The Knight Lite - Knights Of Columbus Council 8342

The Knight Lite
Knights of Columbus
St. John the Evangelist
Council #8342
October, 2006
Chaplain: Father Eric Gyan
Grand Knight: Don Belanger
Deputy Grand Knight: Samuel Gonzalez
Chancellor: Brent Bourgeois
Recorder: Anthony Babin
Financial Secretary: Merle Russelburg
Treasurer: Tim Goatley
Advocate: Ron Lindsey
Warden: Cliston Guillot
Inside Guard: Richard Holder
Outside Guard: James Hubbs
1-Year Trustee: W. Paul Duplessis
2-Year Trustee: Robert Templet, Sr.
3-Year Trustee: Willis Broussard
Lecturer: Paul Allen
Program Director: Samuel Gonzalez
Church Director: Michael Riche’
Community Director: Paul Silvio
Council Director: Kelly McGovern
Family Director: J. David Gregory
Youth Director: Blake Bourgeois
Vocations Chairman: Timothy Langlois
Pro-Life: J. David & Anne Gregory
Health Services: Brent Bourgeois
Public Relations: David Guedry
Columbian Squires: Edward Touchet
Insurance Promotion: Merle Russelburg
Membership Dir.: Delphin Russelburg
Recruitment Comm.: Willis Broussard
Recruitment Comm.: W. Paul Duplessis
Recruitment Comm.: Robert Templet, Sr.
Retention Chairman: Timothy Langlois
Insurance Field Agent: Dennis Burke
Merle Russelburg (1st)
Byron Gautreau (2nd)
Fritz Englade (5th)
Michael LeBlanc (5th)
Gerard Stelly (11th)
Mark Bradley (11th)
James Nelson (14th)
Larry Harris (19th)
Jesus Manotas (21st)
Patrick Giroir (21st)
Ronney Becnel (24th)
Ronald Lachica (25th)
Steve Perry (28th)
Mike Burleigh (29th)
Steve Hutchison (29th)
Thanks to their parents for being PRO-LIFE; by their love for each other and by the grace of God, these good Catholic
gentlemen were born. We join in celebrating their lives.
Welcome Center
Unfortunately the First Degree Ceremony scheduled for October 26 had to be cancelled because a number of the
Degree Team members could not be available.
This is an opportunity to remind all of the need for more members to join the Team so we can have at least one
backup for each position. Please consider volunteering to become one of those men who give of themselves so
others may learn the principle of the First Degree – CHARITY?
What is a widow?
She’s the same woman who was a wife. She used to be a mother, and now she’s a dad and a mother. She used
to be a homemaker, and now she’s that and a handyman too.
She used to have an income to count on; it was enough money to pay bills with some left over for family treats and,
occasionally, a luxury. Now she has to make do with one-third enough money to manage the household.
What has she done to deserve all this? Not a thing. She’s really a great person; her only fault was marrying a man
who died too soon. And all her money troubles could have been avoided by listening to the life insurance
philosophy of “a small sacrifice today to avoid a tremendous sacrifice tomorrow.”
Somebody always pays the premiums on life insurance. Either the husband and father pays for them while he’s
alive or his widow and children pay for them later. How much of your income can you set aside today to care for
your family tomorrow?
Call me today at 225-202-7506 for an appointment. I want to hear from you.
Dennis Burke, FIC, Field Agent
Columbian Squires Update
10 young men have submitted applications to become the charter members of the Columbian Squires
Circle to be sponsored by Council 8342. Two more have applications waiting for their parents to sign and
one more young man is waiting to sign as soon as we can get together with him and his parents.
Plans are being formulated to have an Investiture ceremony to establish the Circle. All members of our
council are urged to attend the ceremony, when held, to show support for these fine young men.
Edward Touchet, Chief Counselor
Family Director’s October Presentation
September Family of the Month: Glenda and Paul Duplessis
September Knight of the Month: Ashley Rabalais
This month, let us each read the Preamble to our Constitution and the Bill of Rights
so we will remember to be thankful for the privilege to live in a great country –
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
1st - Charity Calendar drawing @ 6 pm followed by Meeting of Officers and Directors @ 7 pm
4th – Charity Calendar Sale after 4:30 pm Mass
5th – Charity Calendar Sale after all Masses
5th – District Gumbo Cook-off – 9 am @ St. Theresa Council Home
9th – Regular Monthly Meeting of Council @ 7 pm – Eat @ 6:30 pm
11th – Quarterly Communion @ 4:30 Mass – Pot Luck Meal in Community Center @ 5:30 pm
11th thru 17th – Clergy Appreciation Week
12th – Council Fundraiser after 9:30 and 11:30 am Masses
23rd – Thanksgiving Day – We’re thankful for all that God has given us!
26th – “Spiritual Pilgrimage Week” with Pope Benedict XVI begins
30th – First Degree – St. Mark – Candidates Report @ 6:30 pm – Ceremony @ 7 pm
1st – “Spiritual Pilgrimage Week” with Pope Benedict XVI ends
6th – Charity Calendar drawing @ 6 pm followed by Meeting of Officers and Directors @ 7 pm
9th – Area Gumbo Cook-Off @ St. Amant
14th – Regular Monthly Meeting of Council @ 7 pm – Eat @ 6:30 pm
25th – Christmas Day – Happy Birthday Jesus!
28th – First Degree – St. Amant – Candidates Report @ 6:30 pm – Ceremony @ 7 pm
1st – New Year’s Day – Feast of Mary, Mother of God
3rd – Charity Calendar drawing @ 6 pm followed by Meeting of Officers and Directors @ 7 pm
6th – Charity Calendar Sale after 4:30 pm Mass
7th – Charity Calendar Sale after all Masses
11th – Regular Monthly Meeting of Council @ 7 pm – Eat @ 6:30 pm
21st – Council Free Throw Contest after 11:30 am Mass
25th – First Degree – St. Theresa – Candidates Report @ 6:30 pm – Ceremony @ 7 pm
28th – Grand Knights’ Day in Lafayette
7th – Charity Calendar drawing @ 6 pm followed by Meeting of Officers and Directors @ 7 pm
8th – Regular Monthly Meeting of Council @ 7 pm – Eat @ 6:30 pm
10th – Married Couples Retreat
18th – Quarterly Communion @ 9:30 am Mass
22nd – First Degree – St. John – Candidates Report @ 6:30 pm – Ceremony @ 7 pm
Membership is the lifeblood of our Order; so, if you know someone who is interested in joining our
Council, explain the workings of the Order, give him a Form 100 and help him complete it. Brother
Delphin Russelburg, our Membership Director, is available to help if you need information. His
phone number is 622-4278.
Grand Knight’s Column
Our October 1st fundraiser was a tremendous success, thanks to all who helped. A special thank you is extended
to the Ladies Altar Society for joining us in this worthy endeavor. Their contribution is greatly appreciated.
In connection with the fundraiser, we conducted a membership drive for the council and the Squires. This event
was not as successful as hoped for, but we again got the message out to the men of the parish detailing the works
of the Knights of Columbus.
Later in the day, our council Soccer Challenge was conducted. A large number of our members supervised the
activities while 18 youngsters participated. Although the youngest contestants in the official contest are 10 years
old, we allowed those boys and girls who are 8 and 9 years old to have an unofficial contest, which resulted in 5
boys and 5 girls participating. Also, during the Soccer Challenge, hamburgers, drinks and chips were served to all
present. This inaugural event was very successful, thanks to the hard work of our Youth Director, Blake Bourgeois
and his spouse, Ashley and the members who helped in all aspects of the event.
Our October meeting was very well attended. Scott McLin, the webmaster for our new council website attended
and pointed out the features of the site. We thank Scott for giving of his time and talent for this undertaking. As
information, you can access the site at the URL: We hope you’ll visit often and if you have
anything you wish to have included, please email Scott at
Also at the meeting, Dale Riche recounted his observations regarding the deplorable condition of the porch of one
of our homebound parishioners, Ms. Stella Hoagland, while bringing her Holy Communion. Dale, accompanied by
Cliston Guillot, Delphin Russelburg, Lawrence Burleigh, Paul Allen and yours truly, spent the following Saturday
morning replacing rotten porch flooring and installing railings. Thanks are extended to all for this act of Charity.
I have Acompano Raffle tickets for sale at $5.00 each. As you know, the annual sale of these tickets by the State
Council provides money for the State KC Vocations Program. If you’d like to purchase one of these tickets, please
get in touch with me or see me at the November meeting.
Our shirt order was placed with Ed Martin on Friday after our October meeting as scheduled. As soon as I receive
word that the completed shirts are available, I’ll contact the members who’ve placed an order. Those who have not
paid are asked to settle their accounts at that time.
On October 25th I had the opportunity to participate with my brothers and sisters as our council and the Gonzales
Lions Club hosted the annual Senior Citizens Banquet. What a sight to see the happiness a simple meal of salad,
jambalaya, beans, bread, cake and drink brought to the 80 plus guests at the event. Willis Broussard chaired the
event and Delphin Russelburg served as Co-Chair. Byron Gautreau cooked a delicious meal. Entertainment was
provided by Cliff Nickens. His singing really made an impression on all present. The following helped to perform
any task they were asked to undertake: Monica Roussel, Janet Amedee, Vanessa Blair, Audry Cashio, Jean Acord,
Dawn Grayson, John Lassard, Richard Holder, James Mascarella, Paul Cashio, Gerald Blair, James Boyd, George
Oubre, Lewis Roussel, Lynn Robert and Ben Bertinot. Heartfelt thanks are extended to all these people for giving
of their time and talent to make this a memorable event for the senior citizens who attended.
Our annual Halloween party was a tremendous success. To all who helped in any way, donated candy and/or
participated in the party – THANK YOU! Only through your efforts was this success possible.
Don’t forget Clergy Appreciation Week, November 11th through November 17th. This week we are able to
honor Father Eric and Deacon Randy, both KC brothers. We are asked as a council to plan something special for
them on Friday, November 17th. We will plan the event at our November meeting, so please attend, if possible.
As always, please remember our sick and departed brother Knights and their families in your thoughts and prayers.
If you need me for anything, call me at 673-3766 or email me at or
Vivat Jesus!
Don Belanger