Retracing our Story The following is excerpted from the "Coming Forth by Day" transcribed by Dr. Malachi Z. York H.T.M. Page IV ...In ancient Sudan, Nuwba (Nuba) was the name of a deity who came from the skies. The Nuwbas or Nubuns were the original people and that was their name not Nubians. They created the Nubian Tribes or Nubians by marrying Jaaliin, also spelled Jalin, by the Guhayna Nomadic pale Arab tribes, who invaded Sudan from the Sinai area along with the Shaigiyya, they mixed in with the Nuwbuns, became Beja, Hadendawa, or Fuzzy Wuzzy, a mixture of Israel who crossed from the tribe of Judah over the settled along the rivers, they too became Arabicized by the Arab invasions to create a melting pot of Arabicized Nuwbuns who later converted to the Islaamic religion, and became known as Nubians and mixed with the Donogla or the Danaakil of the area giving you the variety of races that inhabit Sudan today, and are now called Sudanese or Nubians, mix brown to light skin, wooly to curly to even straight hair. However, if you look at Abdur Rahman Al Mahdi, the son of the Mahdi of the Sudan, or his son, Al Haadi Al Mahdi, who are of the tribes of Donogla, called Donogla, Beja, it is plain to see that they have Nuwbun features and wooly hair, unlike what they portray as the Sudanese today who have curly to straight hair and aquiline features, which are Arabicized from pale desert Arab invasions. AL MADHI ABDUR RAHMAN AND IMMAN ISA AL HAADI AL Down on into Yemen you had Sabeans (Koran 10:7), who were the Queen of Sheba's, "Makeda" (1 King 10:1) people and they also were mixed in with the tribes of the songs of Jacob when they broke up into two parts, Israel to the north, ruled by Solomon, and Judah to the south, ruled by Adonijah both being sons of David, the great king of Israel. Judah to the south called Judea had the sons Benjamin, Dan and the sister Dina, the 13th tribe. In fact, Yemen is short for Benyamin meaning "Son of the Right Handed", the 8th son of Jacob (Genesis 35:18). Being Sheba was a queen whose name was Makeda and a female deity worship was always related to the moon, while male deity worship was related to the Sun, the people of southern Arabia worshipped the moon deity Dina, or Dinah, from the female tribe, the Ishtar, Isis Aphrodite, the Greeks Bandice, deity of the moon, Arianroid, Celtic, deity of the moon, Chandra or Candra in Indian, Deity of the Moon, Chang-O, also known as Heng-O in China, deity of the moon, Khonsu, Egyptian deity of the moon, Naja, spirit of the moon, Gleti, Dahomey, deity of the moon, Nannar Sin, the Sumerian deity of the moon, Ixbalnque, Mayan deity of the moon, TsuikiwomyNo-Mikoto, Japanese deity of the moon, Ul, Scottish deity of the moon, and the list of moon worship goes on and on. Many of the cultures switched it from the female to the male but it still remains moon worship, as in Islam where Allat the deity that preceded Allah was the moon deity and became Allah, the male deity. The 13th tribe of Israel's Dina, taken from the Ancient Roman deity female Diana, symbol of the Star and crescent. It also became the name of the Islamic religion, Deen, in recognition of the crescent worship as found on the top of all their rituals of fasting ends with the citing of the new moon which is a crescent and the lit goes on. The Islamic religion today comes from these moon worshippers, mixing falsehood with truth. They produced from Millah Ibrahiym, the truth Diynul Muhammad, the worship of the Moon deity Allah whose wife was Allat, and their kids "Uzza" and "Manat" (Koran 53:19-20). Excerpted from the El Katub Shil El Mawut (The book of the dead) “Coming Forth by Day inscribed by Dr. Malachi Z. York H.T.M. Copied by NWB HTP