IN THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE NDR-113 ALIEN PALE BLUE DOT EOPGASM SS-DEFCON NTE‘AQAP-WBCTurtle: I-have-anMI6GASM-Dream’ Invitation Notice GOV. of USA-USSR-DE-UK, on behalf of USA, EUROPE and ASIA and GOV. of ZA-BW-IL-IR; on behalf of AFRICA and MIDDLE EAST. RSVP: Independent Logistics and Peace-Keeping Coordinators, representing NATO: General David Petraeus (KKR Global Institute); Erik Prince (Family Research Council / formerly Blackwater); and General Stanley McChrystal (CrossLead). ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) DATE: 24 August 2013 EOPGASM JAG Declaration Ecology of Peace Invitation Proposal, on behalf of Presidents Obama and Putin, Prince Phillip and Princess Gloria: to disclose the Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS, as a ‘Shock and Awe’ Wake Up Call to Citizens of the relationship between Sex and War; in memory of Martin Luther King’s views on overpopulation; to provide opportunity for International Public Discourse Debate about implementing the Ecology of Peace commandment into International Law; by adopting the ‘Walk Your Flaming Thunderbolt of Wisdom’ Treaty; in support of preventing Ecological Collapse and possible Near Term Extinction and/or the Tragedy of the Common’s Nuclear War; in terms of ICJ: Advisory Opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons1. TO THE JUSTICES OF THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE: [1] NDR-113’s Æquilibriæx Primitivist Ecology of Peace Jurisprudence Invitation, on behalf of Presidents Obama and Putin and Prince Phillip and Princess Gloria: to disclose the Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS, as a ‘Shock and Awe’ Wake Up Call to all of Earth’s homo-sapiens citizens and human cattle; of the relationship between Sex and War; in memory of Martin Luther King’s views on overpopulation; to provide ‘If it Bleeds, It Leads’ news coverage opportunity for International Public Discourse Debate about implementing the Ecology of Peace commandment into International Law; by adopting the ‘Walk Your Flaming Thunderbolt of Wisdom’ Treaty; in support of preventing Ecological Collapse and possible Near Term Extinction and/or the Tragedy of the Common’s Nuclear 1 War; in terms of ICJ: Advisory Opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons2. [1.1] It is NDR-113’s interpretation that President Barack Obama and Wuhayshi, a former aide to Al-Qaeda's late founder Osama bin Laden, head of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)3; Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh4 and "Princess TNT": Gloria, Princess of Thurn and Taxis5 have an ‘I Say What I think: Being Black is not a matter of pigmentation; Being black is a reflection of a Mental Attitude” Dream6: Anyone with Black pigmentation can have a Being White/Miss Ann/House Nigga Mental Attitude, and anyone with European pigmentation, can have a Being Black/Field Nigga Mental Attitude. All 7 billion of us are slaves and cattle fodder on the S.V. Human Factory Farm7 Titanic. It is time we found a Nat Turner-Christian Fletcher way to confront our Captain Bligh Ego slave masters in our consciousness and genitals; to begin the first steps, on the road towards abolishing the Human Factory Farm: “Unlike plagues of the dark ages or contemporary diseases we do not understand, the modern plague of overpopulation is soluble by means we have discovered and with resources we possess. What is lacking is not sufficient knowledge of the solution but universal consciousness of the gravity of the problem and education of the billions who are its victim.” ML King, May 5, 1966. [2] [2.1] Notice to United States: President Barack Obama; Speaker of the House: John Boehner (R); Majority Leader: Eric Cantor (R); Minority Leader: Nancy Pelosi (D); Libertarian Party: LNC Chair: Geoffrey Neale; Vice Chair: Lee Wrights; At Large: Bill Redpath; Star Child; Green Party: Co-Chair: Susan Chunco; Darryl Moch; Farheen Hakeem; Charles Ostdiek; Constitution Party: Leader: Frank Fluckiger; American Freedom Party: Chairman: William D. Johnson CO Director: Kevin B MacDonald; James Edwards; National Socialist Party: National Secretary: Greg 2 3 5,_Princess_of_Thurn_and_Taxis 6 Exopolitics Corr: President & First Lady Obama: Political/Religious Necessity Disclosure: Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS. MI6GASM Political activism in service to the Politics of Disclosure - DwarfWhisper32 Exopolitics 7 4 2 Pason; America First Party: Chair: John Hill; Secretary: John Pittman Hey; Communist Party: Head Office; Colorado; New Jersey; Justice Party: Co-Chair Laura Bonham co Rocky Anderson; Objectivist Party: Leader: Dr. Tom Stevens; Vice Chair: Alden Link; Ecology Democracy Party: Leader: Ken Pentel; North West Front: Leader: Harold Covington; Radical Honesty: Brad Blanton; Black Panther Party: Attorney Shabazz: Black Panther Law: Director: Hashim Nzinga; Renaissance Party – USA: International Chair: Sebastian Ronin; USA Chair: Max Macro; Secede Kilgore: Secede Kilgore; Alaska Independence Party: Chair: Lynette Clark; Republic of Lakota: Pearl Means and Lourdes Espinoza; Vatican Assassins: Eric Jon Phelps. [2.2] [3] [3.1] Courts: _______________. Notice to Russian Federation: President Putin co Kremlin Press Office; Russia v. Pussy Riot Parties: Cathedral of Christ Savior: Editor: Leonid Filatev; Pussy Riot; Free Voina; Russia Embassy - SA; Russian Orthodox Church; Khodorkovsky; RU v PussyRiot: Moscow City Court; Khamovniki district court in Moscow. [4] [4.1] Notice to Germany: HH Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis; Deutschland v. Beate Zschape et al Parties: [5] [5.1] [6] [6.1] [7] [7.1] [8] [8.1] Notice to United Kingdom: Duke of Edinburgh: Prince Phillip co ; Notice to Black Nobility of Europe: c/o: Queen of Denmark: Office of Lord Chamberlain Notice to South Africa: …… Notice to Botswana: …….. 3 [9] Notice to Iran: [9.1] [10] ….. Notice to Israel: [10.1] [11] …………. Notice to RSVP: Independent Logistics and Peace-Keeping Coordinators, representing NATO: General David Petraeus (KKR Global Institute); Erik Prince (Family Research Council / formerly Blackwater); and General Stanley McChrystal (CrossLead). [11.1] [11.2] [12] Brief Overview of FICCOW: Fully Informed Consent Can of Worms Invitation: [12.1] The PR Jonestown Duhmockery Mindprison are the political correct8 mind-prison beliefs9, maintained by intellectual prostitutes40 of the Political41 elite, to enable social control of their Human Farming42 slaughterhouse43 sheeple. Similarly the slaughterhouse sheeple insist on resolving their disputes by starting at political correct disagreement, and going straight to denial or physical violence; bypassing the opportunity for resolving their disputes by means of ‘verbal wars’ that may result in them being offended, and learning to get over being offended, and then to confront the root causes of their problems. (USCAAF: CCR v USA & Col. Lind: Ecocentric Wild Law Sustainable Security Amicus). [12.2] Being offended is difficult. We get our feelings hurt, we get our ideas about who we are, and who people really think we are shattered into painful pieces. Generally our culture’s have taught us that we can respond by (a) flight: choosing to run away; (b) denial: sticking our heads in the sand; (c) going to Breeding (2008): Political Correctness is a symptom of Political Psychiatry‘s enforcement of conformity. (01:19) “The inquisition is to heresy, as psychiatry is to mental illness” | Szasz (1997/07) 9 Breeding (2008): (02:37) Psychiatry is an agent of, or a state mechanism of, social control to enforce State power; allows for social control outside of the criminal justice system. 8 4 court; and allowing courts and lawyers to treat us like human cattle who don’t know what the definition of ‘social contract’ is; where our problems are seldom solved at their root cause; and the only beneficiaries are lawyers bank balances; (d) going to BigPharma and allowing psychiatrists and social workers to treat us like retarded children who don’t know what the definition of ‘sanity’ is; where we are given a ‘disorder’ label and endless pills to suppress our emotions; to avoid addressing our problems at their root cause; and the only beneficiaries are BigPharma’s bank balances; (e) fight: start physically fighting; if we start fighting as part of some guerrilla or terrorist group, against some State Army, then we provide Bankers and Arms Merchants with endless cannon-fodder profit opportunities. [12.3] In short, we live on a planet of 7 billion rich and poor, brown, white, yellow and red people, from various religions and cultures, desperately addicted to fake friends, fake compliments, fake reputations, to impressing people we frequently don’t like with our material possessions or physical attributes. If we were happy, had a sense of purpose that made sense to us, and gave us meaning, that wouldn’t be so bad, but we are not. Almost all of us, if truly honest with ourselves, would admit we are desperately unhappy. Everyone, from the richest King and Queen, to General or corporate CEO to the poorest pauper, if honest with ourselves, would admit, we want to be loved, truly and unconditionally loved, for the imperfect beings we are; not the perfect beings we are frequently pretending to each other to be. [12.4] A few cultures provide other options: The Radical Honoursty culture invites everyone to be honestly and transparently imperfect; and to learn to forgive ourselves for being imperfect, by learning to love others who are willing to be honestly and transparently imperfect for who they truly are. If we are offended, we invite the person/s who offended us to remain in the conversation with us, as we express our verbal-war anger to them face-to-face; until we have gotten over it. Once we have released the anger and pain, heard their anger or pain, we can reach a point of sensate forgiveness. Sensate forgiveness is forgiveness that occurs in our physical senses; our body, instead of intellectual forgiveness which occurs in our Ego-minds. To experience sensate forgiveness we express our anger face to face. Shouting our lungs off and having the courage to 5 show our true irrational, petty, vindictive, mean, afraid and hurt selves to release our anger in full volume, until it is released like a volcano, is a form of anger orgasm. Sobbing our heart out and having the courage to show our vulnerability, our fear, our supposed weakness, and letting all of our pain out, whether about stupid and silly things or hugely painful events and experiences; until our hearts can’t bear the pain anymore, is a form of sorrow orgasm. Hysterical giggling, allowing ourselves to be silly, stupid, bizarre and total fruitcake’s is a laughter orgasm. On the other side of achieving any of these anger, sorrow or laughter orgasm’s is a sensate experience similar to the calming experience of a sexual orgasm. We have released the suppressed emotions, whether anger and fear or unacknowledged appreciation or joy. We are terribly afraid of experiencing joy; because on the other end of joy, just like a roller coaster, we may find sorrow or anger again. But if we allow ourselves to reach the climax of any emotion, to orgasm; then we can find a more neutral calm space to begin to examine and confront how or why we were offended, or sad. Was the information conveyed that made us angry or sad, true or not? If not; why are we angry about something that is not true? If it was true; are we willing to confront the truth? What can we, and do we want to do, or not; about the issue? Are we willing to do what is necessary to solve our problem? If not, we can at least be honest with ourselves, so that next time someone says the same thing, we are able to acknowledge it as reality. When we repeatedly provide ourselves and others the opportunity to be ourselves, and to resolve our disagreements through anger orgasms, and sensate forgiveness; slowly our relationship builds real trust, and real love. But it is not easy. There are no short-cuts. (For more detailed info see: ) [12.5] [12.6] [12.7] As argued in the Population Policy Common Sense Amicus submitted to the South African Constitutional Court in the matter of The Citizen v. Robert McBride10: 10 6 “Are we really going to be able to give these extra people jobs, homes, health care and education?” -- Official in Uganda’s Ministry of Finance, August 25, 200611 Thou Shalt Not Transgress Carrying Capacity Prophets: One of the most commonly used words In the Bible, Tsedeq12 -found in Psalm 72, 85, etc; -- in its fullest sense, meant “world in balance” both ecologically and politically13. This was not only the responsibility for the Gods, but also kings and people, and when this carrying capacity law was ignored or violated, Prophets Isaiah, Habakkuk, Joel, Hosea and Nahum warned of pestilence, war, famine and death. In the The Ostrich Factor: Our Population Myopia14, Garrett Hardin writes that Tertullian, a Father of the Christian church shocked many traditionalists over the centuries, by asking why is the human population so vast [perhaps 150 million then] that we are a burden to the earth, which can scarcely provide for our needs? What most frequently meets our view (and occasions complaint), is our teeming population: our numbers are burdensome to the world, which can hardly supply us from its natural elements; our wants grow more and more keen, and our complaints more bitter in all mouths, whilst Nature fails in affording us her usual sustenance. In very deed, pestilence, and famine, and wars, and earthquakes have to be regarded as a remedy for nations, as the means of pruning the luxuriance of the human race.... The Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus FRS, was an Anglican clergyman who thought that the dangers of population growth would preclude endless progress towards a utopian society. Malthus saw this situation as divinely imposed to teach virtuous behaviour, as did Rev. Martin Luther King15, and the Public Affairs Commission of the Anglican General Synod of Australia, Key Issues for Australia’s future in the global 11 Population Explosion Threatens to Trap Africa in Cycle of Poverty, The Guardian, 25 August; Rice, X. 2006 [PDF:]; High birthrate threatens to trap Africa in Cycle of Poverty, Guardian, UK; 1 September 2006, by Xan Rice [PDF:] See also: UB: [A.8] Exponential Functions, Carrying Capacity Limits & the Laws of Sustainability [PDF:] 12 Stairway to Nowhere, by Yakov Rabinovich: “Tsedeq comes from a Semitic word meaning to be firm, straight, “like steel,” a determined integrity that goes to one's core. In Arabic, this means that one is fully developed, balanced and mature. Although tsedeq is often translated to mean “judgment,” this does not mean evil retribution or a legal judgment, but justice and righteousness, incorporating right living.” [PDF:] 13 UB: [A.9] Lysistrata Tsedeq: Eco-Law 101: Laws of Sustainability [PDF:] 14 Hardin, Garrett: The Ostrich Factor: Our Population Myopia [PDF:] 15 “Unlike plagues of the dark ages or contemporary diseases we do not understand, the modern plague of overpopulation is soluble by means we have discovered and with resources we possess. What is lacking is not sufficient knowledge of the solution but universal consciousness of the gravity of the problem and education of the billions who are its victim.” ML King, May 5, 1966 7 context and actions for us to take16, they argue the relationship between ‘Though shalt not steal’ to ‘Though shalt not breed’17. According to Robert McNamara, Former World Bank President: “Short of nuclear war itself, population growth is the gravest issue the world faces. If we do not act, the problem will be solved by famine, riots, insurrection and war;” and President Nixon: “We must help break the link between spiralling population growth and poverty. ...Where they have been tried, family planning programs have largely worked. ...Many pro-life advocates ...contend that to condone abortion even implicitly is morally unconscionable. Their view is morally short-sighted. ...if we provide funds for birth control ...we will prevent the conception of millions of babies who would be doomed to the devastation of poverty in the underdeveloped world.” 18 In World Scientists Warning to Humanity, Issued November 18, 1992, signed by 1700 leading scientists from 70 countries, including 102 Nobel Prize laureates in Science; Union of Concerned Scientists19; they warned: The earth is finite. Its ability to absorb wastes and destructive effluent is finite. Its ability to provide food and energy is finite. Its ability to provide for growing numbers of people is finite. And we are fast approaching many of the earth's limits. Current economic practices which damage the environment, in both developed and underdeveloped nations, cannot be continued without the risk that vital global systems will be damaged beyond repair. Pressures resulting from unrestrained population growth put demands on the natural world that can overwhelm any efforts to achieve a sustainable future. If we are to halt the destruction of our environment, we must accept limits to that growth. [13] As argued in the [14] in the matter of The Citizen v. Robert McBride20: 16 Key Issues for Australia’s future in the global context and actions for us to take, A discussion paper prepared by the Public Affairs Commission of the Anglican General Synod of Australia, February 2009 [PDF:] 17 Thou Shalt Not Breed: Anglicans, by Josh Gordon, The Age, Australia, May 9, 2010 [PDF:] 18 Richard M. Nixon, Seize the Moment (Simon & Schuster, 1992); In National Security Study Memorandum 200: World Population Growth and U.S. Security, by Stephen D. Mumford; The Social Contract, Winter 1992 – 93 [PDF:] 19 World Scientists Warning to Humanity, issued 18 November 1992 [PDF:] A World Scientists Warning Briefing Book is available from Union of Concerned Scientists, which provides the citations to support their WARNING. 20 8 [14.1] India Defense Minister Antony confirms Indian Armed Forces free to act in terms of JAG Declaration Ecology of Peace Proposal: to (i) enact a temporary Military Necessity Sustainable Security Coup d’état’; to incorporate the Ecology of Peace commandment into India’s Constitution, (ii) to recommend to UN Security Council leaders, the International Law adoption of the ‘Walk Your Flaming Thunderbolt of Wisdom’ Treaty; (iii) to leverage the (ICJ): Advisory Opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons ; in support of preventing Ecological Collapse and Near Term Extinction. [15] is hereby submitted to this court, and India and Pakistan parties; for transparency record keeping. This interpretation of India Defence Minister A.K. Antony’s remarks21 that “The Indian armed forces are free to appropriately respond to the developing situation at the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir”; is authorized by US Navy Judge Advocate General: Vice Adm. Nanette Derenzi, as part of the WH-JAG-NSA EOPGASM campaign to prevent Ecological, Economic, Climate Collapse and Near Term Extinction (NTE); in terms of (a) Transparency ‘Abundance of Caution’ Record Keeping Purposes, regarding interpretation of this courts: Advisory Opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons22; and (b) The Opinion of Weeramantry J in the Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary / Slovakia)23, which advises that in considering a new – Æquilibriæx Jurisprudence – perspective; to “follow in the path charted out by Grotius‘ that “it would be pity indeed if [the wealth of past experience from a variety of cultures] were left untapped merely because of attitudes of formalism which see such approaches as not being entirely de rigueur”. A court “needs to be multidisciplinary, drawing from other disciplines .. such wisdom as may be relevant for its purpose”; since a court “cannot afford to be monocultural, especially where it is entering newly developing areas of law”. [16] NDR-113’s Æquilibriæx Primitivist Ecology of Peace Jurisprudence Notice is hereby submitted to: IANS (12 August 2013): Forces free to respond to situation on LoC: AK Antony 22 23 ICJ: Weeramantry J in Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project 21 9 [16.1] Government of Jammu and Kashmir: Government of Jammu & Kashmir24: Chief Minister: MR. Omar Abdullah; High Court of Jammu & Kashmir25: Chief Justice M. M. Kumar; and [16.2] Republic of India: Rajya Sabha | Parliament of India26: Hon'ble Chairman: Vice President: Shri Mohammad Hamid Ansari; Deputy Chairman: Prof PJ Kurien; Leader of the House: Dr. Manmohan Singh; Leader of Opposition: Shri Arun Jaitley; Vice Chairs: Shri Shanta Kumar; Shri Prasanta Chatterjee; Dr. Mahendra Prasad; Andhra Pradesh; Shri Bhubaneswar Kalita; Rajya Sabha Women Members27: Smt Jaya Bachchan; Smt. Jharna Das Baidya; Smt. Vandana Chavan; Smt. Renuka Chosdhury; Smt. Naznin Farguque; Smt. Smirit Zubin Irani; Smt. B. Yayashree; Smt. Kanimozhi; Smt. Mohsina Kidwai; Prof Alka Balram Kshatriya; KM Mayawati; Smt. Jayanthi Natarajan; Smt. Renubala Pradhan; Smt. T Ratna Bai; Dr. Vijaylaxmi Sadho; Dr. T.N. Seema; Smt. Maya Singh; Smt. Ambika Soni; Smt. Vasanthi Stanley; Dr. Prabha Thakur; Lok Sabha | People’s Parliament28: Speaker: Smt Meira Kumar; Deputy Speaker: Shri Kariya Munda; Leader of House: Shri Sushil Kumar Sambhajirao; Leader of Opposition: Smt Sushma Swaraj; Secretary General: Dr. T.K. Viswanathan; Lok Sabha Women Members29: Smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal; Smt. Dimple Yadav; Indian Army30: General Bikram Singh, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM, SM, VSM, ADC; Chief of Army Staff; Indian Navy31: Chief of Naval Staff: Admiral Devendra Kumar Joshi; ASSOCHAM32: The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India: President: Rana Kapoor. [16.3] Islamic Republic of Pakistan: Prime Minister: Nawaz Sharif; President: Mamnoon Hussain; Supreme Court of Pakistan33: Honourable Mr. Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudry: Chief Justice of Pakistan; Senate34: Secretariat Chairman: Syed Nayyer Hussain Bokhari; Deputy Chairman: Sabir 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 24 25 10 Ali Baloch; Leader of the House: Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq; Leader of the Opposition: Aitzaz Ahsan; Senate Women35: Senate Women: Almas Parveen; Zahida Khan; National Assembly36: Speaker: Sardar Ayaz Sadiq; Deputy Speaker: Murtaza Javed Abbasi; Leader of Opposition: Syed Khursheed Shah; Federal Minister: Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan: Mr. Muhammad Barjess Tahir; National Assembly Women37: Nafeesa Inayatullah Khan Khattak; Mrs. Aliya Kamran.; Pakistan Army38: Chairman: Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee: General Khalid Shameem Wynne; Pakistan Navy39: Chief of Naval Staff: Admiral Muhammad Asif Sandila. Pakistan Business Council40: Chairman: Ali S Habib. [16.4] Transparency Copy: SCO: Shanghai Cooperation Org.41: Member Comm. In Chief: CN: General Chang Wanquan & Pres. Xi Jinping; KZ: Min. Adilbek Dzhaksybekov & Pres. Nursultan Nazarbayev; KG: Colonel General Alik Mamyrkulov & Pres. Almazbek Atambayev; RU: General Sergey Kuzhugetovich Shoygu & Pres. Vladimir Putin; TJ: Pres. Emomalii Rahmon; UZ: Pres. Islam Karimov; Observer Comm. in Chief: AF: Pres. Hamid Karzai; IN: Pres. Pranab Mukherjee & Air Chief Marshal N.A.K. Browne; IR: Supreme Leader: Ali Khamenei, Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad & Lt General Ataollah Salehi; MN: Pres. Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, Min. Dashdembereliin Bat-Erdene & Lt. Gen. Tserendejidiin Byambajav; PK: Pres. Asif Ali Zardari & JCS: Chair: Gen. Khalid Shameem Wynne. [16.5] Transparency Copy: ASEAN: Assoc of S.E Asian Nations42: ID: Pres. Admiral Agus Suhartono and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono; MY: Jeneral Tan Sri Dato' Seri Zulkifeli Mohd. Zin; Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and King Abdul Halim; PH: Gen. Emmanuel T. Bautista and Pres. Benigno Aquino III; SG: Major-Gen. Ng Chee Meng and Pres. Tony Tan Keng Yam; TH: Gen. Thanasak Patimaprakorn, H.M. King Bhumibol Adulyadej & Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra; BN: Major Gen. Aminuddin Ihsan and HM Sultan Hassanal 37 38 39 40 41 42 35 36 11 Bolkiah; MM: Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and President Thein Sein; KH: General Tea Banh, King Norodom Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen; LA: President Choummaly Sayasone and Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong; VN: President Trương Tấn Sang & Min. Tran Dai Quang. [16.6] Transparency Copy: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation43: Commander in Chief: AL: Pres. Bujar Nishani; BE: PM: Elio Di Rupo; BG: Pres. Rosen Plevneliev; CA: PM. Stephen Harper; HR: Pres. Ivo Josipovic; CZ: Pres. Milos Zeman; DK: Queen Margrethe; EE: PM: Andrus Ansip; FR: Pres. Francois Hollande; DE: Chanc. Angela Merkel; GR: Pres. Karolos Papoulias; HU: Pres. Janos Ader; IS: Pres: Olafur Ragnar Grimsson; IT: Pres. Giorgio Napolitano; LV: Andris Berzins; LT: Pres. Dalia Grybauskaite; LU: PM: JeanClaude Juncker; NL: King Willem-Alexander; NO: King Harald V; PL: Pres. Bronislaw Komorowski; PT: Pres. Anibal Cavaco Silva; RO: Pres. Traian Basescu; SK: Pres. Ivan Gasparovic; SI: Pres. Borut Pahor; ES: King Juan Carlos I; TR: Pres. Abdullah Gul; UK: Queen Elizabeth II; US: President Barack Obama; c/o: NATO Sec. Gen. Andres Foch Rasmussen; Chiefs of Defence: AL: Maj. Gen. Xhemal Gjunkshi; BE: Maj. Gen. Eddy Testelmans; BG: Gen. Simeon Simeonov; CA: Gen. Thomas Lawson; HR: Gen. Drago Lovric; CZ: Lt. Gen. Petr Pavel; DK: Gen. Peter Bartram; EE: Maj. Gen. Riho Terras; FR: Gen. Bertrand Ract-Madoux; DE: Gen. Volker Wieker; GR: Gen. Michail Kostarakos; HU: Gen. Tibor Benko; IS: R.Adm. Georg Larusson; IT: Gen. Biagio Abrate; LV: Brig. Gen. Juris Zeibarts; LT: Lt. Gen. Arvydas Pocius; LU: Col. Mario Daubenfield; NL: Gen. Tom Middendorp; NO: Gen. Harald Sunde; PL: Gen. Mieczyslaw Cieniuch; PT: Gen. Luis Pinto; RO: Lt. Gen. Stefan Danila; SK: Gen. Peter Vojtek; SI: Brig. Dobran Bozic; Gen. Fernando Garcia Sanchez; TK: Gen. Necdet Ozel; UK: Gen. David Richards; JCS: Gen. Martin Dempsey; c/o & via: NATO Military Committee: Knud Bartels. [17] NDR-113’s Æquilibriæx Interpretation: Defense Minister Antony confirms Indian Armed Forces free to act in terms of JAG Declaration Ecology of Peace Proposal: to enact a temporary Military Necessity Sustainable Security Coup d’état’; to amend India’s Constitution by adding the Ecology of Peace commandment, et al: 43 12 [17.1] Defence Minister A.K. Antony’s remarks made at the launch of India's first indigenous aircraft carrier INS Vikrant, launched by Antony's wife: Elizabeth, that “The Indian armed forces are free to appropriately respond to the developing situation at the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir” are interpreted with regards to among others, the 'Pinch of Sovereignty'44 statements of United States Ambassador to the United Nations; as follows: “The Indian armed forces are also free to appropriately respond to the issues raised in the JAG Declaration Ecology of Peace Proposal”; namely among others that: [17.2] In absence of voters, politicians and judges acting on behalf of the Ecology of Peace Sustainable Security proposed policies; as advocated in SSSGASM Guerrylla Lawfare nudge squad45 documentation submitted to numerous courts, national and international bar and jurist associations and international ‘peace’ organisations; to recommend to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to authorize the Indian Defence Forces, to enact a temporary Military Necessity Sustainable Security Coup d’état’; to amend India’s Constitution by adding the Ecology of Peace commandment: “Thou shalt not legislate, enforce or obey any law which enables citizens procreation or consumption to transgress cultural carrying capacity limits”; and [17.3] To recommend to UN Security Council leaders, that the Ecology of Peace Commandment be considered the inter and intra-species social contract foundation of International Law, including recommending the adoption of the ‘Walk Your Flaming Thunderbolt of Wisdom’ Treaty; and furthermore; [17.4] Finally: If there are nations who refuse to adopt the Ecology of Peace Commandment, insisting on their civilized patriarchy ‘right’ to be breeding war or consumption war scarcity combatants, driving the planet to ecological, economic and climate collapse catastrophe and possible or certain near term extinction; such refusal to co-operate to preserve Earth’s ecological, economic and climate for all species survival, may be interpreted by Ecology of Peace Survivalists, in accordance to principles enunciated in the International Court of France Macey (10 Aug 2013): US Amb.Power Wants to Give ‘Pinch of Sovereignty’ to UN; Politichiks.TV 45 Lott Maxim (30 July 2013): Gov't Knows Best? White House creates nudge squad to shape behaviour; Fox News 44 13 Justice (ICJ): Advisory Opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons46. A. “In its advisory opinion on the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) observed that such threat or use would generally be contrary to international humanitarian law. The opinion went on to state, however, that the court “cannot lose sight of the fundamental right of every State to survival, and thus its right to resort to self-defence . . . when its survival is at stake.” The court held, by seven votes to seven, with its president’s casting vote, that it “cannot conclude definitively whether the threat or use of nuclear weapons would be lawful or unlawful in an extreme circumstance of self defence in which the very survival of a State would be at stake.””47 [18] Finally, please find attached: Declaration of JAG Lt. Cdr. Lara Braveheart, to US Navy Judge Advocate General: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi, CC: Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn, Asst. Sec. for Energy, Installations and Environment and Senator Jim Inhofe; with regard to Æquilibriæx Sustainable Security Theses Ecology of Peace v. Near Term Extinction, NSA research, activism and SSSGASM Guerrylla Lawfare campaign; to ascertain the level of political and legal support for implementing Ecology of Peace Guerrylla Law policies to avoid possible Near Term Extinction; and in the absence thereof; to justify in accordance to the Rendulic Rule, the President to authorize a temporary Sustainable Security coup d’état’, to implement such Sustainable Security social contract amendment to the constitution. [19] The signed Certified PDF copy (5MB) sent to JAG, V. Adm. McGinn and Senator Inhofe, can also be downloaded at EOPGASM: Ecology of Peace Golden Apple Seed Mission48. Notifications to JAG, VADM McGinn and Senator Inhofe 48 46 47 14 and their acknowledgements of receipt are available at: Certified MILINT Earth Day declaration to US Navy JAG: VADM Derenzi49. EOPGASM JAG Notifications to Courts to act to prevent Ecological, Economic, and Climate Collapse and Near Term Extinction (NTE): [20] Briefly, the JAG declaration submitted to various courts, investigative bodies, law societies, bar and jurist associations; is based upon the following working hypothesis conclusions: [20.1] Extensive reports show that humanity’s collective legislative failure to restrict our procreation and consumption to cultural carrying capacity limits, is resulting in current and escalating impending global Ecological, Economic and Climate Collapse. [20.2] Increasing research reports warn that, in the absence of immediate De- Industrialization, humanity’s failure to prevent global Ecological, Economic and Climate Collapse, may result in possible or definite near term extinction. [20.3] Obstacles to mitigating Ecological, Economic and Climate Collapse; and possible or definite Near Term Extinction are: A. The absence of ecologically literate national constitutional and international law social contract jurisprudence, to (a) obey the Ecology of Peace commandment: “Thou shalt not legislate, enforce or obey any law which enables citizens procreation or consumption to transgress cultural carrying capacity limits”; or (b) provide clear, rational, impartial, fair and equitable justifications for violating the ecological commandment. B. Nationally: The absence of sufficient ecologically literate unconditional co-operator citizens and corporations to demand, journalists to educate, politicians to legislate, and judges to adjudicate, on behalf of Ecology of Peace Sustainable Security policies. 49 15 C. Internationally all nations must act collectively: There is currently an absence of sufficient ecologically literate unconditional co-operator political leaders worldwide willing to agree to enact and enforce international Ecology of Peace social contract jurisprudence. [20.4] Options for concerned Political and Military Officials to encourage voters, politicians and judges to act on behalf of the Ecology of Peace Sustainable Security policies. A. Draft a clear Ecology of Peace proposal for an equitably implemented plan for unconditional co-operation that can work. B. Notify citizens, politicians and judges the opportunity to debate, vote for, legislate or adjudicate in support of Ecology of Peace proposal. C. In absence of voters, politicians and judges acting on behalf of the Ecology of Peace Sustainable Security proposed policies; recommend to the President to authorize a temporary Military Necessity Sustainable Security Coup d’état’. [20.5] Overview of a clear international Ecology of Peace proposal for an equitably implemented plan for unconditional co-operation that can work. A. All nations will benefit from co-operating, only if all nations co-operate. Co-operation refers to implementing Ecology of Peace Thunderbolt of Flaming Wisdom Commandment into their constitution: “Thou shalt not legislate, enforce, or obey laws which enable citizen’s procreation or consumption to transgress cultural carrying capacity limits”; and clear legislation how they intend to monitor and enforce their citizens to abide by the Treaty principles. B. Honourable person-to-person duelling should be made legal, and any political leader or citizen, who is angry at any other person, about any issue, and wishes to resolve it by means of a person-to-person duel, should be allowed to do so, by challenging the relevant person to a duel, including the suggested rules or guidelines to be followed for their respective duel. 16 C. Cheating by any nation, by breeding or consuming above sustainable carrying capacity limits, must be considered a declaration of war against all non-cheaters; and if left unpunished would remove the incentive for everyone’s co-operation. D. A conviction of cheating would involved a two pronged test: (a) Is the nation violating the Ecology of Peace Thunderbolt of Flaming Wisdom Commandment, by allowing any citizens procreation or consumption to transgress cultural carrying capacity limits; and (b) If so: do they have sufficient justification for their transgression (for example: if you have a reasonably wealthy citizen such as Douglas and Kristine Tompkins50, who are investing all their wealth into transforming the economy to a sustainable low tech agrarian economy51; you could grant them a consumption exemption license until their goal and the national transformation to a sustainable agrarian economy goal has been achieved.) E. To discourage cheating the punishment must be severe. F. The severity of the punishment for cheating will not bother any leader, citizen or nation (a) who considers the arbitrations of any alleged cheating to be unequivocally fair, and (b) intends to unconditionally cooperate. G. The following cheating punishment is suggested: Any nation caught cheating must publicly execute: the head and deputy head of state, all cabinet and deputy cabinet members, every member of parliament, every owner of a corporation with more than 27 employees, every religious leader with more than 27 followers. When any nation is accused of cheating, all news publications must inform their readers/viewers/listeners, on the front pages, of their publications for eight publications in a row; whereupon all targeted alleged cheaters may resign, to show their support for the allegation; and to avoid execution should there be a finding of guilt. 50 51 17 H. Any Ecology of Peace Judge/s who convicts any nation of cheating, will supervise the nation’s public executions, before ordering their own public execution, to publicly demonstrate to the convicted nation’s citizens, the Judge/s finding to have been honourable and fair. [20.6] Guerrylla Lawfare: Provide citizens, politicians and judges the opportunity to vote for, legislate or adjudicate in support of the international Ecology of Peace policies, including recommendations for how Ecology of Peace Sustainable Security policies be implemented to avoid a Coup d’état. [20.7] In absence of voters, politicians and judges acting on behalf of the Ecology of Peace Sustainable Security proposed policies; by the specified date, military and JAG authorities to recommend to President Obama to authorize a temporary Military Necessity Sustainable Security Coup d’état’ to amend the Constitution by adding the Ecology of Peace commandment: “Thou shalt not legislate, enforce or obey any law which enables citizens procreation or consumption to transgress cultural carrying capacity limits”. [21] JAG Notifications warned that if the SSSGASM Guerrylla Lawfare nudge squad52 documentation submitted to such courts and national and international bodies; did not result in sufficient national and international political and legal support for implementing Ecology of Peace Guerrylla Law policies to avoid possible Near Term Extinction; JAG and Military authorities would recommend to President Obama to (a) authorize the Pentagon, in terms of the Military Necessity Rendulic Rule to make preparations for implementing a temporary Sustainable Security coup d’état’, to implement such Sustainable Security social contract Ecology of Peace Commandment amendment to the United States constitution; and to (b) recommend to UN Security Council leaders, that the Ecology of Peace Commandment be considered the inter and intra-species social contract foundation of International Law, including recommending the adoption of the ‘Walk Your Flaming Thunderbolt of Wisdom’ Treaty. [22] Furthermore, if there are nations who refuse to adopt the Ecology of Peace Commandment, insisting on their civilized patriarchy ‘right’ to be breeding war Lott Maxim (30 July 2013): Gov't Knows Best? White House creates nudge squad to shape behaviour; Fox News 52 18 or consumption war scarcity combatants, driving the planet to ecological, economic and climate collapse catastrophe and possible or certain near term extinction; such refusal to co-operate to preserve Earth’s ecological, economic and climate for all species survival, may be interpreted by Ecology of Peace Survivalists, in accordance to principles enunciated in the International Court of Justice (ICJ): Advisory Opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons53. [22.1] “In its advisory opinion on the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) observed that such threat or use would generally be contrary to international humanitarian law. The opinion went on to state, however, that the court “cannot lose sight of the fundamental right of every State to survival, and thus its right to resort to self-defence . . . when its survival is at stake.” The court held, by seven votes to seven, with its president’s casting vote, that it “cannot conclude definitively whether the threat or use of nuclear weapons would be lawful or unlawful in an extreme circumstance of self defence in which the very survival of a State would be at stake.””54 [23] The MILINT Ecology of Peace Theses chronology of applications, correspondence and news is available at EOPGASM: Ecology of Peace Golden Apple Seed Mission55, and is updated about once a week; transcript copies of applications and correspondence is available at News Updates56. For the Record JAG EOPGASM Notifications have been submitted to: [24] The following Courts are currently aware of the JAG EOPGASM notification and its contents, as part of court and investigative body filings: [24.1] Investigative Bodies: (i) Federal Bureau of Investigation: Johnstone v. Templeton Foundation57. 55 56 57 53 54 19 [24.2] Courts: (a) Moscow City: Russia v. Pussy Riot58; (b) ECHR: Johnstone v. Norway59; (c) Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee: Johnstone v. Norway60; (d) New York Southern District: ACLU v. Clapper, et al61; (e) UK: Central Criminal Court / Old Bailey: Her Majesty’s Government v. Michael Adebolajo62; (f) DE: Munich: Germany v. Beate Zschape63; US-CA: Northern District: First Unitarian Church of LA v NSA, et al64; (g) US-VA: Eastern District: US v Edward Snowden65; (h) US-Army: Ft. Meade: US v Pfc Bradley Manning66. [24.3] Law Societies, Bar Associations and Jurist Associations in the courts of: A. Germany: Munich District Court: Judge Manfred Götzl67 (Deutschland v. Beate Zschape): to the (i) German Bar Association - Deutscher Anwaltverein68 (ii) International Bar Association (IBA)69; (iii) 60 61 58 59 62 64 65 66 67 68 German Bar Association - Deutscher Anwaltverein: President: Rechtsanwalt Prof. Dr. Ewer, Kiel; Vicepresidents: RAin Dr. Astrid Auer-Reinsdorff, Berlin, RAinNin Edith Kindermann, Bremen, RA Dr. Friedwald Lübbert, Bonn, RAin Verena Mittendorf, Hildesheim, RA Oskar Riedmeyer, München, RAuN Herbert Schons, Duisburg, RA Prof. Dr. Friedrich Graf von Westphalen, Köln; Executive Director: Rechtsanwalt Dr. Cord Brügmann. 69 International Bar Association (IBA): Directors: Executive: Mark Ellis, Deputy Executive: Tim Hughes; Human Resource: Donna Canty; Legal Projects: Gonzalo Guzman; Human Rights Resource: Phillip Tahmindjis; Legal Practice: Ronnie Hart; Public Interest Division: Jenny Clugston; President: Michael Reynolds - Belgium; Vice President: David W Rivkin - USA; Secretary General: Martin Solc - Czech Republic; Legal Practice Division: Chair: Michael Greene; Vice Chair: Almudena Arpon de Mendevil; Treasurer: Jaime Carey; Asst Treas: Jon Grouf; Public and Professional Interest Division: Chair: Bar Issues Commission: Horacio Bernardes Neto; LPD Representative: Daniel Del Rio; Co-Chair: IBAHRI: Helena Kennedy; Sec Treas: Stephen Macliver; Co-Chair: IBAHRI: Sternford Moyo; Vice Chair: Bar Issues Commission: Margery Nicoll; Chair: Section on Public Professional Interest: Gabrielle Williamson 63 20 International Council of Jurists70; and (iv) International Commission of Jurists71; B. Central Criminal Court / Old Bailey: Judge Brian Barker72 (UK v. Michael Adebolajo, et al) and (i) Law Society of England and Wales73; (ii) UK Bar Council74; (iii) City of London Law Society75; (iv) Law Society of Northern Ireland76; (v) General Council of the Bar of International Council of Jurists (ICJ): Presidents: Hon'ble Dr. Adish C Aggarwala, Sr. Advocate.; Hon’ble Mr.Justice Awn S. Al–Khasawneh; Vice-Presidents: Hon'ble Mr. Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry: Chief Justice of Pakistan; Hon'ble Mr. Justice A.B.M. Muzzamel Hossain: Chief Justice of Bangladesh; The Rt. Hon’ble Mr. David Lammy: Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom; Hon'ble Sir James R. Mancham KBE-Ph.D: Founding President of Republic of Seychelles; Hon'ble Prof. (Dr). Holger Matt: Chairman: European Criminal Bar Association; General Secretaries: Hon'ble Mr. Justice Augustino Ramadhani: Judge, African Court of Human People's Rights; Hon'ble Mr. Justice Ahmad Faiz Hussain: Chief Justice of Maldives; Honourable Secretaries: Hon'ble Ms. Justice Anastazia Msosa: Acting Chief Justice of Malawi; Hon'ble Mr. Justice Alnashir Visram: Judge of the Court of Appeal of Kenya; Hon'ble Mr. Justice James M. Farley: Ex. Judge, Supreme Court of Ontario (Canada); Hon'ble Mr. Pham Quoc Anh, MP: President, Vietnam Lawyers Association 71 International Commission of Jurists: President: Prof. Sir Nigel Rodley - United Kingdom; Vice Presidents: Justice Michèle Rivet – Canada; The Hon John Dowd AO QC – Australia; Executive Committee: Prof. Carlos Ayala – Venezuela; Justice Azhar Cachalia – South Africa; Prof. Robert Goldman – United States; Prof. Jenny E. Goldschmidt – Netherlands; Ms Imrana Jalal – Fiji; Ms Karinna Moskalenko – Russia; Prof. Mónica Pinto – Argentina; Commissioners for Africa: Prof. Abdullahi An-Na’im – Sudan; Justice Moses Hungwe ChinhengoZimbabwe; Justice Unity Dow - Botswana; Prof. Michelo Hansungule – Zambia; Mr. Kathurima M'Inoti - Kenya; Justice Qinisile Mabuza - Swaziland; Justice Charles Mkandawire - Malawi; Justice Sanji Monageng - Botswana; Commissioners from the America's: Justice Ian Binnie - Canada; Mr. Roberto Garreton - Chile; Mr Belisario dos Santos Junior - Brazil; Justice E. Raul Zaffaroni - Argentina; Prof Victor Rodriguez Rescia - Costa Rica; Prof Rodrigo Uprimny Yepes - Columbia; Commissioners from Asia-Pacific: Justice Elizabeth Evatt - Australia; Ms. Sara Hossain - Bangladesh; Prof Vitit Muntarbhorn - Thailand; Commissioners for Europe and CIS: Dr. Catarina de Albuequerque - Portugal; Prof. Louise Doswald-Beck - Switzerland; Mr. Stellan Garde - Sweden; Ms. Gulnora Ishankhanova - Uzbekistan; Prof. Kazimierz Maria Lankosz - Poland; Justice Ketil Lund - Norway; Justice Jose Antonio Martin Pallin - Spain; Prof. Iulia Motoc - Romania; Justice Philipe Texier - France; Prof. Andrew Clapham - United Kingdom; Justice Radmila Dicic - Serbia; Justice Tamara Morshchakova - Russia; Justice Egbert Myjer - Netherlands; Prof Marco Sassoli - Italy & Switzerland; Justice Stefan Trechsel - Switzerland; Commissioners for Middle East and North Africa: Mr. Muhannad Al-hasani - Syria; Mr. Ghanim Alnajjar Kuwait; Mr. Abdelazia Benzakour - Morrocco; Justice Kalthoum Kennou - Tunisia; Prof. David Kretzmer - Israel; Mr. Raji Sourani - Palestine; Mr. Shawan Jabarin – Palestine. 72 73 Law Society of England and Wales: President: Nick Fluck; Vice President: Andrew Caplan; Deputy Vice President: Jonathan Smithers; Chief Executive: Des Hudson. 74 UK Bar Council: Officers: Chair: Maura McGowan QC; Vice Chair: Nicholas Lavender QC; Vice Chair Elect: Alistair MacDonald QC; Treasurer: Stephen Collier; Snr Management Team: Chief Exec: Stephen Crowne; Representation and Policy: Mark Hatcher; Central Services: Oliver Delany; Bar Standards Board: Dr. Vanessa Davies; Committee Chairs: Equality & Diversity Committee: Chair: Kim Hollis QC; Law Reform Committee: Chair: Stephen Worthington QC; Professional Practice Committee: Andrew Walker QC; International Committee: Chantal-Aimee Doerries QC. 75 City of London Law Society: Chairman: Alasdair Douglas; Chief Executive: David Hobart; Committee Members: President: David McIntosh QC (Rodney Warren & Co); Paul Barnes (Gordon Dadds LLP); Robert Bourns (TLT Solicitors LLP); Simon Davis (Clifford Chance LLP); Christopher Digby-Bell (Palmer Capital Partners); Nicholas Emmerson; Marc Hanson (Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP); Nicholas Hughes (Holman Fenwick & Willan LLP); Vanessa Knapp (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP); Chalres Martin (Macfarlanes LLP); Dr. Clare McConnell (Stephenson Harwood); Cornelius Medvei (Eversheds LLP); Allan Murray-Jones (Skadden Arps UK LLP); Colin Passmore (Simmons & Simmons LLP); Robert Pitcher (Eversheds LLP); Dick Tyler (CMS Cameron McKenna LLP); Joint Sec: Neil Cameron; Policy & Committee Coordinator: Robert Leeder; Administrator: Elizabeth Thomas. 76 Law Society of Northern Ireland: President: Michael Robinson (Cunningham & Dickey, Belfast); Senior Vice President: Imelda McMillan (O'Reilly Stewart); Junior Vice President: Richard Palmer (Niall Browne); Chief Executive: Alan Hunter; Deputy Chief Executive: Suzanne Bryson; Communications Officer: Paul O'Connor. 70 21 Northern Ireland77; (vi) Glasgow Bar Association78; (vii) Scotland Faculty of Advocates79; (viii) Law Society of Scotland80; (ix) Legal Ombudsman: Office of Legal Complaints81; (x) International Bar Association (IBA)82; (xi) International Council of Jurists83; and (xii) International Commission of Jurists84. [24.4] A. Alleged ‘Peace’ and ‘Civil Rights’ organisations in the courts of: United States Army: First Judicial Court, Ft. Meade, Maryland: Judge Denise Lind (US v Pfc Manning): (i) Norwegian Nobel Committee Laureates: Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Mairead Maguire and Adolfo Perez Esquivel; (ii) International Peace Bureau85; (iii) Amnesty International86; (iv) Human Rights Watch87. General Council of the Bar of Northern Ireland: Bar Council: Mr Mark Mulholland QC- Chair; Ms Denise McBride QC - Vice Chair; Mr Michael Humphreys QC – Bursar; Mr Dermot Fee QC; Mr David Hunter QC; Mr Peter King; Mr Frank O'Donoghue QC; Mr Stephen Quinn QC; Mr Bernard Brady; Ms Gerarda Campbell; Mr Peter Coll; Mr Michael Duffy; Ms Fiona Fee; Mr Donal Lunny; Mr Michael McCrea; Mr Mark McEvoy; Ms Orlagh McGahan; Ms Grainne Murphy; Mr Stephen Ritchie. 78 Glasgow Bar Association: President: Ann Ritchie; Vice President: Martin Hughes; Secretary: Lee Doyle; Treasurer: Ross Yuill; Country Members: Colin Bissett; Past President: Bernadette Baxter; Chief Executive: Moira Deeney; Stephen Fox; Paul Sutherland; David Flint; Carolyn Moore; Ron McKenna; Liam Ewing; Isobel Black; Gillian Barsanti; Kirean Dean. 79 Scotland Faculty of Advocates: Office Bearers: Dean of Faculty: R.S.Keen Q.C.; Vice-Dean of Faculty: James Wolffe Q.C.; Treasurer: Alan Summers Q.C.; Clerk of Faculty: Calum S. Wilson; Chairman of Faculty Services: Gerry Moynihan Q.C. 80 Law Society of Scotland: Office Bearers: President: Bruce Beveridge; Past President: Austin Lafferty; Vice President: Alistair Morris; Chief Executive: Lorna Jack; Board: Treasurer: David Newton; Member: Christine McLintock; Member: Alison Atack; Member: Janet Hood; Member: Christopher Fraser; Member: Jane MacEachran. Committee: Professional Conduct: Frank McAuley; Equality and Diversity: Janet Hood; Professional Practices: Graham Mathews; Law Reform: David Newton. 81 Legal Ombudsman: Office of Legal Complaints: Board.Chair: Elizabeth France CBE; Board: Rosemary Carter; Board: Margaret Doyle; Board: Tony Foster; Board: Prof. Mary Seneviratme; Board: Karen Silcock; Board: David Thomas. 82 As above to Judge Manfred Götzl in Deutschland v. Beate Zschape 83 As above to Judge Manfred Götzl in Deutschland v. Beate Zschape 84 As above to Judge Manfred Götzl in Deutschland v. Beate Zschape 85 International Peace Bureau: Co-Presidents: Ingeborg Breines; Tomas Magnusson; Board: Victor de la Barrera; Alicia Cabezudo; Mayra Gomez; Tony Kempster; Terumi Tanaka; Chiara Maria Venturi; Reiner Braun; Tarja Cronberg; Paul Lansu; Laura Lodenius; Joe Murray; Agneta Norberg; Metta Spencer; Tayoi Tsuchida; Salvatore Vella. 86 Amnesty International: Executive Committee: Bernard Sintobin, Guadalupe Rivas, Julio Torales, Mwikali Nzioka Muthiani, Nicole Bieske, Pietro Antonioli, Rune Arctander, Sandra Lutchman; Secretary General: Salil Shetty; and International Secretariat: Colm O Cuanachain; George Macfarlane; Nicola Duckworth; Richard Eastmond; Thomas Schultz-Jagow; Widney Brown 87 [6] Human Rights Watch: Senior Management: Executive Director: Kenneth Roth; Deputy Executive Director, Development and Global Initiatives: Michele Alexander; Deputy Executive Director, External Relations: Carroll Bogert; Europe Director and Deputy Executive Director: Jan Egeland; Deputy Executive Director, Program: Iain Levine; Deputy Executive Director, Operations: Chuck Lustig; Board of Directors: Chair: James F. Hoge Jr; Vice: Susan Manilow; Vice: Joel Motley; Vice: Sid Sheinberg; Vice: John J Studzinski CBE; Treas: Hassan Elmasry; Secretary: Bruce Rabb; Karen Herskovitz Ackman; Jorge Castenada, Tony Elliott; Michael G. Fisch; Michael E Gellert; Hina Jilani; Betsy Karel; Wendy Keys; Robert Kissane; Kimberly Marteau Emerson; Oki Matsumoto; Barry M Meyer; Aoife O'Brien; Joan R Platt; Neil Rimer; Amy Rao; Victoria Riskin; Graham Robeson; Shelley F Rubin; Kevin P Ryan; Ambassador Robin Sanders; Jean-Louis Servan-Schreiber; Javier Solana; Siri Stolt-Nielsen; Darian W. Swig; John R Taylor; Amy Towers; Marie Warburg; Catherine Zennstrom 77 22 B. United States Eastern District Court of Virginia: Judge John F. Anderson88 (US v Snowden): (i) Norwegian Nobel Committee Nominator Professor Stefan Svallfors; (ii) Amnesty International89; (iii) Human Rights Watch90. Dated at George, South Africa, Pale Blue Dot: 13 August 2013 NDR-113 | LARA JOHNSTONE AKA ANDREA MUHRRTEYN, Pro Se PO Box 4052, George, 6539, South Africa Tel/Fax: (044) 870 7239 91 As above to US Army: First Judicial Court, Ft. Meade, Maryland: Judge Denise Lind (US v Pfc Manning) 90 As above to US Army: First Judicial Court, Ft. Meade, Maryland: Judge Denise Lind (US v Pfc Manning) 91 Draft MILINT Earth Day declaration to US Navy JAG: Vice Adm Nanette Derenzi and CERTIFIED MILINT Earth Day declaration to US NAVY JAG: Vice Adm Nanette Derenzi 88 89 23 CERTIFICATE OF FILING AND SERVICE I certify that the original was electronically filed to: Information Department / Archive; International Court of Justice (; (; Info Department ( and contemporaneously served electronically to parties: 1. Jammu & Kashmir: Government: Chief Minister MR. Omar Abdullah (; Chief Justice of High Court: Hon’ble Mr. Justice M. M. Kumar ( 2. Republic of India: Vice President: VP: Shri Mohammad Hamid Ansari (; Rajya Sabha-Council of States: Sec. Gen: Shri Shumsher K Sheriff (; Leader of the House: Dr. Manmohan Singh (; Leader of Opposition: Shri Arun Jaitley (; Lok Sabha Women: Smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal (; Smt Dimple Yadav (; Indian Army: Gen. Bikram Singh (; Supreme Court of India: Chief Justice: Hon'ble Mr. Justice P. Sathasivam: Registrar General: Suresh Kumar Sharma (; Registrar Judicial: Sh RS Jain (; Registrar Judicial: Mr. Aijaz Ahmed Mir (; Indian Army: Gen. Bikram Singh (; Indian Navy: Chief of Naval Staff: Admiral Devendra Kumar Joshi Integrated HQ (; Western Naval Command (; Eastern Naval Command (; Southern Naval Command (; Andaman Nicobar Command (; ASSOCHAM: Assoc Ch Commerce Industry India: Pres. Rana Kapoor ( 3. Islamic Republic of Pakistan: Senate: Secretariat Chairman: Syed Nayyer Hussain Bokhari (; Secretariat Special Secretary: Amjed Pervez (; Senate Women: Syeda Sughra Hussain Imam; Suriya Amiruddin; Shirala Mallick; National Assembly Secretariat: Parliament House (; National Assembly: Speaker: Sardar Sadiq (; Deputy Speaker: Murtaza Javed Abbasi (; Pakistan Supreme Court: Chief Justice of Pakistan: Honourable Mr. Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudry (; Pakistan Navy: Chief of Naval Staff: Admiral Muhammad Asif Sandila (; Pakistan Business Council: Chairman: Ali S Habib ( 24 and contemporaneously transparency copies served electronically to: 4. SCO Secretary General Muratbek Sansyzbayevich Imanaliyev (; c/o ASEAN BAC Secretariat (; Chief of Strategic Comm’s, Supreme HQ Allied Powers Europe ( Dated at George, South Africa, Pale Blue Dot: 14 July 2013 LARA JOHNSTONE, Pro Se PO Box 4052, George, 6539 South Africa, Tel/Fax: (044) 870 7239 Information Department / Archive International Court of Justice Peace Palace, Carnegieplein 2 2517 KJ The Hague The Netherlands Tel: (+31) (0)70 302 23 23 Fax: (+31) (0)70 364 99 28 E:;; Info Department: GOV OF JAMMU & KASHMIR: Government of Jammu & Kashmir Chief Minister MR. Omar Abdullah R. No. 317, 3rd Floor, Civil Secretariat, Srinagar, Kashmir – 190001 Tel: 0194-2452239 / 2450996 Fax: 0194-2473664 Email ( Hon’ble Mr. Justice M. M. Kumar Chief Justice of High Court of J&K High Court of Jammu & Kashmir Jammu: 0191-2536208 (Fax No. 0191-2534296) Srinagar: 0194-2453817 (Fax No. 0194-2481759) c/o: Office: (; REPUBLIC OF INDIA: VP: Shri MOhammad Hamid Ansari Hon'ble Chairman, Rajya Sabha Parliament of India Council of States General Bikram Singh Chief of Army Staff, Indian Army c/o: Dir. General of Public Information B 30, South Block, 25 Vice President's House 6, Maulana Azad Road New Delhi Email ( Integrated HQ of MoD (Army) DHQ PO, New Delhi 110011 Office (; Recruit Office ( ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN: National Assembly Secretariat Parliament House, Islamabad - Pakistan. Email: Chief of Naval Staff: Admiral Muhammad Asif Sandila Pakistan Navy ( Honourable Mr. Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudry Chief Justice of Pakistan Supreme Court of Pakistan Constitution Avenue, Islamabad Phone: 051-9220581-9220600 Fax: 051-9213452 Email : TRANSPARENCY COPY: SCO: SHANGHAI COOP. ORG: SCO Secretary General Muratbek Sansyzbayevich Imanaliyev. China, Beijing, Chaoyang District, Liangmaqiao Road 41, 100600 T: +86-10-65329807 | F: +86-1065329808 E-mail: ASEAN c/o ASEAN BAC Secretariat 70 A, Jl. Sisingamangaraja, Jakarta 12110, Indonesia T: + 6221 726 2991 ext 491 | 722 0705 F: + 6221 739 8234 | 722 0539 Email: NATO Sec. Gen. Andres Foch Rasmussen. Chief of Strategic Comm’s, Supreme HQ Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) SHAPE Public Affairs Office, B-7010 SHAPE, Belgium Tel: +32 (0) 65-44-7111 (Public Affairs Office: Gen. Info) Email: (Public Affairs Office) 26