Leisure activities

Speaking test 3º E.S.O.
Third Term
About you
Photo description
1 Talk about what your life would be like if you
were someone else.
3 Describe the photos.
Photo A
 Who would you like to be?
 What is strange about this person’s appearance?
 Where would you live?
 Do you think this person likes attracting
 What would you look like?
 What would your daily routine be like?
 What do you think the person’s mum thinks?
 What kind of personality does this person have?
Role play
Photo B
 What are these people wearing?
2 Complete the dialogue with the phrases.
Then practise the dialogue.
 How do they look?
I’m not sure about Have you got a minute?
What’s it for? That sounds like a good cause.
I’m hoping to raise about £500.
 Where are they going, do you think?
A Hi, [name]. (1) ____________________________
EXTENSION Answer the questions.
B Hi. Of course.
 Have you ever worn strange clothes?
A What do you think of my new haircut?
 Do you like being the centre of attention?
B Mmm, I’m not convinced. It was nice before.
 Do you think clothes and hair express your
 What kind of personalities do these people have?
A ’ve done it for charity. (2) ___________________
 What do you think the phrase ‘Don’t judge a book
by its cover’ means?
B (3) ______________________________ the yellow
A But will you sponsor me?
B Of course. If you change your hair back to your
normal colour, I’ll give you £20.
(4) ________________________
A It’s for a mental health charity.
B (5) _______________________________________
EXTENSION Imagine you have changed
something about your appearance for charity.
A Ask what B thinks of your new appearance.
B Give your opinion.
A Say why you’ve done it.
B Express a doubt.
A Ask B to sponsor you.
B Say yes and ask what it’s for.
A Say what charity it’s for.