles because they are not visible, but worn at
the ‘wearers’ risk’ in operational roles. Chains should be removed.
The wearing of jewellery for religious or medical reasons is accepted.
Hair length, colour and style should be in keeping with the appearance
of a uniformed service; hair will be kept clean and tidy.
Lightly applied makeup can be worn; however, coloured nail varnish
and brightly coloured lipstick will not be worn.
Officers with short hair should keep hair clear of the shirt collar; a
longer style should be pinned up and kept in a net so that it is neat and
tidy. Ponytails will not be allowed. Any hair accessories will be black
or dark blue in colour.
Male officers with short hair should ensure it is cut so that it stops short
of the collar and is shaped around the ears. Sideburns should not
come past the middle of the ear. The neck should be shaven. Officers
should be either clean-shaven, or beards or moustaches should be
fully grown.
Growing of beards or moustaches is not permitted during training.
Tattoos are permissible unless they constitute a breach of the
standards of conducted expected of a Police Officer.